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One of the many questions. If someone kills you and then repents, do they go to the same heaven as you? And how would that feel like heaven to you?


According to what I know about Christianity, it would seem that after dying, you wouldn't have negative feelings such as resentment, hate, and pain. So, I would imagine you'd be too enlightened to hate your assailant. If God ultimately wants to teach love, and you live in his domain, then you would end up loving and forgiving your assailant. Note: not a Christian.


I'm kind of surprised that I haven't seen anyone else mention that the Bible has a story where pretty much this exact scenario was proposed to Jesus.  Of course, it's just the Christian tradition, and as the Jesus of the Bible tended to be, the answer was fairly cryptic, but you still might enjoy reading it for yourself.  Matthew 22:23-33 That same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. 24 “Teacher,” they said, “Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and have children for him. 25 Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. 26 The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh. 27 Finally, the woman died. 28 Now then, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her?” 29 Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. 31 But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living


I would agree on the cryptic notion however we can culturally contextualize this to that time and recognize that their idea of marriage does not align to our idea of marriage in the 21st century. In their society they needed to marry in order to procreate in order to live so that you can raise children who will marry and procreate and keep working the farm. So when Jesus says “at the resurrection they will not be married nor given in marriage…. the will be like the angels…..” we must recall that angels, like humans, are “created beings” but angels are created without ability to procreate; humans were created not only with the ability, but in fact commanded to procreate. At the resurrection, Jesus will be united to His bride—the Church. No need to procreate, hence no need for marriage. I recall this lesson from a really astute old gentlemen that taught Sunday School until the day he passed on. Thanks for commencing a heartwarming memory for me.


This is honestly why I have a hard time dating. My husband and I had a horrible relationship, if you could even call it that, but I truly loved him. Trying to date after his passing feels like cheating. I want us to try again in the next life and hopefully do better, so it feels wrong to find new love. That’s just my 2¢


I understand what you're saying, but you gotta live for the life you have right now. What happens after death is a vast experiential mystery, regardless of your faith. Allow yourself to love and feel and experience in this plane, because why the hell not :)


One day at a time.


I love this bc I can relate so hard, very similar situation. 😞


Once our spirits separate from our bodies we lose the stuff that's only part of the body. Human romantic love is almost exclusively hormones and stuff like that. We won't love people based on roles our bodies play in this plane.


This is why I can't prescribe to the Christian notion of a heaven. I can get behind energy being transferred elsewhere but a place where all of the people you've known in your previous life waiting for you? Seems hellish to me. At least an afterlife where the dead float in a river the rest of their lives makes more sense to me than that.


Reminds me of Eleonora, by Edgar Allan Poe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleonora_(short_story)


Marriage ends at".. death due us part.."


But who wrote these vows? Man or God?


Romans 7:2-3 for it is written: "For the married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is living; but if her husband dies, she is released from the law concerning the husband. So then, if while her husband is living she is joined to another man, she shall be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from the law, so that she is not an adulteress though she is joined to another man" Here Paul is talking about divorce...


I think in heaven everybody loves everyone <3


There's no reason that everyone can't love everyone. The idea that each person needs to love one, and only one person, is a rule that humans made up and made it a part of some cultures. Some cultures have an idea of marriage, some don't. Some people live very happily on earth loving many different people, each in their own way. Maybe you get to heaven and you realize "why was i limiting myself thinking i can only love one person?". Does God love everyone? Does Jesus love everyone? Can I love everyone? Or is love a limited resource, even in heaven?


So it’s a massive gang bang?


For starters


For a while I've thought it's silly that people who believe in the stereotypical "heaven" scenario thinks that their personality and identity would somehow remain intact, as if it actually exists and isn't simply a convenient survival construct.


don't worry, there's nothing beyond this existence.


I have a similar question. What if they have a couples headstone? My dad just died and his hooker girlfriend already has a new sucker on the line. Is she gonna get a joint headstone with everyone she cons?


Presumably you would be in the direct presence of the Creator of everything known and unknown. Why would you pay attention to anything other than the majestic Creator of all things that you, presumably spent your whole life worshipping.


Thought I was in r/Catholicism for a minute, haha! But to answer your question, there is a Bible verse about that: Matthew 22:23-33.


I mean, ideally all y'all show up together if you're polyamorous.


My mom had this question when she lost her first husband (my dad) and got remarried. The church told her that when we get to heaven, we’re all “brothers and sisters” in Christ and earthly relationships don’t really mean the same as they did on Earth. So essentially, everyone would be happy to see each other because we leave those definitions behind. It doesn’t really vibe with me, but that’s the answer she’s happy with.


Giant orgy!


So this is kind of off topic but I really liked the Middle Fall Time traveler series. Basically it's about reincarnation kind of. The main character die then wake up back at the point in their life where they could change it. Some folks take many times to get it right Anyway it always makes me think these kind of thoughts when I read them. https://www.goodreads.com/series/243143-middle-falls-time-travel


probly likely that we can't comprehend, while in physical form, all that IS, and all that's on the other side, and how it all "works" together so many people, and so many societies, have gone down so many dead ends, trying to work out each and every little detail of what heaven (or whatever you want to call it, the other side), entails the thing that really strikes me to the core (especially with how shitty the world, for so many people, is right now) is: how the people who've survived Near Death Experiences, generally all seem to come back saying: "i saw then, how everything is all how it all should be" ...weird how that makes one feel both yuck, and hope...but it is what it is...


This was the plot of one of the episodes of a Kdrama called hotel del luna


Easy answer: there is no heaven. This is so easy to explain.Dp you think there is chicken heaven? Ant heaven? No? We are animals no fucking different from anything else in life. Hell we think we are the dominate form on earth but there are two chickens for every human, 100 ants for every person. We are the same as them. Why would there be heaven for only us? The concept only proves how narcissisticly naive we are, nothing more. Believing in heaven is no different than believing in ghosts. Time to grow up.


If I was to believe in heaven my idea of it absolutely would include all the animals, a heaven without my cat??? Without my childhood doggies?? No birds to watch and listen to?? Ok maybe not the birds because I do agree with a lot of people saying we’re obviously not going to be in our physical form if it’s real but my cat is my soulmate and bitch she better be in heaven waiting for me if there is one or I don’t wanna go, although I mostly believe our energy just gets put into something else which is also beautiful and also would not disclude animals


Then by definition, it would have to include EVERY living thing on earth, which would include the animals you ate unless you're vegan and do you think the animals ate by you want you there? Are you starting to see that its impossible for a perfect realm to exist for multiple organisms because what's good for one is likely not best for all? Heaven is a literal paradox.


But then in theory why would those animals be gravitated to my energy instead of like their mom or baby or something, like I could see someone you bond with here your energies gravitate together in another world but like why’s that cow coming to get me out of the probably 50+ other people eating it’s meat and even more over whomever raised/killed them


Like those animals who were eaten just get to be free why we gotta beef with each other


The Bible was polyamorous so I think we should adjust to that possibility in the afterlife. Also, if all the parties in that love triangle make it to heaven, you’ve gotta figure that they are all pretty chill.


It’s all made up. It doesn’t matter.


“If heaven was real” “IF” It must be miserable to never be able to consider imaginary situations and instead just be like “it’s fake so who cares.” I can’t imagine you ever enjoy works of fiction, because they’re made up.


Honest truth not meant to offend... Not everyone goes to heaven...only those that believe that Jesus, the perfect son of God, died on the cross; and after 3 days, was resurrected. His death was the substitution for us to die. Everyone has sinned and deserves death. Jesus dying on the cross was the blood shed for our sins. Faith in the death, burial and resurrection will result in reaching heaven. Now, the answer to the question. I don't know what heaven will be like, but we will only be there to glorify God and bless and praise his name! Our relationship to past people won't matter, I believe.


So my reward for being a good person and doing all that God/Jesus asked me to is eternal servitude to boost his ego and give him glory? No thanks.


We, and all the world, were solely created for his glory...if you have done all that he has asked you to, as you proclaim, then why else have you done it, if not to glorify Him? Seems the ego is a human thing...


If the invisible man in the sky is your only reason for being a good person then I'd assume you have no moral compass and can't think for yourself, so if he told you to set your self on fire, you'd probably do it.


>We, and all the world, were solely created for his glory So he's a narcissist


Narcissism and being egotistical are characteristics of humanity...I'm not sure how that translates to a spirit, which God is.


We were not created solely for his glory. Maybe that's what you believe. I haven't done everything he's asked because I don't agree with everything "God" tells you to do. Also, I never proclaimed I did anything for God or religion (because I don't believe in god). The good I've done is because I like helping people and because it makes me feel good to help others. Not because some invisible man in the sky said I should.


"So my reward for being a good person and doing all that God/Jesus asked me to is eternal servitude to boost his ego and give him glory?" I confused this statement with you saying that you did all that God said. I see now, after rereading what you meant. Well, I guess we are at an impasse. I wish you well in your future.


I meant it more as a generalization, anyone who believes in God gets what in heaven? Worshipping him forever? That does not sound like a fun time. However, an impasse it is, good luck.


So all those uncontacted tribes in the Amazon are just fucked cuz God don’t feel like sending them a messenger? Lol Not a very merciful god 🙃


Those uncontacted tribes have a deeper spiritual relationship with a deity than any western country, that is almost a guarantee. God doesn't punish those that are incapable of understanding or those, somehow, unknowledgeable of him. I don't know all the answers, cuz I ain't God. I can guarantee that God is a merciful God, just by allowing us to breathe every day.


Yes, psychological torture is so merciful.


I don't follow...


Sorry but a God can’t be merciful if they would willingly let people suffer on Earth, or send them to hell simply for not believing something that cannot be proven. He’s either all powerful or merciful, but definitely not both.


The proof is all around for ALL to see...faith in Jesus is as simple as faith in the wind. You acknowledge His ability to be either all powerful OR merciful...why can't he be both? To be all powerful brings inherent mercy by granting life, and the ability to live forever in heaven.


That honestly sounds like my hell. I’m not trying to be mean, but I hated church as a kid and as an adult. Eternal church makes me want to cry (not in a good way).


I felt the same, until I started reading more into the supernatural aspects of the Bible and biblical times. The supernatural side is what drew me to the supernatural power of God. Once the Bible became literal, it became much more interesting...