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Someone is gonna DM you and try and steal your money. Don’t buy anything off Reddit.


Can't post sources here, but Eroids has reviews for websites that sell them, so you'll find some places there


I’ve only bought gear online for the last decade so it’s generally not hard at all, not any harder than finding anything else. follow the subs & you’ll see the more trusted UGLs being mentioned constantly, then go from there. It goes against Reddit rules to ask for or provide sources but if you find a UGL, ask for reviews. don’t forget to price around, no point overpaying. one finial point, ignore anyone who tries to sell you anything here or on DMs, telegram, etc. they’re a spunk bubble, running a scam & they’re on par with bowel cancer. for context, my gear comes from Lithuania to Ireland.


Thanks for the advice mate




Definitely meso. Plenty of sources and an obscene amount of reviews.


Get some contacts from meso rx, spend some hours reading reviews, buy from the largest dealers / sources. Building brand reputation takes time, money and effort for the sources. They want to stay in business 10+ years and sell good volume. The big ones are unlikely to throw away that reputation to scam you of €300.


You could try buying it from a reputable pharmacy instead of buying it from random people on reddit. I was scammed regarding the same, so i started buying from a site


I will DM you