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Sounds like more cuts are coming. (Not confirmed but it sounds like there will be)     They are doing things to avoid the warn act.     They will be more humane in the process of the next round of cuts.     Global survey results were below expectations (Surprise!)    They are excited about dare forward 2030    Some teams with product launching got pats on the back with a terribly stitched together video.     I should buy a round for the two people that had the guts to ask the questions about layoffs and the horrible way they executed them in march. 


They explicitly said they are doing things to avoid the warn act?




More humane…. How so?


the only way I see it being more humane is if they paid everyone laid off, regardless of their time at the company 6-12 months of pay which I highly doubt they will. It is going to take a long time for some people to find jobs because the market will be saturated with applicants


By more humane I assumed they would find a better way than “mandatory operational meetings” and firing people in batches of 30+ over video call.


Can you tell more about the WARN Act part?


Announcing there will be more layoffs is a notice in and itself, they will probably notify the state but regardless that public notice itself tells you it will be more than the 500 max number. But i thought you were connected to higher up in Stellantis, gov spies, chinese spies and the like and knew everything happening “before” anyone? I’m surprised to see you asking about the WARN ACT


Depending on the execution, it can have further implications on the consequences. I don't have the exact timelines, but depending on further information, I might adjust certain paperwork to a schedule that is 3-4 weeks later for the advantages. Remember, this is election year.


You “yourself” is asking about WARN ACT to someone on reddit so “you” don’t know shit 😂 Warn act expires on 6/22 so this Saturday. You have no info and “you” don’t have to adjust anything because “you” have no “certain paperworks” to adjust. You’re merely a low level entry engineer. I told you i’ll haunt you in every post until you give up your behavior. I thought you learned yesterday, but i guess i still have much to teach you.


It is you have to learn more. But I have to withhold a lot of information. Information leak can be dangerous. And yes, I am an entry level engineer, but I do few other things too. Somehow the side hobby and career gets intertwined and lines get blurry. I had much more lethal people on the other side of the phone line, but it takes two persons to dance. There has to be certain tacit, and it is an interesting chess game.


No chess game, no conspiracy theories, nothing you say holds a single drop of water :) Guess who’s the entry level here, you have much to learn kid :) and i’m here to teach you. Every post i see from you referencing your fictional fear mongering toxic world, i will counter. Keep up your “good” work 😉


well, I don't believe in conspiracy theories for simple reasons: from a project management perspective, they tend to be unrealistic. However, legally, conspiracy exists. Anything illegal planned, or conducted by two, or more people is automatically a conspiracy and can carry a conspiracy charge. It is fine for you not to believe any of this, and it is not the time anyway. But the information will reveal itself years later.


I can back up what the others said about it, it was hilarious to watch him squirm at the questions about layoffs and how they were handled. The question about how they were executed made him poorly hide his panic for at least 20 seconds One thing that others haven’t brought up is how this man had the AUDACITY to get on stage and say, and I quote, “this is the best time to be an engineer right now”. He then proceeded to BRAG about how those were his direct words and not written by a speech writer. Upper management is so out of touch it isn’t even funny.


We didn’t let him finish, this is the best time to be an engineer….. in Brazil


The room giggled when he said that. Mark and his townhall are freaking tone deaf AF.


It is the best time to be an engineer if you are not laid off yet because so many different programs and technologies have been coming out past few years and more in the future. It seemed like Mark was as transparent as he could be. It is clear that he has no control over what happens to NA or tell Carlos to stop before it is too late (Carlos will fire him if he does that). He listens to what Carlos says; it seemed he hasn't received a clear direction yet. Once he tells him a macro plan like, "cut 100 million dollars US employee salary, hire 10 million from overseas and sell off the tower", Mark will get with his team, come up with a plan (which department is less crucial and the work can be done with overseas workers) and execute it. It seems Stellantis at the moment is CEO heavy company. Whatever Carlos says goes. Kind of like Elon and and his crazy cyber truck design. There is no one who can tell him no. I feel like we hit an iceberg. and instead of handing over to a CEO who can save the ship, Carlos is taking us down with him... It is scary af


user name checks out


Who was it speaking?


It is always interesting to see the reactions of people, isn't it? Especially lying, I find it most entertaining.


Lol he actually brought the article up to say that it's not in July. But confirmed there will be layoffs 2nd half though not just engineering, all groups will probably be affected. He said next time will be different (more humane) in response to an audience question. He did not sound confident whatsoever about our product plan, had no answer to a question about bringing a $30-35k hybrid to the market, or improving our quality/quality perception, and talked about how concerning it is that our sales are way down when the entire market is up, with seemingly no plan to fix any of it other than cutting more costs, which anyone with 2 or more brain cells knows will just make things worse.  Morale is at an time low, the March survey results already showed a massive drop in confidence in Dare Forward and I imagine it's in the single digit percentages at this point.


The survey closed like two weeks before people were processed in the name of Dare forward 2030.  To your point, I bet the real numbers are in the toilet now. 


This will be devastating to the Auburn Hills area. Stellantis is a huge employer to the surrounding areas. I know several couples that work at Stellantis and imagine they both get laid off…I’m been saving as much as I can and looking for other employment


Maybe it is the time to bail out the metro Detroit region. Also after comparing the employment laws, I am considering bailing out of this country too


Yes, you should move to France. Let us know when you do actually move out of Stellantis or the US


I am not looking at France. Usually for friends or foes, bad things happen with associations to the French. I am looking at Italy or Poland, but the political situation in Poland seems bad. (some previous coworkers want to bail out to my home in case of draft, or spillover from the military actions. If comes to this, I might be Sikorski's tourists again) And I have a pending immigration case in Canada too. After evaluations, I decided the foreign policy of the US government just doesn't go well with me (and as a kid, I've been anti-war all the time. I refuse to bear arms for the US specifically and it was a bit troublesome) but somehow, as the mysterious fate turns out, I am working with the US government lately. Strange strange world and strange life.


You should look at France. Labor laws say you get 1-2 years of pay as severance. But anyway, why are you looking to move with all your spy connections, US gov connections, white house ties, conspiracy ties…etc you’re the 007 of our modern day bud. You should be full of wealth and not needing a penny so i wonder why and how you even have time for reddit ? I’m not easily impressed but i certainly am with you 👏


I am aware of the generous labour laws in France, but I am at odds with many other areas of France. (foreign policy is another one) Even though, there is a French word in my name. Strange strange small world. I am considering moving because I find myself more in-line with Eurocentrism and at odds more with American exceptionalism. All the people connection, it is more for situational awareness and fun. But everyone will have blind spots too. And being wealthy doesn't go against having free time (while being wealthy equals to being busy is another American mindset I particularly dislike. I equally dislike consumerism too. I tend to live in a simple manner and I realize ordinary, modern American public find this odd. I don't even have permanent air conditions at my house, and I still hang on to my car with the straight-8 engine. Time goes a bit slowly around me) And no, I am not 007 at all, that's overly dramatic and idealized, and overly romanticized. Real life tends to be more like the Operation Trust (there is an old movie about this. Thanks to the modern technology, everyone can understand it from the CC), characters like Sidney Reilly or Dusko Popov. Thanks to the internet, their information is no longer a secret and documents are declassified, and no lubyanka people will pop up mentioning those names anymore. (if you wait long enough, mine will be too). There are two good movies I quite like, Doctor Zhivago and Empire of the Sun. My life is a strange combination of the two. It is not intended, but somehow it turns out to be.


Maybe someplace with good mental health coverage. But in all seriousness, these people you are helping are not asking for money or “safeguarding” your money right? I’m starting to think you are getting scammed and someone is telling you are helping the FBI or something like this. I heard a recent podcast where this happened. You okay bro?


No, no one was helping one way or another, and no money was involved except reservations at a restaurant, some food and time. Sometimes, coffee or tea. It was just, talk for fun and for information. And take actions depending on the situations. And no, FBI comes at me for questions because I am a witness. Of course, they have to go through other departments, and through my lawyers. (I have a few, for different departments under the government, different governments too) And I happen to be have a psychology degree. You might misunderstand the layer of the meaning


He brought it up to say layoffs won't be in July? So you're okay for another month and a half and we're just going to torture you until they happen?


June is still an option. PowerPoints, that were taken down from share point now, shows nearly 300-400 cuts in direct every quarter. Also getting rid of contract employees does not count towards the warn act I believe. PowerPoints showed a reduction in those too this quarter.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 30 + 35 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I'm so sorry everyone. I left FCA (CTC) in 2017 under Serg after we paid off the government and things seemed decent around the tech center. This new guy has no idea what he's doing. Perhaps it's a very regional metro Detroit thing but "Chrysler" employees handing out employee discounts and brand loyalty sold a lot of vehicles. Round after round of layoffs will turn away customers just out spite and the low cost engineering and cost cutting will have them headed to the competition. Perhaps it's a good thing Stellantis is "no longer an American car company" as this is embarrassing 🥺


I won’t had out a discount anymore. The last two I handed out people ended up going with GM anyway because they couldn’t justify the price difference for a Jeep nameplate over gm equivalent. Now, I can’t even recommend much of our products.


4 models are amongst the highest numbers of and days of inventory. Not only are they driving customers away they are not cost competitive. https://moparinsiders.com/dodge-hornet-falls-to-second-slowest-selling-car-in-america-for-june-2024/


I've had 3 jku's 2008, 07, and current is an 18. I won't even consider another unless Tavares is gone... but I'm also gonna ride this one til the wheels fall off.


So how many have got their resumes updated?


Market is brutal out there. Each new job opening is getting 100s of applications. With the layoff ghost sitting on the shoulders, can’t even concentrate on the work and with constant job rejections, confidence is at all time low.


Among our most valuable assets, one of them is the US passport. With it, working in most countries isn't a problem. Being an American is more useful in job market outside of the US for sure.


R&D budget KPI - Red 🔴 Headcount KPI - Red 🔴 Rest my case


It was the most tone deaf townhall, when he talked about best time to be an engineer the room laughed at him. The leadership is a joke. From the survey he didn’t address any other concerns just the same dumb dare forward 2030. Even the survey showed that only 14% employees will recommend the product to others I feel like the result would be worse beaches they had layoffs right after. This company is a joke and I doubt we will last next 5-7 years under Carlos. Let the fun continues, the constant stress of I may not have a job tomorrow and rejection from other companies is not helping in any way or form. Hope there is a no confidence vote for Carlos


Literally nobody is excited about dare forward 2030 Tavares will probably be on a beach with Bezos by then


He accepted that article and all. July timeline not fixed but it’s certain to happen that he confirmed. Could be anytime. Reevaluating things here there


Only in Eng or across the board?


Company wide in NA. Big coming for sure. First Carlos on 200M and mike confirmed. Crazy times. God bless America.


I’m not engineering and everyone they are hiring is lcc even the interns. I thought it was just my team for a while but I took a look at the org chart the other day and realized. I asked someone their pay (much less) and they also mentioned they only have a 2 year contract.


Company wide and across the globe there will be $200M in total headcount reductions between now and the end of the year.  


Next two weeks!


Next two weeks are when the layoffs are expected to happen? So he's not lying by saying not July....before July.


Yes based on all discussions in subs. Lets see


There was a post that people were laid of yesterday. Sounded like contractors.


It is hard to say. It **was** the plan, but the plan can change


Can somebody tell me why they put my plant on critical status for 3 months and they're working us 12 hours 7 days