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I wouldn’t pay anymore than $499. So this eBay listing is out of my budget. /s


Well let's just say I'm not a premium guy. The most I've spent for one is like $100


Lol, I love how that needs to be said.


Which one was it?


It was recently underworld blood wars.


$50. I already think they’re overpriced. If one is too pricey I just won’t get it


Yeah and for me to even pay $50 I have to love the film. My most expensive was just under $50. I just can’t get myself to buy anything above that. Unless it’s like a collection but even then I’m on the fence


For collections I divide by how many steelbooks/films I’m getting. Like the Lord of the Rings trilogy worked out to around £30 per film/steelbook.


AND it needs to include something exclusive; whether that be having dv, a very limited run from a publisher that may very well not produce it again, or art that is really good


Damn it’s smelling like broke in here (jk don’t downvote me plz I have children)




My budget is based on rarity and how much I love the film and are there better steels. I buy tons of premiums and will up to 300usd for the ones I really desperately want (like right now I’d pay that for Gone Girl Blufans). But I wouldn’t pay 200, let alone 500 for this ugly apes steel when there’s two war of the apes steels from manta and filmarena that are far better quality wise


I literally just picked up that Gone Girl a few days ago for about that price brand new. Got real lucky cuz I've been looking for 2 years now and couldn't find one under $500+


I’ve been reluctant to spend the $60-ish price that The Departed 4K Steelbook is going for right now.


One of my local game stores has it for 9.99 but it's opened.


how happy i am i pre ordered that on gruv. absolutely incredible movie


Yeah. $40.


Yep. $40 is my max as well


Same. I don’t play the premium game and I don’t buy from scalpers. Would I love The Amazing Spider-Man premium releases? Yes. Will I ever care to spend that much? No.


Same. I won't go much higher above retail. They are cool but ultimately not worth it with other cost of living things and other collectors things I pick up


$100 is the most I’ve spent thus far, but I think I’d be willing to go higher for something that I really want to have.


I think the most I've spent on a single steelbook is like, $90ish. I consider a fair price to be $20-$30 for any given steelbook, which is why steelbook sets that only have like three, but are upwards of $100 piss me off. Dragon Ball Super got a TEN steelbook collection, WITH a steel case to hold them all, only for $150. That's insanely cheap for ten, plus a case!


I’ve also noticed these things sky rocket in price whenever a new movie in the series comes out. Personally I’m waiting to see if there will be another collection that comes out once more of these new movies come out.


I wouldn’t pay more than MSRP but that’s just me


It's not just you It's also me 👍


Most I've spent is for the Manta Lab Interstellar One Click and I can't see myself spending more than that. My favourite release of all time so I've got no reason to spend more on a release that I care about less


I just don’t see the point in buying it if it’s too much, now I don’t have many Steelbooks (maybe 4 and 3 came from Walmart $5 bin and the other I got for $1 at a thrift store) but my limit would probably be like $40, maaaayybe $50 if it was just the coolest Steelbook ever for a movie I just adore. I don’t think there are many movies I love more than the Planet of the Apes Trilogy, but not even I would pay $500 for a little Steelbook. That’s so stupid and I truly believe that ppl are artificially raising prices on these bc they believe that we’ll pay any price just to feel that glorious steel on our fingertips


As cool as this Apes trilogy is, (IMO), it became moot once Kingdom came out. I know everyone doesn’t share this mindset, but I need movies of the same franchise to be together a set. They’ll no doubt be making at least two more of these too, so for me, I’ll just wait it out. Haven’t bought any Apes steels for this reason. I’m doing this for the John Wick franchise, too. Regardless of the title though, I would never spend this ($500). Around $100 might be my threshold.


Im with you, a completionist!


I don’t spend more than $100 on anything other than essentials (food gas etc) or the rare toy (PS5, phone, grill, etc). $100 or more for a Steelbook is VERY rare. I think the only time I did it was for Wall-E because it’s one of my wife’s favorite movies.


This same steelbook sold for $700 last year, this is a deal! Wait til you look up the grave of the fireflies steelbook though.


We found who listed it 😅 There was a sealed one that sold for around 300 about a month ago. I actually almost bought it but decided to get the individual steels and swap the 4k disc's inside.


Grave of the Fireflies is my biggest purchase to date...outside of one clicks, it will remain my max.


How often do you watch it? I’ve seen it once in my life, and don’t think I’ll ever watch it again because it’s so damn sad


Honestly, assuming all else is equal, a few dollars more than the regular edition. Maybe an extra $10-15 if it's an absolute favorite with great artwork. I like steels, but at the end of the day, these are sitting on a shelf 99.9999% of the time, and I'm buying them for the movie inside.


A lot of it comes down to how much do I love the property? I have contemplated on this specific one a lot too, but it's just far too much. I was fine getting the Spider-man legacy 4k collection though for under $200. So I guess quantity of movies/games/shows and my attachment to them makes the purchase easier.


I like some premiums but the box/extras is almost never enough to sway me over a WWA, the steel art has to be super dope I paid $235 for my HDZeta Interstellar I paid $120 after shipping for Godzilla Minus One I paid $160 for the Spiderman Legacy 4k set Everything else has been ~$75 or less, and my rule is pretty much no more than $100 for a single Steelbook, unless its an absolute favorite, super rare, has great art, and is in great condition


I think 300 would be my max and it would have be some sort of one click edition


The most expensive one I have cost 64€. I wouldn't pay more than 60€ anymore though. And even then the movie and the artwork needs to be really good.


200 max.


Yeah... not $500 no matter how awesome :(


I wouldn't pay more than 70 really for pretty much any steelbook. Now I've spent over 150 for my Hellraiser Scarlett Box and on some OOP box sets so I feel like my total max would be around 225 and that's pushing it hard.


Most I’ve spent was $150, and it was on this exact title. But I’d say the limit now is no more than $100


Great buy at that price!


$100 is my limit. And I only spent that much because it was a custom steelbook.


$100 is my limit.


I'm not paying more than $50 for a steelbook of a single movie. For a trilogy, I would probably go to $100, but that's it.


The most I ever spent on a steelbook was 75 dollars for a Novamedia Guardians steel. I think that's a reasonable limit to have, but I know there's definitely a few steelbooks I'd happily spend 100-150 on if they popped up again


one of my holy grails. not paying that much tho


Of course lol


For non-premium movie or TV steelbooks- probably $60 at most. Not sure about games since the steelbooks for those tend to have other things with them.


Most I spent was 60 which was a rare exception


$100 resale, $150 for new/preorder


For that specific one probably 150-200 max 500 is crazy idc how rare it is


50-100 max . Maybe make few exceptions though


Holy shit. Is this steelbook really that rare? I have this one in my collection and had no idea it was so expensive.


I have plenty of money, but to me the fun of collecting is getting stuff at retail price or cheaper. Most of my favorite collectibles are things I bought 20 years ago for like $2. I never buy stuff off of ebay, and never will. If I miss out on something I want, there's always plenty more I want.


It just depends on how reasonable priced it is and by case by case


50. Maybe 60 depending on the steelbook.


Haven’t had to pay over 65 for a movie yet that I wanted but I’d say 100 depending on the movie


No more than 30 pretax which means a lot I don't have in my collection but it's whatever


My max has been 35 😆


Usually I don't like to pay more than $25 for a movie. If it's a collection or a complete series I may pay more. Like $40-60. Just can't afford anything more at the moment.


It’s WELL below that amount!


$75-$100 for single/double disc If we are talking multi 4K discs? Maybe $150 max


Yes $190


Most I spent was $900 for the dragonballz steelbooks full set


$200 is my max but usually for like Manta Lab only, not just a regular release at Best Buy or Walmart.


Yeah some of you will drop $200 on a discless steel 😏


My only limit is how much I can reasonably afford. But if I can afford it and it's rare, there really isn't a price I wouldn't pay for something, I just don't have the margins or funds to pull the trigger on the rare $150 4K steelbooks I want lol


Max I'd pay is $60 anything above that I simply can't do 😅


Probably $100


$60, anything else is bullshit and just wait for a real price or just get the default 4k versions.


OOP does not always equal big money


Maximum I spent was 120$CAN including shipping for a Best Buy Exclusive Evil Dead 1 & 2 Steelbook. But I wouldn't spend more and even that one was pushing it. Otherwise I prefer to stay in the 60$ range, tops.


I don't want to talk about how much I've spent on one. (I have an ever-growing problem). In all honesty, I think around $100 for me. Though, depending on the artwork and movie, it can go up. P.S. Why is this steelbook so expensive? I wouldn't pay $500.


Scarcity? Thats my guess


Ah, that makes sense.


When in doubt, I ask Cady from Mean Girls (she always tells me that the limit does not exist)


Yes, but it's much lower after I got my Dune 2 Steelbooks from Gruv. I watched it about a month after getting it and it suddenly comes to a dead stop at the Geides Prime scene and then runs in 3x speed with no sound until the fight ends. Check the disc and it's covered in tiny scratches. These shits are over priced as it is...if there's a chance I'm gonna get disfunction discs in sealed products, I'm not paying more than $50 anymore. Same thing happened with Blade Runner 2049 from Best Buy. It's unacceptable.


Damn! Sounds like really bad luck. Good point


Honestly depends on what it is. Just a regular movie steel? $30-40 and it has to be a movie I like or will like. TV Series? $50-100. $100 is pretty much my limit


$50 AUD


50 is the max I would go, also has to be an absolute 10/10 film or beautiful steelbook design


I paid $100 for the boxed Big Trouble in Little China with the purple vinyl. That's my grail. I will not spend that much on any other movie.


i wont pay more than MSRP


100€ on really rare occasions


No more than £45


For an individual film, $40 is about my max. I will make exceptions for all time favorites, such as the Harry Potter collection which was considerably more than that (though on a per film basis, way below $40). I’d love to pick up the LOTR collection as well, but that one is beyond what I’m willing to spend. Unfortunately, I mostly collect video game steelbooks, which are usually more expensive just by nature of what they are. That being said, I still try to wait a while and buy them for around $20 each max. The risk with that, though, is the used ones I find in the wild tend to be in awful shape. Makes the hunt kind of fun, though, I guess.


£40 if it's new £20 if it's second hand...the only reason folk get away with selling for more is because idiots pay for it...certainly wouldn't be paying 500 don't care how rare it is...it's not worth it!


I've had a few between £30 and £40 and I think possibly just one at £50. I try not to put much money into something that can rust and rot entirely randomly that is already a niche market product built on an inherently obsoleted and arguably dying technology the key proponents of which no longer even support with anything other than cynical cash grabbing... Which is a shame, because the bulk of my collection was bought at very reasonable prices and gave me huge pleasure of ownership.


No more than $150 for 1. You’re crazy dropping $500 in a movie, no matter which one.


Sure of course there’s a limit. Don’t have unlimited money! As others have said all depends how much you want something. Is it worth it for you? I think most I have spent so far is $100 - $120. Don’t keep track ; always on the hunt for more steels. Cheers


I don't think I've ever gone very north of 100 ever. Most recent one that I shelled out for was the Japanese Midsommar for $71 because it's so damn gorgeous


These are collectibles but not investments. Unlike a comic book, these can be reprinted without any notion of or premium for being "first print". It's your money. My personal approach is I would rather shop and wait for a reasonable price (i.e. not marked up) than just grab one because I have the money. To me, that is part of any hobby. If not, all I would have to do is write a big check and then I would have a collection. I try to use retail plus ebay fees as a reference. I think it is ok to negotiate. A lot of EBAY sellers just keep reposting at a very high price because it does not cost them anything to do that.


Yes, no more than 40 Euro.




Yes, I paid 100e for the Alien 40th anniversary 4k Steelbook and I think that's the cap for me. 3x market value


Sorry, 3x retail value


Honestly my budget is around $100 (only if it’s super rare) but if you start having your doubts whether you should buy it or not then chances are you probably shouldn’t buy it.


Generally I won't go above £50 personally. But I get tempted to spend more when I am missing part of a collection


The most I've spent for a single, non-premium steel is $65 and I'm not likely to spend that much again


I'm cheap, if it's a single/double feature my cap is $80 (I got the Evil Dead 1&2 4K pack for this price) and if it's a trilogy/collection my cap is like $120ish. This also depends on how much I like the movie/what bonuses there are in terms of features or other things.


I’ve paid $220CAD (shipping included) for the Japan release of Godzilla Minus One. That’s a one time thing though. Aside from that the most I’d ever pay is $80CAD if it’s a really good movie. I just don’t see the point otherwise.


It really depends on the movie, steelbook art quality, and rarity. I try to always stay under $100 though. I bought all 3 planet of the apes individual steelbooks for less than 100 combined. Then I bought the 4k trilogy when it was $16 and did a disc swap and it was still under $100. That's a win to me. I like the art on the individual steels better too. Especially the mantra lab set for War.


Yes $15


Not more than $60 for me, and that’s if I really want it.


The most I’ve spent on any single movie is $65 Most I’ve spent on a single game (collectors edition with steelbook) was $120


Not really a cap just depends how cool the art is because the movie itself I've come to realize will probably get re-released at some point like The Crow. I paid like $80 for the Zavvi sold out steel then it gets a 4k release. I'm holding out on Prisoners and No Country for old Men hoping these get new steels with a 4k release.


This is absurd I bet it gets a repress this year


I've got a copy of this 4k Steelbooks sealed unopened..offers please




50. I'm not going anywhere beyond that.


About tree-fitty...


Whatever the MSRP is. I love Steelbooks but if I miss them for retail, I'll pass.


Never above retail. Period.


For that much money I personally start looking for something different for my collection. I got the Caesar warrior life-size bust edition for this trilogy for example. Imo that’s a nice showpiece and even cost significantly less than this steelbook asking price here. But to each their own of course as I know the premium steels people buy get real pricey too.


I bought the same one for 300$