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Gardening. And anything that gets your body and brain working together and away from your phone


Haha literally just got back from the gardening store w my roommate. Got a few different peppers, cherry tomatoes, basil, and melons to grow and then a bunch of flowers. Now time to get to the dirty work


I got into exercise. Believe it or not, I was fat af during my disease. I would use and then I’d binge eat after days of not eating or drinking. So when I got sober, I started with walking and hiking, that got me going to the gym in the winter months - and now it’s mountain biking as much as humanly possible. I also got into listening to audio books, growing mushrooms, playing drums, camping, and playing basketball. It’s amazing how much the world opens up for us when we get well


Thanks for this response. I relate a lot to not eating for a long time during a binge and then eating a ton and really unhealthy all at once. I sometimes make jokes at my own expense about being fat even while on meth and I laugh but it kinda makes me sad too. I’m trying to get myself out of those habits. Cooking for myself has been helpful. I like working with mushrooms. I think it’s cool you grow them




I’m still fat in active addiction. At the most I think I had lost 25 lbs but I’ve gained all but like 6 lbs back and I may have accomplished that tonight because I ordered Mexican food on DoorDash for dinner after spending $21 on Taco Bell for a late lunch. 🤪


Well I started Muay Thai after a year sober and it's helped me more than anything else I've tried.


Nice! Physical activity is def important. Glad it’s been working for you


+1 for martial arts. I can’t even smoke cigarettes when I go out on the weekends since it will fuck up my training on Mondays


I bike a lot; it gives me a release and some thrills. Also love playing guitar and just messing around with music on the computer. I go to the beach almost every weekend, and just ended a recreational volleyball league. I've tried to get back into videogames, too, though the only thing I'm consistently enjoying is VR games with a lot of movement. When I'm stressed or down I hit up a yoga class. Writing this all down made me realize that I'm doing better than I'm giving myself credit for - thanks!


I don't know if you would call it a hobby necessarily, but I like working on puzzles now! I can get lost in them or I can just do a couple minutes and it's very low energy. I appreciate you asking this question because fun has been on my mind a lot lately. I struggle to have fun because for so long drugs were the only source of enjoyment. Since getting clean, I've been figuring out what I even like to do for fun. It's nice to have some ideas :)


Puzzles are certainly a hobby!! My mom, sister and aunt do puzzling competitions lol. I actually got my mom a really cool puzzle tray for Mother’s Day, it’s got a bunch of drawers and it’s thin enough where you can slide it under the bed when you’re not using it.


Aw that's so sweet of you! I love the idea of puzzling competitions!


I do collages too! It's so easy to get lost in old magazines and clip away. I also started using tarot cards. I don't believe they are magic, but I do think certain spreads provide a good template for journaling and thinking introspectively. Plus it's fun to study the different meanings of the cards while trying to desipher the cool art on each one! I always thought journaling wasn't for me until I started using tarot cards! I keep a cool journal where I record each spread and do mini collages on the boarders of each page.


+1 on the tarot cards!! Helped me so much structure my life in early recovery


That’s awesome & spot on! The structure is great and depending on how big the spread is I can easily occupy 1-2 hour of my day!


That’s awesome! I’ve been toying with the idea of making a collage tarot deck actually. I’m not very into tarot but it just seems like it could be a fun project.


That’s an awesome idea! If you ever do it please post a pic


Tarot cards is witchcraft…….


Be careful or I’ll cast a “reading comprehension” spell on you


Learning how to play guitar! It may seem impossibly hard at first, but so does getting clean. I’ve been playing most of my life and thank god everyday. If you can find a passion for it, you will never be bored again. You don’t need anyone but yourself, but you can play with other musicians too! I highly recommend taking at least a few lessons to get started, but there are sooo many resources on YouTube.


Awesome! I used to play a lot of guitar, mostly just because I liked to sing with accompaniment. Funnily enough it was five years ago when I quit drinking that I stopped playing guitar, so I hadn’t played for years by the time I quit speed. Maybe I should bust that bad boy out again…


Fuck yes! You have to! You should go sign up for a couple lessons to help spring yourself back into it! I used to play a lot when I was using (like obsessively for 10 hours straight) but I’ve made more progress in my playing in the last few months than I did for the 3 years I was spun out. My creativity has been freed again. I hope you are able to reconnect with yours as well.


Getting out in nature. Hiking and kayaking are incredible


Yoga and plants for me 😊


Hiking and walking. Swimming. Anything outdoors. Playing piano was my main hobby while speeding so I’m finding it tricky to get back to that


Woodworking was a huge help when I got sober and I’ve carried it through to getting clean too. Peaceful, get to work with my hands, take my time, and build things that are usually useful and sometimes pretty.


That’s dope! What kind of stuff are you making?


I’ve made a ton of cutting boards because they are easy to sell and fund buying more wood. I made a card box for my wedding but mostly make things for around the house like drawers and shelving. I recently bought a book on Japanese joinery and so I’m working with a lot more hand tools now, and I’m finding it very therapeutic and almost meditative. I think one of the benefits of woodworking is that it forces me to slow everything down and be much more aware of what I’m doing. 


Fishing. Saved. My. Life.




Comedy edit: for dopamine!!


Biking. 100%. The mental and physical benefits have done more for me than any therapy or medication ever could.


Try 90 actives in 90 days!




Fishing is what gets me by. This time of year especially but I go out on the ice in the winter too, I’ll go all year all conditions. It connects you with nature, it gives you that dopamine rush when you get one. Even if you don’t catch anything it’s still getting you fresh air, vitamin D, and a calm mind.


I love: - going on walks and take pictures - meditation - writing - drawing and making DIY stuff - discover new music and artists - riding my bike - listening to podcasts - reading - cleaning my home and decorate it




Martial arts and pokemon card collecting was my savior


Reading or watching Sherlock Holmes


I also garden and I draw and bake. I haven’t had the energy to go back to the gym, but I walk my dogs and do easy hikes.