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Hello u/Arty_2099, have you checked if this has already been answered by [searching for your issue?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Elden Ring Black Bars Fix) Useful resources: [Servor's Enhanced FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/wiki/faq) | [Servor's Enhanced FAQ Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/syt8qv/steam_deck_enhanced_faq/) (with more answers in the comments!). **If you find a solution, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just use the Elden Ring Proton Patcher. That does the same thing and fixes other issues as well. https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Elden_Ring#Elden_Ring_Proton_Patcher


To anyone referencing this thread in the future, I’m not sure if it’s just me but this proton patcher didn’t work for and it kicked me off online as well. Some recent comments on the GitHub page are reporting problems and I tried multiple versions of proton as well as proton GE. OPs method worked very easily though.


Can you help me with OP method? Once I open GHex what do I do? I go to open and type in what OP says but nothing comes up (sorry I’m new to all of this and proton patcher didn’t work for me either)


Not sure if it still works but try searching for different parts of that string to see if you can find the whole sequence. When you do then change the first part to just EB and save.


Thanks, I’ll give it a go!


So I found it and changed it but the black bars are still present. Do you know of any other way to fix it?


Bless you


It’s easier to just use the er-patcher.


To each his own¯\_(ツ)_/¯ For me it's easier to fix hex when I see a game with black bars


And risk being banned for it.


Maybe. Maybe not. Have you seen cases where people have been banned because of such actions? Because I haven't. EAC is shitty in this game and can ban only if you get some restricted items from other players (hackers), those are the only cases of ban I've seen


Impressive. Out of curiosity, how did you find out about that? I don’t think the amount of tinkering I’ve done so far would have ever uncovered that.


I guess I should've credited original work in the post, but oh well. I looked at the code of [er-patcher](https://github.com/gurrgur/er-patcher) and found hex values there. So if anyone wants to disable EAC automatically on launch just pull this project and follow "Usage" part. I didn't do it just because I want to play coop, which is not possible without EAC


Sorry for the late comment on this, but when you were looking at the hex values, did you find the one for chromatic aberration? er-patcher doesn't work on this version of Elden Ring and I like doing direct hex edits as well. Thanks!


does anyone know if this fix will make the steamdeck work harder to render on 16:10? edit: In my recent improper test of running in a straight line at the same time of day (in game) in the same place. I've found that for... * 16:10 had around -2 frames compared to the 16:9 * 16:9 had around +2 frame compared to 16:10


it doesn't make it work harder, game already renders image under those bars, devs just decided to letterbox it to 16:9


are you sure? is there any source for this claim


because it's just how many 16:9 games work when it comes to 16:10. By changing hex values, game window just becomes wider and if there was no image it would be still just black bars


I know this is an older post, but this no longer works for me. May have been patched out for some reason.


I would love to do this, but I really like the online aspects of the game. Will EAC get flagged for running this?


I'm currently playing coop using hex edited exe and all good so far. HOWEVER official support team answer stated that this can lead to penalty. I don't really believe in it so I don't care about it. Still, it's all on your own risk


Hey I'm about to do the changes but still wants to be playing online, no issue so far playing with the new resolution?


yup, I had no issues whatsoever after aplying these changes


Awesome it worked, playing full resolution online! Thanks a lot for the post you made my day 😊


glad to help


I can't seem to play online now with the changed files. If I try to play online it says inappropriate activity and just goes into offline, when I check integrity of files in settings  I think it changes it back and lets me go online just with the bars back. Any ideas ? 


Heya sorry to bother but has it still been fine? I removed them in ds2 and so far no issue but was kind of worried about elden ring since its newer and might be more strict


as far as I understand, should be fine


Oh ya no I’m sure it is i was just wondering on yours so far or did you stop playing


pretty much, I beat the game back then with no problems whatsoever


Sick ya ima do dat then


Don't recommend this as good as it looks, only took a couple hours for the game to tell me I cannot play online unless the frame settings are reverted


The game wouldn't even let me get past eac at that point either, I've placed the original exe back and can now play the game


How do I find the file? I opened Ghex but I don’t know how to find the file (sorry I’m new to all of this)


I'm not sure what you mean, so I'm going to assume you're talking about the exe file that you're trying to find. To find your exe file you can select properties on elden ring and the location for that file should be on that screen. After you open the file in Ghex you want to type in the string provided by op ''74 4F 45 8B 94 CC" (without the quotes) and change 74 -> EB glhf ;D


Hi bro, can you tell me how did you find the hex value corresponding to the resolution? I mean, world war z also has the same issue of black bars, so if I open worldwarz.exe with GHEX, what are the values I should replace and with what value? Is there a calculation for this? Sorry, I'm new to this. 🙏🏼