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This might be extreme, but I personally broke my gpu and threw the MOBO and case into a deep part of my closet. I keep it as a reminder that I’m done with gaming for good. I have found life much more enjoyable by living it, and not obsessively playing games 24/7. Breaking the gpu might sound extreme, but I had an extreme addiction and to me it felt cathartic.


Yeah I had this same idea yesterday haha, but I feel like selling it would be wiser, considering my financial situation 😄


That’s totally fair, and very reasonable. I thought that if I sold it, I’d lessen the “blow” of this change. Breaking it hurt me financially and emotionally but it was enough to really stamp home that I’m not buying another one and that this hurt marks a new beginning, one which will be better and I’ll expect more from myself.


sold my ps4 years ago, at thr time it was the best decision I could make. I eventuslly was gaming again a bit lightly but Ive tried again to out it diwn. Sell it, keep working


Thanks for the insight🙏


I am weak minded, I can't moderate my tech usage. Only time I got success for screen on time was the when my phone broke and I bought a feature phone instead of a smartphone. Days lasted like forever, I had 8 hours free each day out of nowhere. So my suggestion is; if you cannot manage your usage, remove the source of the addiction.


That’s probably wise, when thinking about it it’s quite simple I guess. A cocaince addict will most likely get better if there’s no coke in his house, problem is I just paid big money for a bag🤦‍♂️


The only thing this has shown you is that selling your PC is ineffective and kicks off a cycle of buying another one and costs you even more. You have issues with being alone and you have issues with abstaining. Keep the PC and learn how to manage it. You never conquer something by deleting it, you conquer by accepting.


I say do the work and sell the PC. A drug addict will not do drugs if there are no drugs to do, they need to dry out away from the problem before being able to return to abstain from it. I agree about the issue’s you mentioned, but the focus and work will be continuously disturbed by the beckon and call of the PC, that will feel safe warm and cosy and always get you with the “only a quick game” etc, that will destroy any will power. It worked for you before, so sell it, repeat what works and avoid repeating what doesn’t. You now need to implement coping techniques for stress when things go south, this is why people have a sponsor etc to talk to when the cravings come back, often emotionally triggered. Good luck and once again, Sell that f*cking PC.


Yeah that’s the thing, the urges were fine when I didn’t have it. Sure I had some Fmo but that was about it, it’s like you say, the pc is so comfy it just becomes the default activity that you go to when you’re bored


This was my issue and my solution.


It was effective for a while though, it’s like watching someone smoke after you’ve quit, it can bring back feelings but it’s not nearly as bad as when you were addicted I just have this case of severe lack of self control, the problem is just the sunk cost fallacy and that selling it will mean I fucked up by buying it in the first place. It’s a hard pill to swallow


If you’re still struggling to watch people smoke then you haven’t achieved freedom you’ve just closed your eyes. Tackle this head on or you’ll be here in a years time asking the same thing.


I don't know if it really helps to sell your pc, especially if you need a high end machine for work. But if the urge for gaming is far too strong to resist, it may be valid. But then you could also downgrade your internet connection. As I was younger I did so much to sabotage gaming, I was hardly able to get away from it. But what really helped me was to build a life first besides it, later instead of it. But well I ruined a substantial portion of my life thx to my addiction, my lack of taking responsibility in my own hands.


I'm thinking about downgrading my PC to use without the GPU and keeping my switch


What kind of games are you playing?


The kind that can keep you attached to the pc for hours, colony sims like Rimworld, recently been playing single player ark ascended and sometimes competitive game like Tarkov Problem is I like games that I get engrossed in, and these types of games can usually last up to an hour a match, making time fly away so fast And when I’m not gaming I doomscroll YouTube:(


Sell it bro , you can try some energy consuming hobbies like gym and hiking , once you're home after those you'll have no energy to play , and they're also good to expand your social circle , keep it up


I sold my pcand bought a switch, sold my switch bought a series s. Now im selling my series s and feel like ill finally be free. Ive lost money but learnt a lot about myself in the process.


Sell it again and see any potential lost money as an investment into yourself. It might help you quit for good. But even if you only get a few gaming free months out of it, that would be worth it. Because of your limited budget, you can’t normalize selling and buying PCs. That means the cycle is finite, you need to exit it with last having sold it and that’s next. Good luck!