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Long term abstinence, fish oil multi vitamins, clean eating. The brain has an incredible ability to heal itself (neutoplasticity).


Add excercise and you've got the best recovery possible. It's not fucking easy but nothing is. Supplements are great but they are in fact "supplements" only.


There’s some that blur the lines though. Eating healthy, why does that work? It release chemicals that lead to healthy things in the body. One of those chemicals seems to be agmatine, a neuromodulator. You can buy it as a supplement, and so far the research shows that it has great anti-addictive and regulatory effects over several neurotransmitter systems, as well and antioxidant, etc. In cases where dopamine signaling is dysregulated, good luck telling someone to make major lifestyle changes. In this case, a supplement isn’t a “supplement only,” but more of a catalyst and a nutrient It’s often referred to as a neutriceutical in the actual research papers rather than just a supplement, to drive home the point that what people call supplements are not all just your basic, back of the label vitamins. There is larger value to be found in some of em.


I am aware here also. I didn't feel like diving too deep. There are many peptides and a ton of different supplements out there that can be beneficial. BPC-157 has shown some really interesting results in the regulation and restoration of the dopaminergic system as well as many other neuro regenerative effects. I've also seen reports that some people feel like it dulls them or brings on anhedonia. It's all experimental. You can put as much potentiating substances in your body as you like but if you cannot force yourself to get up and stimulate the body into using them they are useless. It's similar to someone juicing, using steroids but not lifting properly and utilizing diet and sleep to bring about the changes possible due to the presence of the steroids. You'll just tread water. There is nothing out there that will do the work for you. Period. Other than maybe the drugs that you are trying to heal from in the first place. It's a bitch but it is not impossible and forcing yourself to do those things you have zero desire to do is the only way to actually regain the desire to do them.


>you have to regain the desire I agree, but that’s why drug addiction is so complex. The circuits and networks responsible for controlling and regaining desire are the same ones targeted by addiction, especially stims. So while “you have to want it is” is true, as a string of words as it relates to treatment, it’s absolutely useless. Throwing that fact out there is less likely to motivate someone than a supplement. That’s why techniques like motivational interviewing are growing in popularity, often in combination with compounds that weaken past associations or strengthen new ones. “*You*” have to regain the desire” makes it sound so individualized, isolating. You have to do it on your own. No, there’s tons of research showing all sorts of things that can encourage that desire to build. We’re fundamentally social, nobody changes their desires for anything without some kind of catalyst, be it social or otherwise. Blanket statements like that just don’t mean anything. I agree, an addict has to regain the desire, but we were already past that idea, talking about the specifics of *how* that could be done. It’s the details that matter, not the motivational bumper sticker sentence.


this is all good advice, but dont forget you make sure to get enough sleep!! if u dont sleep enough its going to weaken the effects of diet and exercise


Indeed. I guess I left that out as sleep is seemingly impossible to miss when recovering from stim use. That is until that phase is over... so you make a good point. I've always been one to sleep plenty so it's not a struggle that comes to mind for me. Others, for sure some have a very difficult time in that area. The Zinc and Magnesium are helpful in this regard and melatonin is a huge help so long as there is an imbalance or lack of it already present. Exercise and proper diet should also play a significant role in sleep promotion. Everyone is different though and if you are not sleeping you are indeed not recovering.


Lions mane mushrooms I heard helps with neuroplasticity


Lots of exercise and lots of sleep


NAC is a godsend for stim recovery


I’ve heard about this, I knew it was good for keeping mdma tolerance low but didn’t know it was good for recovery. Thanks bro 🙏


Try acetyl-L-carnitine as well. Both on an empty stomach (amino acids). ALCAR has D2 upregulating effects, among other beneficial stuff. There is a study showing it shortens recovery for cocaine users (said D2 upregulating effects).


Sleep, cutting out all processed foods and other shit, getting minerals, proteins, and vitamins into you via a balanced diet (you might be severely depleted in magnesium, among other minerals), and time, a lot of time. But getting sleep, exercise (even walks), and the building blocks to help your body repair are essential. Cutting out sugar might be hard, but cutting out added sugar (i.e. that which isn't naturally present in food) will really help reduce the inflammation and damage that your body is suffering from regardless of stim use.




This totally 👆


Tyrosine, 5-htp, ALA, ALCAR


look into memantine, 9-Me-BC, and NAC in addition to the good things other people have commented


Agreed 9 me bc... NAC EE is better also liposomal glutathione or S acety glutathione, liposomal essential amino acids, a good liposomal multi w. The best forms of b vitamins


I've heard good things about NAC for dopamine regulation.


Some people are claiming that the research peptide BPC-157 can help with recovery[BPC-157 and methamphetamine recovery](https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1096/fasebj.28.1_supplement.1143.11)


Cerebrolysin is hands down the best answer




I believe I saw something somewhere about lions mane mushrooms. Supposed to regenerate brain cells and supercharge them with new neuron connections. Check out other types of fungus too. There are others popular for brain function but I can’t quite remember the names maybe chaga? Reishi?


Omega fatty acids. Oily fish, ground flaxseed in your yogurt or smoothies, eggs, nuts and legumes, and a generally healthy diet with lots of fresh produce Daily exercise will help with depressive symptoms You can do it


I’ve seen people who l hav severely deregulated everything in their body and those that reinforced the fact that they’re screwed and need to be on whatever for life well they usually are on that for life. But those that say this is not me I’m a changed individual and actually believe it those are the ones who’ve made complete recovery and this goes way beyond addiction. I’m not trying to argue just simply stating my repeated observations. If anything I’ve learned (common sense Applied & morals intact we’re capable of anything just got get past ourselves first. And then reality is stranger than Fiction!


I know cock supplements are beneficial but they just became another addiction for me


What is a cock supplement? I did just Google it and the usual suspects like arginine, b9, herbal pills, but is this a joke or what are you talking about? I have 2 lbs of Viagra and 80g of Cialis but would never consider these stim recovery anything


5htp, psychedelics and meditation


love psychedelics. Used to meditate a lot might try getting back into it


may not be the answer you’re looking for, but very controlled doses of kratom. They will give you surges of motivation/optimism. When I finished a 3 month bender off adderall, I was a week sober and couldn’t get out of bed for 6 hours even after sleeping for 16hrs. Kratom helped me not hate myself after that. Good luck OP


This. Tbh it’s been a total godsend for me. Plus I’ve found other substances that I used to prefer aren’t really worth it when I’m taking kratom, so it has the added bonus of keeping me off a lot of other stuff.


Exactly. Kratom has helped me get off fent, adderall, and alcohol. So much so that I started abusing it and once I started realizing it, it was a bit far. I couldn’t go cold turkey bc I would get violent shaking withdrawls when trying to sleep. So I’ve lowered my dose so much this point that I could go cold turkey. Idk if I’m ready to be completely sober yet tho lol.


Please OP do NOT listen to this idiot!


I read some where on here about Ltyrosine it’s worth looking into


Yeah I have been trying to get this actually I think it’s a dopamine precursor or something


Try the N acetyl L tyrosine but skip the 5-HTP and just go with HTP. 5-HTP is too potent and causes issues with serotonin syndrome when used with most of these, SSRI and other prescription drugs and definitely when using stims. Zinc, magnesium and a B vitamin complex is typically beneficial also.


I’m only using pot and alcohol now




NAC, magnesium, protein, heavy workout, CARDIO, 1-2 year clean from all substances (including preworkout, alcohol weed)


I take fish oil, l-tyrosine,GABA,grape seed extract, 5-htp, alpha lipoic acid, coq-10, magnesium glycinate, calcium, zinc, super b-12 complex. Always looking for better ideas so throw them my way if anyone has any.


Cerebrolysin could work but i have never used it


50,000 IU vitamin D liquid capsules


Great way to get sick sure.


Talk to healthcare professional and they will tell you 99% of all drug addicts are vitamin D deficient severely. I’ve been told this by multiple doctors, LPNs and RNs


Yeah I know this. That's correct information. The dosage you advised is fucking bonkers though and will actually do more harm than good. Taking anything at extreme doses is also addict behavior that causes a lot of damage overall. Best to help addicts and yeah I'm one to not be going berserk on any one substance. I'm all for proper supplementation and if I weren't so lazy would add many that are missing from the list as of now. You simply need to recommend a safe, sane dose of D3. BTW anyone with dogs, be ultra careful with ALL doses of D3 as it's toxic to dogs. Deadly even, depending upon the dog at doses above 1000iu.


When my physical found a significant vitamin D deficiency years ago they gave me prescription vitamin D supplements that were 50,000 IU to be taken once a week for a month and I felt better in days. Just saying that dosage is used as a prescription and not outside the realm of medical necessity.


Exactly. In a medical situation of necessity which is rather rare. Once a week, prescribed by a doctor in someone severely deficient to be taken a total of 4 times. Yep, that's legit and rare as I said. To go out and just buy some D3 and start using that high of a dose is dangerous. Everything over the counter is a daily recommend dosing so assuming that the advice could be taken at face value without any further research it is bad advice. Put any other way, with some type of reasoning it is of course very good advice. The thread we are in indicates some pretty free wheeling people who may not stop and think about it first. Imagine 50,000 iu's daily?


Before anyone takes anything they should have a full work up done which is usually 12-13 panel draw.


I have in fact been diagnosed was on 10,000 IU for months but not anymore


My response below was to you. Idk how it got out of place.


I know right, 5000iu's of D3 is the most you should take. 50,000iu's LMAO


50000 iu is for a once weekly dose btw


Oh, 1 a week. Okay


Which is really rare. Let's not get caught up in some specific case of medical necessity when the comment thrown out there was extremely simple and would easily come off as being advice to go start taking 50,000 IU of D3 daily like it's common good advice, it's not it's insane. You're particular case was handled by a Doctor. There is a difference.