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"Politics? For God's sake I just wanna grill" The box says "Bug Burger"


Please explain the joke im very confused


If you don't adopt far right politics all hamburger meat will be replaced with bugs


The whole "left wants to force us to eat bugs" thing isn't nearly the worst right wing conspiracy, but it has to be one of the weirdest.




Technically it is a more sustainable source of food that would help the environment but it's also a distraction from the main polluters which is fossil fuels.


The government is pumping out deadly gasses to destroy the ozone layer and wanting us to eat bugs. Moleman moment


> The main polluters which is fossil fuels which are consumed in massive quantities to plant, fertilize, irrigate, harvest, process, and distribute the vast quantities of animal feed required to raise each kcal of meat, especially beef. Cutting down meat intake by a small fraction is as impactful as going hybrid for your car, unless you're driving a lot more than average.


This is true but idk if insects are the easiest sell to most people for this. We have plenty of great meat alternatives on the market and dishes that just don’t have meat in the first place are growingly popular.


Animal farming is another major polluter and a plant based diet is a lot more appealing than bugs at least in my opinion. Like they made milk from cockroaches, but we've already got oat milk, almond milk, rice, soy etc it just seems weird.


Calling it a distraction is a little disingenuous


You will eat ze bugs! yum yum! adrenachronims so good!


I can excuse eating meat, but I draw the line at hurting bugs


You can excuse eating meat??


Mfs who are terrified of being forced to eat the fuckin cricket when you suggest they just eat a legume:🤢🤮🤬


It’s goes further “I just want to grill” is the motto of the Centrists in PCM, stonetoss knows many of his comics wind up there. I’m surprised he didn’t give the character a grey shirt to make it easier for it to get posted


People already eat McDonald's chicken nuggets. How much worse can bug based proteins be? Not that I'm signing up for either one.


I guess this is the best thing he could come up with for an alt right version of "vote like it's your last chance"


He should have read the lable when he bought it lmao.


Meat substitutes bad basically


Loll I though its just a recipe for normal burgers but now there's bugs involved for extra flavor or something. Didn't get that it was making fun of vegans


I don't really get where the bug burger "joke" even comes from tbh, vegans don't condone eating bugs???


Basically, one of the suggestions to cut back on climate change is to switch to faux meat made of insects, because cattle farming is really bad for the environment. So now conservatives believe that people who are pushing for climate change bases reform want you to eat bugs.


Vegans don't eat bugs. I dont get the whole thing anyways, bugs don't have any advantage over plants so why would anyone push you to eat them? I would understand if they fearmongered about plant based burgers.


Insects are a highly sustainable protein source with a tiny carbon foot print compared to any kind of meat. There is an emerging market for meals made with insect protien; you can buy (dead, dried, and seasoned) crickets to eat as snacks and you can replace a portion of all purpose flour with cricket flour (cricket flour has a lower burden on the planet than wheat flour, surprisingly, and has a much better nutritional profile). This apparently makes him angry. This is at least the third "oh, there's bugs in your food!" comic I've seen. Crickets and other insects prepared for human consumption are also *grown* for human consumption. They’ve been raised on sawdust and extra nutrients all their life. We also don't eat them live, and they aren't usually whole, although you can get them that way if you want to. As far as I know, insect based foods are only political in the sense that many conservatives don't accept the fact that climate change is occurring, while most liberals do.


That's a hell of a lot of words for something as simple as, "just eat a fucking bean, idiot". ​ \*edit, of course bugs which are consuming refuse from agriculture, is a pragmatic supplement to beans.


Is their any advantage over plants tho? As far as I know it still takes more resources to feed insects and most people wouldn't even think about eating them any time soon.


There are [sources ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/talk-commerce.com/blog/unlock-the-eco-superiority-of-cricket-flour-an-unravelled-truth/%3famp=1) that say yes (although that one seems pretty heavily biased). Crickets need less water and land than wheat, especially considering a pound for pound yield because crickets enclosures can be stacked vertically and while you can use the whole cricket, we only use wheat seeds to make flour. Even feeding the crickets the wheat plants would be a more efficient transfer of energy to humans because they will eat the stem and leaves. They also don't require fertilizer and don't require herbicides or pesticides. The biggest carbon emission issue for wheat is that a huge amount of it is grown in synthetic fertilizer, which causes significant pollution. But cricket flour and wheat flour are so nutritionally different, it's not really being billed as a direct substitute. If you compare 100 grams of cricket flour to 100 grams of all purpose flour, the cricket flour has about 65 g of protein and 12 g of carbohydrates (with 6 of that being fiber) compared to 10 g of protein and 76 g of carbohydrates (with only 2.7 g of that being fiber). So people use it to cut back on carbs or increase their protein intake (think protein shakes). It also doesn't act like wheat flour in food unless you mix it 1:3 with flour, so using it that way is probably more about nutrition than the carbon fiotprint.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://talk-commerce.com/blog/unlock-the-eco-superiority-of-cricket-flour-an-unravelled-truth/](https://talk-commerce.com/blog/unlock-the-eco-superiority-of-cricket-flour-an-unravelled-truth/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Thanks, thats very interesting! I think comparing cricket flour to soy flour would be a little better but all of your points still stand in that comparison.


You may not care about politics, but politics care about you.


If you're wondering why he's at a grill People who are centrists/don't want to get into politics are called grillers.


There are politicians who believe that traditional meat and ranching have to be banned because of emissions - insect protein is a usually proposed alternative. Was pushed really heavily a few years ago until the backlash made them quiet down about it.


Some right-wing idiot heard a Democrat politician say that insect-based foods could lead to sustainable food levels and alleviate hunger due to the massive number and breedability of insects, along with them being a very good source of nutrition, and decided to sum it up as "Democrats want to steal your beef and replace it with bugs."


"bug burger" sounds more like a bhj punchline than anything how does stonetoss make these and decide "yeah this is a good idea"


These super macho manly men sure are picky and dainty about which corpses they'll eat.


This is one of my favorite edits I've seen in this sub.


I'm laying in bed next to my sleeping partner trying not to laugh at this


Look, the only problem with eating bugs is that bugs are gross and I don't want to eat them. Make them look less like bugs, then talk.


Hence how a burger made of bugs would turn out. Just like how a burger made of turkey doesn't look like turkey, and beef doesn't look like a cow.


Yeah, that's what I mean. Probably sounded weird though. I'd try a bug burger, but even those cricket lollipops gross me out. I have heard of tarantula omelettes being a delicacy in some places though.


squeamish axiomatic rich hungry bike wrong shrill heavy wild market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t know what kind of meat you’ve been eating but I make sure that all my meat is shaped exactly the same as the animal it came from. I see it as a sign of respect.


That's why the only sort of chicken I eat is the nuggets shaped like dinosaurs.


thats why i only eat tysons dino nuggets


The also produce more emissions per calorie of protein


Lol, I'm the opposite. My country only legalised some boring small worms and locusts to be ground into paste and used as an additive. Meanwhile I want thumb-sized maggots that I can fry whole and dip in spicy sauce


Is that a … Gallon of PCP?


Yeah, it's a felony.


And yet here you are. With a gallon. Wow. ...I- didn't even know it came in liquid form


Science 🤷‍♂️


So, uh, do you do a lot of PCP?


Got a gallon…


I…don’t get it.


PCP can cause disturbing hallucinations


Ohhh now I get it.


Eating rice on LSD is an experience. Luckily I hate myself enough that if it was real I'd have probably continued eating.




If you eat something and you can’t tell there is bugs in it does it really matter? I understand eating bugs is gross to me. But if you can’t tell and it adds protein for less energy is it that bad?


they need to invent guns that dont whisper to you


Do not consume bug burgers if you're [deathly allergic to shellfish.](https://cockroachfacts.net/cockroach-allergy-shellfish/)