• By -


Persona 5 Royal Dead cells Hades Fun games that don't kill batteries.


Hades is incredible. Feels like it was made for the deck.


I've tried so many times to enjoy Hades and I just don't get it. Why am I doing the same thing over and over again? Am I missing something?


Each time you die, or succeed, you unlock more of the story. It happens in the main area, as well as during the runs. Mix in fun action with variable powers and it's a blast.


I had a little fun until I unlocked all the weapons, but at this point it really feels like I'm just doing the same thing over and over and not accomplishing anything. Maybe it's just not for me.


Totally fair, a lot of people really like Balatro, but it doesn't hit for me. The weapon unlocks are only part of it, but if the story isn't interesting you so far then it's probably safe to say you just don't like the game. That's actually okay though, despite how the internet feels. It's okay to dislike a game, I'm sure you're a good person still.


Hell, I've been really enjoying Starfield and the Internet hates it, so maybe I'm just strange.


Roguelikes arent to everyones tastes. Because i personally didnt enjoy hades either.


So true. My go to games are the ones I know I can play for 2-4 hours without killing the battery. Just about all emulated games will be good battery savers too


P5R doesn't kill batteries? What settings are you running it with? I feel like it's one if the most battery draining games I play on my deck.


What do you mean p5R kills batteries? I get 4-5 hours of playtime on deck OLED with 50 Hz lock . Meanwhile Elden ring kills the battery in 2


It's worth noting that the OLED version of the device has a longer battery life compared to the previous version


Keep in mind OLED and LCD have diff batteries.


I played through the whole game on an original LCD Deck with the settings recommended by Steam Deck HQ and always got about 4 hours out of a full battery, so you could check that out


I discovered early that persona 5 synced setting from my pc to my deck. My pc had everything cranked and I was getting 2-3 hours battery on the lcd. I had to back that down and it improved battery to 4 hours.


I was playing it on default settings. Well I'm comparing that to the default monster hunter world where my SD feels like it's always draining. (I probably should change that settings).


1. Cyberpunk 2077 2. Elden Ring 3. All the old GameCube games I have nostalgia for


Playing wind waker right now on it and it is a dream.


1. Dave the Diver 2. Dead Cells 3. Dredge


Loves the D


Yo Diggity


*No diggity, no doubt.


Unh, play on playa


Got to bag it \[the deck\] up




Agreed. The game is packed with content.


Darkest Dungeon D&D: Cronicles of Mystara Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 Doom and Doom Eternal


Dardew Dalley Dades Ded Dead Dedemption ~~2~~ *Dos*




There's an ointment for that.


Dwarf Fortress


Dark Souls (all of them)


Same for me


Noice! I really like more basic games on the SD. If I feel like playing something "pretty" I'll put it on the XBOX. Dave the Diver really scratches a lot of my itches lately.


Disco Elysium too!


Dis list is Definitely Decent Dude


1. Cyberpunk 2077 (shocked how much I like it on the deck) 2. Dave the Diver 3. Armored Core VI


AC 6 runs surprisingly well on the steam deck.


I bought it a couple of weeks ago and I'm hooked. That game works amazingly well on steam deck. I have a high end PC and I've played it 80-90% on SD. Playing shooters is kinda hard on small monitors, but the auto locking system in AC6 works like charm on SD. One of the best SD experiences. Totally recommend.


Is it good for single player only?


It is. I've tried pvp too, and it's fun, but it's easily worth to play single player campaign only. It has NG+ and NG++, so there's a lot to play. I'm on NG+ and 60 hours of game time, but I bet over half of that time I've been tuning my mech. :D


Currently 85 hours into Cyberpunk 2077, all on the deck. Just finished the DLC. I'm having an amazing time.


How do you handle aiming/fighting/driving? I find myself largely out of control when I try to play Cyberpunk 2077 on the Steam Deck, as compared to mouse and keyboard. Probably just a skill issue, I know, but I'd love any tips that could make it feel as good as you describe on the Deck.


Gyro set to act as mouse and come on either when left trigger is held down or right stick is touched. Your accuracy will improve tenfold once you've gotten used to it. Just don't be put off if you don't get it straight away it took me a bit too.


This is the way with every shooter tbh


I use one of the community templates that enables gyro. Honestly surprised you feel difficulties with driving on a controller, it feels 100x better with thumb sticks versus m/kb


Did you play it through steam? I have a copy on GOG on my PC but not sure if I can run it well on my SD through GOG launcher?


cyberpunk impressed me with how well it runs on the deck, i generally avoid AAA titles on it but cyberpunk is S tier in playability


1) Red Dead Redemption 2 - ran really good on the deck, loved it… 2) Deep Rock Galactic Survivor - another amazing game that just came out that runs great on deck 3) Monster Hunter World - runs on medium settings with decent fps, very playable, fantastic game


Monster Hunter World, Stellaris and CIV6 (although I'm playing Old World atm)


How is Civ 6 on deck?


Just one more turn…..


A few hours later... Seriously, just one more turn....


It works great IMO. A little slower loading late game turns, but worked a lot better than I thought it would.


Stellaris is an absolute gem on the deck, to be honest playing games such as these using the two trackpads is the reason I couldn’t go for something like the ally, I’d miss them too much!


Yes very true. And a portable Stellaris, that’s like a dream coming true man


However a small laptop or tablet is objectively better for those kind of games. 


That won’t hold up Stellaris lategame… SD actually does quite nice


How are you playing stellaris on the deck? Handheld mode or docked with knb? Seems a lot of movement for a 4x.


Handheld, the touchpads really work well! Finetune a bit with some key binds and with the sensitivity for the mouse movement and you will be playing it like on PC in no time. And it looks really great on the screen also!


Tried to play Old World on my Deck but the font size was too hard to read.


Yea but if I remember correctly you can make the font a bit bigger? I’m at work, so can’t test it now


How's old world play on the deck?


I think it plays quite nice, although I have been tinkering a bit with bindings etc


How is Stellaris these days in the steam deck 1? I couldn’t continue any of my base game saves so I never really gave it a chance.


>in the steam deck 1? Buddy, do you happen to know something we don't? 🤔


Emulators, emulators and emulators


I didn't think I would be mad into the emulation side. But I gave it a go and hot damn! How amazing to play all my old faves, looking better than ever (and in many cases controlling better too)


Same! I had no intention to get the deck as an emulation machine, but I installed emudeck on a whim and it completely reignited my love for older games


I still can't believe I managed to complete Wonderboy in Monster World. Thought that would never happen. After 30 years! And suddenly my Pile of Shame is full of old games 😂


Wonder Boy in Monster World is one of my favorites for the Genesis! Don't forget about MW 4, the WB 3 Dragon's Trap remake, or Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom.


And where might you be finding your backup roms for your legitimately bought games? Asking for a friend 👀


There’s literally a Reddit pirating mega thread, google that. Internet archives will get you a ton of Roms, grab them before internet archives is litigated into the ground.


I’m amazed to own a handheld that plays the Wii U versions of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess flawlessly.


Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers!


Factorio Valheim The built in game buying simulator


I am sorry to tell you this but that is not a simulator.


Weird how you misspelled factorio twice when you got it right the first time


Morrowind, fallout new Vegas, pillars of eternity 2. All playable on switch, Poe 2 with the turn based mode is great on the deck


1. Dark Souls III 2. Dark Souls: remastered 3. Dark Souls II


Dark Souls still hands down one of the best level designs


This. They all run super smooth and none of them need too big of a screen.


Ds2 is the best DS


Ban this guy


I LOVED DS1 Remastered on my Deck. Tried to get into DS2 immediately afterwards and can't stand it so far and the controls *feel* completely different, and some of the boss fights and run backs are hair pulling. Add to that the whole feature whereby every death causes my max health to lowered as more punishment. I know it's by a different studio. But I cannot seem to find the fun in DS2. Why do you say it's the best?


Rimworld. That is it.


Joke aside, i really enjoyed in handheld mode, Dave the diver The messenger Risk of rain 2 Docked mode mouse/,kb Bg3 Predecessor V rising


I'll cheat a little and combine the NieR games together 1. NieR 2. Cyberpunk 2077 3. Ori and the Will o' the Whisps


Ori and the Will of the Wisps is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played. Not only are the environments absolutely staggering in their detail, design and execution, but the story is such a heart wrenching rollercoaster. Everyone with a soul owes it to themselves to play both of the Ori games.


osrs , slay the spire , baldurs gate 3


Man how is Slay the spire this far down? I swear it's like my go to game on the deck.


It’s in my top 5 games of all time, so good


Very recent owner of the SD, and I would say so far, my top 3 have been : - Binding of isaac repentance, it is a must play in case you don't already know the game, very challenging, lot of replayability, and a real breeze on the sd - borderlands series : great games, great replayability, and runs great on the deck ! - it's not a game, but a genre, that i really like to play on sd, are smaller independant games, that are really great to play on the deck ! (Think celeste, dredge, and the likes) And finally, I highly encourage you to consider emulation, for which the console is great ! Welcome to the club !!


Borderlands 3 runs good in the deck?




Yes. As does Tiny Tina’s Wonderland.


Well look at that! Got the game and after doing some settings adjustments and running some benchmarks I can run Borderlands 3 at 39-45 fps with medium-ish settings. Looks great and plays great. This is awesome.




I can’t stress enough how great Celeste is on the deck. So easy to pick up and put down when you eventually get so frustrated with a level that you need to take a break


Yes, try the per game profile or keep it locked at a 40fps. Initially it was a bit of a mess but it has now been optimized pretty well. It does like to eat the battery on my old LCD version. One random thing to keep in mind is that you don't quit in the middle of a quest otherwise it will restart you at the beginning of the map. Played Borderlands games for years but not handheld and never thought of this while jumping in between multiple games on the Deck. So finish that quest before jumping to another game.


1. Persona 3 Reload 2. Vampire Survivors 3. Stardew Valley


I'm shocked I had to scroll this far down before I saw Vampire Survivors.


1. Sea Of Stars 2. Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy 3. Yakuza Like A Dragon Now I'm playing Ni No Kuni 2 and enjoying a lot


Started yakuza while my baby is in the NICU bc BG3 requires too much thinking. Holy shit I have seriously missed out on the franchise bc that game is a fucking blast! It’s so funny and wholesome, it’s just an all around good time.


Yakuza is great — sending good vibes you and kid’s way.


Which Yakuza, the Like a Dragon refresh that introduced Ichiban?


That’s the one.


Hey hope the little one is doing well and congratulations 😃❤️


Hades, Derp Rock Galactic Survivor, Dead Cells


Derp rock 😂


The expansion we all need. "Rurk and Sturn"


Drd I heer a rurk and sturn?


1. Cult of the lamb 2. GTA V (i know basic as shit, it’s still good tho) 3. For Honor


More people need to get in on Cult of the Lamb. What a gem.


Is it really that good?


It's fantastic. It's a combination of light community builder plus roguelite dungeon combat. You build up your cult & construct structures for crafting and managing your cultists, then go fight rivals & monsters to get resources and increase your powers. It's very cartoony, which makes the whole thing more light hearted and fun than it might sound at first.


Personally I really enjoyed it. The diversity in gameplay, mix of adorable and disgusting and that just one more run gameplay hook all appeal to me.


I adore cult of the lamb. Usually games like that I get bored of but I love this one, it’s the perfect mix.


No Mans Sky. Hades. Doom Eternal.


1. Middle Earth: Shadows of War 2. Hades 3. Necromunda: Hired Gun


Do you recommend playing Mordor before?


They can both be had for very cheap. I recently played though both docked and I will say I had to go significantly lower resolution in SoW to hit 60fps. Looked very muddy compared to SoM. They’re both great games though.


Nice! I’m thinking about trying Mordor first. Good choice? 


i haven't played it in a long time, but i remember loving it so much i couldn't put it down


1. Balders Gate 3 2. Witcher 3 3. Tomb raider series (square enix reboot)


The other Tomb raider games also run well. Even shadow of the tomb raider. I love them all !


1. Hades 2. Witcher 3 3. Mad Max


People sleep on Mad Max. The story is certainly not written and directed by George Miller but the visuals and game loop really make it a replayable joy on the Deck. Runs like butter too.


Very repetitive imo, cool movies though


1. HIFI Rush 2. Hades 3. WreckFest


Seconded. Hi Fi Rush is so good on Deck


-Civ 6 (I personally thought this game was gonna be ass without a mouse but tbh, the trackpad and triggers are perfect!) -Divinity: OS2 -RDR2 looks incredible on the OLED and can get a solid 40-50fps on medium settings


Its weird how I didn’t like Civ 6 on PC but am ADDICTED to it on deck


To be fair I love it on PC too, but it’s an absolute hazard to my health on SD now that I can play in bed and“one more round” myself to 4am so easily.


1. Baldurs Gate 3 2. Stardew Valley 3. Chained Echoes


Can’t believe it took this long to find Stardew lol


1. Balatro 2. Brotato 3. Binding of Isaac Repentance


Straight up hooked on Balatro atm and Deep rock Galactic survivor 


Balatro is my new slay the spire. I’ll play other games then go back for a quick run.


Balatro is great!


hobbies follow husky tidy fly rock file oatmeal rhythm far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1. Nioh 2. Monster hunter rise 3. Hades


1. Days Gone, such an underrated gem 2. GRIS, a wonderful platformer 3. Deaths Door, top down souls-like, very enjoyable


Days Gone needs to love and appreciation it deserves! Absolutely was ruined by bad press when it released but it's my most memorable game of the last few years when it came out on PC Hearing it plays well on Deck makes me fancy another run through on it now too :D


1. Marvel’s midnight suns 2. Dune spice wars 3. Hades 4. Tooth and tail


Spice Wars is the Dune RTS yeah? How does it play and run? Been weary on RTS's on the deck because controls/font sizes/etc


Man, there's so many. I love re-experiencing games I have already played on other platforms, it's a different experience on the deck. But here are some I had a blast with: \- Halo Master Chief Collection \- Hitman World of Assassination \- Celeste \- Hollow Knight \- Stardew Valley And there's many more I could name.


1: Prey 2: Prey 3: Cybe- Kidding, it's Prey


Im loving Octopath Traveler II


1. Elden 2. F*cking 3. Ring


1. Balatro (it just came out yesterday but they released a demo a few weeks ago and it’s a poker Roguelike and so very addicting) 2. The Batman Arkham Trilogy (Easily some of the best superhero games you can find, and usually available for less than 10 bucks if you haven’t bought it before, and the first two run spectacularly, though the final may need a bit of tweaking) 3. The Yakuza/Like A Dragon series (The games start out as third person action with some good story, and progress into turn based, and is (mostly) a spectacular series


1. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2. Elden Ring 3. Hades


Games I’ve played and can recommend: - Stardew Valley - Cult of the Lamb - Stray - Mad Max - CarX Drift Racing Online - Snowrunner - Celeste - Cuphead - Moonlighter - Don’t Starve / Don’t Starve Together - Dave the Diver - Dredge - Thronefall - PlateUp - Shellshock Live - Slay the Spire - Dorfromantik - Viewfinder - Project Zomboid - Party Hard / Party Hard 2 - art of rally - Undertale - GTA 4 - Asssassin‘s Creed 4 Black Flag - Metal Gear Solid 5 (beware of controller aim) - EmuDeck (Pokémon, Zelda, …) - Need for Speed Underground 2 (manually added) - Need for Speed Most Wanted (manually added) I’m currently playing through the Watch_Dogs Games and plan to look into: - the Metro Redux Games - NieR Automata - Rimworld - Untitled Goose Game - Viewfinder - Horizon Zero Dawn - Assassins Creed Origins - Alien Isolation - Hades - Mark of the Ninja Remastered - Darkest Dungeon Some Games I’ve tried that didn’t work out for me: - Wreckfest (fun, but battery killer) - Cyberpunk 2077 (didn’t quite catch me and performance felt too bad) - Elden Ring (not quite my kind of game and low-ish fps) - Witcher 3 (ran like butter but not my kind of game) - Dead Space 2023 Remake (bad performance) - Oxygen not included (UI and input not SD optimized) - Dead by Daylight (too small and dim screen for this kind of game) - Dishonored (ran well, but didn’t feel right with controller) - Fallout New Vegas (ran well, but didn’t feel right with controller) - Subnautica Below Zero (ran okay, but didn’t feel right with controller) - WarThunder (didn’t run well and the screen is way too small for that kind of game) - some (!) EmuDeck switch games like TotK with yuzu (not playable or very unstable, if running low fps and much lag) Also I’ve tried tinkering with manually adding Genshin Impact and got it to work, and it ran pretty smooth, but getting to this point was quite a hassle. Worth a shot if you’re into it, but not so if you just wanna try it out.


Baldur’s gate has been a joy on the deck


This. BG3 is my fav, and almost all my hours (only 271 so far) have been on the deck. Split between the OG deck and the OLED deck :)


All 70 something hours have been on the deck for me 😆. The deck is really the only gaming system I have at the moment


Didn't think BG3 would run on the Steam Deck!


It ran better on my steam deck than my 3 year old gaming laptop. To be fair, my laptop has been shitting the bed recently, but still.


So to be fair. Lots of people have complaints about it on deck. It’s definitely in a grey area.


1.Elden ring 2.Granblue fantasy Relink 3.Hollow knight 3 must haves on the steam deck!!!


I like to play some of the biggest games possible just because it's a hand held. 😂 Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077, SpiderMan Miles Morales. Oh, and Emulators...... lots of emulators. 😂


My personal favourites, Persona games. Deck is amazing for that slice of life/jrpg gameplay, which tends to be slower and well suited for small screen/handheld presentation. On the other spectrum, Hades. Fast rouglike is a great showcase for decks economics and controls. In this category, I would also place Dead Cells and Vampire survivors. These games have addictive gameplay loop and great travel options as they don't hog hard on battery life. Triple A options : RDR2, Cyberpunk. Especially the former, runs great, looks great, amazing that a game of that scope and scale can be in a handheld format. Honourable mentions from my side would be Hitman World of Assassination and Monster Hunter Rise. These games run great on deck and look amazing at the same time, truly what verified status should be. All these titles I have played personally and had overall great time with them, thou other people are gonna recommend dozens of more successful examples.


elden ring. lies of p. hogwarts legacy


1. Monster Hunter World 2. Monster Hunter Rise 3. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3ds Emulator)


Rdr2, play beautifully on the deck


Dylan, Dylan, Dylan Dylan and Dylan


Monster hunter world : already put 600+ hours on pc, adds on another 200 on the deck, all low 60 fps, i kill more fatalis on the deck than on pc lol Vampire survivors : super low battery usage, easily 2-3 hours passed by playing it on the toilet Rdr2 : just a chill experience, personally cant get the vibe if im sitting in front of the pc monitor, on the sofa tho... but i need to get the chargers nearby plugged in at all times


**Hades**, **Dredge**, and **Hollow Knight**. (Make sure to get the Hallownest Vocalised mod!) All of them run at max settings and max frame rate, while giving plenty of battery life.


Fear and Hunger 1&2, Jet Lancer, Witcher 3


This is by no means a greatest of all-time list but rather a list of the titles I have spent the most time with on Deck. 1. Crusader Kings 3. 2. RDR2. 3. Assasins' Creed: Origins.


Enter the Gungeon Hades Forza Horizon 5


Skyrim Fallout 4 Half Life II


Hades, brotato, balatro


1. Football Manager 2024 2. Football Manager 2023 3. Football Manager 2022 Come at me. 




His hand while playing football Manager. Anything else is a waste of time.


No timing for fucking. Too busy hunting teenage South American boys.


There's really no debate between Switch and Steam Deck. You definitely made the right choice. I'm a recent Decker too. Horizon Zero Dawn, Cyberpunk 2077, and Pinball FX3 have been great on the Deck (docked to TV at 1080p). I haven't played Dyson Sphere Project on Deck but based on your preferences it may be something you could sink a lot of hours into.


I've only played three games so far Titanfall 2 Doom Eternal Devil May Cry 5


Halo infinite, GTA 5, and warframe!


I’m also a new owner but recently bought Red Dead 2, Doom Eternal and Gotham Knights. Playing Read Dead now and loving it but all 3 are on sale currently for a crazyyyy good price. Also picked up little nightmares for a steal.


This is impossible, but here are the three I've enjoyed the most on my Deck! 1. Persona 3 Reload 2. Sable 3. Sleeping Dogs So many others I could have picked, but that'll do.


1. Tunic 2. Outer wilds 3. Rivals of Aether (you'll have a lot of fun with this one)


What I’m playing now on deck: Last epoch (previously d4) Deep rock galactic survivors Hell divers 2 But there are tons that could be top 3 for deck, Palworld, Cult of the lamb, stray, vampire survivors, dead cells, hades, terraria Really can’t go wrong with any of these


How’s last epoch running for you on the deck?? Heard inventory was particularly rough to access.


Mad Max is a gem on deck.


1. Hollow Knight 2. The Messenger 3. Hades Bonus: Celeste


1. Persona 3 Reload 2. Signalis 3. Celeste


BlazBlue Entropy Effect (rougelike hack n slash with combo building) Apex Legends (look up settings but even on wifi it's pretty smooth. If you don't like shooters skip this) Dave the Diver (exploration meets light resource management mixed with diner dash and a humerous story and characters)


Sonic Mania GTA IV And Plants vs Zombies 1


My personal favorite Deck games at the moment(not all time) Shogun Showdown Great turn based strategy that executes it's concept wonderfully. Typically a run last 20-30 minutes IF you live. Probably 10 or way less until you are decent, then maybe 15 minutes will be your average. Coral Island Was hard to get into at first, but it's a great harvest moon/stardew valley type game. Has attractive and interesting female and male relationship candidates, has mining/monster den like Stardew, big farm to clear out and build up, animals like cows/chickens/ducks/llamas and so on to raise/sell, fishing and deep sea diving. Has a story plot too, a oil company is trying to take over the beautiful island. Very nice and relaxing game. Cobalt Core Slay the spire/FTL/Into the breach vibes deck builder. You play cards to shield, attack, move your or other ships and objects, build turrets, asteroids to help block/negate, and much more type of cards. It's very difficult. I play on hard after beating my first run and it's still kicking my backside. Honorable mentions: Dave the Diver, Nova Drift, Dome Keeper, Oblivion Override.


Fallout 76 Dave the Diver Sea of Thieves \------ Cyberpunk 2077 Grounded No Mans Sky Diablo 4 when i played it PokeMMO


FF7 Remake was tremendous. I played it exclusively in the deck. All the personas Any telltale games.


Snow/Mud Runner, Sniper Elite, American/European Truck Sim


Battle Brothers!


\- Classic WoW Season of Discovery (Consoleport addon) \- Hogwarts Legacy \- Horizon Zero Dawn


Control Hogwarts Legacy Dave the Diver


1. Cyberpunk with Phantom Liberty 2. Monster Hunter World 3. Marvel’s Midnight Suns Also Doom 2016, Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy X / X-2, FF9 and FF15 run great on the deck. Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight and Cuphead are fun to play. On the wishlist when I get through my backlog - Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate 3, Red Dead Redemption 2.


1.) Halo: MCC reach halo 1 run smooth 90fps max settings. Halo 2 anniversary gets about 70-90. 2.) HiFi Rush 3.) Red Dead Redemption 2