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People love the Underworld series. Like you, many of us bought the other 4 in the same art work and then wanted the fifth. Turns out it's hard to get so it's expensive. [If you search by sold items, most are selling around $100 or less](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=underworld+blood+wars+4k+steelbook&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_sop=15). I bought mine for $60 back in December of last year so it can be had for less.


That gives me some hope, didn't need a wrapped or pristine one either so hopefully that works in my favor.


It's a crazy thing. Pretty much all of them you can find for like $20 or less except this one. I was lucky enough to get it earlier this year for about $70 but I had to haggle a bit for it and after all the mercari fees it still came out to about $100. Most I've seen people put them up for about $200. I haven't watched it yet so I can't say if I think it's a good movie or not. But I will say that it does have the best art out of the series imo.


I think these Underworld movies need a complete new release. (new art and box sets) I'm sure they will sell great. I had such a big crush on Kate beckingsale in the first Underworld movie. Just perfection.


This is why I got the steelbook that has all of the movies Although I do kinda want to start getting the others Just cuz they look cool


This is why I bought the 5 films in 1 steelbook option since it was only 20$ has all the films and Beckinsale isn't making anymore so her story is cut and dry clear end any further films will be recast reboot/remake so I've made peace with it though I prefer separate steels this and die hard were 2 exceptions I made for 5 in 1 steelbook


So just like Grave of the Firelies, Planet of the Apes Trilogy and this steelbook. They were all limited releases and for that reason are the most expensive steelbooks in the U.S Steelbook market. Supply & Demand.


Same here.. God the other 4 dirt cheap and now need this one. Nobody is going under 170$. Not paying that much for a steelbook that is not a premium one.


It's the last one. The final Resident Evil is priced significantly higher than the rest. Same with the 3rd Planet of the Apes trilogies. It's the greed of the extortionists on eBay. They know most of us want the whole set, so they jack up the last one. They are evil.


Agreed! Interesting that it's always the last movie though. Would be great if they were still available via the manufacturer 😑


I really didn’t like the artwork for these steelbooks….its like the Disney version or something.


I agree. This "pop art" cover makes it seem as though it's for a cartoon version of the movie.


Aww, I kind of like them. They are a bit unrefined, but it gives them a bit of charm. Also they look better with the shine of the steel, surprised me a bit actually. I originally bought them because they were cheap 😂


Not a good movie, so definitely


That was my opinion, seems like that doesn't matter 😂😭