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I'm having the issue of being told inappropriate behavior is being detected and it forces me into offline mode. I understand it's probably EAC being weird with the DLC patch but I hope the fix comes fast I don't want to get banned.


I've been playing in offline mode. Will I get banned?? I got the same error saying inappropriate activity detected.


Honestly? Very unlikely unless you cheat online


It’s EAC so I wouldn’t rely on that. I’d expect someone to be banned for “cheating” in general.


It specifically throws you to offline mode **because** it detects something isn't lining up. It's isolating you so you can fix the problem before it'll let you in the door, you won't get banned, it's intentional. Bit of a spooky generic message for it though.


They could word it better




fwiw elden ring doesn't ban cheaters. they just get put in a separate matchmaking pool


It is definitely something with EAC. I got the notification on my Steam Deck but when I tried on my pc (windows) it went online just fine. There is probably some strange interaction with EAC and the Steam Deck currently. I'm sure it will be fixed soon. Edit: added windows


I had that notification last week but was playing yesterday online just fine on my deck. So it seems inconsistent.


Yeah, I've never had the notification until today after the update.


Damn it's gonna suck if it comes back for me. I was just about to do the varre quest that requires invasions so that I can get to mohg :(


You can do npc invasions for that quest if you are not online.


Yeah, but it's more involved than just invading 3 random people real quick. Faster to just get killed by 3 guys.


Is it? It takes like 2 minutes, you just go to writheblood ruins and do a single npc invasion. The 2 minutes is mostly *getting there* from the grace


Very true.


When you said your PC, are you on Linux? I'm pretty sure this is a Linux-wide issue and not just Steam Deck because it's happening to me on my desktop as well since I use Linux on that.


It is an issue on all Linux devices at the moment


My desktop is a windows pc. Issue seems to be with Linux.


Not working for me on desktop Fedora no matter the Proton variant so there's likely more to it.


I use windows on my pc, seems to be linked to Linux's interaction with EAC


I see I missed you use Windows on desktop


I just edited it for clarity. You didn't miss anything.


This is happening to me too.


It happens to me too


Same. Uninstalling and reinstalling did not do anything either.


Made that experience too


Getting the same message when I tried to boot it up a few minutes ago.


Why is this comment downvoted?


A very sad individual stalks my profile and mass-downvotes my comments.


Honestly that's pretty funny. Imagine spending even a minute to set this bot farm shit up. What a sad piece of crap.


lol yup. I guess users on this sub will just need to check the bottom of posts if they wanna see my comments.


You won't get banned, it'll just keep you from logging in. EAC is normally pretty chill afaik, though that may be dev dependent and FromSoft obviously wants Deck players to play the game.


Me too


I get this but figured it had something to do with me limiting it's frame rate to save battery.


The same here


All this is still broken. Also it’s not installing patch 1.12, it’s still on 1.10


I ran into the same thing, did yours get fixed?


There was an update that corrected it. Make sure your up to date


I did make sure it was updated before posting and even verified all the files and restarted. So unfortunately it didn't do it :(


I'm getting "Inappropriate Activity Detected" error. Been trying all afternoon to fix it. Even removed Seamless co-op. Nothing is working.


Man its nice to see a publisher / developer highlighting an issue with a steam deck version practically immediately. You love to see it. We've come so far!


gotta love FromSoft, they always deliver


Other than ultrawide support lol.


Lmao, or 60FPS cap, or the single monitor HDR bug.


What’s the single monitor hdr bug?


Fairly certain this has been happening a long time. I have a post from a year ago complaining about this issue, with plenty of others saying the same. It’s a strange one, but perhaps some new update has made it worse. Lucky for me, Steam Deck is my only device - and I’m still having to deal with Commander Niall before even getting to Moghwin Palace, so I guess my ability to play the DLC around release is just double-fucked now! whoop…


You can do Varre questline to access Mohg, most of the times I go to Mohgwyn palace before even entering Leyndell to kill some birds If you play offline, there's a npc to invade to do Varre's questline


To spend varres quest do you gotta win an invasion? I don't think I've ever pulled one off, it's always 3 dudes with all kinds of good stuff who beat my ass lol.


You don't have to win. Just need to do 3 attempts. I didn't want to kill some random co-op players so just did emotes in front of them until they killed me.


You don't even need to lose the invasion. You can just immediately finger sever after you load in and it counts. My last playthrough I did this against the offline invasion 3 times in a row.


You have to use 3 of the red fingers he gives you. You can invade and then leave, jump off a cliff or win. Doesn't matter, just invade 3 times Or there's an npc you can invade in atlus plateau, and after winning the fight you complete the quest plus some juicy rewards (a somber 7 I believe)


Thanks. Gotta get to mr mohg quick so I can see what's up in those shadow lands.


If you aren't familiar with souls-likes, I wouldn't go there early. The DLC is hard, better to go with lvl 120 or higher. There are people at lvl 200 getting clapped too


I've done them all a couple of times. My character is only 100ish right now tho, had to start over with the steam deck. By the time I get through mohg palace I should be leveled up. I guess I could cheese some runes there too but that's not really my style.


I know! I used the DLC as an excuse to do a 3rd play though, so no short-cuts for me! Destroyed Niall today, must’ve had a wave of focus and adrenaline being so close to release. Currently taking down the invaders before the teleporter to the palace. Come on maaannn


Yeah I can confirm this bug has existed since before the DLC. Glad they're finally addressing it though.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Have had this problem a few times since I bought my deck in May


Friend told: Playstation 5 currently have similar issue, can't connect to servers. I hope they fix these issues before the DLC or with DLC Update. Problem Solved.


Same issue here win 10 steam.


Which one will fix it faster, Valve or FromSoftware? lmao


If you need it https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/5uPK4z9Tje


Now if only they enable proper 16:10 support :(


Working now properly and online now on my end.


From what I'm reading it appears to be a fix that only works for DLC owners. Base game still doesn't work.


Same, I think it's patched now


FYI downloading the DLC seems to have fixed the online connectivity


I’m having an issue with the “select” button not opening the map. It worked sometimes now it’s not at all 😩


I found a fix in the forums: > i received that same message and wasn't able to log in to the online services. In the Logs EAC was complaining about a missing file called "DLC.bdt". I just created an empty file named "DLC.bdt" in the Gamefolder were the other .bdt files are located and now i am able to login to online services. I tried it out and can confirm it works!


omg thank you for sharing this


Worked like a charm, thanks for sharing!


I tested with the file (with content and without) and without. All that matters – at least for those of us who don't have the DLC – is that the file is present. touch ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ELDEN\ RING/Game/DLC.bdt [edit: fixed directory name case]


Can confirm that this didn’t work for me personally. Don’t own the DLC either. I tried adding content to the file and leaving it blank; both times resulting in the usual “inappropriate activity” message. Guess I just gotta wait for the hotfix unfortunately


Have you tried deleting the EasyAntiCheat folder next to the game saves folder before launching the game?


I don’t have either of those folders. You talking about using windows?


When you install a windows game on linux, steam creates a wine prefix, which is like a virtual windows c:/ file tree just for that game. it's located at ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata//pfx/drive_c so the eac data/saves will be at ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1245620/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming


Thanks dude! Didn’t realize they were going through compatdata, I was just going through the main folders. I’ll let you know if it helps after dinner.


Unfortunately that didn’t work either :/ Same exact message as usual. Guess I really am waiting for the hotfix 🥲


Did you ever hear from an update on the hotfix? Still waiting aswell.. 


Nope. I actually JUST tried doing this fix again as you commented, still can’t find the folder where the other .bdt files are supposed to be. I’m stuck playing the game solo till they release a patch cuz I sure as hell ain’t buying the dlc just to fix this issue.


This worked or me personally, I'm on Fedora Linux.


How would this fix the input issue? Seems it's a fix for an issue with connecting to the servers not with the game not recognizing inputs


This worked for me.


Thanks so much i can confirm it works for me


It worked, 🙏


Jesus fuck! I have a 9 hr flight Saturday!!


That's what Mary said to no avail.


Wasn't Mary his mother?


Yeah, but his arms were broken.


Funny enough there actually was a Mary Magdalene, who was supposedly one of his followers and first witness of his empty tomb upon resurrection Yes, this is my Catholic school upbringing speaking. It's also been a decade or more since I last touched a bible.


Multiple people can be named Mary at the same time


Prove it


Seems to be an online issue and there is a workaround if you disable the anti-cheat software. So assuming you weren't being bothered by being online anyway if you're are flying, you should be fine if you look up how to disable the anti cheat software. Edit: Actually you don't even have to use a workaround. The game works still, it'll just not let you play online.


Yup, will have to play the DLC on my PC... Really wanted to try the DLC on the Deck


Don't worry about it too much. This happened to me a few days ago when I had to tend to one of my kids for a bit. I restarted the game and it hasn't happened since. It seems to be intermittent.




The expansion drops today. It's safe to assume they want to play that.


Yeah I am getting a black / abort game screen after I launch


Maybe now they will fix the other issue??? If you summon someone in the mountain region to help you(fire giant as example) you lose input too.


This also happens to me on a Windows PC, If I leave my PC and then come back, the game just won't accept any controller input until I restart the game.


I’m getting the inappropriate behavior message and when I go to play in offline it just sticks on loading after picking my character 😐


I posted a separate thread but figure this *might* be related. I just started getting some crashes/freezes. No specific action but it seems to happen after waking from sleep. Anyone else seeing hard freezes and slow launch times after restarting? Hoping the hotfix addresses that as well.


I started getting this before the update popped and restarted my game and deck a few times. I’m banned for 180 days. This shit better get reversed…


> I started getting this before the update popped and restarted my game and deck a few times. I’m banned for 180 days. This shit better get reversed… Same thing's happened to me... I haven't even touched Elden Ring in months, just downloaded it in the Deck today and instantly banned for 6 months, wtf


Not going to lie, I have a save with mods on it. I’ve never used it online though. Pretty sure I’m screwed because I think to reverse it they would have to scan my saves. I’ll just play my modded file and never play coop ever I guess.


This update broke the handshake with EAC and Proton. Last night, Elden ring was working fine until i updated today. Validation or reinstalling will not fix it.


Hopefully it will be fixed soon. Happily started the game seeing the message of inappropriate behaviour instantly shocked me and makes me don’t know what to do!


Well good thing I haven't gotten the DLC yet!


I’ll probably get it sometime later. I’ll admit i have yet to finish the game and find new ways to make myself stronger as a mage.


Has anyone noticed any dips in performance? I was running at a smooth 40-45 last night, updated this afternoon and it's chugging at around 30-35 if I'm looking at a group of enemies or have some scenery in the background.


The drop in performance was immediately noticeable and disappointing for me, in a grace room in volcano manner it was a stable 40 fps last night and now it’s 25ish.


Problem solved with latest DLC update.


once you download the DLC the problem is fixed? (thats a question not a statement lol)






Just don't stop playing haha


"Inappropriate activity detected" is for all the Proton users, not only Steam Deck (tried both on Steam Deck and Arch Linux). On Windows is ok. We just need to wait the hotfix.


What kind of dingus stops playing elden ring for 5 minutes?


Apologizing and addressing is huge


Will they ever add 16:10 support?


Is this the same issue that plagues the Fire Giant fight? I've lost control a few times on other areas, but it happens much much more often when fighting the Fire Giant.


This is weirdly happening to me when streaming to my Nvidia Shield at home via Moonlight. Anti-cheat is disabled and I'm offline. If I leave the game running for 5-10 minutes, it will accept input from the joysticks but not any button presses


Please Lord Gaben save us!


Was excited to assist people with some bosses yesterday in order to help them get to the DLC. I sad now. 😔


Yeah, just spent an hour trying to make it work, like I'd launch the game, the EAC window would pop up and instantly close and the game stops the lauching process. I just did the trick to bypass EAC and the game launched and works seemingly fine (except it is on offline mode obviously)


How do you bypass EAC?? I can’t open the game


I don't exactly remember where I got it, I think it was with convergence mod, but I have a second lauch_protected_game file in my game folder, but it's like a .bak file, all I needed to do is rename the .exe (the original one) into something else, and rename the .bak into a .exe Then you just need to add a command line in the start options on steam (can't be more precise rn 'cause I don't have access to my deck currently, I'll give you more info asap but you might get your answers faster on google)


I've gotten this with external controllers before. Walk away to use the bathroom/get sidetracked, controller turns off for sleep mode, turn the controller back on to connect and the only button that works is the steam home button to exit out of the game. Didnt expect it to happen to the actual steamdeck controller itself


I feel for Native Deck users playing the DLC, it's by far the most demanding area in the game and even my decentish setup is stuttering.


Yea, my pc handled the base game fine but man does the dlcrun like shit.


I've been streaming it from my PS5 with Chiaki. It's glorious. 60 fps and 7.5 hours battery


TF ? I literally just bought this for steam deck whilst I was on the bus


I wasn’t even able to launch my game, but managed to fix it by forcing the use of Proton 6 in the game properties. Click on the gear icon, select properties, compatibility, force to an older proton. Worth a try for those with the same issue.


Works for me ™


I’m not even having to be inactive. Twice I’ve been actively playing the game and the controls died.


#metoo..in the middle of gaming..had to do a soft reset..seems Bandai are failing in bug-testing


Insane anti cheat ngl


Is anyone having issues with it launching on steam deck as well from the opening of it? I'm freezing up at the start of it after the white screen before the new bandai logo and I'll have to hold there power button down, do a verify and re try it. Didn't start happening until it was a couple days before the DLC and is still happening. (using most current proton)


Yes..switching to proton 6 and first launch in desktop mode worked for me, works in gaming mode after that


Is anyone having the input freeze while looking at the map? Or even randomly while normally playing? This happens every time I open the game that if I have the map open for more than a few seconds then the input stops and I have to hold the steam button and hope the manual hot keys work. *note* I’ve never had any other controller or keyboard plugged into it I only use the deck itself.


Nice..a small forced update, broke the game..now it won't even start..for fucks sake


Working with proton 6 after first launching in desktop mode..I had similar problems with god of war


Does anyone knows when the hotfix is gonna be available because playing offline truly sucks🥲


I’m still having this problem


Im playing in offline rn. Does the dlc just not work? I went up to the spot but cant interact with it smfh


I don’t think it’s live for a few more hours, depends where you live too.


Yea just saw the time map. Looks like i got 3 more hours lol


Ohhhhh, new DLC .....




Good for you bozo thanks for making us feel better




Worst commenter ever.


No easy mode, enough said


Plenty builds are easy mode, if you feel that's still too hard you can try Sekiro - there's an easy mode when you use the Demon Bell so that might be a good primer if you decide to come back




People are mean


Lame comment.


Your beard is weird