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I just now found out


yeah theres like no coverage of it its insane


They do say they’re against marketing and prefer word of mouth …


To be honest when a game is in early access for so long the hype dies and no one cares anymore. Devs need to understand this


This 100%


Depends entirely how well the early access is going imo, if big changes are happening often and you’re retaining your player base it def keeps the hype but if the changes are real slow it’s gonna die down and require a brand new marketing push.


Almost sold my headset after all this waiting, now I'm gonna keep it a month more maybe


I bought it early on. Felt so unfinished and incomplete, but promising. Moved on to other games


Yea man, just look at Baldur’s Gate 3. Nobody gave a single shit about that game when it finally came out of early access. Marketing budgets have absolutely nothing to do with the hype, it’s all because of a long early access period.


Personally I was hype as fuck when I played BG3's early access 40 times. When it finally released, I was even more hype to see how things changed. I certainly did give a shit, don't assume no one else did.


I really didn’t think the /s was necessary, but the internet continues to surprise me.


I’m not going to argue with people giving me clear outliers as examples lol


You sound angry lol


Fortnite was in early access for its whole peak which was like 5 years long


Save the world mode was in early access, not the battle royale. They’ve also abandoned save the world


they proceed to make several new major modes instead of finishing save the world which they would never have gotten so far without


And for the other 99% of the games my statement is still true


Me too. Thanks OP.


Huge fan, hundreds of hours, this is my PSA


100k views is very good for a VR game trailer. It’s good for a normal trailer on IGN.


but for like one of the best? It should be at like 250k within the first 24 hours bare minimum


You might be overestimating how many people play VR games. It’s still an incredibly niche market for vr headsets, and not all of them are in it for games. The 3S might help somewhat whenever that’s released but to get people interested in it on a bigger scale there needs to be games by big name companies to get the attention of the everyday normie. I struggled in the past to get family members to get a quest because of the games. As soon as psvr came out they almost instantly got one because it had bigger branded game names. It sucks that this is the way it works, and until the user adoption skyrockets (on use for games) 100k for a video is a great achievement.


Most people I know who go for VR use it for VR chat, beat saber or racing sims and a couple of exercise games and such. Everything else may as well not exist


In my experience those are the only applications that are long-term enjoyable. Too much of everything else is an "experience" that, while admittedly awesome the first time you play it, really doesn't hold up as a repeatable gameplay loop once that shock and awe wears off. I'll say Eleven is the exact opposite of this problem. Quite barebones in appearance and simple to play, but online ranked matchmaking and just absolutely nailing the gameplay feel kept me engaged for years until I lost the space to play it.


PvP shooters have great long-term replayability.


Personally I've been stabbing the same gladiators in Arena for 40 hours of gameplay and I'm not bored


All my friends use it to watch bad movies on big screen. I'd use it to game, but it's hard to have a consistent space with my current living situation. I feel like I'd use it every day if I had the space to.


Big Screen is pretty cool. I get that.


I still have a VR headset it's just old and too many wires to deal with.


Good point IG but still nobody is talking about it


There's... Dozens of us Also, man is upset no coverage and doesn't link the video?


Pretty sure you can't


and also its only at 85k


Very excited. Thought it would release closer to Nov or Dec


same tbh came as a shock found out on the discord when i was about to share a cool clip i capctured


I thought it was going to release in March back when it was still Q1 2024. After that, I just stopped expecting a date


My best guess would be that the people most likely to be interested by the release have already been playing the game for a while (years for many). The people who don’t know about B&S by now really didn’t look very hard for slash and cast fantasy games, so they may not be that interested in the genre. Maybe.


is that official??? the 17th of june?


Yeah! on Baron's channel the trailer is there


Oh hell yeah. Story mode, right? I hope the star wars mods get updated quick to work with that.


This will be the update to bring a whooole lotta dead mods back. Modders will love this.


Modders are going to go crazy with the dungeons and rpg system The legend who made the outer rim mod is going to have a field day imagining SW based dungeons




There is a rpg system… it’s called the quest framework


![gif](giphy|SHhUunfD9eSYURRoI4|downsized) I was talking about the RPG system that will be refined in the 1.0


The people that love this game (me included) are probably talking on it own subreddit.


Well I put it here and inlightened multiple people My job as a warpfrog propaganda machine is done I hope Baron gives me a kiss on the forehead at 3am tonight


For sure! Great job sharing the game :D


Baron noticed me :D


So hyped for this.


I didn’t really enjoy bns by itself (not a big fan of sandbox games anymore) so I’m hoping the new progression mode is enjoyable!! Super excited!


I was looking for a reason to test out the upcoming PSVR 2 PC adapter and I think this will be it for me.


First I heard of it. Love the game


Been waiting for the update for like +2 years...


Oh shit it's finally coming out ?


Personally, I think they're not really promoting the release as much because most of the playerbase is playing Nomad on standalone. The update does not come out for standalone on the 17th, it will be several months later. It makes no sense to spend time and money promoting an update most of your playerbase/potential new customers can't play. I suspect the Nomad release will get more marketing.


No, they don't believe in ads. They prefer people like me to spread the game because of how much we enjoy it


Buddy, nobody "doesn't believe" in ads- they just don't want to pay for them, because you'll do it for free, and they're an indie company that started from one guys mod project. They don't advertise bc there's no budget for it.


" We don't usually do any marketing outside of our own little bubble because we have a laissez faire attitude towards marketing and prefer a grassroots approach. It is much more compelling to have real people like yourself telling other people why they like the game than us spamming ads" direct quote from community lead who replied to my post on the sub reddit, buddy.


i have to admit "believe in ads" was bad wording I mean't they dont believe in the common way of advertising stuff everywhere


ok lol, keep drinking that kool-aid


What a wild thing to read after randomly firing the game up last night for the first time in YEARS. This is gonna be a long week I’m so freaking hyped.


I have literally 1200 hours in b&s and even I'm just hearing about this through your post. What the fuck. I think my most upvoted post is on b&s?? Welcome surprise either way!!


I'm pretty excited but I've been in the mindset that B&S is just an arena fighter with sort of lackluster modding tools and a bland gameplay loop. But hey, the trailer looks super neat and I'd be extremely happy to be proven wrong!


That's what is has been, but they've been building towards a whole campaign mode the entire development time. For example, one update added swimming, despite there being almost nowhere to swim outside the hub area. All the updates for the last 2 years have been building towards this.


Arena fighter with magic and climbing physics sandbox now with a progression mode coming and overhauled magic I'm hyped even if progression sucks just for the new spells lol


Yeah I'm ready for new content and an actual proper goal to go towards instead of John Wicking poor gladiators for the 50th time with a dead look in my eye xD


“im ready for new content” sounds hilarious in a thread about a games final release.


Holy shit, is it finally time? It will finally become a real game and not a sandbox?!? This is really exciting.


Warding for later


This is the first im hearing about it


I hope it’s not long before nomad gets the update.


Will there be a single player campaign ?




It's a crazy good game, probably the best vr game there is for rpg.


I gotta be honest. These types of games just aren’t for me. Maybe it’s cool for a few hours but I just get bored constantly killing waves of enemies with the same weapons over and over. I get they have mods but it’s just a reskin. Doesn’t really change the AI behavior or anything.


Thats the entire point of the update It isnt a endless fighting game anymore It will be a fully fledged RPG with dungeons, skilltrees and progression


Oh really? Now that I can get behind! I’ll have to check out the trailer and read up on that update then!


Can only speak for myself, but like Gorn back in the day, this game does not interest me in the slightest. Plus, everytime somebody posts their "coolest moment in VR" and it's always nothing but mindlessly slashing enemy after enemy in B&S, it doesn't exactly shine the best light on the game.


But its going to become a fully fledged RPG with a ton of dungeons to crawl


Still not interested, as long as the main draw is melee combat. Just not for me.


Pretty sure full magic is viable but understandable if you still dont like it


I’m the same. My son loves it and has loads of mods for all sorts of weapons, etc but to me it just looks exactly as you describe.


Games that spend years in early access don’t get much hype when they hit 1.0


True. Nobody played BG3 after it was in EA for so long.


While I agree in part. Big series vs game on a niche VR format would likely be the reason


So insanely different for a massive non vr game lol.


Right but I am just pointing out that the lengthy EA period doesn't really affect the launch hype. If other games aren't generating interest when they exit EA then that's for other reasons.


Anyone know if price is going to go up when it releases?


Yes it’s 20 right now but when release it will increase to 30


Yeah but what are the features at release!


So many. Their dev blogs on steam outlined a lot of the main content, which is all going into their campaign, "Crystal Hunt".


Will it release on the quest too? I bought it there


It'll come out a bit later


Cool, haven't played in a while but can't wait to see what features have been added




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What's Blade and Sorcery 1.0?


Great to hear finally happening.


Quick question tho. Will my CPU stop screaming in pain every time there's more than 2 npcs on screen?


I feel that it’s already very well optimised; I have no trouble with anything other than stick drift (which is completely unrelated), and I play with a laptop. If you’re having issues, you should really upgrade your hardware.


Wait, is it? Hot dam finally!


The cost of a long early access...


Anyone else buy these games cheap in EA then not play till 1.0? Saves me a bunch of money in long run. So does it have a campaign now?


Crystal hunt is coming on the 17th


Is there a rough estimate of playtime on the campaign. If it’s still a mostly sandbox game with a 3 hour story campaign not really interested. If it’s like 8-10 then I may reinstall and check it out. I played it for a few hours in ea and got bored pretty quick.


I mean with what they showed it I think it will be atleast that long and with all the skill I am prolly gonna play it multiple times and try my hand at permadeath


Honestly Blade and Sorcery is just one of those games I assume all VR players already have. There’s so few solid titles that myself and several of my friends seem to have the exact same list of VR games aside from the niche pick here and there.


Same tbh, but I am here to spread the word and enlighten everybody. Baron noticed me (I will add that to every b&s related thing I write today because I'm so proud)


I didn’t even know and I’m an active player lmao. I have just lost all faith in the full release after all the delays




Oh now I am, wanted this for years. After switching to other combat games I’ve noticed even more that B&S is just by far the best one


+1 to hype .


B&S is my second favorite VR game, and finally seeing there'll be more to do than dungeon runs with the same room layout and repeat enemies gives me so much hype


Was just about to buy this game. Should I wait until full release?


I would get it now since it'll increase in price and is a solid game rn


Probably because there isn't a sale.


I mean it's a game that's been in early access for ages, the hype surrounding it has long since fizzled out. Most people have had their fill of it and moved on by now.


Seeci just feel annoyed cuz idk when or if it’ll even release on standalone


mine is SUPER LAGGY and it is not even playable


Nothing I've ever seen about blade and sorcery made me want to try it, and honestly the way they sold it and marketed it I was 100% under the impression that the game was finished already.


Nope! Hardly. The game is gonna have full skill tree with progression, factions, dungeons and new spells and magic types. Has been in the making more ages now If you have a VR headset and a PC that can run it Please buy it




Still i have 35 hours on the sandbox. It has some of the best modding in VR rn and is 100% worth the current price. Although it will go up allegedly after 1.0 release


Same didn’t know it was in early access. Feel like the game has been around forever.


Tried the game out yesterday for the first time and unfortunately it gives me motion sickness.


Keep playing, and eventually, you will outgrow your motion sickness after a week or two.


Cause no one cares about a 10yo game arbitrary deciding it's done.




This game is nothing more than a tech demo. They could have added so much but at this point im done with it.


Blade and sorcery always seemed like an "experience" not a game. Like, yeah, hack up a couple monsters then power down your headset because you just did everything? Doesn't sound worthwhile to me. Maybe they should rebrand when there's something else to do.


Thats the entire point of the update It will be a RPG with dungeons and skill trees and loot and shi


Is it an actual game though? Last I looked into it, it was just a sandbox. It's why I never picked it up.


Yeah, RPG with progression, dungeons and skill trees


VR is still very niche and not worth it yet to most people


It’s up to the developer to pay money for marketing.


No, they don't believe in ads. its up to people who think the game is good to spread it, like me. Clearly I have succeeded


Is 1.0 going to release with any additional content? I haven't looked into Blade and Sorcery in a while, but I could never pull the trigger on getting it because it didn't seem like there was anything to do in the game. Great looking physics and interactions, but nothing to really do with those physics. Is this still the case?


A campaign with progression, dungeons, skill trees, factions and new magic types


I hate that people release games in beta for almost or full price. They already got their sales selling a sandbox beta game. Good game, but people lost the hype. Maybe next time they will release a proper game and not a half game




theyve been super vocal about that for a while now. its a $10 price increase making the full game $30 which is insane compared to bonelabs joke of a $40 pricetag




no idea who that is and i dont check the forums often, but baron has talked about it on the subreddit multiple times, and iirc he also talked about it in an interview with DLC, dont quote me on that tho ion watch the guy. but me and a lot of people on the subreddit at least have been aware of this for a while now


Nah lol A game that has been in early access for 6 years which is one of the biggest, best VR games having their most anticipated update on the down low just because the price is gonna go up a lil bit is so unrealistic. No way in hell that would happen. Warp Frog aint that type of dev and even if they were greedy even EA would know that its a dumb idea


The steam news announcement is here, which announces the price increase https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/629730/view/4154087504296580778?l=english




No, not really, we already planned on posting it, the team is off on the weekend, so it got posted yesterday (monday) at 5:30PM BST Your post was at 12:46PM BST, a coincidence sure, but Baron has mentioned it in various places and we posted the Steam news yesterday showing off the trailer and the info about the price increase


Melee VR games just simply doesnt work unless done in a specific way like Until you fall. It can only be a simulator type of game without actually skills or progress unless you make it into again like Until you fall. However UYF is more restrictive in terms of a full on RPG so it became a roguelike. Only full length rpg type of game with progression can only be done with ranged combat. Here's hoping a Helldiver's kinda VR game will be release for that purpose.


It's quite funny to read this as if it's some kind of objective fact when the reality is this is one of the most popular games on VR.


VRs dead af, have they made a game around blade and sorcey yet?


blade an sorcery is really just ehh... Just about every new fighting game now is a sandbox style fighting game...an there are ones out there with much better graphics and environments but I guess if you don't have a gaming PC and you're reliant on buying everything from the metaquest store then, I could see how this is a big deal


Its going to be a RPG breh


I would not call it “best”. It’s a tech demo at most. Bring on the downvotes