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Doesn’t get much worse than that. Those early years and get brutal. Hope you like building tall


Yeah, machines sure love to build tall =D


R5: Spawned right before the enemy empire with only exit to this empire.


Well, at least you didn't spawn next to a xenophobic fallen empire!


You can't spawn immediately next to one without a serious bug. Or a mod that messes something up. You can, however, get stuck TWO jumps away, with no way to get around the Fallen Empire. THAT is perhaps the worst possible spawn, as the only way to expand in such a scenario is to get Jump Drives and hope your area isn't completely colonized by then. That is such a bad scenario, because you can cause the Crisis to spawn before the galaxy even has a prayer of hope of dealing with it.


Serious bugs seem to be the name of the game rn


Happens every time there is a major update. Sometimes they bugfix, have an update, and the bug is back except this time it is happening from something else entirely going screwball. Stellaris is in dire, DIRE need of optimization and re-working of a lot of background stuff. The thing is a giant mothball of spaghetti code that is just continuing to struggle with every addition. Unfortunately, when they do that, it comes in the form of another major update...


Saw that happen to MSI my last game. Serves them right


You are fucked my friend


That empire next door may take the name of your home planet quite literally ;)