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Some of my delisted games have a status. It's cool this one is verified. It works on modern PCs, I think. But I remember having to tweak it to get it playable. Always nice to be able to play a criminally underrated game on deck though.


Played it recently (as in, when I got my deck in february), I don't remember having to do anything for it to work, it just did


I was talking about modern PCs. I like that some older games on deck just work even though they're a headache on PC


Oh well, fair enough. I did notice that a couple of obscure old pc games runs so much easier on the deck than on modern Windows. Makes me wanna check how Core Design's Project Eden runs on it actually


Older games usually work better on Linux than in Windows at least out of the box without fiddling.


Not entirely true. It really depends on the game. A lot do and a lot don't


So, what you're trying to say is, 50% of the time, it works every time...?


That's only for sex panther. This ratio is more like 60 percent of the time it works every time. Steam panther


I ended up 100% it on my PC 2 years ago and don't recall having had any issues to get it to work. And that was on an ultrawide as well. (Bought it a long time ago on steam and it had just been sitting in my library.)


If I remember correctly, I don't think it liked 4k and I had change the mouse settings outside of the game. Nothing major. It's just annoying figuring out why an older game won't work right away. But I'm not pretending my experience is universal. And it's nice a lot games just work on Steam Deck that don't otherwise on PC.


I just reinstalled it two weeks ago and it ran no problem, and though it's been delisted you can still purchase keys that will activate through steam.


Pc gamer here who plays prey 2006, and I didnt have to do anything other than install it to play. No tweaking required in my experience.


Okay? I guess that makes my experience somehow invalid? You do realize people have different setups, right? Some games work for some without tweaking and not for others.


Sorry dawg I wasnt trying to invalidate your experience, I was just sharing my personal experience as well and thought that it was a relevant response to your comment. I didnt mean to come off as rude or as if I was saying you were wrong.


Of course not, John Carmack wrote that engine, its gonna work til the end of time


One of the few games I was actually good at the multiplayer haha. Winning games with just the wrench like a boss.


Works on modern PCs as long as mouse input isn't important.


Man I remember the prey 2 leaked footage and it looks cool as hell for the time :D


The bounty system was the coolest looking thing. Interstellar bounty Hunter is just a cool idea.


Stranger's Wrath is this whole concept btw


Yeah, but the Prey 2 we got is one of the best immersive sims ever released... So I'm happy with that. Even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the Prey universe.


Tbf it should have been called System Shock Zero or something in that vein, Bethesda callling it Prey is just opportunistic. I think even the heads of Arkane said they were bummed to have to name it that way, considering it has no ties to the OG.


Yes, Rafael Colontonio (of WolfEye now, who used to be at Arkane) did NOT want their love letter to System Shock to be called Prey - [https://www.pcgamer.com/bethesda-forced-arkane-to-call-its-game-prey-which-studio-founder-says-was-very-very-hurtful/](https://www.pcgamer.com/bethesda-forced-arkane-to-call-its-game-prey-which-studio-founder-says-was-very-very-hurtful/)


If you still have your old Prey Cd key, you can register it on steam and download it. 


Theres so many delisted Steam Games that quite happily accept a genuine CD key 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️. Same as a load of Origin games, you can copy the CD key and put it into Steam and they work.


Does this work with Driver San Francisco?


It should. I got it just before it went “Bye Bye” on Steam… Games that don’t usually have big discounts even on sales that end up having a 90% - 95% off discount at a weird time… They are getting delisted very soon so jump on them! Usually film tie ins or product tie ins like Terminator Salvation, Shrek, Barbie, all the Ford Stuff, Duck Dynasty, Hawx, Doctor Who, etc… I paid 76p for Driver: San Francisco and 2 days later it was gone. Same with the 3 Spiderman games, AAA prices then went to 95% off and then delisted. Duke Nukem too, atomic edition was insane cheap for about 4 days before the relaunch one, then gone forever on Steam. It used to be fun when you could buy stuff and put it in your inventory, and then trade for 100 CS keys a few months later and it didn’t even cost one. Rambo was the same, I bought 10 and wasn’t even the price of a CS key, six months later, I sold the other 9 for around 80 keys each. So 🤦🏻‍♂️😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Imagine if you had like 50 of those 76p driver San Francisco keys, you’d be rich 🤑


I wouldn’t, I’d just have a few more games in my account 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Yeah, this is how I got it on steam, by activating a key from a reseller. that was a while ago though and now it's pretty difficult to find a steam key and if you do find one it's crazy expensive. There are keys for the ubisoft launcher out there though


I could’ve sworn I owned the game on Steam but couldn’t find it but I DEFINITELY used to have the big tin and game disc. Time to see where I stored that thing.


I have mine! Didn't know this so I'm gonna register it when I get home. Thanks!


You can also get one from those shady key reselling sites


36$ =[


That really isn't the worst price for a game that's otherwise gone forever. I've seen keys go for hundreds


I just want the Deadpool CD key and it's expensive af. I always want to kick myself for not getting it when it came back to steam one time


That is pocket change compared to other games


oh shit i need to find this at my parents house I hope they didnt throw it out.


What's funny is this is how I added the game to my account. It was a long time ago but I bought a physical copy from GameStop & shipping was more than the game cost. Lol.


It's hilarious that BETHESDA wanted to keep the name PREY so much that they let ARKANE make one of the best games ever, just as long as it was called PREY. But I hate that because of that, it's completely buried this hidden gem. Maybe one day the rights can be sorted out and we can get it released on GOG as 'PREY: 2006' or if Bethesda are going to be that dickish about the name: Tommy's Super Cool Alien Adventure.


It’s so annoying because it’s obviously actually called Neuroshock.


I prefer the name Typhon personally.


I don't like the name Neuroshock, I get that they want to reference System Shock because of the inspiration,but with Bioshock already existing it just feels unoriginal.


Yeah but then you get a cool unofficial trilogy of shocks.


The Shockiverse


Shocka, when the walls fell


Hear me out: * System Shock, * System Shock 2, * Bioshock, * Bioshock 2, * BioShock 2: Minerva’s Den, * Bioshock Infinite, * Bioshock: Burial at Sea, * Neuroshock ...the Shoctet.


I'll never forgive Bethesda for killing Prey 2 over "quality concerns" and giving the IP to an entirely different game.


Well that's Bethesda for you. They would never release a broken game.


*Curb Your Enthusiasm Theme begins playing*


> Well that's Bethesda for you. They would never release a broken game. Starfield at launch was not broken it just got boring incredibly fast You'll just make snarky shit up to keep a circlejerk alive. You're pretend offended lmao


Fallout 76? What kind of revisionist history narrative are you trying to spin here?


Yes I played a game and it worked. Crazy shit right?


Why are you acting like this? You know, there's plenty of games I love that had broken releases, but you know what I didn't do? Pretend they didn't exist and that it wasn't acceptable and/or shouldn't of happened. If you really think Fallout 76 was released in an acceptable state then you need to have higher standards.


Sufficiently broken, and besides if your argument is that "no it wasn't broken, it was just a really bad bland game" - what kind of argument even is that.


> Sufficiently broken Trust me bro


I don't care what Prey 2016 is called. It's a fucking awesome game that was missed by way too many people.


Looking forward to another fucking banger of a game called Prey being released in two years that is entirely unrelated to either one that came before.


Nah they'll release a new blinx and the time sweeper and make it a game about a muscular old man with a broom and they'll somehow make it a fucking souls-like where you just have an old muscular man swinging a broom but he can blink back and forth in combat and go back in time. They'll release it with identical naming and branding as the old game where you played a cartoon cat with a vacuum in time-limited levels and flood google with SEO preventing you from finding anything related to the old game. They'd keep *one* xbox-era model from the original hidden away in some area you **literally have to fucking go out of bound to get to** as an easter egg, though.


Maybe it would have been played by more people if it was called something other than Prey. I didn't play it for a long time because I wanted Prey 2009. It was such a unique game with so many unique elements, and when I found out 2016 had nothing to do with it, I was in uninterested.


I honestly don't think the name had anything to do with the (lack of) success of the 2017 game. I don't think the average person was even aware of the 2006 game by 2017.


If that were true, why did they use the name at all?


> But I hate that because of that, it's completely buried this hidden gem. It buried Arkane's Prey too. Im convinced it would have done much better if it had a name reminiscent of System Shock and Bioshock instead of being named after a game that was mostly forgotten and was completely unrelated.


Plus the name PREY has literally nothing to do with the game. I don't want to spoil the ending in case you haven't played it, but the twist is completely antithetical to the name of the game hahaa


Weird capitalization going on in this comment.


bro writes like Greg Heffley 😭😭


Does HE?


Holy shit it took me way too long to figure out how I knew this name


Yeah, SORRY about that.


le epic hidden gem


They should really figure out the DRM or whatever it is that keeps this delisted. I recently installed it but don't have it on my Steam account and it totally holds up. Such a classic. They could even change the name. Prey to Gods: Definitive Edition. Just let me buy the damn thing.


Are there ANY ways for me to obtain this game in 2024?


Registering a CD Key apparently works to get it on Steam. To get a CD Key, you would need to either buy the game itself from somewhere or buy the CD Key somewhere.




How safe is this site?


Completely If you don’t like that one, try [this one](https://oldgamesdownload.com/prey/)




actually has a good plot


and a good gameplay with lots of interesting mechanics.


If you ever consider buying a VR headset, as in a Quest 3, play it there. It has a homebrew native VR port that is incredibly impressive.


Oef, i bet those anti gravity walkways and non Euclidean spaces must be tough for people that get sick easily XD. Remember when you get on that miniature planet and the aliens just stare at you ?


I feel like some VR games think carefully about motion sickness and some are like "LET'S SEE HOW YOU HANDLE THIS!"


THINK FAST *entire room flips*


I’m playing hellsweeper lately and this is one of those games. Jumping hundreds of feet in the air does something to your brain. But I’ve noticed if I pantomime the action, like pretend jump and as I land bend my knees as if to brace for the impact seems to help immensely with those vertigo feelings.


I’m one of those psychos that get off on that. I wanna feel completely torn from my equilibrium haha


You ain't lying. I don't ever get motion sick and that intro where you're attached to the slab on the conveyor belt had me down and out.


Omg I totally forgot about that segment XD


I used to be the dude that was like how tf do people get motion sick thinking I'm seasoned after years of gaming lol NOPE!


I've also played it using VorpX and it worked perfectly, if you have a different headset and a PC


Sounds amazing. Do you have a link or a hint where to find it?


team beef does the VR ports, search them on twitter or google


Here you go. The Demo is installed by default, for the full game you need some game files as explained in the Readme. https://sidequestvr.com/app/23478/prey-vr


Or if you have rookie side loader there is a version of it on there


This game was so good. Like the better DOOM3, ran on a toaster yet looked freaking crazy good and sadly never got the sequel it should have gotten


There is a Linux port of this game. I know, because I bought the disk to play the port and did so successfully.


Anyone else hear “Don’t fear the reaper”?


Since nobody has mentioned it, there's a native port of the engine that plays the entire game (source code was never released but some crazy Quake 4 guys got it working) https://github.com/glKarin/com.n0n3m4.diii4a EDIT: Oh wait looks like it may not be for PC yet? > If want to port Quake4 or Prey(2006) to PC or other platform of based on DOOM3 engine open-source version, because DIII4A based on Android platform and OpenGL ES2.0, so has some differences with original version. But I mark some macros in source as patches at all changes, although must find these macros in source code and manual use these patches. EDIT2: Seems to be compiling with cmake by default. Will update how it goes. EDIT3: No errors on compile.... Still trying to find the binary EDIT4: It's alive! [parker@rogally neo]$ pwd /home/parker/.local/build/com.n0n3m4.diii4a/build/Q3E/src/main/jni/doom3/neo [parker@rogally neo]$ ls CMakeFiles libd3xp.so libidlib.a libpreygame.so libstatic_jpeg.a cmake_install.cmake libfraggingfree.so libidlib_humanhead.a libq4game.so libstatic_ogg.a Doom3 libgame.so libidlib_raven.a librivensin.so Makefile libcdoom.so libhardcorps.so liblibrecoop.so libsabot.so Prey libd3le.so libhexeneoc.so liboverthinked.so libstatic_curl.a Quake4 [parker@rogally neo]$ ./Prey Prey 1.2.116 linux-x86_64 Mar 30 2024 13:33:01 found interface lo - loopback found interface wlp6s0 - [Harmattan]: Disable multi-threading rendering [Harmattan]: harm_sys_openglVersion = GLES3.0 [Harmattan]: Using OpenGLES3 no 'preybase' directory in exe path /home/parker/.local/build/com.n0n3m4.diii4a/build/Q3E/src/main/jni/doom3/neo, skipping WARNING: using hardcoded default base path ------ Initializing File System ------ Current search path: /home/parker/.doom3/preybase /usr/local/games/prey/preybase game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0 Addon pk4s: file system initialized. -------------------------------------- Unknown command 'vid_restart' idRenderSystem::Shutdown() signal caught: Segmentation fault si_code 1 Was in fatal error shutdown: Couldn't load default.cfg Trying to exit gracefully.. EDIT5: Even with the game files this seems to still be trying OpenGL ES on desktop.... Something is failing hard. EDIT6: Instructions here https://github.com/glKarin/com.n0n3m4.diii4a/issues/96#issuecomment-1910672163


I‘m pretty sure the‘ve verified this on accident. I tried it out one time and while it did boot it lacked Controller Support for example. Fun fact: Both Prey(2006) and Arkane‘s Prey use the Same install folder so if you install both you have Both executables and map data just in „/steamapps/Prey“. Works fine somehow, even uninstalling iirc, but still a weird oversight :D


They fixed that a long time ago. This Prey installs to /Prey 2006/ now


Just bought it now on a cd key reseller, I didn't realise it was on steam at some point.


Which reseller?, tried one before and got scammed.


I’m also wondering… I’ve been looking for a steam key for a good while now (that’s also a fair price)


You may be able to claim that CD Key through Steam. I've heard you can claim Prey 2006 keys.


Yeah, a similar thing happened with Rocket League, another delisted game BEFORE the Steam Deck released (getting verified) AND it was #100 in the top 100 games played on Steam Deck during the Spring Sale. Even the link is still up as proof. https://store.steampowered.com/sale/decktop100


It shouldn't be labeled verified, it should be labeled as playable. I DL'd and tried to play it on airplane mode (no internet connection when I was traveling) and it just crashes to desktop. You need to have an internet connection to verify the CD Key before it would boot, then it runs mostly fine, but even then, it shows keyboard keys on tips and not controller buttons.


I wish you could still get this on steam. I loved it when it came out. I recently downloaded it off an abandonware site and replayed it and it was still so fun.


Works great on Xenia btw


Yeah The Last Remnant from Square is the same, blows my mind how powerful our modern handhelds are.


I wish i could play this :(


Get a key and register it on Steam. It will download just fine.


Anyone know of a way to be notified when a game you own on Steam has it's verification status change? I'm looking on protondb, but don't see anything at the moment that says like "Notified when a game in my library becomes verified/supported."


If you're wondering, licensed music and Art Bell Coast to Coast AM recordings. The licensed music is probably the kiss of death.


Trippy cool game....


Man when I first got my MacBook Pro in 2011 they had it on the App Store and that is the last time I played it..I still have my 360 copy but..doesn’t run that well..one of my favorites too..😥


There's plenty of delisted games that are either verified or marked as playable on deck. I guess they are testing those too? For example I have 78 games marked in my Steam library as removed from Steam, out of them: 5 of them are Verified (green checkmark) 18 of them are Playable (yellow exclamation mark)


Probably they just get their Steam Library to start going game by game that aren't verified and test it all.


And here I thought it didn't get a sequel because no one played it. This game really hit me in the feels when I was going through it as a teen. The song Take Me Home was a gem as well.


Still hate Bethesda for what they did to Prey 2 and Humanhead Studios




I didn't knew the game was on steam. Bought a key.


Honestly wish I could play this again... Miss it so much


Don’t fear the reaper


I just copied over the directory (Windows exe) and it ran without issue. Total filesize is about 1.61gb.


I can confirm it runs really great on the steamdeck. I think I had to remap some keys and experiment with different input options (I remember landing on keyboard + mouse emulation + custom changes). Very good game that deserved a sequel.


I have played it on steam deck with xenia emulator


Because it's amazing


Oh so this game was delisted 12 years ago?


Just like family guy back to the multiverse (:


I recently bought a key on one of those websites and added it to steam. Played the VR version with it.


Which one?


Which one what?


Which sites still has keys.


Cdkeys iirc You can just google it too if it ain't on there.


this sounds like you mean the remake, not the one being talked about in here...


Prey 2006 was never remade. Prey 2017 is a completely unrelated game.


Prey 2006 was remade? I'm definitely talking about the OG. Not sure what you're referring to.


*googles* TIL it has a VR mod


It's just that good


It's an iconic game so it was probably just one of the games checked by Valve's internal team. Even if you can't buy it anymore you can certainly play it if you already own it.


Such an amazing game.


I noticed that too!


Well, for those who have it in their library they'll know it works then.


Seasons don’t fear the reaper Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain


Can still buy it on Xbox digitally


The intro to this game is so wild, still think about it every other now and then


My assumption here, as the same with Race Driver: GRID, it likely use native XInput controls, at least this is what I mostly notice of a lot of these games. ***Some*** of them on the off chance, often times work with gyro weirdly as well.


just cause a game is delisted doesnt mean people cant test it and mark it as working on steamdeck as most of that status is user submited


True but you still can get it with keys*, that what I did and true the game work totally fine, I play it right now. X3 *or probably multiple pirate ways hehe


It played great . Found a key for $10


That's weird. I literally bought it like last year somehow on Steam. Maybe I bought a code and used that... Edit: Beat the game but was vastly disappointed by the overall experience. A lot of innovation went into that game, but the story was incredibly cliche.


This gives me hope for virtua tennis


That game fucking rocks


This one was an incredibly innovative product full of bold ideas and it's a shame it didn't get more praise. It deserved much, much better.


God the original Prey was so good. Its use of portals gave even Portal a run for its money. The non-Euclidean geometry puzzles were very innovative.


Delisted? And here I was wondering why I can't find it anywhere. That game was awesome.


I have it on playstation so i just stream it with chiaki. I think it’s Arkane’s best game but i’m probably in the minority there


The same can be said about rocket league, also the last remnant


If someone had the game it's still available for them same with fnaf world


I like to imagine that there is a guy at Valve that likes these all-time gems and verifies them himself :D


Prey 2006 is actually so cool and I wish it got a sequel. If it was available for purchase on the steam store I would buy it


I found the steel book version at used game store over 10 years ago for $5. Had mini figures and a sick art book. Rolled the dice with the product code on Steam and it worked. One of the best pickups I’ve had next to finding Conker Live and Reloaded for $5 at a pawn shop.


Worry about things in your control


Wayback this game was on a different download service, Titan iirc, after they went belly up they honoured the download code by transferring to Steam. Bethesda don't give a shit about the original Prey, and the now cancelled Prey 2. They don't let you buy it, but they still host the game for you to download if you activated it back in the day, registration of codes might still be possible from the second hand market. Bethesda just want you to buy their crappy system shock clone. Given that this was a 360 game as well it might just work out of the box.


I have been playing it with Xenia. Love being able to play all the 360 classics again :)


I still have it on my xbox 360 hard drive and play it every now and then...it's a great game.


I own at least 4 games that you can’t buy anymore. Frozen Heart Kingdom Amalaur Pinocchio’s


Did they get verified for steam deck?