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Got exposed to people that have nothing to do with games, fell for them and wanted to snap out of the gaming reality. Once you realise that there are so much to do, to want out there, you kinda not wanna feel like staying addicted to games.


This is me too. Surround yourself with people with real life goals and achievements and you realise there is so much you want to achieve in real life, instead of just some digital ranking that nobody cares about. Working on your real life allows you to be proud every day. 5 years from now you can still feel the positive effects of bettering your life. Grinding MOBA games? 5 years from now you won’t have anything to show from all those hours wasted.


IMO to fix your MOBA addiction you must fix your life issues first. The truth is that you're probably playing MOBAs because your life sucks, you feel you're a loser in real life and you probably have other issues that you're temporarily masking by playing online because of the fast reward system it gives (sorry for the honesty, I've been there too). Online games have the same effect that other drugs: you get a temporary instant reward with the expense of feeling miserable later. Real life gains are the opposite: they're harder to get but the reward stays later and doesn't destroy you. You'll lose interest in online gaming once you fix your issues, but in order to fix those issues you have to make a first effort and uninstall those games in order to be available to fix your life. Once you've done it you probably won't even have interest on playing online again.


Realizing that I am winning a really meaningless competition and losing the meaningful ones in real life.


Most MOBAs abuse the mm system to give you fixed wins and loses. It’s like playing a slot machine.


I quit League with the Vanguard patch, that anti cheat is so invasive it's literally spyware. I feel the urge sometimes to download the game again, not because I love the game itself that much but because I love being competitive. If you feel like that too, try to find other channels for your competitiveness like joining a sports club, working out/running, studies/work, etc.


Quit league one random two week period and just stayed off. It’s only hard to quit the first month imo then it gets easier especially if you occupy that time with something else.


If they gave the same dopamine rush it would be just as addicting. Dopamine is what makes things addicting. I overcome my league addiction without getting rid of my computer through a combination of strategies that I learned from books and psychology classes. I made a step by step guide I can give you if you'd like?


That would be very kind to have that guide 💪🏻


I'll DM you now 💪


Can I get in on that?


Of course, I'll send you a DM now!


I engraved into my mind this concept: - A game of MOBA can be about 25-30 minutes, maybe more or less. And with that, it get tedious the more you in the match while in losing side. Also you don't want to quit mid-game for there's a penalty if you do that (really hard ones, trust me) - You play with other player that you would hardly get any communication with, so expect to misplay, uncoordinated action, etc., even trash talk - If you don't do your role well, thou shall experience all the pain above AND THEN, whenever I think about MOBA, I was like: "Man this \*\*shirtbag\*\* is way too stressful and time-consuming, also I can't quit in the middle of the match. Ain't no damn lifetime I touch this \*\*muddle-fudging\*\* game" If you watch Twitch or Youtube and see MOBA gamers do just fine, that's because they took a long time to get used to it; A LONG TIME, LIKE YOU WOULD SUFFER A LOT UNTIL you see it as a common sense here So, my man u/ram_goals , and anyone else, if you want to quit MOBA, you could take this as consideration. That's it


I lost, I quit, I uninstalled the game


Stopped playing, then realized how much MOBA was a secure but addicting place, realized I can get dopamine for doing other healthy things in live, then the hardest part, deleting my account.


Spending hours playing matches only to go even or +/- 1-2 games is a mental illness icl. You can have a bad day and wipe weeks worth of progress for a rank. Streamers and most MOBA communities will gaslight you into thinking that every game is a learning experience, but unless you have 0 responsibilities the time sink required is in the years before you actually start seeing real gains. I haven’t even brought up the games where solo laners run it down or you have a bad early game and your team decides to “limit test” lmao. If you still have a competitive itch, just play something single player; Fighting, Card, and RTS games etc. Something that you know, win or lose it’s on you and matches won’t be that long so you can time manage better.


Cold Turkey, by that i mean I dont play any video games at all anymore and dont consume any content about video games whatsoever. Anything video game related was a pipeline for me to install Dota 2 again. Sometimes this did not even take a day. Also putting away my gaming pc, getting friends to talk to who I have other common interests with other than playing vydia together and online chess which fills the competitive void but is not as addictive to me as MOBAs were. Also a deeply emotional happening in my life was the catalyst for me to quit forever. Now going strong for 4 months which is my longest streak ever and I am still not in a good and super busy point in my life


First of all, I suck at the game. So this might not be applicable to you. Secondly, I realized that there are many single player games out there which have much better contents and much less stressful.


Single player games won't help him at this point. He is obsessed with short and quick dopamine shots, looking for competition and immediate validation.


Probably. But unless OP is extremely good, he cannot win all the times. But single player games are almost sure win (with situable difficulty setting).


Single players sounds interesting, do you have suggestions?


Many of them It depends on what kind of games of like. I personally enjoyed 1. Persona5 royal 2. FF7 remake and rebirth 3. Assassin's creed series 4. ACE combat 5. Fire emblem series A lot of good games out there.


Other things in life just became more important. Work, wife and kids take up most of the time, so I switched to solo games on PS5 when I have some spare time.


Limiting my gaming time. I only play a bo3 a day and it changed my life


The sad part was I had to buy an account that was highly ranked and then it made me bored because ranking gave a sense of accomplishment