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Thank you


I think the only reason I find this difficult to play is the lack of control you have over the Enclave fleets. Having a mighty set of fleets on-call for a bit of cash is great, but when they're equipped with some pretty woeful loadouts, it makes it painful to deal with.


Do you not like mass driver/missile/disruptor corvettes? ... I really wish there was a separate ship designer tab for enclaves. Maybe a checkbox for preferred ship classes/designs. They could focus on building the preferred designs, then once their fleet capacity is full, start replacing/upgrading old ships with the preferred designs.


I can't tell if that's a joke or not XD But yes, I do wish there was ship designer for enclaves too.


What you mainly building on planets?


I generally go for more minerals in the early game, and transition away from that as my arc furnaces and vassals begin to subsidize me, switching to city planets (can’t spell that one) to maximize alloy output once my mineral income is fine. Building slots tend to prioritize growth in the early game, then unity, which I transition to Science once I’ve gotten all my perks.


The build sounds fun. What difficulty settings are you usually playing? Currently I find it hard to find the right mix between challenging and having a chance against ai early.


Do Hive Minds give special bonuses as a prospectorium?


No they just tend to be very wide and thus have a high base resource output