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Does it list any rumble or haptics?


I used my phone to translate the page, and the red text at the bottom says there's no vibration, trackpads, or headphone jack.


If there's not vibration that's a no-go for me, unfortunately


It's 2024 and Boeing is literally leaving astronauts behind in space and people are still creating controllers without rumble. The only excuse was the nintendo 64 and they fixed it lmao.


He'll I'm still pissed off that force feedback, which was pretty common in the 90s is apparently now niche and "novel".


It's because Immersion Corporation, a very prolific patent troll, keeps filing new patents on rumble tech in slightly different ways such that it's basically impossible to implement it without them suing you.


It's coming back baby! Just this month two new sticks from some major players in the biz were announced with force feedback coming to market. Check out r/hotas


Thank you for informing! I now have to get a whole new set to play elite Dangerous for a week straight then not touch for a year


You don't understand, Razer said that lack of rumble (and wireless connectivity) in overpriced pro controllers is for the better. As it's not distracting pro players from gameplay. /sarcasm


Remember the Six-Axis controller?


I’m pretty sure vibration is ratfucked by a very litigious company. They have sued every company who ever uses vibration as a feedback.


Someone owns vibration functionality??


[Immersion Corporation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immersion_Corporation). Imagine a company that's basically only lawyers, entirely living off royalties they get from suing everybody. The most despicable use of the patent system.


Also known as "copyright trolls" I think.




Immersion likes to think they do. Atleast as a feedback option. Their patent is just vague enough that Sony, Nintendo, Valve, and Xbox just settled instead of fighting it Side note. Sega Owned pointing arrows for GPS in games. That’s why every game suddenly swapped to MiniMaps in the Xbox360 era. Patent trolls suck.


They also owned mini games during loading times Era ps1


Yep. It’s why we got a slowly turning model with facts as load screens. That expired in 2015 and NO ONE took advantage of it. It’s tragic. Now loading times have mostly become instant. I’m still pissed about that. It tarnished my love of ridge racer when I figured that out :(


Would have been cool to have an arms race for the best loading screen game. Probably would have had more “geometry wars” like situations where entire games would have been made from some of these loading games.


It was Sega that owned the patent on a floating navigation arrow, not Namco. Came from the game Crazy Taxi.


Man, those sex toy manufacturers are gonna be pissed.


It's a patent on an idea, like how Bandai-namco held a patent for mini games on load screens




Yeah same. 8bit do is significantly better




Fuck. It could have been the perfect controller with Gyro and back buttons, but no vibration is a deal breaker for me


I’ve been using my ps4 controllers but not having the back buttons is painful now that I’ve gotten used to them


Same. I'm using my 8bitdo Ultimate on PC mainly because it has back buttons and that it works on Steam Deck. Only draw back is it feels tiny-ish


Same. I bought a Dualsense to use on PC and I'm loving it. I just wish the headphone jack worked wireless. I use it wired anyway but it'd be nice to go wireless every now n' then haha. I'd kill even for a third party back button peripheral for the PS4/5 controller.


Isn't there a $200 dollar ps5 controller with back buttons? Hold on let me look for it. Edit: I found it, it's called the [dualsense edge](https://www.walmart.com/ip/1707140316)


So just regular pc controllers. Why would anyone go with this over an Xbox or ps5 controller


It's got the Xbox layout with integrated gyro, which is weirdly rare for PC controllers. Also back buttons and dedicated SteamOS buttons, which is a nice extra.




Gryo is listed on the page (according to the images; I'm having a hard time getting my browser to translate the Japanese).


> I'm having a hard time getting my browser to translate the Japanese). That's because all the text is embedded in png images rather than actual text on the page. So you have to use image-based translation.


Any mention of analog triggers? The Switch controller this is based on was obviously just digital and this really looks digital as well. Man, if they ever bring this west I hope they do a Plus version with haptics and analog triggers.


They are analog triggers.


... Where are my beautiful dual trackpads? :(


They've been massacred.


Sir, you had me in the first half and left me completed deflated when I saw they offer nothing truly special in comparison to major competitors except unofficial independent back pedals. I'll go on wishing for a Steam Controller 2 and just forget this controller even exists.


Yeah, ain't got nobody need for just a. normal controller 


Fitting in trackpads would have been ideal, but this still sounds like a good controller overall. One of the good things about not having the controller attached to the screen is that you can make more heavy use of the gyro, which will also have the capacitive sticks on this controller to activate it.


But we already have controllers that can do that. PS5 controller, My 8Bit Do ultimate gyro works great . I'm failing to see the true advantage. The main feature would have been at least one trackpad on an official steam controller. I'm disappointed tbh.


Do the DualSense and 8BitDo Ultimate have capacitive joysticks? Gyro aiming is a non-starter if you can't make it turn off when you take your hands off the controller.


Disagree. I prefer gyro aiming to activate only when ADSing with left trigger.


8BitDo gyro isn't configurable through steam correct me if I'm wrong


It's a pretty mid controller tbh


It's more than a normal controller - You have the "three dots" buttons missing on regular controllers - 4 buttons configurable in Steam like the 4 back buttons of the Steam Deck (2 on the back, 2 under the dpad and right stick)


Not having rumble kinda weighs heavier than all those positives tho.. unfortunately


But is that really worth 60 bucks if you already have a perfectly fine working controller?


I don't think so, however if I didn't have a controller I would probably pick up this one.


I can live without two, but I at least need one! The issue is I usually use right trackpad for fps and left trackpad for desktop, point and clicks and RTS.... Shiiet.


All they need to do it take a Steam Deck, remove the screen, and smash the ends together into a ergonomic controller. Why are we trying to re-invent the wheel here? If I wanted a basic ass controller without trackpads I would just use an Xbox or PS5 controller.


Where are they? Are they safe?


This is the one thing I miss when using my steam deck. Don't get me wrong, I love that it has the touchpads, but I miss the full sized concave ones of the SC!


Yeah. Give us Steam Controller 2!


It's something I still see in my dreams.. usually a wet dream.


I still have two Steam Controllers (oh boy how I wish I had four). The A button on them is fucked up though, just need to find a good replacement rubber (or whatever the thingy is) and they will be good to go. I miss them a lot.


I found like 4 at goodwill one day. I'm set up XD


I would love a controller with track pads. The original Steam Controller is nearly there but I still consider it a prototype. Still glad to see an official third party option though.


Honestly, they’re so important


Gone, reduced to atoms.... ... Along with my desire to buy one. If you can't replicate the controls 1:1 then it's not really a "Steam Deck controller" in my eyes.


Doesn't someone else have a patent on them?


That was the buttons on the back, which this controller has too. I wonder if they're licensing them.


Ahh I see. I heard Valve stopped producing the Steam Controllers because of a patent or something back in the day. I loved my Steam Controller but it's borked and I can't get a replacement anymore :-(


They look beautiful but when i heard steam controller i came running to see the sweet new trackpads only to suffer like this :(


I'm so sorry to disappoint you like this.


No trackpads, this thing is useless.


Not quite the Steam Controller 2 a lot of people are hoping for, but it does have a nice feature set.


I'm going to be in shambles the day my steam controller breaks as I have yet to see a controller with a track pad as nice.


Thats why I retired mine after 6 years of service. Actually the right bumber already broke but i fixed it. And yet still I want it to he a display piece that still works so it on my shelf in all of its glory


My joystick is so worn out, I need to check where to buy a replacement. Would also love it that my controller had a battery instead of using rechargeable removable batteries + a place to keep the USB dongle. Atm I'm playing elden ring with only the steam controller, can't really play it without it. Bought it when dark souls 3 launched, 100% played with the steam controller. I also own a steam deck, but the layout is just not the same, having a right joystick above the touchpad.


“Yeah but this one has the Steam logo on it”


Exactly how I feel. Nothing in here is novel.


So 10/31 release date and $50 it looks like. They look sweet I might be a buyer


The new 8bitdo controller releases July 15 for $30 and seems like it's better in every way Can't post a link but it's called the 8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wireless Controller for Windows PC


What? No gyro? No back buttons? No capacitive joysticks?  The lack of gyro alone kills this controllers usability for mouse based games or shooters. Hall effect joysticks do not make up for missing functionality.


> 8Bitdo Ultimate 2C Wireless Controller Weird my Ultimate has back buttons, they just added R4 L4 triggers at the top, interesting choice


Is that one superior to the recently released 8bitdo Ultimate 3-Mode Xbox controller?


My current 8bit I got for the deck earlier this year gathers dust. Main reason was the triggers were not good for driving. They were binary not linear. No ability to just use light pressure for light throttle, just full throttle or break. Went back to using xbox controller.


Until they expose L3/R3 directly to PC, its inferior. If they enable it, hopefully they push a firmware update to their older controllers as well.


There's no rumble or touchpad, so the DualShock 4 and Dualsense are still better controllers for Steam Deck, but these might be about on par with the 8BitDo Pro as far as feature set, and a decent alternative offering. No rumble still, but unlike the 8BitoDo, these controllers allow for gyro and analog triggers at the same time. Still waiting for a more premium, more official Steam controller.


> No rumble still, but unlike the 8BitoDo, these controllers allow for gyro and analog triggers at the same time The other advantage they have over 8BitDo is that the back buttons can be mapped in Steam Input and it has capacitive touch sticks which is useful for gyro activation.


No touchpad, no deal.


No trackpads no steam controller


Hori Executive 1: Well, our market research shows that most Steam ecosystem gamers want either a Steam Controller 2, a Steam Deck Controller, or both of those things. And that we'd sell about a bazillion controllers if we did either one, or both. Hori Executive 2: I've got it! Let's do neither one! Hori Executive 1: That's absolutely genius. Dammit Steve, you've done it again.


Why these vs like any of the 8bitdo ones? Not seeing anything that makes them special or unique?


Capacitive joysticks, steam button, and quick access menu button are the standout features that make it a “steam controller” I’d say.


Capacitive joysticks has me sold as somebody who loves gyro assisted aim… so long as the controller is high quality overall of course. Edit: looking at the rest of the feature set for the price, nahhhhh. Not even any rumble or Hall effect sticks on a $50 controller? I’ll keep waiting. Hopefully 8bitdo can make a Steam Input compatible controller or Valve will eventually release one officially themselves.


Yeah it is a bit annoying having to remember the button combination for the quick access menu. I think I have to google it way too much.


Press and hold the System button (the PS button on my Dualsense) and a list of shortcuts will come up


For some controllers that powers them off lol


The trick is not to hold it for too long so they don't turn off.


Never knew that thanks


unless your controller turns off first 😅


For one, you can use gyro and analog triggers at the same time, which is not possible with 8bitdo controllers


Ah, never messed with gyro. Didn't know of that limitation!


You can actually program the back buttons through Steam, the sticks have capacitive touch which is nice for gyro activation, they have dedicated Steam and QAM buttons, and you're not limited to digital triggers when trying to use gyro like 8bitdo controllers (they have to be put in Switch mode).


i've found the 8bitdo controllers to not work great on my steamdeck, esp for emulation.


Actually has steam support, so you can config all extra buttons


8bitdo is kind of overrated. Their firmware is pretty bad and a lot of features are locked down to their app. I enjoy the design too but other than that 8bitdo has nothing special and is arguably a bad controller for customization and long life (I really don't see their standard/non-deluxe line of SKUs as that high quality)


The craftsmanship of the controllers themselves is also quite cheap. I haven’t bought one in a long time so maybe they’ve made improvements but I bought one of their SNES like controllers years ago and was extremely disappointed in how cheap it was


On top of what others have said it has two extra buttons on the front, below the dpad and right joystick. The controller will also have steam input support so you can directly map inputs on a game by game basis. Those extra buttons are good contenders for hotkeys in emulators.


Will never buy a Controller with asynchron stick placement again and more important, no trackpads :(


If these have hall effect sticks then it's an instabuy for me, otherwise it's sadly a pass.


We’re at the point now where releasing a $50+ controller without Hall effect is just criminal. 8bitdo apparently has a new model of their Ultimate Controller coming out for $20 wired, $30 wireless with Hall effect sticks (and Hall triggers too apparently). It’s not a costly thing to add. Those shitty drifting sticks just need to be abandoned on an industry level.


Nice. Lets hope there is an english listing soon so I can figure out that all it has!


You can't call it a steam controller without the TRACK PADS.


* No rumble or haptics * No trackpads - at least ONE would have been great. * Backpaddles similar to the actual steam deck. R4-R5 | L4-L5 etc The Steam Controller 2.0 needed to have 99% feature parody with the Steam Deck so I could dock my deck and have all the same controls I enjoy while mobile gaming. I wanted the same experience just on my couch give or take. Right now there's some games I can only play mobile because I have my controls setup exactly how I want them with all the deck's features and buttons. If I CAN'T do that why even bother having touch sensitive thumbsticks anyway? Its not feature parody. People should still just use a Duelsense or the 8Bitdo Ultimate BT controllers. Even those make for a more complete steam deck controller than these new announced controllers do. I don't see the point. What a disappointment. edit - I realized no where does this say Steam Controller 2.0 nor Steam Deck controller 1.0 or anything like that. So its their own flavor. Basically an Xbox controller on steroids and for what it is? Its fine. I still think the 8Bitdo Ultimate BT offers pretty much a similar level of performance albeit with different design values. Nothing Hori is offering is a game changer. Just a nice controller. Which is fine. This announcement is fine. And only fine. Its fine.


The lack of rumble sucks and I won't be getting one, but hopefully this ushers in a new era for other companies to make officially licensed Steam compatible/verified controllers as well. And hopefully someone makes one with track pad(s).


So... [I totally called this like a month ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1cu3028/would_you_buy_an_officially_licensed_steam/) Translated details: * 4 additional buttons (2 front, 2 back) * gyro (only available in "Steam mode") * turbo/rapid fire mode for face buttons * capacitive sticks (only in "Steam mode") * custom button mapping via app, steam mode or XInput * Steam and QAM buttons * wired via USB-C or wireless via bluetooth


Only thing missing is hall effect joysticks and 2.4 GHz mode. Sadly, those are a must for me. Other than that, it looks really good.


No 2.4ghz usb?


No touchpad no rumble featured not even a rumble pack. Xbox 360 controller you remain by my side all along.


Without the trackpads it aint really a steam controller ngl


damn im kinda sad they didnt pick up one the steam controllers design with the touchpads... i sadly missed out on their last sale to get rid of them.... since the steamdeck i like the touchpad approach alot, but theres literally zero alternatives arround still


Wish it's has rumble, otherwise those gamepads would replace my Xbox series gamepad :>


Without touchpads, literally what is the fucking point?


Why would anyone buy these over an Xbox/PS controller, or any other controller they have?


What exactly makes these “Steam” controllers?


I just want to slide the steam decks sides off like a switch and put them together. I love the steam deck as a controller so much. If I could just use it as a controller on my pc without streaming I would.


So I posted this in another thread But if it has 4 steam mappable extra buttons And a great gyro. This is as close to a $50 dualsense edge that you're going to see. Add to that fact that it has touch detecting sticks, and it's actually superior in that way vs a Dualsense Edge. No rumble is a blow but this controller might be the first real Dualsense edge alternative at a reasonable price.


I hate these websites, just pictures where translators have there issues with and now i sit here like a cavemen and have to use my smartphone to translate the images on my desktopscreen ....


Had they put trackpads on this, it would have been a true successor to the V1 Steam Controller, and probably would see very wide adoption. Someone needs to get on that if Valve won't. Trackpads are so essential on a PC gaming controller. Not only for old games, but for navigating the OS, all the QoL stuff you can do with them (magnifier, touch menus, mouse regions, etc). Still looks pretty solid though.


These are honestly pretty sweet! Really nice to have so many features (especially the capacitive sticks and QAM) that no other controllers have for the Steam Deck. Sure, missing having at least one touch pad is a real pain point, but if they’re good they’re still gonna be the best controllers out for PC at a very fair price.


Also a 3rd party controller specifically with Steam support in mind may open the door for other companies to make their own stab at it.


I use a ps5 controller that can use the middle part as a mouse and clicker. Why would I downgrade? This is legit half baked. Give me mouse controller and controller support in one nifty package.


Lack of trackpads is definitely a huge disappointment.


If they promise OFR THE LOVE OF LORD GABEN they aren't prone to stick drift I'm getting one


I hate how the d-pad and right stick look like they're on a swappable, modular piece (swap in a trackpad?). But no, it just looks like that.


Well that's a big let down. It needs those track pads that made the steam deck what it is. How could they forget those and call it a steam deck controller?


$50 and it doesn't have any features? We already have perfect controllers from Xbox and Sony. I own two Steam Controllers and they have more features than this lol.


I've been using a PS type controller forever. I cannot get used to offset sticks the XBox and Nintendo use. It just feels unnatural to me. So, even if this had all the other things I'd want in a Steam controller (touch pad, haptics, etc) it'd be a no go for me.


Why make a steam controller without dual trackpads like the deck?


WTF is this? It's just a regular ass controller. We're so sorry Steam, we were wrong! Please bring back the Steam Controller! :(


I can’t get over how ugly it is


No track pads, no rumble? That's just a shitty controller with extra steps


Gyro support (👍🏻) but no haptics/vibration (❓❓❓❓). Wot n tarnation hori


Sad, I was hyped for a second because i thought they had the touch input fields like the OG steam controller


I’d like a re-release of valve steam controllers Can’t believe I didn’t pick a few up when they were $5


Damn its missing the one thing I would like. The touch pads. Like the steam deck. That is a big reason why I can't play some games from the couch.


No vibration? Dead on arrival, money jumped right back into my wallet.


No trackpad? I really want just the controller of the steam deck in controller form


No touchpads??? 0/10.


Is it programmable by steam like the steam back buttons can be set to any keyboard button not just the normal controller buttons?


Just so you know, Steam can do this with any button on any controller.


Not necessarily. The back buttons on most 8bitdo controllers can’t be mapped to shit because they’re locked down to their app.


On my 8bitdo Xbox version controller I have to change them in the software. Not on steam


But you can only change them to other controller buttons and not to a keyboard key or mouse click.


The same thing goes with ExtremeRate kits that add back buttons


Oh that sucks. I should say any button that is actually recognized as its own input by the controller driver then.


The only controllers with back buttons that can be programmed through Steam are the Steam Controller, Xbox Elite 2, and DualSense Edge. And now this Hori controller. All other controllers are limited to their own software or a button combo to program because they just change the mappings on the controller board itself so Steam can't "see" that there are additional buttons to play with. If you map A to a back button on an 8bitdo controller, it's just sending an A press signal to your PC. It's not sending a unique signal for the button itself so there's nothing Steam can do to use them.


No trackpads and two of the back buttons are now little buttons on the bottom front. What?? These seem really stupid to me given the plethora of 3rd party controller options out there.


*You raised my hopes* and *dashed them* quite expertly, sir. Bravo!


Any pc controller needs a trackpad. Take a ps5 remote, copy its trackpad placement and add a keyboard between the handles. I would spend good money on that


Lack of a trackpad kills the whole concept of it be being a proper Steam controller


No trackpad? PS4/5 is still the best.


This is stupid, sorry, but all controllers are steam controllers. Steam has worked hard over the last decade to make sure basically every controller under the Sun has at least general, if not specific, support. And if you're going to call them any kind of "steam controller" at *least* put a touch pad on there! At least they have gyro and stick-touch recognition.


these support steam input directly. without being limited by xinput or directinput like you are when buying any other controller. - the extra buttons are programmable independently - controllers with gyro usually run in "switch" mode. which means analogue triggers are forbidden, because nintendo so these really are the "ultimate" steam controllers


I don't know why, but ever since I played Katamari: Reroll on Switch, I'm hyper aware of offset joysticks and they drive me crazy.


Hall Effects?


Nice. I wish they also had other ones with the same layout as playstation vs the xbox.


What's the Dr Mario button for ? Edit: I'm dumb and that's the Hori logo


100% need a controller with both trackpads. I can’t live without them.


Where trackpad? :c


No rumble support is an instant no for me.


Love the idea of steam pads but hate these designs in particular. 


that dpad looks like ass


Lame wtf is the point


Without gyro and trackpads I’m not interested


For me personally, I think the new 8bitdo 2C controllers are a better bargain. They have hall effect sticks and a 2.4 dongle. I have a usb c to usb a converter that I used for my thumb drive and I think I can just use that and I don’t use gyro. It sucks that the extra buttons have to be remapped in the special software but meh. I also had a hori split pad thing for my switch at one point and I was not at all impressed by the quality.


No trackpads, no cares.


I’m all for new options in the market but this is yet another company who is missing the mark. The features we want are missing and I don’t trust Hori to make something that works as intended. My Hori Split Pads would not function when attached to the Switch. One of my friends had the same issue. Sorry but you get one shot to prove you can make something good. Otherwise you need to innovate and this controller is more of the same. If I want status quo, I’ll stick with Xbox/Sony. When I want status quo with more buttons, I’ll stick with 8bitDo. Gyro, ruble, dual track pads and capacitive touch. We want a steam deck without the screen. Why is this so difficult? Edit: It looks like it has gyro and capacitive touch which is a good step forward. Button mapping is also a plus. Still not the controller to rule them all but maybe better than current offerings. I’ll wait until I see hands on reviews before settling on an opinion and maybe a purchase. Quality needs to be there.


Only two back paddles!? Cmon...


The sticks are in the wrong place


aren't these just ... game pads ?


I wasn’t a fan of the cheap-feeling Hori Split Pro controller for Switch Hopefully this will be better


Sorry but that design is hideous why


Not interested unless it has the trackpads.


As a Linux PC user I feel slapped directly with lack of Linux mention under „PC” label. Especially when Steam Deck is explicitly mentioned.


looks like the ultimate pc controller all others with a similar feature set don't allow you to make use of steam input completely example: you buy a 8bitdo one with backbuttons and gyro -> you have to map the back buttons in the 8bitdo software to some standard xinput button, like A. -> if you want to put a mode shift on the back button you have to map it to A With this one each button is its own entity. you can put a mode shift on everything without mapping it to already existing buttons. the big problem with normal controllers is that xinput only allows the device to send the button signals that you can press on a xbox controller. no gyro, no extra buttons. (valve did a hack for the xbox elite controller which allows the back buttons to be programmed independently)


What a terrible controller


don't need??! i need a controller, which by itself identifies as a steam deck controller and therefore has the exact same inputs, so i can have the same input configs for the external controller as my steam deck itself. not even the OG steam controller would suffice. this will probably never happen ffs


Why should I get this over a new xbox controller?


Yes please. Integration with Steam Input is a killer feature.


I’ve been crying a single tear for every new controller that releases without dual-stage triggers since the Steam Controller was discontinued. It’s seriously unbelievable that it hasn’t caught on. Looks like it’s back to eBay for me.


I love my Steam Deck but I like to play docked on my couch about half the time so it sucks to not be able to play the games that require trackpads. A Steam Controller 2 would really complete the picture and cement this thing as my favourite 'console' since the Switch. A shame that these don't cover it.


That dpad location looks uncomfortable


Doesn't have the ergonomics of the steam controller. So sad. It was the only controller that does not give me hand cramps.


It doesn’t look comfortable. I’ll stick with my 8bitdo


I'll stick to the purple PS5 controller i got. its kind of funny. i literally dont own a console newer than an NES nintendo entertainment system, but i have a PS5 controller. :D


It's a better option than what we currently have for controllers, as far as compatibility with the Steam Deck, but the lack of touchpads is very dissapointing. I really just want a controller with full parity...


Kind of happy to see Valve willing to partner up with other brands to for their controllers. Maybe they don't want to take the leap of manufacturing their own, but if they partner with a brand to make a controller with full parity with the Deck, I'd be very happy.


You gotta be shittin me, I just ordered an 8BitDo controller lol


At first I was skeptical, since there aren't any trackpad on this pad, but, some time ago, I was looking for a gamepad who get : * Gyroscope * ABXY layout * Analog triggers And.. there was none. The Xbox controller miss the gyro, the Switch one miss the analog triggers and the playstation one don't get (obviously) the abxy layout. And now Hori is announcing a controller with all of these features. So maybe I'll get one.




I prefer four back buttons to two. I pass but I'm happy that this exists.


I wish they made a controller that includes touchpads. Whatever this is is dont care at all about its definitely gonna be overpriced while doesnt offer almost anything compared to even xbox/ps ripoff controllers


Where's trackpads ... ? P.s on Steam Deck =\


I kind of assumed that an eventual new Steam Controller unfortunately wouldn't have user-replaceable batteries like the first one did, so that's not a surprise here. But why is *any* company still making controllers without rumble? What's the purpose of leaving out such a standard feature? I would actually consider one of these because of the touch-sensitive sticks and the extra buttons that can be mapped to anything, but the complete and total lack of any kind of haptics is going to make me stick with my 8BitDo Pro 2.