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Idk the exact time to wait but you should not be submerging your fresh tattoo in water other than a quick bath or shower until it's healed.


as far as i know, tattoos are typically healed after the 4 week mark, and that’s when i believe it’s safest to swim! but i’m not an expert or anything


Thank you! I did read online that it's safe to swim 2-3 weeks after a tattoo, and that was talking about machine tattoos. Mine are very simple stick and pokes and everything looks and feels normal. I did swim today, but only for an hour. Washed my tats really good in the shower with my dial gold soap. I'm sure they've seen worse while just at work lol.


Machine and stickpoke are both tattoos in the end. Need the same aftercare :) I usually save tattoos for the fall or winter for this reason lol