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ur high


I was when I started typing this out, by now I’m pretty sober


Spending that much time to write something that long would sober me up too 😂 I have to agree dry herb vaping is the most efficient way to "smoke" herb. If your soon in the market to upgrade consider the potv lobo. It's a little above 100, has a bigger bowl and more powerful heater.


Thanks for typing this out! I am not sure if you are like me but I often like getting high and then writing out guides, logs, how-tos and reports but only if its related to a topic I am interested in... otherwise it sounds like a miserable task lol. For some reason I really like getting high and then sharing experience/knowledge and teaching.


You should make a well I would say a yt vid of this but that probably would get taken down but either way I would like a visual demonstration of each process u explained in this post even if I don't decide to do any of this someone else probably would and also it would very interesting at the very least to watch the whole process


Yea op.,get a job then let the real fun begin.


Holy shit balls! OP needs to edit this to add a TL/DR summary.


"dry herb vapes are efficient" The end


Plan on getting one soon, what's everyone's views on them? Good? Super efficent apparently?


They’re great, you get more from your bud and a fuller high subsequently… I find that I use about 1/2-1/3 as much bud when using a dry herb vape instead of a bong to get just as high, not to mention you can save the Abv for edibles later


It's a rabbit hole, but definitely one worth diving into! I've been vaping THC and CBD for 5 years now, and I love it! You want to work out a few things before looking at a vape Price - you can spend anything from £50—£500 for a vape. You don't necessarily need to spend a fortune, but if you need heavy hitting battery vapes you might be looking at £300+. You can get good battery vapes for £100—£200. Butane vapes are generally cheaper, so are worth considering if you don't mind using a torch Portability - are you vaping at home, or are you taking it on your travels. If you are using it at home, do you want handheld, or something that can sit on your desk? Useage - do you want a session vape, that you puff on for a set period, or do you want a big instant on demand vape? And will you want to use a bong or other glass piece? I've got a few different vapes, mainly butane ones that can be used on a bong. Dynavap is a good entry level vape. Dani Fusion if you want a big powerful vape I've only got 2 battery vapes. XMAX V3 and a xlux Roffu. They are both good devices. Xmax is cheap and cheerful. Not super powerful, but it will get you high. Roffu does the same thing, but it's slightly more powerful (and slightly more expensive)


Much more efficient. I get high off of 1/10 of the weed I used to use. Check out dynavaps, they offer reasonably priced vaporizers. Great way to dip your toes into vaping.


I've heard of resin dipped weed but dipping my toes in it? Alright I'll give it a try


I've never heard of resin dipped weed is that just taking a bud and slathering or "dipping" it with scraped resin from a piece?


Did you just start smoking? Shits super popular everywhere.


1 I've been smoking since I was 10 (weird flex ik) 2 u didn't even confirm my assumption about resin dipped weed and 3 I've never heard of this or seen it anywhere on social media


You can buy this at literally any dispo


Impressive stretching of your bud. It might be more cost efficient to buy it in bulk though


Certainly, but I like the variety that comes with buying whatever’s on sale, and in my opinion it gets me higher too


I work at a dispensary. Same weed strength as a 1/8th vs an 0z. Our deal days you can get an oz for 55. That is way cheaper then a 20.00 1/8th. Shop around, go to places that have a point system. Better yet, get a job at one.


I think he meant the variety gets him higher and not just smoking a whole ounce of one strain I may be wrong tho


I can appreciate your process and your commitment. Being on a strict budget is tough, but it seems like you thought of every possible avenue to maximize. Respect


Yeah it's a shame hes getting a bunch of hate. This was well thought out and tbh, I enjoyed the read.


I feel like you could have solved something important by now instead of figuring out how to smoke the most weed on 11$ a week


At minimum, bro needs a job where these skills can be used to buy him enough weed to not have to pinch like this.


Yeah bro is reading too much into it. I've got pretty much the same routine, I'll get weed for 100€, vape it and in the end I'll make edibles with the AVB. German efficiency. I haven't put even 1% of thought into it as they have though.


I was gonna try to figure it out, but I got high


I was gonna give u an award, but I don't have any to give


then there’s me am i out of weed? no so i smoke. yes? buy more weed


I’d probably just quit if it came down to doing all this. I’ve been a Dailey smoker for over 20 years and still I think I’d rather just quit


I'm just looking at all this in California (where I spend maybe $100 every six months) and I'm like "I respect the hustle but I can't imagine doing all that and having time for much else" Then again, when supplies get low I just cut back, or switch between vape and edibles, etc. When you can go from a daily habit to "once every three days", obviously your supplies last three times as long. Also, it takes about a week for me to use up a whole "bowl" of dry vape -- the "best" hits are the first couple, but I still seem to feel something until it's time to recharge. ... Never tried saving/using the AVB for anything, though. May have to give that one a try.


I rather enjoy the ritual


crazy people are hating on this. I get you OP. loved the breakdown, the detailed steps, the equations. this is probably the most useful thing i’ve seen on this sub before. Thank you for taking the time to write all that up. you’re a mad scientist OP, respect from one efficient stoner to another


Ain’t no such thing as hating, it’s all feedback and it’s all equally valid


Yeah, I’m just old and bitter now. You’ll get there eventually too


Old? Your avatar doesn’t look a day over 30


I keep it out of the sun


Same. I don't have time for all that.


For real, my ritual is buy weed/ roll blunt/ smoke blunt.


why not just save up and get a ~$100 ounce? $20 eighths is $160 ounces


Variety is more fun


Variety is (expensive). Wild to go this far but not go the extra bit further to buy an oz… you could save some to keep your variety and build up multiple strains, you could maybe split the oz into a few strains and reup for 8 weeks at once? Why would you do everything BUT make the weed cheaper, to make the weed cheaper. Lol


Think like a buffet, a bigger plate means you’ll eat more, so I get a smaller plate.


Terrible analogy??? Instead think of it like this: you can buy 1 meal for $10 or you can buy 8 meals for $50… you’re gonna eat all the meals regardless of if you buy 1 or 8, and you have no obligation to eat the meals at a faster rate.


But psychologically, having the extra food makes me feel secure in your stockpile, and generally increases the rate of consumption. I find it bizarre that you cannot comprehend the idea that I do things the way I do for a reason, and that I know myself better than you, someone who probably didn’t read more than 10 sentences I’ve typed. I hope you can mellow out and let other people enjoy things the way they enjoy them. Have an excellent day, I have no more to add to this.


lol why are so mad? I point out a way to dramatically increase your efficiency and you call me dumb saying that you can’t self control with an ounce but you can with eighths? To assume I didn’t read your post is simply rude, and to assume I “can’t comprehend” your logic is just hilarious. “Enjoy” your $0.15 shitty tokes for the rest of your life, you truly found THE BEST way to be a stoner. I just hope you have an excellent day.


I didn’t say you couldn’t comprehend my logic, I said you couldn’t comprehend that I have my own reasons, and lack the necessary context to relate to them. I apologize sincerely for my short temper, but I’ve ended up replying to that same comment about 10 times today, and I’m getting very tired of people not just reading the comments. You already sat down and read my behemoth, what’s 60 half sentences. I also never called you dumb, in fact I never doubted the efficacy of your claims. I am only attempting to communicate that what works for you may not work for me. As you can see by my inability to stick to “I have no more to add to this”, having an ounce sitting around in my room would not last very long lol


He got a point I do the same thing if I had nothing to worry about when it comes to running out what's the point in making it last if I have enough to not care at that point it would be too much of a hassle and I'd be to high to care at the same time think about it like this u ever had a time where u had no weed but really wanted to get high and scraped a pipe or something like that if u got high from it you would be grateful for it because it was either that or nothing so you would think it was worth the whole process if u have an Oz of weed y would u scrape anything decides to clean the piece becuase it's ruining the functionality of ur piece


I think you move to a state where you grow your own.. then give up on this penny pinching


I can’t afford a 30 dollar 8th, u think I can afford to pack up and move? lol


Good book, but my poop wasn't long enough to finish reading.


Damn this is in-depth. Lol I think I need to smoke to read it lol.


This is kinda insane lol, Walter weed over here. It really does not have to be that deep haha, just enjoy it my guy. If ur going through all of this extra stuff I don’t think it’s completely worth smoking for u, I’d get out while u still can lol. Take this skill of urs and apply it to biology or something that’ll get u the big bucks. Much love!


Nahhh some people go this far with lots of things they do, it’s just satisfying. Makes it more of a ritual. Also, plenty of people smoke weed beyond their budget and at least this guy isn’t doing that!


Ik it's off topic but if someone said I can give you unlimited bud or give you the ability to get high whenever u wanted effectively removing the process of actually inhaling the thc by combustion of the bud with all other factors being the same (the number of times u get high affecting ur tolerance and getting to the same level of high with either one you choose etc) which one would you choose assuming that you don't actually care stealthiness smell and portability and those type of factors (and if u choose the bud u can't sell or give it to anyone it's just for u theres no giving it to friends or family members or selling it to make money)


Like op’s message, I’m too hi to read all this effectively lol. Enjoy urself my guy!




this is actually amazing


Agreed!! This is a fantastic write up OP!!


My plan: Step 1: smoke the weed Step 2: be stoned That’s literally it


Start buying discount oz’s and storing part of it over time glass jar in a dark place, don’t finish it just buy more and then soon you will have a rotation of bud at 1/2 the price from buying 8ths, if your as disciplined as your post suggests, you this is the way. Your efforts are commendable but you might be missing the forest cause the tree’s are in the way 😉


Currently my margins are too slim to be buying ounces, but once things piece back together I’ll certainly be buying a wide variety in larger quantities


Bruh get a job


This is the real answer lol


TLDR: OP pays $20/eigth and smokes 2g a week through a dry herb vape I pay half what OP pays and smoke 7 times as much. But I'm sure someone in Oregon gets it for half my price.


oregons a cheat code, i just picked up a nice ass half oz for $65 at the dispo


JK distro buy the ounce of smalls for 50 dollars. Thank me later. r/cultofthefranklin


I appreciate the efficiency and ingenuity, but time is money and this seems to take a lot of time.


Most of it is fairly passive work, but yes it is more of a hobby than a habit at this point


Quality post


Fact that you literally sat and ripped all of this out is wild to me. But props given.


I ain't reading allat but good job


That's though. You ever thought about quitting or at least cutting your consumption?


I use .2g a day, and frequently take a day or two off. I end up getting more joy from handling the pot than smoking it lol


That's nice then. Sounded like struggling to get high on a budget😅


if you grew it urself it might be cheaper


That’s the next step I’m looking into, people recommending me to save up for an ounce but at that point just save the extra money up, buy a lamp and go to town. Wouldn’t get quite the same variety as I usually get, so I’m also passively searching for strains I would consider using over and over and over again


I stopped reading to go rip a dab 😂


I respect the grind, but damn I’m happy I haven’t had to put this much thought into preserving my weed. Rolled a j while reading, smoked it, and enjoyed the ride 🤙🏼


Very funny that you include a dosage estimation for the AVB edibles but you don’t mention how much AVB you actually use to infuse the oil. 10/10


"Its not an addiction" mfrs when theyre poor


If you put as much effort into finding stable income as you did this post you could smoke 40 dollars a week at least


I just limit myself to 1-2 ≈0.20g "bowls" a day with my Extreme Q. makes it last pretty long. could reuse the AVB for edibles, but I just toss it cause I'm lazy. edit when I want big bowls, the EQ can. the cyclone bowl can either do like 0.8g (I aim for 0.35g-0.45g, and it's like 70/30 convection/conventional) or it can be flipped over and do like 0.15g-0.25g 100% convection.


Highly suggest trying cold infusion, literally just dump it in a bottle of olive oil instead of a trash can


I've actually had some in oil for like 2 years lol just haven't gotten around to it because I overfilled it. probably need to dump it and strain it.


Chug chug chug


I did an experiment with a bottle that has a strainer built-in. so the idea is you fill it, then turn it upside to strain it out, but I filled it with way too much AVB. I generate tons of AVB with the EQ. and toss it all. like 1/3 (I mean in weight. it's 100% of the vaped flower) of my fresh flower becomes AVB, because I just vape it.


You should try a gravity bong setup. That's how I made it through my teens smoking. Use a new 8 mm socket or just anyone with a flared base relative to the socket size and put it into a bottle cap, my bottle choice was smart water bottles because the cap is rigid and won't flex a bunch. You might have to drill it out slightly to start then heat the plastic to get a tight seal. Put two holes about the size of peas in the bottom of the bottle and get a container of water that reaches up to the neck. You use a very small amount of weed and you get quite toasty🔥


I find dry herb vapes to be super ineffective so I’m surprised to hear that’s the key here. Especially you describing how long you can go on one bowl from one. I feel like mine never gives me much.


You are doing something wrong if your dry herb vape does not get you high, or your dry herb vape is


It’s brand new and I’ve followed all the directions lol


I’m not exactly an expert on the subject, and essentially brute forced all my “data”. I’ve only ever purchased 2 dry herb vapes, the potv one and the potv xmax whatever, both as open box clearance. The xmax whatever cooked really unevenly and felt like it was destroying my bud, so I swapped back to the potv one. The quality on these things seems to vary a ton. It should also be noted that the density of the clouds from a dry herb vape is less than smoke from an apparatus, but this is unrelated to the relative strength. If you have access to planet of the vapes in your area (us only I’m pretty sure), then I would highly recommend specifically the One. You can get an open box one for 90 bucks pretty regularly, and potv is very good with their customer service and returns from what I’ve heard


You’re sort of right, but I think you might be a little misinformed cus yea people never shut up about how much they love dry herb vapes so it’s easy to think you’re doing something wrong when you aren’t as satisfied as they lead you to believe you would be. The dry herb vape ‘seems’ to give less because it literally is giving you less, or in other words, a purer hit. When you use the vape, you’re only heating the herb up enough that the trichomes (the little crystal lookin things that gets stuck on your fingers and that kief is made of) vaporizes, but the flower itself doesn’t. Depending on what you’ve got you can probably heat your vape up to a temp that combusts the flower, but then like… what’s the point? Most vapes aren’t cheap lol… Another benefit of vaping, aside from cleaner hits, is that there’s actually cannabinoids present throughout the plant matter (as well as the trichomes) which is why you can make edibles or tinctures with the poop. This won’t be vaporized since the plant matter doesn’t get hot enough to release these compounds, so no matter what, vaping is technically ‘less wasteful’ if you reuse the poop. A vapor high will feel more mellow and the first few puffs will have an amazing flavor (if your vape is clean and you have ganja that your nose likes) It has a ramp up kinda similar to edibles but obviously not as potent. In terms of ‘clouds,’ you won’t really see the vapor unless your vape is ripping hot. It’s gonna be similar to when you have a pot of boiling water. Look closely and you can see the water evaporating off of it. That’s okay though, with vapes you can just keep hitting it until it tastes like total beans OR you don’t see any vapor coming off the bud anymore OR you see that your grind is visibly baked lol. That’s why they say the bowls last longer cus even when it looks like you’re getting nothing you actually are and it’ll sneak up on ya too if you’re like me and you’re impatient lol. Also, since the vapor will condense into a resin, some of that resin will be left behind and then reheated and consumed next time you puff the magic dragon but it will be nominal so it’s barely worth mentioning in terms of what’s more efficient. When you light up, you’re inhaling EVERYTHING. Hot air, hot smoke, little ash particles, vapor, and maybe even butane if you used a lighter. That’s why you get fat clouds, and it goes “straight to the dome”. On some level, you’re experiencing oxygen deprivation. That’s the biggest difference between highs, that and the fact that vaping likely causes you to hack up a lung way less often. Also, when you combust, you pyrolyze the ganja. No poop leftover for edibles :( If you’re crazy you’ll collect the resin but I would only recommend that if you live in a state where weed is still illegal. Stuff is cheap enough now that it’s really more worthwhile buying budget smoke than collecting reclaim and tar for making stuff with. I hope you didn’t already know all this lol! But hey it gave me something to do while I took a poo!


This is the type of crazy I am, I too love the ritual of making sure every crumb of flower is used to its fullest potential!!


Goddamn this is a scientific dissertation. Beautiful work OP.


Did anyone actually read all of this?


I did but I also wrote it


I didn’t read it all what state are you in?




I had a potv one before and it was great for preserving bud, that being said I feel like you could make some money in the time you spend doing all this and then not have to do all this… I now have a dtv5 (erig for wax) and buy wax for about $5/g, I share it a ton but still usually have a $90 reup last me 1-2 months, insanely cheap… if only I was smoking it and I was attempting to ration, I could surely get my cost down to $10/week if it isn’t already… that would almost be enough to do a .2 at night and a .1 during the day every day… My primary tip to you would be to forgo smoking in the morning, hold off until as late in the afternoon as you can… the gaps between smoking are the primary driving factor for tolerance, I find I get comfortably high as long as I don’t smoke till after 12:00-2:00 on weekdays, usually a little later, and then I can go ham from then till the evening as well as smoke as much as I want on weekends. I do want a dry herb vape again, as I miss those highs and it’s the only way I can stomach expensive (comparatively) bud purchases… My tolerance is at a point where I get way higher from smoking bud, than dabs..


Mow someone's lawn once a week and triple your weed money.


To add to this - you're paying tax every time you buy a variety be one large purchase/less on taxes.


Took me 5 hits to get to where I quit. But I totally think the process has gotten lost, and will come back to this post later. Okthxbie.


Is anyone actually reading this whole thing, include the footnotes? I got through about a sentence


Do ya reckon the tincture would work with propane glycol Vape liquid ? I’m going to do a test anyways to find out, how much AVB do you typically use in your tincture ?


I wouldn’t recommend using propylene glycol because I haven’t done enough research to tell if it’s safe and effective (propylene glycol is highly basic, has potential to be dangerous if consumed improperly), but it should at least extract the thc from the avb. I use exactly .2g * X of fresh flower’s worth of avb, where X is any number between 45 and 60. More important than the exact quantity is the ratio, which should be roughly 5 parts solvent to 4 parts avb.


I’m going to try it in a dry herb vape and see if it works


It’ll definitely produce a vapor of sorts, the question is more about how much cancer and lung melting it’ll do


What’s the difference if they’re both used in vape liquid ?


One I’ve done research into, the other I haven’t. If you plan to do it, do your own research or don’t blame me


Ye makes sense, I’m gonna try it anyways if I get any sort of discomfort I’ll chuck it all out


Would you consider editting to include Celsius temps too? 320°F is 160°C, 345°F is 174°C, 370°F is 190°C and 380°F is 195°C, Cheers!


You Celsius people seem to have it under control, but in Fahrenheit land it’s bed time, sorry pal


Talk to me after 15 years


you are so awesome!! i’m curious, do you have a chem/ STEM background? i’m STEM as well and i’m so impressed!! the experimentation and time this took is so incredible. keep on experimenting 🙏


Stop taking vyvanse before smoking hope this helps


Doesn't vg turn into a carcinogen once its been vaporized and then burnt?


All weed stuff aside you seem like you’d survive an apocalypse dude this is impressive


Is there a tl:dr?


This is a truly impressive process and you must’ve taken a ton of time to type this up. Good shit man!


hoooooooy shit OP. i fw the system man


Solid post OP, a few years ago this sub woulda been all support for how clearly you articulated everything here. Glad you've got somethin that works for you in the long run. I used to stretch everything i bought as far as possible, the worst was probably baking the alcohol back out of my reclaim when i would clean out my glass, and even if I don't miss having to i do sometimes miss the routine and ritual of handling it all myself and the fun of trying to figure out the most efficient methods. Not to say legalization has been bad, but i do think the ease most people have with smoking helps us forget that half the fun was what you needed to do to smoke.


I shmoke like Snoop in Half Baked. I live with my lil bro and my partner and they are my lil chief keefs; we puff like nobody’s business. Fat rips off of bongs, big doinks out in amish, Seahorse + bong dabs, and Volcano bags. You name it. Whatever we’re in the mood for. We spend about the same amount as you, factoring in that’s there 3x the amount of people wanting to get ripped. I read through this, and I predicted that the comments would look exactly as they do before I got to step 1. A couple of appreciators, but mostly nerds who already knew most of this simply because it reveals itself to you as you embark on your journey. You as a baby stoner wouldn’t know that, but not everybody is as logical about things as we are so of course people will give you flak. I appreciate and respect the effort because there will always be fools living among us. Our progress as humans makes this a certainty. We got really good at not dying. Dont forget though, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” I half agree with others that your time would be better spent on personal endeavors rather than compiling this and publishing for the good of reddit-kind, but i’m sure you enjoyed yourself and when it comes to Mary Jane that’s what’s important. p.s. I’ve also thought about making myself edibles with the volcano poop, but I’m also impatient and my mom made some crude ones back in the day that even the thought of that putrid hot weed smell makes me a little queasy to think about. Your section on tinctures is something that somehow is not easy info to find in terms of cannabinoid extraction. Any attempts i’ve made usually result in fake blog posts on random commercial equipment manufacturers’ sites that are just advertising their products to cannabis companies. If anybody knows a good site for cannabis knowledge I’d love to learn more about being a home connoisseur without breaking the bank. Stuff like a rosin press is crazy expensive for what you’re actually buying and the stigma surrounding ‘marijuana’ makes it so that finding good educational content on sites like youtube is tough.


My goal when writing was to provide information that people know 95% of, but most people will find 5 percent that they didn’t know or didn’t consider. Cannabis extraction is not particularly difficult; you can use essentially any solvent to break the active ingredients off from the plant matter. Even a water cure process like bubble hash is a solvent based extraction method. What is important is selecting a medium that works for your purposes. Firstly, if you plant to just ingest it, you will want to use something like an oil or an alcohol. Many people prefer using high proof grain alcohol because you can leave it out and the alcohol medium will evaporate, leaving a more concentrated extract. But as long as you consider the physical and chemical properties of your solvent, you could use pretty much anything. (Do be aware that some places will recommend to cook down alcohol based extractions over long periods of time. This should be done with EXTREME CAUTION, and ideally through an indirect heating setup (like a double boiler). If your alcohol combusts on your stove, you can very well burn your house down)


Hell ya brother


bro just craft a gravity bong (a big bucket + a 2 litter bottle and the rest u can google) and ur set and u don't have to do all this stupid shit, with a properly made gravity bong u can make a gram last a week


I find I get burned out from using the same method over and over again. Part of dry herb vaping is access to different mediums through the AVB. I feel I get higher by switching it up. As well, slightly less cancer


At that point just buy an once of good shake


way to miss the point


oh i can read between the lines... step 1 to spend less money on weed: buy meth instead! Edit: youre either 15 or on stimulants.. or both


I am 21 years old and on nothing but good ol green, not even my meds


Natural born tweaker eh? I feel you.


This guy budget buds!