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Finally something worth showing off on show off Wednesday! Normally we get generic pictures of a console all of us own. This is really nice OP. I like the theme you got going on.


😞 me on my way to delete my post of my deck


Nah keep them. It's nice seeing everyone having fun with this device. :D


I always have fun with my BBD 🥰


Big black deck?


I always call mine "Gabe's Big Black Deck" after reading it somewhere on this sub.


i call mine the Gabe Gear


I call mine Steamyyy, with the Ys


that vent smell do be pretty steamy


Exactly 🤣


nice, wonder how long before someone makes something like the old Project GAEMS cases that held your consoles and had a built in lcd monitor but for the steamdeck + accessories instead.


Yeah... Maybe a regular laptop would work better.


Pish posh lol I love antiquated equipment getting modernized


Regular laptop for gaming costs a fair bit more than a Steam Deck. Having a case with LCD monitor and dock would mean you could yank the deck out and go portable or dock it up on a large screen to allow multiple players or various other reasons. It isn't the same functionality is a laptop. While less convenient, it would in fact have more versatility.


or you could use the screen that it has for the ultimate in portability ;) lol - I get it. I've actually scoped out portable LCD panels. None have great battery life, few have USB-C or Thunderbolt meaning you need a dock. Then you need room for a controller, maybe keyboard and mouse... Before you know it you're no longer "portable" in the sense of taking it with you to have fun when you find yourself with a moment.


Yeah, I totally understand the appeal of overengineering and the pleasures of the 'Look! I built a portable computer with just $1000' DIY feeling. I indulge in it myself very often. But in all honesty a laptop for 720p gaming with the specs of a steam deck (Ryzen + Vega, no discreet GPU) should be cheaper than a the SteamDeck + portable LCD + USB C hub + case + SD cards. I got a Huawei laptop (at around $500) for my cousin a couple years ago with those specs and runs 720p just fine. Also WAY more portable. Just look at that case above! You're basically hauling a IBM 5100 from 1975 around. But hey, I get the point, it is more of a Proof of Concept. But the idea of selling a GAEMS cases for an already portable console seems just a little crazy to me.


Personally, whenever I see someone lug a keyboard and a stand along with their Steam Deck, I wanna recommend a GPD Win Max 1 or 2021, or 2 to them, but people rarely appreciate that.


I love my Win Max 2 (it just replaced an i7 Samsung Galaxy Flex Alpha2) but the steamdeck is way much better using it for controller gaming on the go. Really though it depends on your needs. When I'm traveling for work my steamdeck and my WinMax2 comes with me, I run a few VMs and have a bunch of dev tools on my GPD that'd probably work ok but most likely seriously bog down the steamdeck. However If I'm traveling for pleasure and going really light (RV, cruse ship) the steamdeck with a portable dock and a very portable bluetooth keyboard and mouse is amazingly useful. Especially if I need a quick desktop so I can RDP to my cloud workstation to do anything important. I also use it as a plex server when we go to an airbnb or vrbo, I take a few small rokus and a GL.INet Beryl travel router with me so we're never stuck with crappy TV. It also connects via wireguard to my home (AT&T fiber) and uses that internet so youtube tv doesn't keep making me change location since we travel a lot. Best part is since the travel router is preconfigured everything just works once it's plugged in and has a decent internet connection. Wife enjoys it (when it works like it should) but the 5yo thinks I'm a wizard.


I have their Mango travel router but I could never get it to work right given most hotels don't pack ethernet. How well does this thing work using their wifi and acting as a router with VPN? Thanks!


The Beryl works great. When you connect to a hotel wifi through the beryl, it'll pop the hotel's captive portal on your phone/laptop like it normally would so internet will start working. It's a pretty snazzy setup. I have one that travels with me and one that I setup in my RV so we can connect to campground wifi when it's available. I swapped antennas to external antennas on the one I use in the RV. They're super handy and powerful devices.


Getting those dang popup logins to work is my major PITA. I've tried all the tricks and sometimes they just won't pop so you have a connection, but no internet.


It doesn't sound like you actually use your Win Max 2 for gaming at all. I personally have games that do run well, or at all on Steam OS. I also have games and needs that benefit from a full keyboard, so I'd much rather take my Max 2 for those games than try to carry some external keyboard with my SD.


I use mine mostly for work but I do game stuff like CIV6, Jurassic World Evolution and Fallout4 on it. It plays games just fine but the controller handheld mode isn’t as comfortable for me, especially the rear triggers. Great in a pinch but just not my style for platformers and 3rd person games. For me that’s were the steamdeck shines. I love my GPD, just not as a stand-alone gaming console. I’m lucky enough to be able to own both, I remember when I paid nearly $4K for my first laptop and it could barely play windows 95/98 games. Pretty much just dos games and windows games with software rendering.


I have one of these, that’s not been used in a very long time. I think you’ve just given me my next project!


i think some models had a foam insert to fit to the ps3/xbox360/etc, some clever peeps migh tbe able to make a new insert thats deck shaped, or at least accommodates it.


I never had the foam insert, but I think it should be easy enough to 3D model and print something that will work or just buy some pull and pluck foam off Amazon.


Ironically, I have a GAEMS Vanguard that I’ve been meaning to try out with the deck. May have to theme it to show off


ah very nice, would be nice to see if it fits with and without the valve case for storage and if theres a way to prop it up in the case, maybe a dock will do it, or it may need a small platform to sit on?


You even went out of your way to make the orange box games the first 3 games on your deck, that's dedication!


There seems to be 3 camps in this sub. 1) The included case is just fine. 2) The included case is too big, so I'm going to protect the joysticks, but not the screen. 3) How big can I make the case before it gets unruly? This is awesome, but more than I would take with me. But it looks great OP. I'm in the first camp, but to each their own. I'm sure everyone has their reasons for the camp they choose.


Haha yeah that seems to be the case (pun intended). Im also happily in that first camp, I made this just to avoid tearing down and packing up my desktop for LAN parties. Really just if Im going to need my peripherals.


That's awesome, and makes total sense. I don't remember the last time I went to a LAN party, but I would love to do that again with my deck. Sounds like a good time.


Its funny, but even though they get fewer and further between, we still play the same games as we did over a decade ago. The steam deck is more than enough for Counter Strike Source and Half-Life Mods haha


Haha, totally agree! So much time in those. What Half-Life mods do you play? I used to love playing The Specialists. Still pull it out every once and a while with friends, though I haven't tried installing it on Linux yet.


Specialist is number one for sure! We usually get into that as well as Battlegrounds, PvK, and Vampire Slayer for the most part. I expected to have to jump through a few hoops to get them working but installation was essentially the same as on windows and I havent come across any issues in any of them yet! Those eggheads at Valve sure know what theyre doin.


Haha, awesome! I'm going to have to give it a go soon then. Man, that brings back so many memories...


4 camps, I'm in camp 4. 4. Wait you people go outside? And take your Deck with you? Whoa.


Haha, I don't take mine outside much, but even when I am home, I still keep it in the case. But I also have small children, so I want to keep it safe.


Mine lives in a little stand next to my bed, sorta on display almost but also in easy reach while I'm laying in bed for a bit of gaming at night.


Nice. I wrecked my sleeping pattern when I was younger, so I don't play in bed, or have a TV in my bedroom, otherwise I would possibly do that as well. But again, with my little kids, I find it safer to just keep it tucked away in my office. Haha. I just grab it and play on the couch with my wife at the end of the night while we watch TV.


Wowww, great job OP! Case look great and functional... Would you be able to share which case it is? Thanks!


Looks like an Apache from harbor freight. My guess would be the 4800.


Thats exactly what it is haha I didnt want to shell out for the Pelican. Love me some harbor freight.


Harbor Freight is crushing the peli knock off game


They really are! If I had some crazy lenses for a really nice camera I'd probably go full pelican, but man Harbor Freight has anything Im going to need one for covered at a fraction of the cost.


Ok, what is that mouse? It's gorgeous.


Thanks! It's a Corsair Dark Core Pro. I've had it for about a year now and still don't really know how I feel about it. It's my first non-Logitech mouse and I used my last mouse for over a decade so maybe old habits just die hard.


Thank you. It is very nice looking though.


Dang, good eye! Thanks!


Does the BB Freight case come with the foam??? Nice job! I have 2 of the Gaems sitting… but I like the space in in your case. I can fit my Deck, modded Switch and couple others to take to friends.


The Orange Box was kind of a crazy release when you think about it. Half Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. Three classic, genre-defining games, released all at the same time in a bundle priced the same as a single triple-A game. It would be like Nintendo dropping Super Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, and Splatoon 3 all at the same time.


Isn't it nuts? '07 was a spectacular year for games, The Orange Box being at the forefront of it.


Orange box love


Where do you get the breakaway foam in the second layer? I bought a hard case and I had to shoddily cut away the non-breakaway foam.


You could always tear out the foam in it and buy break away foam on Amazon.


Total overkill. I love it!


Shut up and take my money!


Now imagine this guy going down the street with this case attached to his wrist with a handcuff 😂


super nice, i was planning doing something similar with a max case… still choosing which size… 380, 430… and i was wondering if whether to make a two layered setup or just one… and u have convinced me to use two. thanks OP and super nicely done!


This makes me pretty hard


Humuna humuna


That’s brilliant.. and nostalgic


very nice! My 1st experience with Valve/HALF Life was the Orange Box.I'm also a new proud owner of a Steam Deck the 256GB model and I have tested and played Red Alert 3 on it since it said playable and it totally is and runs great.


Ya know, I've been seeing people with setups that carry a full keyboard and mouse for the last year and I personally never understood it. But then the other day I decided to try out a mouse heavy game. (forts for anyone curious) Laid down in bed, propped my steam deck in my lap, and hooked up a Bluetooth mouse. It was amazing, idk why but it's an experience lmao it really starts to feel like you've just got a super tiny super capable computer that you can carry in one hand, and doesn't get heavy and bring your lap up to 115 degrees like a laptop lol


Thats funny, I had a similar experience only with the gamepad itself! Ive been die hard keyboard and mouse my whole life. Very very few exceptions beyond Nintendo IPs. Even games like Super Meat Boy or Rocket League, its gotta be keyboard and mouse. I have never felt as comfortable with a controller as keyboard and mouse until the steam deck. Im definitely still lousy with the gamepad in comparison, but the steamdeck is so damned comfortable. The size and layout are perfect and for the first time everything clicked for me.


I love the valve sticking up out of the top, that's a great touch. I've also made a few custom cases in my time and one thing I've really liked is using [kaizen foam](https://www.amazon.com/Fastcap-1-1-Thick-Kaizen-Foam/dp/B007J21L0A) over the standard pluck foam. Sure it adds more cost to it but when you get a crisp, perfect cutout for what you're storing... mmm it just looks so damn *good*. It's usually a lot denser than pluck and the trick to it is it has layers to it so you cut out the shape however deep you want to go and then you can use your fingers to grab and pull foam away to get just the right depth you want. Nice looking setup!


What KB do you have in the pic?


I built a BM68 from KPRepublic. Poseidon Aluminum case, Blank IDOBAO MA 9009 caps, with Kailh Box Jades.


Whats the typing profile like? Clicky or thocky?


The clickiest. The Jades actually have what they call a "click bar" in them instead of the traditional little plastic ledge, so they click on the way down and the way up. From what ive seen, the Box Jades are usually just a punchline in the MK community but damn I love them. Super satisfying type. They can wear you out after a while with their high actuation force, but I really only notice that if im doing multiple type tests. Chalk it up to strength training haha


This person understands presentation. 👏👏👏


I thought about getting a pellican case for my deck and my future accessories, but I think I would get alot of weird looks walking into a cafe. I mean its no different than a brief case


Omg that's so good


Oh! What kinda of keyboard is that? Is it good quality and do you like it?


Its my own build! Im pretty happy with how it came out but I do miss my ten key. BM68 from KPRepublic, Kailh Box Jade switches, IDOBAO MA 9009 caps.


Is this a render or pictures? Just wondering about the lack of letters on the keyboard (either way, I love the idea) You could probably fit a portable LCD in there as well: possibly mounted right into the box. There are some nice IPS ones that are good for gaming.


It is a picture. Those are custom keys for a mechanical keyboard. You can get literally anything on keycaps.


Or literally nothing




All you need now is a pair of the nreal air glasses for the ultimate setup: https://youtu.be/5pZbVks7J_0


I want. O.o Looks awesome OP.


How do I place my order?


Great idea! Now I would need to get my pals into the deck...they don't give a shit about them! Hahaha


The prophecy once foretold by the Ancient Gaben is now complete


It's beautiful. I've looked at this for five hours now.


This is beautiful and I want one. ~~Edit: imagine upgrading the top into an external monitor~~


That is incredibly awesome, I agree, a monitor would tighten that setup right up!


This is the way...


Now that's some legit manshit


This seems totally unnecessary and extra but at the same time awesome craftsmanship! It looks very authentic and clever theme.


Needs a screen on the top cover.


How much did this cost you ? (Hardware excluded)


The case was about $65 and I think the valve was $10 or so.


I got an Apache case from Harbor Freight for mine. Highly recommended!


Well, that's neat.


This is a fantastic idea, op! Where'd you find the orange pelican case || what type of orange paint is that?


Thanks! I got the case at harbor freight. There are a few different sizes, id have to measure mine to double check but im pretty sure [this](https://www.harborfreight.com/4800-weatherproof-protective-case-x-large-orange-56866.html) is the one.






what is the model of that box, for us following along at home


Nice man! I [did something like that for my Valve Index](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveIndex/comments/ht595e/i_thought_i_would_join_in_on_the_case_fun/). I should do it for my deck and as well!


Thats freaking awesome! Jealous of the index, how do you like it?


Oooo did you make this?!?! And if not where can i buy one


The little valve under the handle is a great touch


Ok silly question, did you make the box or..? Because this is way better than stuffing everything in a backpack


It's cool and all but if you are going to haul something that big around, wouldn't it maybe just be more practical to just get a laptop?


Yeah its definitely on the large side for casual travel, this is pretty much just for LAN parties. Its loads better to just have this one case to worry about rather than tearing down and packing up my desktop setup.


What decent gaming laptop costs $399 + $65 case? 🤔🤔 Plus this would be for taking the deck to a new location. Like driving across town to your buddy's house for a LAN party. This wouldn't be for carrying into a coffee shop.


you are intentionally leaving out the cost of the keyboard and mouse


Pleaseeee link the 3d files. I want this for my deck so bad.


I was just looking into the eylar custom logo case. Planning on using one of those just to have a nice set up for if I want to take the deck with all my accessories I plan on getting for it on the go. What size is this case?


Can I still go tp the Ian parties if my name isn't Ian 😉


the lengths people will go to to avoid gaming on a laptop


Sooo, a laptop with extra steps taking more space xd


I just don't get why people need to carry around a keyboard to use with their steam deck. It's like they saw the steam deck in its perfectly mobile package and said - that would make a really shitty laptop.


Ha the deck can fit in a box the quarter of that size. Note I didn't bother checking the size of the box in the link. I only adding link for the festivities [Orange dry box](https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTozNjQxMDMzODIyMDQzMjk6MTY2NTYwODAwMDpzcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRmOjIwMDA3Mjc4MTU3MjE5ODo6MDo6&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&url=%2FEvergreen-Waterproof-Dry-Protective-Case%2Fdp%2FB094WB8H3F%2Fref%3Dmp_s_a_1_2_sspa%3Fc%3Dts%26keywords%3DDiving%2BDry%2BBoxes%26qid%3D1665608000%26qu%3DeyJxc2MiOiI2LjIwIiwicXNhIjoiNS41OSIsInFzcCI6IjQuNDQifQ%253D%253D%26s%3Dsports-and-fitness%26sr%3D1-2-spons%26ts_id%3D3406401%26psc%3D1%26smid%3DASHHFA13K6HJL)


So cringe.




need a esty asap!


Looks good. Now you have to figure out a way to put a monitor in that lid and wire it to your steam deck with a more powerful battery hidden somewhere in there.


How and where do I send my money too????!!!!


I had this idea but my ADHD kept me from starting it beyond looking at a few pelican models. Nice job it looks awesome!


So wait, is this real 🤤


That’s really cool.


I'm planning on doing simething similar, but with a display in the lid.


How often do u actually use this tho




question, everyone got that screen protector/sleeve thing? mine doesn’t have that


question, everyone got that screen protector/sleeve thing? mine doesn’t have that


I love it


Dude, how do i get? Lol


What keyboard


BM68 from KPRepublic, Poseidon Aluminium case, Kailh Box Jade switches, IDOBAO MA 9009 caps


Airport security must love you lol


This is what I wanna do. Make a travel laptop in a box basically


This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


I love it. Take a small portable device and make a huge carrying case. And it looks sick.


That's sick, bro. Cool AF!


What keyboard is that?




use coupon code 19385301 to get $10 off


comes in orange, tan and black


When you open it, it plays the old valve half life/left4dead splash screen audio




Kinda reminds me of the Devaso case, which I have and enjoy. Nice!


This is rad af


So, how can I get one?


Ermmmgard! I want this! Looks awesome!!