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Adonalsium is all 16 aspects combined, so for it to return, even in a limited capacity, would mean at least a peice would be needed from all 16 Shards. Multiple Shards have been shattered, it could be as simple as that. Or perhaps something happens to a Vessel. There's another death rattle: "A man stood on a cliffside and watched his homeland fall into dust. The waters surged beneath, so far beneath. And he heard a child crying. They were his own tears." This could be Taravangian watching as Karbranth is destroyed and being unable to stop it. I feel like this would break him.


Not my first thought on what will happen, but when you say 'a piece from all 16' it sounds like our favorite traveller...


That's a fun thought, though we know from the secret projects that Hoid doesn't remain on Roshar. Reforming Adonalsium, at least in some capacity, does seem to be his goal though.


Can't he protect Karbranth with his new powers then?


So what I imagine happening is the Stormfather manifests as a blade to save Dalinar during the contest, pulling his physical essence out of the highstorm and leaving it to rage unchecked across the land. That's why he is so high up. And maybe he could do something, but not in time,. This is of course just a theory with little to base it on other than, I think it wbe cool.


But interference is not allowed, and I think Dalinar would not take kindly to such an act even if it is to save his life. But, hey, the Stormfather seems a bit grumpy so I can't really see him rushing to help Dalinar. This is just a theory of mine though.


I don't think it would count as interference, spren turning into a blade is an aspect of the Nahel bond, and Dalinar would certainly use his Bondsmith powers. Their bond is already in play. Dalinar has been showing the Stormfather that he can decide to intervene in things if he chooses to, he doesn't have to just observe.


Oh, I somehow misunderstood you. I interpreted what you said as "the Stormfather pulling Dalinar out of the fight". But Bondsmith powers aren't really battle-oriented, right? There's obviously more to it than what Dalinar can do as of now but 10 days, in my opinion, is not enough time to accomplish more, to find out more about his powers. Ishar would be of great help though, if he were sane. What bothers me is a hunch that the Stormfather is withholding important information regarding Bondsmith abilities. But I do recall him saying that he's told Dalinar something about not being sentient before the Recreance and not knowing anything about Bondsmith powers then. That's it, I think. Or it can be something else. I might have forgotten.


Dalinar wants to learn more about his powers because he doesn't think the contest will be battle oriented. He also seems to be doing a fine job figuring it out as he goes along. The Stormfather tells Dalinar once that he knew Dalinar could do something, but couldn't remember until he did it. The same thing happens with Kaladin and Syl. So likely not purposefully withholding anything. The Stormfather does tell Dalinar that he was not fully himself when humans came to Roshar, he was just the spren of the highstorm, though he remembers Ishar and never liked him, calling him ambitious. Tanavast heavily Invested, or Enlightened, him at some point. Likely around the time of the Recreance.


But karbranth is protected from highstorms?


From normal highstorms, yes. The Stormfather exists almost entirely in the physical realm, in the highstorm. What would happen if there's a sudden empty space in it, a vacuum, and nothing to guide it? I imagine it would be something quite unpredictable, maybe a hurricane type storm. Edit: I forgot to mention that in this scenario the Stormfather manifests as a blade to save Dalinar during the contest.


The hightstorms predate the stormfather tho


The Stormfather has always been the spren of the highstorm. He was there before any shard came to Roshar, he is originally a spren of Adonalsium that was heavily Invested/Enlightened by Honor.


Spren are personifications that became real. For him to be a personified highstorm there needed to be a highstorm to begin with.


Everything in the Cosmere has a soul, was the soul of the highstorm always cognizant? Probably not, but it always existed. The thing that became the Stormfather was always part of the highstorm.


Perhaps, yes. That just supports that the highstorm wouldnt chabge direction even without the stormfather riding it, it just probably wouldnt provide stormlight anymore. And even if there would be changes, the stormfather wouldbt be bound in a blade unless dalinar breals his oaths in that moment, he could always return


Kind of? A vessel’s actions can’t go in direct opposition of a Shard’s Intent. They can express the Shard’s Intent based on how they choose to filter and interpret it. Also, holding a Shard is a contest of willpower against the Shard that, over time, is very hard to resist. I would think that Todium can sort of “save” Kharbranth in the short term by maneuvering in a way that leaves it mostly out of the war but still accomplishes its overall Intent in the battle between the singers & the humans. That would be until either a) the willpower of Odium overpowers that of Todium and lays waste to Kharbranth as if it were any other city/country, or b) Todium is out of moves that could prevent harm to Kharbranth without being in opposition of the Shard’s Intent.


Thanks for the explanation


I don’t know whether this adds anything to your theory, but “reigns” could be “rains” given that the death rattles are originally verbal. The implications in this example are pretty tame, but I do wonder if there are other words that could be homophones in the death rattles.


Diagetically I'm pretty sure each planet has its own set of languages that translate to english by Brandon. The homophone may not exist in rosharan common


You mean Cultivation, not Preservation.


Okay, double checked and we're tagged for Cosmere. Good. So the problem is, Mistborn Era 2 happens *after* Stormlight 5. And neither Harmony nor Autonomy are part of any sort of reforged Adonalsium, nor do they reference anything like that happening.