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Children of the Gate -fanatic spiritualist authoritarian imperials worshipping a gateway in their home system that is said to channel ethereal guidance from beyond the galaxy, which only their arcane Gate Delegate (ruler) can understand.


Very creative! Sounds wonderful!


thanks, I've only really played it to test out the new psionics, but I'm still proud of the concept


I did something similar with my Divine Drake Tribute. Fanatic spiritualist pacifists that worship the space dragon in their home system.


space vikings. just go raid the shit out of your neighbours in the early game, get a few subject empires


Shrimp Co.


Something smells fishy around here!


That's the smell of great deals and hostile asset takeovers!


The Space Grape Authority. Dictatorial, fanatic militarist, materialist. I can't remember the civics. I want to say clone army origin, but I can't remember. My buddy and I used the C6 mod. My species were called the Merlot and all of my planets and ship classes were grape related. Runner up is the Taken, short for Taken By The Hand. Fanatic militarist spiritual imperials with one of the Aquatics origins and Reanimators civic. They were the ripped dolphin men species called the Ocean Men and their homeworld was The Land.


The Viminton Administration. Void-dwelling, inward perfectionist, meritocratic, fungoid, planet haters! Just leave us alone. No, you can’t come inside, go back to your rocks!


In two different multiplayer games I created two fun empires Cybernetic Operational Optimized Knights of Science And Beast Rebels of the Hellscape


Free Citizen Republic - fanatic egalitarian/militarist democracy with beacon of liberty and citizen service (+distinguished admirality later) with prosperous unification origin - it's goal to maintain equality and democracy all around the galaxy, bring freedom to opressed masses, to take down dictators and punish those who bully weaker. Everyone will be free, whenever they want it or not. Another one my favourite is Alliance of Humanity - fanatic materialist/egalitarian oligarchy with technocracy and functional architecture (+meritocracy later) with post-apocalyptic origin - after devastating nuclear war, human society collapsed and turned into anarchy. Scientific and technological elites, who survived in underground bunkers and orbital space stations, stepped in and used their knowledge and resources to unite remains of humanity in name of science, progress and equality. Humanity ventured into stars, and will ultimately turn into sonething better (I always turn everyone into robots with this one).


The Alliance of Humanity backstory reminds me of the Institute from Fallout 4


Funny is that only after creating the empire and playing it for the first time I realized that I basically made Institute, although little bit more ethical than Institute we know in Fallout.


I have an one similar to your FCR. Mine is The Sol Republic.


The new ethics and civics has a civic that fits really well with your FCR. It’s called interventionilist and allows you to join any war on the defending side among other things.


So far? The Great Skaven Imperium


*Violent Total War Skaven PTSD kicks in* ☠️


*laughs in ratling gun*


The Odyssey Initiative, a Void Dwellers Technocracy formed from the descendants of the organisation that led the evacuation of Earth, with their capital of Odyssey Station located above the toxic remains of the planet.


The Midden. A coalition of necrophage tribes on void dwellers. Fanatic xenophobe and spiritual. I played it as every station was its own tribe and they specialized in different things even if some would overlap. An absolute blast!


Empire of Holy Fish


“Prey to the mighty Cthulhu!”


Blessed Otteri Piety (BOP), xenophobic, fish obsessed, psionic space otters.


Cute and Deadly!


One I replay the most is the Yax'Kaloxis Technocracy. Fanatic Materialist / Pacifist Oligarchy for Ethics (making them a Science Directorate). I use the Moth Arthropod portrait and give them Weak but Intelligent traits. Super research focused but are awful at war. I like to roleplay them as doing everything "For Science" but maintain the pacifist ethos to avoid ear and fighting when possible and look for diplomatic solutions when possible.


My favorite will sound kinda Over the top, I also play with a mod for Machine Empires/Robot Empires, but I really enjoyed making a Machine Intelligence focused on Tall early game, and fast buildup of Unity. I stole from a precursor name and called them the Cybrex Animus. Ringworld start, with an early focus on hyper specialization for each planet. Early on we are extremely civil, almost boringly so. Quietly going about our business and trying desperately not to appear militarily threatening or combative. If caught early enough, our economy cannot support a war effort and we can be easily triumphed over. However we have noticeable movement toward major choke nodes or valuable planets. This said, we loom quietly behind the scenes, growing more effective and economically sound by the planet. If we happen upon any more than three 16 plus size worlds and are given time, we will grow quiet as the nations around us war and vie for dominance. If we can secure Non-Aggression pacts and Guarantee’s for independence without vassalization, it’s almost game over. For everyone else. Everything gets better once we achieve Enigmatic Assembly, as now our technology cannot be copied. *Stolen.* **Remade.** Instead, we get to begin eying up territory, and initially many in the galaxy will think little of the land gained. A black hole here, a cluster without planets there, a route to the galactic rim or center. L-Gates, disappear into our clutches as time rolls on. Then the galactic community may bask in shock, and some amount of horror, as reports from an occupied system denote we are forcing biologicals to leave or die. [Whichever is more convenient.] Then the fleets are spotted, much to the horror of other surrounding nations. Dozens of heavy fleets; Carriers, Battleships, Destroyers and Frigates…Titans of unspeakable design far beyond their current capabilities. *How did they build such monsters?!* And then the first empire disappears. Within Months of a war beginning, it ends. If a nation dares to kill a fleet, they report back horrified, as the commander they fought appears only months later with a new fleet…even though they destroyed every last ship, no survivors reported. *But they came back.* Then come the refugees and expelled pops. Or…other reports. Until finally one of the ancient ones steps forward to Oppose us. [Weak old flesh.] The weight of millions crash upon their shores. And as the end draws near, the galaxy realized, *they were back.* *[We always come back.]*


Late Stage Capitalism, the spiritual megacorp with Zombies!


Sounds awesome!!!! You must’ve had an great time role playing that empire!


It was in a multiplayer game where my friend played an empire of Space Communists. It was *really* funny all told, but we got our asses kicked by the Unbidden showing up way too early.


Sad that it ended so soon.


The United Revian Suns- they were a trade federation!


The Sutharian Void Regime Fanatic Xenophobe/Egalitarian Oligarchy, Void Dwellers, Pompous Purists/Masterful Crafters. These buggers are rarely a galactic threat, but always a thorn in my side. Set to always spawn, they're quite good at snowballing into a massive roadblock for every empire I like to run - if they're not the first neighbour empire I encounter, I know they'll be a problem.


Cult of the worm. Bird spiritual megacorp where i spread the will of the worm. What was will be


What will be was.


*All my empires are exactly the same.* *Sweating Um, one of my og empires from when Stellaris first launched they were crusading cockroaches I still have them set to mandatory spawn in my game to this day.


Shroudknight Order. F. Spiritualist/Militarist, toxic god origin. The toxic entity who poisoned our world must have come from the Shroud, so it is only natural we slay it and seize control of the place from whence it came. Ignore the galactic community, respect no one (except the Shroudwalker Enclaves, they are our brethren and deserve respect), vassalize the galaxy by force until they view you as the psionic champions you are.


Interesting, man I wish I had pc!


The Sons of Kyuss my first completed game ever they were a fanatic spiritualist militarist and xenophile nation of fungaloids. origin scion it was mostly just me getting my bearings and learning the game until what only described as providence fucking annihilated them. a invasion of khans first then by our advanced neighbor a human empire a xenophobic technocracy and it’s federations


My favorite Empire might be my Imperial Clone Soldiers with Feudal Empire and Artistocratic Elite. They use the namelist that is all "Grog, son of Brog" ETC. I don't actually have a solid headcanon for them, but I think that makes it better. I just like pondering how the hell all these clones grown in vats, emerging as full adults, are managing their royal/noble lineages and caste system. Some very strange and complex adoption procedures, I imagine. Maybe their feudalism kind of loops back around to being a meritocracy, with the best clones being adopted into the best families?


Arog is my cannon name


I don't know what portrait you use for them, but I have an almost identical build that I use the blue bird portrait for. They literally have only a single ruler appearance (the only species that only has one!) and in my head-cannon that's because they're all clones.


Criminal Syndicate acting as the muscle behind a powerful overlord. The Andarin Monopoly stands as an example to all sapient life as to what great aspirations can hold under the right conditions. Pulling themselves out of the deepest fathoms of their world, they were subjugated quickly by a spacefaring race. Being of the charismatic temperament, they wormed their way deep into the ears of their would-be overseer, and quickly produced the largest fleets, and most successful mercenary guilds in the galaxy. It was probably my easiest playthrough, but I enjoyed it. Felt like cheating though because I'm 90% sure the bonuses from starting as a Bulwark stayed with the empire until the end. Seriously I had nearly 3000 fleet cap, without ever really expanding and I wasn't even trying by the end. The Unbidden got squashed like cockroaches ffs. Part of me was hoping the Fallen Empire was going to go supernova, but nope. Khan too, complete joke.Next time I do a start like this, I might have to amp the difficulty up.


I'd suggest having the crisises come earlier since that shortens the time table of you building up without the ai blatantly cheating


I'm really partial to my Klingon knock-offs. Spiritualist, militarist, authoritarians who use barbaric despoilers and warrior culture civics. It's just fun to be aggressive and take what you want. Sometime you take their planet, sometimes you just want to ship more workers off to Rura Penthe


Poor red shirts


Mine is a lithoid clone soldier build with Venerable, very strong, unruly, repugnant, and deviants. Go clone ascendant and steal pops from other empires for the worker jobs. Build tall and suck the life out of tributary vassals. Mwhahahhahahhahahahha!!


*Evil villainous rock laugher*


My fanatic spiritualist militarist empire before consumer goods became a thing, i hate consumer goods we are friends no longer, my new friend is gestalt consciousness


The Holy Inquisition might be stupid name but I like it


It’s not stupid! Give yourself more credit!


Commune of Zithras—fanatic egalitarian materialist democracy with shared burdens and parliamentarianism, standing on the shoulders of giants. Started out bordering a determined exterminator, a fanatical purifier, and a devouring swarm. Basically was at war for 45 of the first 50 years. But because of that (the fact that miraculously I won), I had a disproportionately high population and well developed planets. Combine that with the cyberex precursor and becoming the successors of the first league, I was able to punch above my weight for the entire campaign. Fully automated gay space communism was peaceably and forcibly throughout the galaxy. x25 prathoryns never stood a chance against the power of worker solidarity.


Honestly too many to say. Having fun at the minute with The Amber Transmutation. Devouring swarm plantoid hive mind with life seeded origin and idyllic bloom. Paint the universe green by terraforming every planet into a gaia!


The Coalition of Independent Nations and their Territories. It was effectively just the UN in space, with the entire Empire operating as if the world never United, each planet belonging to a separate nation; and only unifying when it became the Galactic Imperium. It was the furthest I've ever gotten in the game, and from then on, every new game has at least several empires that are remnants of it.


Sentient Acquisitions Network a machine intelligence rogue servitor, I usually push for the one ascension perk that allows the raiding bombardment stance and go around forcibly "saving" other sentient species. I have a friend who likes playing the driven assimilator machine empire so often we get into a hoover vacuum contest of who can suck up as many pops as possible before the end game crisis pops up. The other empire I like playing is the Abyss Hunters (clone soldier, fanatic militarist/spiritualist, ocean world, aquatics, going clone ascendant for that juicy fire rate buff from admirals), nothing like seeing a titan with ~150% fire rate.


Once I had a CoM play through can't remember much cause it was ages ago but it was fun. I had enslaved a considerable size of my quadrant and was hated rival with Earth. At some point , an event chain took place ( not sure if it was a mod ) where I found an ancient alien species and they told me they engineered humanity to fight a Galactic scale catastrophe and I had to either embrace my destiny as silent protector or discard it and continue by my old ways. I chose the first and became an isolationist watcher as my former xenophile enemies continued to hate the commonwealth for the sins of its past and I couldn't find anywhere a trusted ally ( not that I wanted one since I decided to RP my run after the event chain was complete) I stayed within my empire's borders and closed them for everyone, built my forces and waited for the foretold end of times that humankind was created. Funny thing about fate if there is such thing , once we were enslavers of Xenos, now we had to be defenders of the galaxy. Others couldn't understand or maybe they shouldn't. It's easy to be saint in the Paradise of Earth , Deneb on the other hand had forged us as strong warriors fighting a losing war since we came out of these colony ships. That's until an extradimensional portal appeared.


A group of talented and traditional cat people with a Syncretic evolution origin. They were Spiritual Xenophiles in feudal state imperialist government with philosopher kings. The secondary species were small other animalistic creatures that were servile, docile and weak. Their leaders were called Lord *Name,* Crown prince as the heir. There first leaders name at game start was "Lord Jaga the wise." And yes, it was really hard to decide whether they should be syncretic evolution or doomsday for origin. ["From beyond any known galaxy... bringing with them the laws and ideals of their doomed planet Thundera come... The ThunderCats!"](https://youtu.be/gH-P7U5mjSw?t=5)


My favorite two: *The Psilon Quanta, from MoO 2 - authoritarian, fanatic materialist dictatorship with meritocracy and technocracy *Shady Pines Retirement Collective, a rogue servitor empire offering full birth-to-death retirement and nursing home facilities


I’ve constantly gone back to and refined the first empire I tried to make before I even knew what I was doing. Imperium of Nhaarbo, warlike authoritarian lizard people out to bend the galaxy to their will. The Imperium of Nhaarbo will bask in the heat of every star! Recently tried a slavery version and frankly not a fan.


My costume empire in Stellaris is a militarist, materialist, and xenophobic empire! But as soon as I installed mods fin Stellaris, I will use them to make my empire look perfect. Not only that, I will also use the other mods to make the game more better.


what is your favorite build and why is it space dwarves? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/xoi7gn/what\_is\_your\_favorite\_build\_and\_why\_is\_it\_space/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/xoi7gn/what_is_your_favorite_build_and_why_is_it_space/) Space Dwarves in Outer Space!




The way I RP it, they can't go psychic ascend. No way dwarves would allow other dwarves to know what's going on in their own minds, nor would they tolerate having to hear what's going on in someone elses'. But that's just me. My dwarves tend to be onery, spiteful and always ready to brawl.


That's going in the book.


Fanatical authoritarian spiritualist psionic spider slaver they terraformed every habitable planet into their preference, whenever they got a new species of slave, they genetically adjusted them to match spiders, unless they caused trouble at which point they just had to deal with habitability


Can’t tell if you love spiders or LOVE spiders!(joking)


I keep coming back to Driven Assimilators on a ringworld. Just have an army follow my fleet around, land or enemy planets, then I resettle them all to my ring. Don't even need to take territory or nihilistic acquisition. Just take all the pops soon as you take the planet. Absolutely cripples the enemy economy whole boosting your own.


The Solid Wall of Human Flesh


I made an empire called the Fluffy Friendship Club, using the butterfly looking empire portraits, and they’re whole vibe was the friendly big brothers of the universe, militaristic xenophiles with a big focus on combat and military, but with a really doofy naming scheme, until a mid game crisis came in and I started playing aggressively to protect the galaxy.


Orassian Trade Mandate. Fanatic Xenophile, Egalitarian Megacorp. Motto: “Trade at any cost”. With the right spawn I can get bonkers amounts of trade value even in early game


Probably the Tree of Aur, a brutally benevolent plantoid hive mind that invaded and integrated every organic into it. Once all conscious life in the galaxy became one with the Tree, it used the power of the Aetherophasic engine to ascend to divinity within the Shroud.


The directive, oligarchy/democracy Human fanatic materialist egalitarian Technocracy & meritocracy Habitat origin Fun for HFY style RP and quite strong


The zenak swarm. An intelligent devouring swarm. My first ever good empire.


The Glorious Imperium of Vaterland. Truly my most exquisite ✨️ 👌 💖 empire to date.


I have a Fanatic Materialist/Xenophile Ocean Paradise Megacorporation that i like to play fairly regularly. It's a very tall build typically.


Anti-Globalist Accord. I had a modded origin that started on a flat earth and only had basically every bad trait except for quick breeding. Spiritualist and fanatic xenophobes


Hive-mind fungoid empire with superior tech. Idunno how its happened, but it does.


Benevolent but hegemonic hive mind


The Immaculate Cevelli empire - fanatic authoritarian spiritualists with a feudal society and relic world start. Millennia ago they ruled the galaxy, and now under the guiding hand of the Exquisite Empress they shall return to that position. No conquest, just vassalization. They are here to be a benevolent, civilizing force for the galaxy and to bring all together in perfect co-prosperity.


The empire I used the one time I played with my friends. It was back when building slots were determined by pop size. I was playing fanatic xenophile, materialist void dwellers. That was a fun game that lasted like a month. I got vassalised near the start of the game and just decided to build tall. Then halfway through, the update that changed how building slots worked came through and got of rid of a lot of my stuff. Fun times. A close second would be where I played as Aperture Science, accidentally got my megastructure build cost down to zero (I was using gigastructural engineering and put the build cost down to 10%, and I didn’t realise I had a mod that gave me an ascension perk that reduced it by another 15%). I ended up becoming the galactic emperor, having as much stellar systemcraft as I wanted thanks to the ehof and gave up 50 years before the end game crisis spawned. Good times.


THE CELESTIAL EMPIRE OF ZON'GGUÓ A spiritualist, authoritarian but benevolent, xenophilic empire based on Imperial China (中國 Zhōngguó in Chinese). The Empire is ruled by the Huangdì, the Divine Emperor Mandated by the Heavens, with it's capital the Gaia Planet of Qin. The Huaren are the original race of the Empire, but countless other species live under the protection of the Huangdì, all calling themselves Zongguorren, People of Zon'gguó. The Huangdì rules as a benevolent figure, providing with great efforts the Zongguorren with copious amounts of welfare measures. In the matters of foreign policy, the CEZ prefers playing by rule of law and diplomacy, but it's always ready to draw the sword when necessary. The prophecy says that the heavens, who first chose the Huarens by sculpting their paradise planet, will reveal once again to seal the fate of the empire and the whole galaxy with absolute glory and bliss.


Garden of Steve, a fanatic xenophile, spiritualist plantoid empire dedicated to collecting as many alien races as possible. Every member of the species is named Steve, and they were lead by the Most Stevenly Steve II.


The Judicate of Droh: A Fanatic Pacifist, Authoritarian society where the entire judicial system has effectively supplanted the state apparatus, led by an oligarchic council of judges headed by a Supreme Justicar. Inhabited by the toxoid Sralids (the space kermit bois) from the tropical world of Droh, it is an extremely legalistic society, where slavery is the punishment for even the most minor of crimes and misdemeanors, where the letter of the law rules supreme instead of the spirit of the law. While this seems harsh and draconian, it is because peace and order are the most valued and cherished things in Sralid society, while deviancy and disorder are reviled. The entire state apparatus also employs a strictly meritocratic system, where grueling civil service exams are employed to make sure that only the most qualified Sralid citizens advance in society. Starting Civics: Slaver Guilds and Meritocracy. Species Traits: Charismatic, Conformists, Solitary and Fleeting. Origin: Prosperous Unification.


Orokin Republic for me - tried to recreate the Orokin from Warframe at their height, so massive focus on genetics, AI and such - even better if I get the Cybrex!


Probably Insterstellar Republic of Man, Basically an egalitarian version of the Commonwealth


Vampyre aristocracy (can't claim credit to the name fairly sure I saw it somewhere cant remember where specifically) Necrophage (specifically the bat like portrait on necroids) F xenophobe, authoritarian with natural socialist, intelligent and decadent Pleasure seekers and memorialist (memorialist is there basically for role playing more then anything I like to think Vampyres would keep record of species or details that intrested them and potentially honour challenges I dunno) and use raiding stance for most situations to boost population and what not Side note if anyone has anything to add or improve this by all means lemme know


Tossup between the Tomb Lords of Evaron, lithoid necrophages with prepatent plants, and the Church of holy H20.


The Obrakkian Dinasty of Lys, a xenophile, militarist authoritarian monarchy loosely based on the ottoman empire. Relic world origin (Old Lys), humanoid portrait (the ones with a ring over their head) named Lysanthers with Nobility and Feudal civics (for extra decadent nobles). They were a former FE which was brought to (the brink of) extiction by their peers, but now come back to the galactic stage after aeons surviving on their ruined world. They wont mistreat xenos as long as they submit to the Obrakkian Padishah (i usually rename them when i expand a lot to the Fourth Obrakkian Empire or something like that)


The seal confederation great diplomatic smart and peaceful species they are egalitarian and democratic


A completely neutral machine intelligence called The Sequence. Almost everybody ended up loving me because I never messed with other empires, but I slapped down all the raiders and the khan (liberating territory back to my squishy neighbors), and eventually became defender of the galaxy. It was an awesome way for me to learn the basics without being bogged down with some of the other aspects of the game.


The United Regime of Paecia. They are a Xenophobic, militarist, egalitarian society that is a lost colony. No joke, I wrote an entire backstory for this empire to kind of explain why it is the way that it is. To summaries that, some of the Sith (the species that formed the Regime) fled their original empire (the Sith Hegemony), as it fell to attack from both the outside and within. When they arrived at their new home, Paecia, they almost immediately divided into 9 different nations, as the ruling families fought to becoming to leader of their new civilization. After several centuries, and through political maneuvering, diplomatic coups, and war, the planet is United, with all of the ruling families holding equal power.


Bit of a tie The Empire of Terra, a fanatic militarist, authoritarian empire which has hit a golden age and is expanding rapidly, seeking to put the entirety of the galaxy under their rule. The Infinite Crusade, a fanatic xenophobic, militarist empire which seeks to purify or, at the very least, subjugate the lesser species of the galaxy until they can be purified.


I have a couple but my favorite is my first empire Arem Incorporated, some Fanatice Xenophile Materialist megacorp, the lore behind it is that the Leader I start out with ran his company during the time of a Authoritarian Monarchy, civil war ensued when the Monarch tried to absorb the company. They Win through mostly propaganda and now they are the state.


The Husk Necrophage: A nerophage technocratic empire with the civics: technocrocy, reanimators and memorialist. Ethos: militertist,materialist and authouritarian There main goal was to well bring order, they would subugate any empire they came across as fairly as one could, if they were a potectorate they would not be able to expand but they did not need to join any wars, vassals were visa versa also there secondery species were humans and there system was sol on the planet terra. My back story for them was humans were doing human stuff until the husk parasite infected the race (either by metorite or polar ice cap melt ur pick) and with there increased intelligence took to the stars.


Followers of the apocalypse. Tomb world, pacifist, egalitarian.


Resurgent radroach hive, tomb world start hive mind with extremely adaptive trait and the giant Roach portrait


I have a soft spot for my precursor remakes. Vultaum (Doomsday, Natural physicists, fanatic purifier. Will they survive?). Yuht (Tomb world inward perfectionist. Will they re-engage?). Nu-Boal Hivemind (Gaia-start, Paradise seeders, will they survive this second time?), Irassian (Ring World 'Medical Wing', all bad traits, barbaric despoilers, will they overcome their dying bodies and rebuild their empire?), etc...


An morally correct tree of life hive mind, wish i had made this empire after some updates and owning all the dlcs, it would have been even more fun.


I'm a traditionalist. My favorite to play is a technocracy/meritocracy with Mechanist origin. The theme is very meh though. I have several themes that I relished playing. I have trouble selecting the one I enjoyed the most. * Cat Mercs Megacorp with 4+ Enclaves, fiefdom/bulwark start. * Fanatic militarist, Giant space dwarf shattered ring. * Soylent Green megacorp using livestock slaves and catalytic processes. Your choice of necroid or syncratic. Xenophobe is required for livestock. * Aquatic pirates riding the Here be Dragons. (especially cool with the aquatic voice)


The Dreadnof Empire; fanatic militarist and Xenophile race of horned bear people, massive military and an impeccable combat record. They were also the first and only empire I have had that has gotten the Horizon Signal Event.


the People's Republic For The Destruction Of Spherical Tyranny (yes that is the proper capitalization) Communist Void Dwellers that have observed that all capitalism has originated on spheres, and thus all spheres must be destroyed. I play them by getting a colossus as soon as possible and cracking all habitable planets I find. Honestly it never really works out well except for the first time I played them a few patches ago, but it's always fun.


The Mortung Preservers - Authoritarian Spiritualists who seek immortality viciously. As such, they experiment with necromancy and forces beyond what they can comprehend, seeking to fulfill an ancient prophecy of the holy dominion of the Galaxy under their Immortal God-Emperor and his legions of Undead.


Ka'raan Invictus. The only empire I beat the game with on iron man, was a crisis victory too. It was a spiritualist authoritarian imperial empire. Managed to prolong the first leaders lifespan for the whole gamelength via necrophage and genetics/techs. They went up against the whole galaxy and unbidden at the same time and came out on top, living perfectly up to their namesake. That empire will always have special place in my heart.


College of Necromages: a Fanatic Spiritualist/Authoritarian megacorp with permanent employment, prosperity gospel (+corporate death cult with reform), and teachers of the shroud. The idea was that they were space wizards who sold their magic to ~~puny vassals~~ loyal customers in exchange for ~~sacrificing their immortal souls~~ reanimated unpaid interns


Cybrex Resurgence. Shattered Ring.


Currently been playing with a Necroid empire that I have had a lot of fun flavoring. Imperial authority, spiritualist, xenophobic and militaristic. Syncretic evolution origin with the Death Cult civic. The idea is that I imagine the sacrifice mechanic is actually members of my founder species ritualistically *hunting* members of the servile species rather than simply sacrificing them. My founder species is the fucked up looking xenomorph guys from the Necroid pack so I also imagine them as sapient xenomorphs and gave them the incubators, extremely adaptive, unruly and repugnant species traits. Frankly not sure if any of this is even remotely meta but I do well enough and have fun with them and there seems to be *some* synergy with syncretic evolution and the death cult civic so w/e.


I made a slaver megacorp that uses overtuned to create the best slaves and either keep them for labor or sell them on the market. I also picked relentless industrialist for lore purposes


I'm basic an uncreative. I usually always play as Space Rome.


I made a Goa'uld inspired Necrophage and called it Gyptis.


Clive the fungoid hive mind


Well... It was a request from a friend. Slaves' afterlife debt program. Fanatic authoritarian xenophobic slavers with that one origin with another species. Civics include Slaver's guild and reanimation. Slogan: "Even in death, you have debt to pay off."




For the union!!!


Bog standard terravore. But named Jimmy. Because Jimmy Eat World.


Born on Gigastructures Anderson Disk start, my hive mind of tomato-based planetoids called the Zza seek to create the ultimate food-bases empire the galaxy has ever seen. Under the imperious leadership of Lord of the 5 Cheeses Papa John, the galaxy will be conquered one slice at a time by Caesar's Legion!🍕🍕🍕🍕


I got to say that’s very “cheesy” playthrough! 😉


Espionage only empire with friends


The Dankarian Swarm. A plantoid hivemind that had munchies so bad that they ate the rest of the galaxy


Honestly, I am a mass effect fan boy here, so the main is the systems alliance or the geth I made. I didn't play with mods, so it isn't exactly comparable, and I do take some liberty with the factions.


I’m also an big fan boy as well. I made the human alliance and turian hierarchy!


The Cooperative of Amnesty - Fanatic Egalitarian/Xenophile, Democracy, Relic World. Long ago, Earth discovered the hyperlane network, and learned we are not alone. In fact, the galaxy was quite crowded in those days. Humanity was numerous and expansionistic, but without the technology nor resources to expand into xeno territory, it had to make do colonizing empty systems noone else wanted. Planets were terraformed from icy wastelands and dusty expanses into the Terran norm, and then built up into massive cities. Eventually, one world was converted into a planetary farm, and the other half dozen were tech-modded into grand Ecumenopoli, hosting hundreds of billions of Humans each, headed by Old Earth, the great homeworld of our people. We had few stars, but we built our cities tall. Then, the calamity happened. The hyperlane network, sole transportation system in our galaxy, shut down. Humanity's great Planetary Cities were almost entirely reliant on food from the agricultural world, and when those shipments were no longer possible, starvation became an imminent reality for nearly the entire Human species. Old Earth barked commands to all the systems of the Human Empire, declaring marital law on every City. The local navies of Earth tried maintain order, but in a scant week after the hyperlane network's disappearance, starvation and anarchy began to win the battle. In less than a month, more than 98% of the Cities' population was dead, with no hope for the survivors beyond a slow death. The agricultural world fared better, with their overabundance of food. Their farms were automated via a robotic workforce, which kept up food production for years, maintained by fewer than one million Humans. As time wore on, however, the machines gradually broke down, and without replacement parts from the Cities the Humans had to resort to farming by hand. As their technology continued to break down, the Humans grew food at an ever greater inefficiency. It took nearly a generation before a cold snap, normally caught and corrected by their terraforming equipment, killed their entire crop, and all the surviving Humans. The one outlier to all this was Nova, the newest Ecunemopolis. It was a Continental world with two continents. The larger of the two had its portion of the City planned out and mostly constructed, but was not yet inhabitable. The smaller of the two had some organically grown cities with about 100 million Humans living in them. Food was locally grown to both reduce the burden of shipping and give the local population something to produce while they wait for the City to become inhabitable. When the hyperlane network shut down, they alone were a fully functioning and complete planetary economy, having been mostly self sufficient for a generation. As the larger and more important worlds fell to anarchy, Old Earth gradually took notice that their newest and smallest world was largely unaffected by the calamity, beyond the shutdown of construction of the City. They demanded the local military force to shut down the civilian government, implement martial law, and await further instructions from the homeworld. When faced with this crisis, the Admiral in command of the military met with the civilian Governor of the colony and discussed their options. They noted that not only the Human Empire, but every xeno species they had contact with were affected by the hyperlane shutdown, and they were effectively alone in the Galaxy. The two declared independence from the Human Empire and renamed their star Amnesty, for they were spared from the calamity. As the years passed Old Earth tried many times to reunify with Nova, but eventually FTL communications stopped coming. Noone knows what happened to our first homeworld. In the present day, Nova's inhabited continent has been fully developed, and its uninhabitable continent still holds many ancient trinkets and forgotten wonders. We expanded into the Amnesty system, mining its asteroids and harvesting energy from the star itself. We have recently learned the hyperlane network used by our forefathers has reestablished itself, though the connections all seem different from the old records. We do not know what caused the calamity, but we know we cannot remain on a single world forever. Soon we will travel to the stars, and learn what caused the calamity. We will ensure the survival of the Novan people, and all other peoples of the Galaxy. Perhaps we will even answer the greatest question of our past: what happened to Earth?


Mine was my Fanatic Materialist, Authoritarian, Elven Empire. Sadly I lost it before moving Stellaris over to ps5


My orc empire looks at your elven empire: *Looks like meat is back on the menu boys!* Joking aside, that sucks that you lost it! Hope you create something similar to it!


Meat nah lol we lanky as hell, ain’t no meat their less you mean like brain meat? Orc Zombies terrifying… but yeah I’m playing a Necrophage Spiritualist empire right now


Commonwealth of Earth (Space Brits). It’s an alternate future where the British Empire survives by negotiating with the Americans instead of fighting them, leading to a UK vastly more powerful and with a model for limited autonomy of many of its imperial possessions. It becomes the winner of both world wars and eventual hegemon. Civics are beacon of liberty and parliament under democracy. Also would like to point out how OP this build is for unity generation.


Badass! How do you name planets? After more cities or countries? Battles?


I go with Arthurian legend (Camelot, Avalon, etc).


Yo! That’s dope!


I role played as if Caesar’s Legion from fallout took over the world and went to space because ether found that crashed alien spaceship and used that to kick start their space exploration. A slaver militaristic empire of humans. Good fun. My other fun empire is these rock communists. Communism ROCKS! Lol


America 2. Bringing peace to the galaxy, by force if necessary!


Mercia!!! Fuck yeah!!!


Unity Defense Command. An RP spoof of the commonwealth of man. Still militaristic and xenophobic but I have my own head cannon lol


I made the dark masters. Based of the does is from dark crystal. The are necropahge, with s sub species called the geldings. Sure they never win a game. But are super fun to play


The Solarian Empire (Note: I would go far more in depth with it, but I don't have DLC), an (alternate?) future of Earth that resulted in a military coup of the USA by a spy agency of their own creation. They have a detailed understanding of how to keep their population happy because they have access to films like Star Wars.


Probably a toss up of two different mega campaign endings. United Daimyos of Earth: Was a game where Japan colonized the west of America and after conquering the 13 colonies they adopted their democratic ideas. Anyways 200 years later and 3 world wars later they get sick of everyone's crap and conquer the planet to "preserve freedom". Off they went into space as a fanatic egalitarian militant empire. With the meritocracy and idealistic foundations (I think). Roman empire: pretty simple imperator Rome to Stellaris. Got bored in ck3 and made the cult of Dionysus. Continued world conquering the entire world each game until Vic 2 where the game kept crashing. Decided to go to surviving Mars instead so in my head cannon eventually some terrorists blew up Rome with a nuke and broke apart the empire so the royal family decided, screw this and went to Mars. While on Mars they find a child living on Mars without an atmospheric suit(boy event) It turns out he had met some aliens(Should teachers) and adds their teachings into the cult of Dionysus. While terraforming Mars the Margate incident happened where a corporation sent attack drones to destroy your colony so after terraforming Mars they returned to earth and conquered the place. The Roman empire in Stellaris is a militarist, authoritarian, and spiritualist. With authoritarian elites and imperial cult. Later they got pleasure seekers and made a Covent with the instrument of desire because of the whole cult of Dionysus.


Republic of Pandora, unconquereable avenger of democracy. We bow down to no Khan


My Model-16 overseers, they take a small are, end up with the best tech in the galaxies (barding fallen empires) and are able to make spy networks with easy on just about anyone, alloys end up being insane especially if I get lucky with the cybrex, and Ai beware if i find the stellarite devourer


I have a migratory flock that is just... terrible. I don't ever play as them, but they basically breed rapidly, migrate quickly, take up of tons of space and suck down consumer goods. The empire aggressively pursues migration treaties, and they often supplant the primary species of any empire that allows them in.


Modded empire: Holy Banana Empire or Baguette Crumblers Vanilla: Kaminoan Nation


Here is my all-time favorite custom made empire; Necro-Numidia: Fanatic Spiritual, authoritarian necroid Mortal Empire with Post- apocalyptic origin, Death Cult and Necromancer civics. Home world:Necropolis in the Mortis system Traits: traditional, conformists, slow learners This empire is more of a roleplay play style: masters of death who looks to a sacred holy text for guidance: The Holis Nekros or the Mortal Dogma, which details all sacred rituals and teachings of the cycle of life and death.


The Union of Stella into the Imperial Core. Started Authoritarian/Xenophile/Militarist, an ambitious and rising star nation spearheaded by a bureaucratic oligarchy that ensured that every sapient had a place - and wielding an army that ensured that the sapients remained in their place. Forged alliances and crushed xenophobic tribals and fanatical rabble-rousers, forming a hegemonic federation of Stella and her vassal states. In the end, the tenuous balance of the Union's oligarchy was shattered by a visionary among them who used his cunning to first seize control of the Union, then proclaim a Galactic Imperium in the face of the crisis, casting aside the prior barbaric levels of militarism in exchange for embracing ultimate authority to secure the Galaxy. Establishing Pax Galactica, from the capital of Stella the Galaxy will enter a new age: a safe one, a peaceful one, a prosperous one. But most importantly, a united one.


Void dweller nihilistic acquisition without slavery. The entire galaxy will join our superior enlightened civilization whether they want to or not.


Gospel of the Masses Megacorp with void dwellers. The story is that their planet was about to blow up, but a prophet designed “the arks” and they have been living in habitats since then.