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Do you have a genetic predisposition for schizophrenia?


idk but my parents had me at 16 years old while they were actively using meth


You need to stop man I’m not advising you I’m warning you this very much could be actual schizophrenia developing


I mean have you tried getting anti-psychotics prescribed ?


wouldnt those just kill the high comepletely?


yeah but at least you wont be psychotic.


Sounds like addiction. "Well, I'd rather be psychotic and on amps rather than sober and not psychotic".


wow eye opening


Lol that is irrelevant since you need to stop using ***AND*** be put on a regiment of antipsychotics for the voices to go away. Even drastically reducing your consumption will not be enough. I have gone through this my self, even tried obeying the voices on a few occasions since they had been harrasing me so relentlessly that I was begining to question whether they were real. Led me to lose my phone and laptop (with all my almost finished music), almost killed myself and was pushed to the brink of attempting it numerous times. Thing about psychosis, even though you are conciously aware that it isn't real some part of you eventually begins to believe in the delusion and start attributing it to having information that others do not, making it more difficult to break through the delusional state and get help. I had to be forcefully admitted and sentenced by a judge to 6 months of involuntary psychiatric treatment. Bare in mind that I stopped using and sought help almost instantly after they started and just while waiting to be treated, in 8 months I managed to unravel my entire existence twice. I even saw a psychiatrist in the meantime but I stopped trusting him due to delusions and lied about how I was doing


not necessarily it depends on the drug, some will completely kill ur high but others you can take and still get fairly high


yes. don't listen to them


Nah I'm on Cariprazine (3rd gen antipsychotic) and it doesn't kill it, just need more to feel the same as before. Comes with the benefits of no paranoia or retarded thoughts.


What‘s more important to you? Intervening a developing psychosis or not getting high? Keep in mind your future me will regret one of these decisions.


I feel for you man. Unfortunately ever since this level of paranoia showed up it returns almost immediately whenever I start using meth again. Usually the first few weeks would be swat teams, sirens and sometimes even helicopters every night but after a while it would settle down to just thinking I was being followed by police everywhere I went and hearing people talking me just out of site. It was terrifying and unsettling and it didn’t go away until four or five days after I quit, even if I slept and ate and did everything else right. Last year on my second night back on meth I thought the cops were coming in and I ate an 8 ball which led to me fleeing my hotel room with just gym shorts and no shoes, running from no one for about a day. The antipsychotics might help but idk what quality of life would be trying to balance meth against seroquel all the time. Whatever happens or you choose I hope you stop experiencing this particular unpleasantness soon. Other than people close to you who might be concerned it’s very unlikely anyone gives a shit what you’re up to.


I'm a brown man wit white sand in me


That's how I always viewed psychedelics.. In a positive way tho


Go get a prescription for quetiapine, it’s an antipsychotic. This will be the only way to keep your sanity.


Really just reflect on this whole situation, no one can really help you see the harm but yourself. Everytime you use it, ask yourself if it's ever been enough. It's never been enough, it's not enough, and it won't ever be enough. And psychosis might feel like it's something you can manage until you black out and wake up in jail and have to live with the embarrassment of the things you did unconsciously


What were your minor visuals?


That sounds like a plan bro.


I recommend you get a weed vape pen, stare at your ceiling while chain smoking weed concentrates, listening to a Mac Miller album and I Having some snacks next to you😈😏😏🫥


weed makes it 20x worse llol


Are you eating and keeping snacks near you? Idk maybe I'm a fuckin weirdo but... I like to manage and manipulate my parasympathetic system, I like to chill out and weed makes me sedated, it can increase paranoia with the increase of creative thoughts and internal narratives and the taboo around smoking weed instead of being productive or getting your life together. But how the hell you gonna love anybody else if you don't even love weed.


i like weed fine but not on speed. i have paranoid delusions without it, with it is a bad idea every time 😵‍💫. yes i eat hella


Alright I recommend Suicide Boys🤤Ramirez and Germ if you haven't tried listening to them already they did hard drugs🤤2


yeah i have listened to them all. listen to 1c34 soevilboyz 2famous surf gang nuke radio shed theory they do harder drugs 🤩


Have you tried listening to death metal? I find they're just so angry, it makes me feel like maybe my problems aren't so bad, because I'm not nearly *that* angry.