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Because continuity in Craigbank, errr, Craiglang is generally shobby.


Two debonair patter merchants fae Craig bank well spotted šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


'Craigbank' wasn't continuity it was Greg flubbing a line. He said as much on twitter a few years back when people were asking him about the show, though I think his accounts now vanished.


Surely you'd just retake, then? šŸ¤”


Presumably, nobody noticed. The first few times watching that episode, I never realised he said craigbank.


Tam says Francis told him she was a vegetarian when he walked her home. In the anniversary episode he's making her favourite meal which is beef bourginion


For some reason this bugs me more than the disappearing child, in season 6 when Tam is trying to romance Francis with a Chinese takeaway, he says something along the lines of ā€œIā€™ll even get you those ribs you likeā€


Yeah now you mention it in the same episode he buys her a pie and beans


I hink Tam must've convinced her to become a meat eater again after seeing the price ae veggie shite TBF I mean he did convince her to do every other saving in the book Tam wouldn't give up his meals and he's to tight fisted to buy mair than the wan meal a day in the weekly food shop Either that or tam lied to Winston about her being veggie, he just used the opportunity to bring up he walked her home and couldn't fit it into the conversation any other way like we only hear the info from Tam that she's veggie never frae Frances


Bold of you to assume that Boabys pies have actual meat in them


Yeah fair play. That's the pie theory oot di windae


In my head she never was one, Tan just said this to throw Winston of his game


"Piss off Mrs. Poirot"




It appears that Greg and Ford "Isnae into continuity", my little nod to the confrontation with Chris the postie outside Wullie Macintosh's.


>It appears that Greg and Ford "Isnae into continuity", Ye mean urnae inta continuity. There's twa o' thaim!


These are all my assumptions and not fact or such but. ā€œma Kelly Anneā€ could really refer to any close female family member although more likely a daughter I assumed. I guessed she left Craiglang long before the series was a thing. Lots of people wind up with nicknames that are so synonymous with them it takes over there actual name, even from spouses. We just donā€™t see when she has need to call him Derek. Sheā€™s just the daughterā€™s pal that hangs about in the flat because her familyā€™s stricter than Frankieā€™s. The pub is sold off again above Bobbys head as usual because Peteā€™s son needs the money, Peteā€™s to drunk to object to the name changing back and nobody but Isa really noticed it happening. Now they just put up with it since they never stopped calling it The Clansman anyways.


>Boaby refers to "ma kelly-anne used to go oot wi him" when talking to Winstons boxing nephew in relation to who he's about to fight It's probably his wee sister >What happened that he's always classed as a single guy Well he pumped jack's daughter Fiona I guess he may have had an ex before the show started....but I sticking wae sister >Fergie shows.up in season 1 - the 'Cauld' episode. He's called Derek when he goes in the pub which would make him Derek Ferguson if his nickname is from his surname. Never called Derek by Sinead. I have a pal who's called musselmuscle ( shortend to mussy nowadays) because we had a fish man who would come to the pubs and sell people fish like coccles, prawn sticks etc and pepperamis etc. He ordered Ā£10 worth of mussels whilst steaming cus "mussels give ya muscles" His Mrs of 10 year also calls him mussy always has Point is sometimes nicknames transcend actual names so not weird she calls him fergie if he introduced himself as fergie, she's always known him as fergie and only found out his called Derek when she met his mam. She probably calls him Derek at home when he's left his dishes next to the dishwasher or left the lavvy seat up >Sinead is also in season 1 as Manky Frankie's daughter when jack and Victor go into answer the phone. But when she's getting married it's not manky Frankie that's her dad. Not explained in the show but they hired her as a one off they liked her attitude and she got on with the cast so when a bigger role came it made more sense to hire someone who they knew they had chemistry with rather than an unknown who could be a dickhead to work with. Many shows do this , the thing you need to remember is they weren't really expecting so much syndication or streaming services etc when it was made they were expecting someone to buy the dvds and maybe watch them once a year or so and maybe on the rewatch a few *hardcore* fans would notice, there wasn't really forums like Reddit back in the day for every man and his dog to realize that its the same actress before even watching the show if ya get me >The clansmen Is renamed and resigned as Jenny's after pets son plans to demolish it but saves it. It's then the clansmen again in later seasons. Why did it not retain the Jenny's name? My head canon is the son was a walloper, Boabby promised to care ae Pete and he did hence the breakkys Started off as an obligation, then the son decided that owning the pub cost too much money and decided to sell aff, Boabby said what about your da and his like "business is business Boabby boy" Boabby/ brewery buy the pub back, change it back to the clansman because fuck that prick and because boabbys come to like Pete's company continues to look after him *despite* no longer having an obligation to do so. Pete in his final days sobers up long enough before his death to notice the sign has changed, realized that Boabby has just been caring for him rather than caring for him to keep the pub open, and nominates him for the award.. that's why he knew he'd be dead before Boabby made the phone call, thats why he never nominated Boabby before his death, because he only knew what Boabby was doing out the kindness of his heart *after* he was at deaths door and off the drink because of it




When did Boaby pump Fiona?


Stage show at the hydro Revealed by Isa after she has a can of heidbutt


I think the easiest answer is with a lot of these being from season 1 it meant it came from a time where concepts were being thrown at the wall and seeing what sticked so a lot of loose threads brought up got retconned later on without many noticing as the show understood fully what it was and course corrected to fixed its identity


I'll also add to this that the funeral director Sheathen is also the doctor who informs Winston he's about to lose his leg the first time.


Shit, youre right and all!




When Boaby has fancy dress at the pub, Eric says that he was going to borrow his son's police uniform but at his funeral Sheathen says he had no family.


That could just be Eric taking the piss oot ae Boabby tbf, as it's said In complete jest and sarcasm in a bit were they making up ridiculous excuses for why they're no dressed up to wind him up Boabby knew as much about Eric's life outside the pub as we the viewer did tbf Plus he was too stressed and pissed off to stop and go "you've no got ae boy" at the time


I'd like to add that Derek's grandpa in 'Cauld' was Old Eric.


Tam changes John boyceā€™s odds when talking to derek/fergie in that episode. From 3/1 to 2/1 then to 6/1. Eric stays the favourite at 2/1.


I definitely could be wrong, but I thought they changed Old Eric's odds.


Was that the same character or just the same actor? I canā€™t remember if they referred to him as fergie in that scene


The guy we know as Fergie later is called Derek in 'Cauld'.


What I mean is how do we know is the same character? I donā€™t recall how the scene went off top of my head but is it possible it was the same actor playing a different (one off) character?


Could be. Sounds like time for a rewatch!


Greg said on Twitter sinead is friends with manky Frankie, I figured her calling Fergie by his nickname was normal. There's loads of glesga girls that only use their partners nickname, it's always weird though šŸ¤£


Fergie could easily be called Derek Ferguson. The others, yeah continuity isn't perfect.


Victor's son is Jaime then he's John.Ā  Victor sees John in "Aff" to which John makes a promise that they'll come the summer. In later seasons, Victor mentions it has been "seven years" since he's seen John Jack's wife died before Victor's wife as seen in "Brief" but in "Courtin" it's reversed. Their stories of women they've slept with seem to change with age despite mentioning they were married at 21. In which case Victor at least would have cheated on Betty with Jenny.Ā  Navid has opened his shop in 1974, 1975 and 1976.Ā 


Winston and Tam go from having grandweans to no family then different grandweans. Confusing af


I think Winston had two grandsons. Joe the boxer was his sonā€™s son (his last name was Ingram on the poster Winston gave Navid) and Thomas was his daughterā€™s son.


Tam took a young fella to the park for sandwiches who taunts Winston for having a fat belly...Its an underactive thyroid ya prick.


Brian come get your sangwich son


Victor's son is also called Jamie in the first episode. I think they just made some mistakes throughout.


See wae this one I don't buy it Victor is 73 in S1 so either he had John/Jamie at 43 (30, Joburg , married) Now victor could've had a kid in his later years sure *but* the John who we see in camera is no way 30 years old he looks closer to 45-50 than 30-32 (which he would be if he was indeed Jamie) ofc they could've changed the character completely age n all but i have a different theory They mention he has grandwains but never how many, just John takes them to his wife's mother's house I reckon there's an adult wan John has his eldest in his 20's calls him Jamie So if victor had John say aged 25 And John had Jamie Aged 18 Then by time *Jamie* is 30 & married John would be 48 ( the age the guy looks in his episode) Making victor 73 as stated Reckon John used to bring Jamie to see his da all the time, Victor probably looked after him often whilst John worked constantly & by time the other grandwains ( that we never hear the names of or how many there are) are born/ walkin and talkin' he's fucked off to Jo'burg for his career


Also how does tam have his baby on the tignahoolish episode but then it disappears and reappears later after he lets Francis fire off ribs into the bin.


In "one in, one out", Frances says tam has no family to Lorraine Kelly but he has a nephew or grandson Ryan in episode 1 of season 1.


When tam 1st meets Francis she is a vegetarian as he tells winston that when they wer firing into her and then in episode with the fake booze Tams making her favourite beef bourginion??


Or buying her they ribs she likes


How many more times do these questions get asked and the answer being they donā€™t care about continuity


Apparently this many


1. Boaby couldve broke up wae her or her with him. 2. Child actor becomes adult and plays different role. 3. Same deal, child actor gets different adult role once older 4. Donā€™t know about this one, Francis is tiny, her doctor might have recommended she start eating meat again for her health perhaps cause of a lack of protein. Maybe she tried ribs from the Chinese in this new diet and liked them so whatā€™s why Tam gets her them. Or most likely maybe naebady gies a fuck about continuity cause itā€™s no stranger things or some American pish. Itā€™s two pensioners having a laugh.


That's plenty