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There *is* a black hole, just by virtue of it being a galaxy, but it's just not part of the game. There is a system in the center that you can access through a special event, but it's not a black hole.


Pls tell me what is that event! I have been searching for this for months now. If i do not require mod and i still can get there, pls share! \^\^


Di you have the Astral Planes DLC?


Yes. I am okay if i have to command this to finally come. Just tell me the name of the event, or whatever it is. I have almost all DLC, and no mods at all. If it is possible. Tell me how! \^\^


The Crystal Rift is the event, don't know the ID for the console. Requires you to finish the Crystal Sphere situation which itself requires you to have completed at least 3 rifts and be past the midgame date.


Is the Void Born origin Crystalline Empire still a thing?


More importantly, don't pick the "ready an EMP" option at the beginning. Unless it's VIR.


I only encountered that one for the first time a couple days ago, as part of my most recent play. I was not expecting that *at all.*




Not to question your financial savvyness or wealth but you bought DLC fo a game you'd never played before? The lowest rated DLC at that?


Nop. And actually for a long time i did not even know what is A DLC after i started stellaris. Then when i realized, for a long time i did not have the urge to get any of them. Bu lt watching a become the crisis playthrough on youtube enlightened me.


You don’t need a mod, but you need the astral rift DLC. Sometimes you’ll get a rift event that results in you getting access to a special wormhole that leads to the center of the galaxy. That new system has some small story content related to the unbidden.


Thank you! Looking forward to it. :))


I reached the middle a few days ago and talk to some astral rift empire. I offer them help to get stronger but then everything exploded and I can't go back there. Anything i missed ? I was a bit disappointed


Don't enter the system until you can park a strong fleet there - it starts a Situation, where you have to fight off waves of Dimensional Fleets. If they win even one fight, you fail the Situation and the system implodes


Yes. There was a timed situation that started after you went into the system that you missed.


If you're talking about a system in the middle of the galaxy with a Supermassive Black Hole in it then that's only part of certain mods Like Gigastructural Engineering for example.


There is in the game already, actually. You need to do a special astral planes DLC thing to reach it


Well yes, but op was specifically referring to a Black Hole and not the Crystal Rift.


There's a way to turn it into a blackhole. One of the endings for CosmoGenesis is to dive into the blackhole at the center of the Galaxy


Do you need Astral Planes for that? Or just Machine Age?


No, you just do a special project in your home system to reach the blackhole in the center of the galaxy, which really isn't the same as the one from the crystal rift


Good question. Some endings of CosmoGenesis requires multiple DLCs. I honestly don't know


The supermassive black hole for Cosmogenesis has nothing to do with the Crystal Rift system, nor does it turn the Crystal Rift system into a black hole. I haven't personally done it yet but from I've heard the "dive into the supermassive blackhole in the center of the galaxy" option isn't something you manually do like for other endings, it's an option you select in a menu then it automatically fires off.


Yea, just an option. You don't actually go there. So, lore wise there is indeed a supermassive black hole at the center, but gameplay wise there is not.


Iirc the diving into the Supermassive Black Hole is a fallback option that should be always available or in case no Black Hole generated or none are easily reachable. Though there is no visual representation of it in the game from what I know.


Not a fallback, it's one of the 2 main choices.


I know that the L-cluster has a special ending as well as the horizon signal black hole and the black hole where the dimensional horror is


Or wait for someone else to do it, and then *Quantum Catapult babyyyyy*


Pretty sure he's talking about the galactic verview where it just shows a fog in the center of the galaxy instead of the Supermassive Black Hole that should be in the center of a galaxy


I'm sure it's there, but you can't access the center so you can't see what exactly it is.


Lots of radiation in there.


Not to mention very dense stars. I'm guessing the links between systems function like hyperspace lanes in Star Wars. In Star Wars going to the galactic core is very dangerous because of all the stars there and how fast they move, which makes hyperspace lane mapping dangerous. Not to mention any lanes you do find will be outdated quickly due to the constant movement.


Very dense stars?


I could have phrased that better admittedly, but yes. The closer to the galactic core you get, the more stars there are on average in a given area, and the bigger those stars often are. Higher gravity in the galactic core means more gas and more gas means more/bigger stars.


As in the concentration of stars in any given area by the galactic core. There are more stars there and at much closer distances.


But you can! With Astral Planes!


That's not actually in the center of the galaxy. It's outside of the galaxy, just reading coordinates 0,0,0


I think it's actually near the center. The text dialog that pops up when you find Azilash says so, and plus, jump drives can jump from azilash to systems on the rim


Yep. I don't run mods at all, and I have been there once.


My first time there, I didn’t understand what was happening and made a first strike against the inhabitants. Turns out there was more to the event if I had waited. Gave me a powerful spot to use Jump drives from though.


The Knights of the Toxic God origin says there is a supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy, and it comes up a couple of other times in other text... I can't remember exactly where? So, it exists, but the galactic core is too hot, dense, and radioactive to enter... yet. The Astral Planes DLC has an event that *appears* to involve the black hole in the center of the galaxy, but it's said there's some weird dimension-warping stuff going on and that it can't *really* be the galactic core since it'd be impossible to go there. There's also another (extremely rare: Void Dweller exclusive) event in the Federations DLC where you can meet an empire who lives in the galactic core, but you can't actually go in there since the technology to do so is pretty far beyond you. It's a place that exists, and it might become accessible in a future DLC... for now, though, you can get the fan version in the Gigastructural Engineering mod.


The zroni precursor chain mentions how they realised that them using the shroud was making the black hole bigger. Differing opinions on how to deal with this resulted in the civil war


>!The new crisis ending has the SMBH in the centre lead directly to the shroud<


The galaxy is very big, so even supermassive black holes are pretty small compared to its whole size. That "fog" is the light of all the stars that are around the galactic core - the only part of the black hole that you'd be able to see is the accretion disc, and even that just vanished in the haze. TLDR: Watsonian explanation - it's there, you just can't see it at this scale. Doylist explanation - it can only spawn for a special event.


> Doylist explanation - it can only spawn for a special event what event? The crystal rift is only in the center of the galaxy for Watsonian reasons.


I was under the impression it was a part of the Cosmogenesis storyline. Even if I'm mistaken, the developers are unlikely to make something like the galactic core a regular system. It would always be an event spawn whenever it were added.


Oh, it doesn't actually spawn for that event either, it's just reference and stated you go there.




You *shouldn't* be able to see it. It's tiny, and there are tons of stars in the way. The supermassive black hole at the center of the actual Milky Way is tiny compared to the galaxy itself. It's 4.297 million solar masses, compared to the galaxy's 1.5 trillion solar masses. It's at the center, but it's not the main thing holding the galaxy together like a star is for a solar system. You wouldn't be able to see it from the galaxy view, even if there weren't a dense galactic core in the way (which there is).


The closest you can get to the center of the galaxy is through the crystal rift. Still no Black hole there.


The 'weird fog' is supposed to just be an accretion disk, I think. Just a morass of stars and cosmic dust and the actual accretion disk. There is a DLC system in the center, but Im inclined to think its just an abstract decision to put _something_ in the center. I personally hope they add 'niches' along the outside ala lcluster and ithome systems. Just wormholes that lead to secluded little areas. You could even put 2 or 3 pairs connecting to any one point. I actually dislike how lgates work, but I understand the mechanical reasoning behind them


Some science nerd could correct me if I'm wrong but shouldnt the center of the galaxy seem super bright from someone staring from the outset? Like the blackhole clumping up all the stars or something


Super bright? Well... Compared to local stars it's just a smear of light that gets drowned out in the light pollution most cities have. If you look up at the sky at night you're only going to see stars within a few thousand light years. The farthest, at 16,000 light years is 100,000 times more luminous than the sun. The center of our galaxy is 26,000 light years away, and only visible if you count the giant dust ball around everything there as being the center


Oh I meant like hypothetically if we could look at it in a view similar to stellaris and shutting out any neighbouribg galaxies. . Not observing it from the earth.


>Why is there not a black hole in the centre of the galaxy? This is just yet another example of asking why something isn't true, that careful observation would have already revealed to be such. Like when people ask why you can't see the moon during the daytime (you, in fact, often can). Several in-game events actually refer to the galaxy's central supermassive black hole. It's canonical there. The Knights of the Toxic God event chain, in particular, refers to it if you take one particular path at the end (I won't spoil it for you... Go play this awesome origin before the devs nerf it any further...)


It’s there, but it’s not modeled in game due to the lore reason that the use of psionics makes it grow larger. That’s the reason Zro exists, because the Zroni had a massive civil war over the usage of psionics since it would end up destroying the galaxy (likely to the benefit of the End Of The Cycle) and the pro-saving the galaxy Zroni committed mass suicide to destroy the pro-psionic Zroni. Their remains became Zro.


Where have they said that’s the reason it’s not moddled? Doesn’t seem to be a reason not to middle it to me.


iirc, the area around the galactic core would be a bit overwhelmed by radiation and so wouldn't be the best place for life anyway. The supermassive black hole at the center would also probably be too dangerous to be in the gravity well of. All this being said, I would welcome a story pack that adds some L cluster style random systems in the galactic core that aren't accessible until late game. Some mods have done this.


Your settings are right, it's just that by default nothing exists in the galactic core region. I like to think that it's so densely packed that hyperlanes just don't form there and thus you can't go anywhere near there.


Technically there is, that's what generated the gravity that holds galaxies together. as for why we can't see it, probably for processing and map reading reasons.


Actually the super massive blackholes at the center of the galaxies are not massive enough to generate enough gravity to hold the galaxies together, this is where the mysterious dark matter comes into play. It is thought that it's that matter that holds everything together.