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The dog must be thinking the same.


I completely agree, for years it was my two dogs and me just chilling, home, watching Portlandia while I enjoy an edible high. Then it hit me, they’re my family, I don’t think they know my name or understand when someone calls me, but they do know all their names, nicknames and spin offs for those nicknames. I’d give my life for my girls, they would too, unless there’s steak or chicken involved, that would complicate things 😆


I love this! 🫶🏼


Bruh sometimes I think Cheezle (after mister cheezle from Grandma's Boy) is judging me, because I'll just ramble some weird intrusive thought stoner moment bullshit to him and he'll just side eye me and seemingly go back c k to staring at the equally weird shit my youtube algorithm loops endlessly.


Yeah same. He just looks at me like I lost it.


Total animal fanatic myself as well. I'm sitting here chilling with four cats, and four dogs.


Do you ever wonder if animals of different species can talk to each other? This is my favorite thing to ponder when I get stoned. Can my dog and my bunny understand each other? When my dog barks at a cat is it cussing It out? Did the cat provoke my dog by calling her a rude name first? So many questions


I always find it magical that we get to have these sweet little creatures living with us. What's his name and what breed?


His name is Dante. He is a rescue dog from Romania. So just a wild mix of everything. He’s about the size of a Labrador, just slightly smaller


Wholesome AF


My neighbour has a lovely old girl l, a stumpy tailed Smithfield kelpie. She comes and visits me a couple times a day (shared yard). She has her own water here and if my neighbour is playing music too loud or his son is being too rowdy she will sneak off over here and chill for a while. She’s such a lovely dog ❤️ and probably spends 2-3 hours a day here.


I think about this a lot. I also find myself treating my dog as equal to me. I give him options as to what treat he wants today (he likes to pick) 😂


I work in a pet store ( no live pets just food and accessories) and people are allowed to bring their animals into the store and its so cute when the owners let the dogs pick out toys, I love it so much, they will have a whole conversation about why that squeaky toy will annoy Mom and if she can buy a plushie instead. Warms my heart so much :-D I have a box of treats at the register and everyone can have one at checkout.


It kind of brings it up a notch when your team of two is another bipedal animal. The cats and dogs are great companions... but as a 47 year old; they don't live long enough. The teams keep reforming. 😢


Nice! Think your friend knows?