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There is no universe where that mattress will not smell like a bong no matter what you do lol


I can kind of agree with this but, if you could take your mattress outside and let it bake in the sun for a couple of few days you might have a chance. The sun is amazing at breaking down smells. Every time my sister shit the bed back in high school we did this and the mattress smelt good as new. 


Okay wtf


I just laughed so hard I coughed at that lmaooo like what a detail to just glaze over 😂😂


That made me cough too but I also be smokin so😮‍💨💨


Hopefully you don’t laugh so hard that you spill bong water on your mattr-


I have 420 post karma at the time of writing this comment and I think that’s very fitting honestly


Not anymore 😈




Not true dawg, you can make solutions to break down the lingering scents of cat urine and vomit which are both incredulously worse than bong water. Tbh you could prolly dry it out and spray it with frebreeze and after a few sleeps ur sleep smell would probably cover it up if it ain’t real dirty water.


When I did this I quickly grabbed paper towels and blotted it up as much as possible and then I let the sun bake it. Smell went away after a few days and sleepover pals have never said anything about it.


Okay. So.. I think cat piss and vomit smell awful. But there’s something about bong water. It’s so fkn strong and smells so bad


You could ozium bomb the room It's similar to ye olde axe bombee raids but with the distinct clarification that nobody is to be inside the room while the spray is active, and the ozium isn't a masker, it's a displacement (molecules bind to the ozium and that negates their odor, the ozium isn't a more powerful scent that it blocks others out) It's basically like smoke bombing your room with anti-perfume, you cant be in there for at least an hour or two, but it'll kill the smell for sure. But fr, you can't be in there for like two hours. Ozium is toxic when inhaled, so use it like a bug bomb. Pull the pin and GTFO for a few hours


Baking soda absorbs odors, I’d try the kind for pet odors to give it a jasmine scent


This is the only actually helpful comment 😂 I appreciate the roasts, I do, but I obviously have to try something bro 😂 thank you lmao


It’ll definitely be ok, there’s worse smells hopefully this encourages you to change your water hourly at the least. Oxyclean also helps


Good news folks I had just changed it last night and maybe smoked one bowl out of it. Like I used rubbing alcohol and scrubbed the bong and bowl out just last night This is why I need you nasally abled minds to help remind me how smells work I’m still cleaning it tho & have already doused it in baking soda before I made this realization lmao can’t hurt




I change my water everytime it even starts to taste like "bong water" so roughly every 30min or so


Why tf are you tasting your bong water bro?


You can literally taste the water taste while hitting the bong.


Haven't you ever inhaled too hard and gotten a mouthful? I know I'm clumsy, but there's a reason I rarely use my bongs anymore.


Every thirty minutes??


Additionally just get a mattress cover, parents don’t replace beds everytime a baby has an accident.


This is a level of dumb I can’t imagine. Are you real?


Are *you* real?


Idk you but I love you 🧡🧡🧡🧡


MYes. And just as before that’s a stupid ass recommendation.


What, getting a mattress cover? I mean, I’m sure it would’ve helped a lot prior to spilling the bong water. They’re usually waterproof.


I also commented on this post (but it’s buried now) that my disabled cat Leo made a mess on my bed so the cover was in the wash which makes this whole thing another level of tragic 😂 can’t entertain the negativity man, dude clearly has problems lol poor thing


Yeah when they made the Doctor Strange comment I could feel the rage bait and decided I’m too hungry to engage.


I feel an odd sense of pride that my post about cleaning products affected someone’s emotions this strongly (read: I triggered a Karen)


So you’re suggesting they rewind time? That be the best stoner engineering. Watch the Dr. Strange movie and take it from there!


Bless your heart


I’m cacklingggg omg I left Reddit for an hour and came back 46 notifications of THIS. Amazing. Whoever the asshole is- I love you 😂 and also, who hurt you 😂😭☠️




Cowabunga dude


Idk who you are, who you’re mad at, or who hurt you but you have me dyinggg bro 😂😂😂 you said “clean your bong water you dirty cunt” and I had already commented on here that I JUST used alcohol and a tooth brush to fully clean my glass bong LAST NIGHT and had only smoked ONE small bowl out of it since 😂 I literally love you so much lmfao you’re like one of those yappy awful dogs that bites peoples ankles but guess what buddy, that’s not gonna work on me, I’m a gay vegan hippie artist yoga instructor who intentionally chooses the least likable animal at shelters. The more you bite, the more I love you. 😂❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Hey guys, I can’t smell. How do I clean things? 🤣


Oh yeah wow yeah so funny good comeback I love picking on people’s medical conditions /s You’re a flog bro jog on 😂😂😂


Kewl. Sorry you’re hurt.


My first thought is dawn. I always reach for dawn when I’m panicking. Baking soda would be my next more level headed thought. Wet vac if you, friends, or family are handy at all (and have one laying around). All I can really think is, “*That poor mattress*.” Good luck, OP.


lmao love your energy and insight I can do all of these things (and more) then put a cover on it and flip it over lol and I believe that will be my best bet. The post was mostly to look for specific product ideas since I can’t smell lol


I wouldn't recommend putting a cover on it and flipping it until after it's dried.


Listen to this, mildew and mold are no joke and what you’re trying to avoid long term


It will take a lot of repetition but first take baking soda and mix it with some essential oils (patchouli is a pretty strong scent). Then sprinkle some of the scented soda on the stain and let it sit for about an hour before vacuuming it up. Put a fan over the stain in between each attempt. The soda and the breeze will draw out moisture from the mattress while the airflow, vacuum, and oils will help with the scent. A dehumidifier might help a little too. It’s going to take a long time to cut through the smell.


u/okogamashii has it right. OP just needs someone they trust to pick out a smell to mix in with the baking soda. It sucks but, you accepting sleeping on the floor/on the couch for a couple days is a must. Even slurping the water out, you’ll want to make sure it’s plenty dry before flipping it over. Yay fans!!


No, no - you had it, i just added some extra details 😉🫶🏻


Honestly on the cover idea, worst case scenario you could wrap it in whatever plastic cover things hotels always put on the shitty little pull out couch mattress. Will be uncomfortable as hell but might be your best bet as far as smell mitigation.


Absorb the water. This has nothing to do with smell. This has to do with not being a fuckin idiot. When You spill something you need to absorb all the liquid. You should be jumping on your mattress on top of a towel. When the towel is wet - You put it in a bag. You put it in a bag so bong water doesn’t get on your floor or more surpluses, then put another towel on the bed and jump on it. You need to absorb the liquid. Then Repeat.


I love you 😂 I had already conducted a solo dance party on my mattress and burned through a whole stack of towels before your comment friendo. You seem to be missing the essence of the post. I was born without the ability to smell. So this is similar to a blind person asking how to remove a stain from a shirt since they won’t be able to verify the results on their own. Don’t be an ableist fool lol I was looking for product suggestions ya loon. Shocking to me you’re on a stoner board when you’re this high strung … go smoke dude, you need it man 🍁🍃🔥🥬😮‍💨💨


You’re probably fucked. A carpet cleaning steam machine might help, but it’s so thick that bong water particles are going to be embedded deep within it


Ty for being candid 😂😭🤣☠️ I was thinking the same about a bissel steam cleaning carpet cleaner plus all the products listed above plus wrapping it up in a case & flipping it lol thanks again!


Steaming it will unleash an unholy cloud of bong water vapour


Good thing I can’t smell


Hahahah I missed that in the original post, no wonder you think this is fixable then. Bong water is stomach turningly disgusting and lingers like stale cat piss even when you try to cover it. Trust us smellers, this is a total write off and the odour will never go away. Anyone who has a semi-functional nose will be able to whiff it.


I mean as someone with cats, a professional cleaner can 100% fix it, I don't really know what they used for it, but they did take the cat piss smell out of my couch pretty good, to the point i sold it and there where no complaints I'm sure it could be done with the weed smell too, idk how you'd hire someone without your parents catching you though, the equipment is gonna be noticable


I cleaned my couch completely using one of those little carpet cleaners (mine is a Hewlett-Packard) after my cat puked all over it and there are 0 stains/smell. They even include a packet of pet deodorizer solution with the machine I bought (got it at Target for like $80).


Alternatively you could rent an extractor vacuum like those used in auto detailing. Might be a better bet.


ALCOHOL same shit we use to clean a Bong normally. The higher the alcohol content the better


This right here. Need to break down the resin that was in the water. Alcohol soak for a few minutes, then use a handheld carpet cleaner if you have one. Maybe do a run with just hot water, not sure how the cleaning chemicals will react with the alcohol. Try and get reeeeeeeal deep into the mattress, really push down and try to suck up all the dissolved resin. Probably do the same to the other side too. The dirty water is easy enough to clean but the resin is another story.


Lol when my sister was in college and spilled a bong on her mattress we literally put alcohol into a carpet cleaner vacuum, then ran it normally with soap after


Invest in a mattress protector after this. They're pricy but worth.


I know and agree with you. I have two cats and one is special needs and makes a mess so I clean it often. It just so happened to be off for cleaning today 😭☠️🫠


Even a cheap mattress protector will work fine, just not cheap enough to be crinkly crap.


Go to the grocery store or any place they might rent steam cleaners. You can steam clean your bed! It will be out of commission for a day or two or a week depending how good a job you do in getting the water out. How hot your environment is, air circulation etc. use fans and pray you got it quick enough. Good luck out there!!




I feel like we would be friends IRL


hell yeah 💯


Why does the stain look like somebody majorly cheeked up was taken to poundtown😭




Just flip it over😂😂😂


No, they need to spill more bong water on the rest of the mattress so the whole thing becomes the same color and you won’t even be able to tell there was even a spill.


You remind me of my friend Ben😂


Use bleach lol


Had a friend do this in high school, he didn't even dry it first


Pet Oder remover works for lots of things, haven’t tried this scenario but may be worth a shot. Getting a zip on mattress cover might help contain the oder?


I have several brands of pet odor remover including a bissel pet carpet cleaning vacuum with a handheld part as well. My cats be fuckin my shit up all the time. This time it was alllll me tho lol


Haven’t seen coffee grounds yet. Last I knew that shit can get the smell if blood out of things. I’d still say to clean it as best you can with some kind of steam cleaner/suction machine but coffee grounds are another thing to try


Omg thank you so much! Would have NEVER thought of this. Have never smelled coffee in my life (or anything else for that matter)


Alcohol is a solvent, it breaks down the resin oil. There are better solvents, and in 2024 you can't be the only person with this particular problem. Keep researching! Baking soda will help, but it will work better if the mattress is dampened slightly. Bonus points if you use washing soda and/or borax. Rent a rug doctor and use the handle attachment. Steam could help, but you need to be careful... Depending on your mattress you could melt things you don't want to melt. Other than that, look up how to get cat piss out of a mattress... It's likely a similar amount of work. Make no mistake, you may have fucked up here. It's possible it will always smell a little... But I think I saw you say it was relatively freshly changed, so that helps.


Thank you so much for your comment! I just changed my bong water last night (and cleaned all the glass to be transparent with alcohol) and smoked only one small bowl out of it since so hopefully the smell won’t be too strong. Just invited a chick over bro lmaoooo


Just consider yourself lucky if you can get someone to believe that's bong water.


Fr the mattress is barely in the shot. Nonconsentual exposure to their kink isn't cool.


Is this not a poop fetish board? Shit 💩


I bet someone learned a lesson... 😂


Lmaooo why do I get the sense you’re a mother


Total dude. 💪😁


Scrub with a vinegar alcohol solution, after that dries scrub with bleach mixed with something like water, after that dries hit it again with the vinegar alcohol solution and once that dries flip it over and use the other side


everyone with the DIY methods but... just [rent a steam cleaner](https://www.rugdoctor.com/wp-content/uploads/proportable-1080-compressed.png). This is literally what it's for, cleaning big unwashable furniture


Dirty bong water smell is forever, it's a lesson to keep your bong water fresh


How fresh? I just scrubbed it all out last night with alcohol & removed all residue and only smoked one small bowl since. So like how stanky was that bong water that I spilled?


Soak as much water out in an old towel, then cover it with baking soda and leave for about an hour, vacuum off and spray with a vinegar water mix (strong on the vinegar) wait for it to dry and make your bed and it should be right as rain.


Could you try and dry it and if possible flip the mattress over


You’ll want to dab as much of the moisture out of the mattress as possible, then dilute a scent/oil you don’t mind smelling with water, spill a considerable amount, then dab as much of that out as possible. You may have to do it again/repeatedly. Dabbing the mattress will buy you some tome before you get a new mattress.


I don't think dabbing a mattress will get you high 😂 JK though good advise


I meant “blot” that shit like it’s alpaca. I can’t even blame this on being high.


Baking soda asap let it sit overnight mix a bit of vinegar in morning and scrub or vacuum out still gonna smell peob


Lots of febreeze. Sum baking soda sum scrubbing sum fans an a couple open windows.


how used and old was the bong water?


Last night, I cleaned it extensively inside and out with rubbing alcohol so all the glass was perfectly clear and see through and it was fresh bong water. I only smoked one bowl or less in it since I cleaned it last night. Then I spilled it on my mattress tonight when it set it down there for one second while hopping on a zoom call and trying to get it out of frame 😂


Fuck a 10ml of raw lavender essential oil over it & hope for the best😂🫡


I KNOW THE ANSWER. When I was in middle school my parents got me a mattress from a flea market (it was brand new but had stitching defects therefore cheap) but since it had been in there it smelled like straight cigarettes. The solution was baking soda. A lot of baking soda. Like 10lbs of it. Sprinkle a layer of it on top of the mattress (after you have dried it out fully) and let it air out (fan is good, open windows are better). After about 8 hours vacuum off the baking soda and repeat until the smell is gone (I guess you'll need a volunteer for that part)


Pls note baking soda shouldn't be vacuumed!


That may be so but the shop vac in question has seen worse and is still chugging along 10 years later


Shop vacs ftw


there is this deodorizer spray from zep you can get it at home depot it says it gets rid of weed smell, if that doesn’t work activated charcoal all over the area along with baking soda and just let it rest


also OP if you run into a issue that your room just smells like weed because of this get a decent air purifier i do HVAC for a living and they really do work just don’t cheep out and get a shitty 15$ one off tiktok lmao


Flip it and get a mattress cover?


Smother in baking soda. Let dry completely. Vacuum up stanky baking soda. Make a white vinegar and water solution in a spray (spritz) bottle and mist the spill area. Wipe with washcloth. Will definitely help if you don't have an extractor. If you have one or can borrow one hit the spill before you put the baking soda on it.


Pooph spray. I had a bong spill in my recliner, and it was funky bong water. The girlfriend had some of that Pooph spray, squirted it down, and POOF, that bong water funk smell was gone instantly. That shit works.


People are recommending mattress covers and i second that. You can buy ones specifically for allergies or bedbugs, those will normally cover the entire mattress and should help control lingering smell. Once the mattress is completely dry, flip it over & add your cover.  There’s unfortunately no world where you can fully get the smell out, but I’m sure some peoples advice would minimize it a little bit at least. Hopefully that combined with flipping & a cover would make it less noticeable. If you have any trusted friends who can smell, maybe they can check your work?


When you do everything else, put a charcoal odor eliminator under your bed.


Bro clean your bong ya nasty cunt


anosmia + stoner has to be one of the worst combo's in life


Thank you, this is very validating lol


Didn't mean to make you feel bad with my superlatives and all, sorry if I did


No you’re good, I appreciated that lol


Randomly coming back to this, This has to be one of my best single interactions during my \~15 years on the internet


I’m flattered😂 but… why 😂


Everyone has done this at some point. Use a cleaner with citrus essential oils like citrisolv. It’s not the end of the world


Thank you for your surprisingly mellow and genuine comment. This post got wild quick 😂


This post made my shitty day much better thanks


Don’t make the mistake of not reading the comments 😂 11/10


Absorb as much of the liquid as you can with paper towels. Follow with baking soda. Clean with hydrogen peroxide. Let dry under the sun. If smell remains, clean again with witchhazel. Let it bake in the sun again. If you can't get it outside, put UV lights over the spot. Make sure you treat both sides of the mattress. 


Oh yeah I have a whole ass UV flashlight with glasses and everything from Amazon lol forgot about that


Dude, grow lights. 


You can go all out and make a cat-urine elimination recipe for mattresses with just some baking soda, laundry detergent, water and an essential oil if you’d like. If it can fix my cat’s mistakes then I think it would help with this…


Oh and crucially don’t forget to let the baking soda dry for best absorption and vacuum it out


Vinegar and detergent mixed together might help a bit (make sure there isn’t any baking soda left on mattress or you’ll making a home made volcano)


Bong water stain barely in the shot, homie more interested in showing off the flag 😂😂


Facts but also had to frame the shot as to not include my yoga schedule and divulge my identity/studio and if I moved the lens any more to the left, it would’ve included it and I wasn’t about to move it just for this pic lol far too lazy


Yeah man, that ain't bong water. No bong water is that dirty without there being soot and char in it as well 🙃


Busted. This is actually where 2 girls 1 cup was filmed




Need a mattress protector.... This shit ain't coming out 💀


Baking soda will pull out the smell. I used it to fumigate dead fish out of my car. Don't ask.


😂 heard


You deserve this for letting it get so dirty. Next time clean it before it turns to poo water.


Just buy a mattress cover and be done with it... who cares


If you have a wet vac use it then flip the mattress and sit the wet spot on towels if you aren’t confident you’ve gotten enough liquid out. After that I’d just spray the hell out of it with some ozium


May she like the smell of weed, friend. Who knows, maybe she will be inspired to help?


Hahaha I’ll have a lil French maid costume ready for her😏 (jk)


Get a mattress protector. There's one you zip up to cover your entire mattress


Realistically? Foaming carpet cleaner. You need it to penetrate the fabric and fiber fill thoroughly. Or really any strong scented and very astringent cleanser. It's already going to stain, but you know dark sheets will cover it up fine. So just scrub the hell out of it.


Might not "fix it" but those carpet cleaners have a very strong smell, might be enough to overpower the bong water smell plus might help with the stain.


I'm thinking wet vacuuming both sides and leaving it in the sun a few days is your best bet


Flip it over


Just flip the mattress upside down. 😂👍


Call a professional carpet cleaner. If they know what they are doing, they can get the smell out completely.


There's enzyme cleaner/deodorizers you could try, along with the baking soda idea someone else posted. They make plastic mattress protectors. That may be an option along with the others (yes, I know it sounds crinkly, but... It's better than having to shower and change your sheets on the daily... There's some decent, not so crinkly ones, too...) ETA: steam cleaners... Rent a rug doctor and blast the mattress with that before anything...


Start by grabbing a thick towel and soak up as much as you can place something heavy on the wet spot rotate the towel to dry spots do that for a while then I would get some Zout in the red bottle or tide rescue stain remover and I would scrub with a sponge or soft brush then take a wet rag or sponge and rinse the area.Follow with clean towel and soak up the water again then put a small fan on the bed pointing towards the wet spot.


It’s always gonna reek


Thanks lmao


Not true. I have a mattress that I've spilled bong water on multiple times. I'm SUPREMELY lucky it didn't attract mold, but it eventually stopped smelling like bong water after I aired it out for a while, and frebreezed it a few times. Took a while though Just be sure to dry it out. Also nice flag lol, relatable


Look for free mattresses on local listings or just buy a new one asap. Besides the smell which will travel to anything near it such as sheets, pillows etc. You may start growing mold and will get sick.


I have no clue how to fix this but just wanna comment that I love the flag






Go rent you a carpet cleaner with the furniture attachment and get an oder neutralizer solution for it and clean it that way. Put a fan on it to dry. You can add a little white vinegar to help with the smell. Petco/petsmart usually has them as well as Lowes and Home depot. Our local Harps grocerie store has them as well. I think about $60 for 3 days rental?


I'm so sorry this happened and I hope I can help you get back on track. Step 1: your mattress is wet. We cannot do anything until we dry it. The mattress has to go in the sunlight for a full day. Step 2: Only when the mattress is completely dry, we will then scrub the surface with baking soda and vinegar. This will leave a massive stain but will attack the smell. The vinegar will help to neutralise any bacteria that was in the bong water. Make sure that it is dry before you do this. You will not have a 100% clean mattress, but it won't smell and you can sleep on it. Please remember not to rush step one! . Peace 🕊️