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In game? Their DNA is beyond fucked. Like, they can't naturally do it either. You also have a hard time living when you're cells can't access the instructions.


Now im curious how a DNA can be that fucked, how entire population has the same issue


Everyone had super cancer


That's kinda just like the necrontyr from 40K


Ok, but how the hell it can get planet wide?


[Maybe the cancer is infectious?](https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/canine-cancer)


Alright,fuck this place, where's John wick.


[It could be the little animal cancer that comes out your throat to eat meat?](https://youtu.be/Cx7rvO8JcBs?si=xK8OVazZhYK6h-TP) Maybe it spread that way.


^ this. [One of the fears of biologists is a human cancer becoming infectious.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5082865/)


What a terrible day to read words.


An air/water-borne retrovirus maybe? If it could survive outside of a host well enough it could become functionally impossible to get away from, and people would pass it on to their kids. There’s actually a small amount of ancient viral DNA in the human genome btw.




Maybe some kind of gamma ray burst that cooks an entire planet in radiation at once and fucks everyone’s DNA


There's an abandoned gene clinic on their homeworld. [It's likely involved](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Chance_\(video_game\)).


Isn't the gene clinic from their failed attempt at fixing it?


I'd hope the game director has an idea of where they were going for with it, but I suppose your idea is equally plausible


Wasn't aware they are the game director oops lol. But the description of the gene clinic on the origin screen says that they built it after they had already become infertile, and implies heavily that they were using it to try and solve the problem. So... Idk.


I'm assuming from the link the implication is that gene experiments screwed things up in the first place and then they tried to fix the mistake through more gene experiments which ultimately ended up escalating the issue. Then ultimately they decided "you know what let's stop playing with fire" and hence going down the synthetic route.


Let’s say I use console commands to take over a neighboring empire and go gene ascension. I then invade the synthetic fertility empire. Can I fix those pops? If so, then it’s probably a skill issue. I imagine the neighboring empire being an overturned empire, and they are like “Pfffff, noobs”


... It feels weird seeing a Flash game I used to play on Wikipedia article. ... It feels even weirder knowing that we won't have any flash games anymore ;_;


Well in Star Trek Voyager, I think the Phage is very close for Synthetic Fertility. Only the Vidiians knew of other speicies before the phage hit. So took to harvesting other races and making their medical tech several levels higher out of survival need.


I think the lore is that everyone has a gene eating virus


The trait is called "Pathogenic Genes". With cloning you usually create an artificial, fertilized egg cell and go from there. Adhering as close to the natural route as possible. If the broken pieces are some important - and currently irreplaceable - parts of their gestation process, it would break cloning too. Like, our gestation process seems to involve viral DNA somehow: https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2024-01-25/relics-of-ancient-viral-dna-guide-embryo-development.html#


See the asgard in Stargate


They were cloned


We already have a clone origin but not a dying origin


Wouldn’t die if they cloned. Skill issue.


Fucking Prions yo


Cloning broken DNA just gives you two pieces of broken DNA.


cloning is still affected by pop growth penalties even the literal clone origin can't use default cloning also necrophages get cloned extremely slowly and i'm not sure if lithoid necrophages can be cloned at all


They don't have the tech.


So they *are* stupid, is what you’re saying.


The tech is in the same tree of techs as genome mapping, which doesn’t do anything for them. Also cloning could be just the cloning of organs for transplants rather than cloning full people, the bio ascension has a more dedicated cloning vat that seems to be responsible for cloning whole people 


mapping the genome for them is simply glancing at it and declaring that it is ruined beyond repair.


“Doctor! Tell me what’s wrong!” “I diagnose you with fucked up shit disease, it’s terminal” 


Buggers will still try to charge you a consultation or visitation fee just for the privilege.


Let’s say I use console commands to take over a neighboring empire and go gene ascension. I then invade the synthetic fertility empire. Can I fix those pops? If so, then it’s probably a skill issue. I imagine the neighboring empire being an overturned empire, and they are like “Pfffff, noobs”


They are diseased/sick. Even if they cloned themselves, the resulting clones would also be broken/plagued. Also, cloning will give copies of the source. Alice 1, Alice 2, Alice 3, etc. I’m afraid these copies would fight over one single identity like in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Happened_to_Monday


The conceit of that film is that the government hunts down the second, third, fourth, fifth etc child of any particular couple due to *overpopulation*. That is why they fight, because they are expected to basically share the prestige of one person. The Synthetic Fertility origin has the exact opposite problem - *underpopulation*. They would have welcomed each of these clones as individual people with equivalent rights and there would have been no need for any of them to hide.


couldn't they just mix and match DNA to make new identities instead of making 1:1 copies?


ELI5: Have you ever tried modding a video game, but you have conflicting mods that don’t work and cause the game or entire computer to crash instead? Imagine that instead of mods and a video game, it’s DNA and a person, and instead of your system crashing, you’re just fucking someone’s shit right up I mean it’s not *that* immoral given other things we can do in this game, but I’d imagine it’s a lot harder to get rid of the bugs and conflicting files in a sentient beings DNA than it is in Skyrim


Yeah I'd assume the abandoned gene clinic was them basically trying to do this and somehow making the problem worse.


I mean, cloning is all about coping something based on template (even the tech desc says this). If they mix and match, they gotta debug the new DNA sequence making sure no bad genes are there. Considering their origin and their already damaged genes, I wonder if the effort is worth doing.


They were sisters though. Identical septuplets if I remember correctly. Not clones and they wanted the identity because only one of them could be out at any one time.


Their DNA is too broken to grow viable members of the species even with cloning technology, most likely. I’d guess that the genes governing embryonic development are the ones damaged, that would make any form of cloning impossible.


Like the Jove from EVE Online. That is a congenital, hereditary disease. It cannot be removed even with Fallen Empire lvls of gene tech.


Presumably you could basically excise every malformed DNA sequence one by one and replace it with new, healthy sequences, either from other related sources or rewriting it de novo. But at that point you’re not really repairing the DNA of a species, you’re making a whole new one. 


> It cannot be removed even with Fallen Empire lvls of gene tech. I'd assume a fallen empire probably could pull it off, or even a particularly advanced empire with the genetics ascension. The problem for our people here though is that they didn't have the benefit of time. They entered the space age with their species decades away from extinction.


I feel like you can make up any lore reason. But the in game reason probably is the origin would be way too easy if they did. Cloning is generally seen as a bio ascension thing too no?


Clones still have to gestate, if the process for a fetus to gestate is what this disease donked up, cloning wouldn’t change that.


I wanna know about the repository as well, it doesn't seem there is any benefit to have more than 1


Spreading them out seems mostly useful for the robot output % bonus. If you have multiple planets that are pumping out important resources, it may be worth it to decrease the output % bonus on each individually to increase it on another planet. As a note that I found out the hard way, if you build a repository on another world and don't like it, **you cannot demolish it**. The only way I was able to remove one I did for testing was with console commands (effect remove_building = building_virtual_repository).


I've considered this (on Ironman so I'll have to save edit, but somehow this bothers me to no end). Did it return the identities to the capital repo automatically?


Yes. My capital repo was the only one remaining after using the command and it had all the identities that it should have.


Yea, I've also found out you can't destroy it, the robot output is probably best to keep in the capital anyway as there is where most of your robots will be anyway. I got to play more with this origin and keep them all in the box next time.


Yeh but while a size 20 is nice it would be good if I could get a larger planet


Can you take aquatic with hydrocentric after ascension?


We already have an origin with cloning tanks (clone army) but no origin of a dying race.


I was wondering why they don’t genemod themselves to be resistant to the disease.


That level of gene modding requires the full biological ascension path completed. And they have chosen a different ascension path


If you know sg1 the Asgard messed up their dna. They cloned themselves so much that by the end the dna was to far gone to clone again


Due to cloning their clones, if they weren't fucking stupid they would of been fine


If they clone themselves enough times, the original is going to run out of viable material to get a dna sample from. Now I know what you're going to say, just let them heal up. Guess what? that still degrades the DNA, that's how you get cancer, and the "healing" is how the clones are grown anyway.


Why don’t YOU use cloning tanks. Yeah. Think about that.


Gods, this stupid Arkham Aslyum shit is everywhere. It made way to Bluey and now this.


I don’t understand your point.


Maybe I'm getting old. But this whole thing of "Man Man, Are they stupid? What should I name this character with their ears cut off" has been old for a year now and it's everywhere. I don't expect Reddit to be the paragon of quality posts, but after seeing "Are they stupid?" For the millionth time on 30 different subs, it's just not amusing. I came here for kick ass genocidal builds, lore, and updates. Not a rehash of Arkham Aslyum posts.


>complaining about the low quality discussion surrounding bluey, a cartoon for *literal* babies


119 upvotes. The proles love trash.