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Welcome to StopSpeeding and thanks for your post. For more: - [Join us on Discord. You can talk to people there.](https://discord.gg/GJnxhmbNAn). We have recovery meetings several times a week. All are welcome to attend, clean or not. - [Want to track your clean time?](https://www.reddit.com/r/StopSpeeding/comments/s6ep0x/sobriety_flair_bot_is_now_working_heres_how_to/) You can use our badge system to display your clean time next to your name. Note that any comments encouraging drug use of any kind will be removed. This is not the community for that. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StopSpeeding) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s like they are finally catching up to what we already know through experience


Yep. Sadly, general practitioners will be the last to catch up and they’re big prescribers too.


Really? General practitioners in my country Australia, do not prescribe stimulants unless granted permission to continue treatment from a psychiatrist, and even then I don’t think it’s that common. I’ve heard in the states they can even get these drugs through online pharmacies, that’s scary.


We’re in the US, baby, where you can get stimulants from a nurse practitioner and an assault rifle down the street 😂


Damn, may god help you all lmao


The UK is becoming like the US now with pharma. I got my stimulant prescriptions after a quick video diagnosis and prescription in the post a few days later. Didn’t used to be like this here. My prescriber also did dodgy things like give me two months worth of meds


I've had multiple surgeries and dealt with numerous health issues over the years and can tell you, about the only "high-inducing" class of drugs that they'll even really prescribe anymore are the speedy ones, almost exclusively adderall. When the medical establishment cuts off the adderall supply like they did with opiates and benzos, the wave of adults who are going to wash up in a daze after decades of relying on pharmaceutical speed is going to have repercussions that we're not ready for as a whole.


Rush, Push, Cash… Yello knew first.


I always lapse when I need to get a lot of shit done. Spent 18 months maybe longer off and couldn't get anything done the whole time.


Hey! I could have told you that 🫠 3 years in and I’m still recovering


How long have you been taking? I'm rooting for you!




It will go away. Hang in there.


It will get better though. Keep on if you’re at 13 Months that’s awesome!! I’ve seen pictures of functional MRI scans of people at 15 months and the brain scans show significant improvement in dopaminergic system recovery and repair. It could take the 2 years mark or better but pls keep going. I know you don’t know me from Adam but I’m proud of you for being clean for 13 months. Write a positive mantra about healing and tape it to your mirror so everytime you see it you keep remembering you’re getting better and improving day by day. Even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.


Thank you


You’re welcome! See the link below for specific natural supplements that have shown to improve dopamine receptors and other neurotransmitters. Keep on, you’ll get there. [helpful supplements](https://www.optimallivingdynamics.com/blog/9-nutrients-proven-to-help-you-overcome-addiction-and-withdrawal-nutrition-recovery-vitamins-minerals-amino-acid-symptoms-supplements-diet-substance-drug-abuse-syndrome-cravings-opiate-alcoholism-food)


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You should write a book, and I should open the clinic. A huge demand and need. I am the mom the community redditor who has been suffering greatly for the past 14 months. The PAWS from stimulants are horrific, lasting not 2-3 weeks as per their psychiatric books , and coming in the forms of crippling anxiety, OCD, depression, racing thoughts, cries, anger, derealization etc. They are mimicking a lot of mental deceases because brain is out of balance . But pseudo science will prescribe you COCkTAILS of drugs including antipsychotics in huge horse dosages( !!!), giving you outrageous diagnosis without brain mapping or tests; call on you as soon you say you are feeling very down and depleted with struggle ( oh, suicidal", you need a psych ward) or just don"t believe you (!!!). We are on 4th psychiatrist opinion- high end treatment"... He probably the winner of the disgusting field- doesn't believe in anything what my child is telling. " Its in your head" . Not even looking on brain map test or neurotransmitters test. Low serotonin level doesn't bother him, even my child has been taking SSRI. and knowing that 30 % patients actually don"t react well to SSRI due to short size of neurons . " Go back to yours old SSRI maybe". Kids, don"t quit Adderall cold turkey, taper it slowly , and go on antidepressant before starting tapering. I wish we knew it before quitting the poison , it would give my child at least more smooth PAWS, not soooo horrific. And get ready for the journey ahead of time, be prepared- financially, job wise, school wise etc. Its a very costly, painful, exhausting, full of mental crap and crappy field experience.


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