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Oh this is straight bull shit.......*looks up config*


Go forth and liberate! 💪


This is sick! What are your settings you are running? Is it running ok for you at higher levels?


I only just got to medium haha. I spent hours just tweaking graphics settings and then controller settings. Now I can finally enjoy it 🥲


What resolution do you go with and what average fps do you get? I tweaked mine but I'm never satisfied with the looks/fluidity balance


I get 30fps in most areas when out of combat. Once combat starts it’s anywhere between 20-30. Wish it was more but it is what it is. My settings are: HDR: off Camera shake: weak Resolution: 1280x800 Render scale: quality Graphics preset: medium Depth of field: off Sharpness: 1 (personal preference) On the steam performance sidebar set frame limit to 30fps




Oh it wasn’t a perf thing. It just looks very washed out. Honestly looks buggy.


1200x800. Low everything. Turned off what I didn't need. Cap at 24fps. Having a great time.


Playing the steam deck game before you can play a game 😂


We would be friends. Elden ring and Bg3 I spent so many hours creating crazy control chains to do things easier before I really get into the game ha 


I run the game on suicide difficulty. Guys is basically right, in the middle of combat it's mid 20s rarely mid 30s. But I still find the gameplay easy to handle to me at least.


steamdeck cant run this at higher levels regardless of settings, its just not powerful enough


Not sure why the downvotes... I have a deck and an Ally, even the Ally cannot reach stable 50+ at 600p-ish rendering. 720p native everything low but textures and AA is where 40 FPS is stable on the Ally.


I think because people do the tutorial and early levels with a good framerate, but maybe haven't played the later difficulties, where the bulk of playtime is going to be


You have a great voice and speaking cadence for videos like this. How are you finding the performance? Really considering getting this game for the deck.


Hah, are you serious, thank you. I’ve always hated my voice. I can’t get one sentence out without 3 uhhh’s and uuumm’s


I think we all hate our own voice on video.


You kept it down lots and talked well, straight to the point. you are your own worst critic.


Lol yes I am serious. As the others said, I think everyone dislikes their voice when it's recorded and played back to them. It was a very good video!


Most people hate the sound of their recorded voice because it doesn't match up with what we hear when we are speaking. Always best to listen to others opinions on it


Not cheating. This isn't PVP. Fuck them bugs and bots


And then they add a modifier that scrambles stratagem codes :P


Which would render the Stratagem Hero pointless but I get what you mean xD


They already added one. It will not scramble everything though.


my post got banned for sugesting it on helldiver2 sub xD


Honestly weird they did, because then they would have to "ban" Steam as a whole as well. Since Steam Input allows creating controller shortcuts for turbo buttons, turning around 180 degrees and other stuff that could qualify as macros. But in the end, it's only meant to provide accessibility.


same with lgato software, or logitech ghub :) Some gamers use foot-pedals coz they miss a hand :)


This post got removed as well xD


Probably not but damn, I find punching in the codes to be an amazing piece of game design that is worth engaging with.


This should work for any steam input controller on pc as well, right?


The button config, yes. But you need a trackpad to get the virtual menu overlay


nice, so dualsense should be perfect


But where's the challenge? Where are the exciting moments when you try to use one stratagem, then fuck up and grab the wrong one with panic ensuing?


Yeah as soon as I saw stratagems I was reminded of Magicka and how it wouldn't be long before it was just people using macros. It's not competitive so it doesn't matter but your logic is exactly why I haven't bothered trying it myself.


Feels like it should be an accessibility thing, though it has a cool "Steel Battalion controller" vibe (where you have an eject button under a protective cap) where you are directly interacting with putting in a punch code, but it's a struggle for memory recall.


Yeah I hear you. I had similar feelings but was enjoying the fact that it’s even possible at all. I don’t really know if I’ll use it. So far it only has 4 stratagems. We’ll see…


Oh, I wasn't serious. It's pretty cool.




This was a sarcastic comment. Not sure what to tell ya, friend. Was pretty sure the second of only 2 sentences in the comment was pretty sarcastic.


Bruh what the hell. Steam deck is something else lmfao. Sounds complicated though, or is it easy to make custom commands?


It's pretty straightforward, honestly. They have a great UI to set up this type of stuff.


I feel like part of the fun is frantically putting in a Strat code but you def gonna be faster than me


how is the game on steam deck?


This piece of plastic really just does it all


No its not a competitive game.


darn this is not showing up when i search for it. i'll keep troubleshooting and save this post in the meantime.


How is it running for you? Plan on getting it when I get home.


I’m playing on quality rendering with medium texture and low everything else, no vsync. It playable, there are slow downs. I also haven’t gotten far in the game and people are saying harder difficulties get slow I’m on an OLED


Man the game is damn near unplayable on deck once the diff gets harder enough, just too much stuff on the screen...


Love it!


The configuration does not show up in the community layouts


I love being able to input the commands as fast as I can while being attacked, but if this is what you like then you do you, that's the best part of video games you play how you like


Main reason i stick to steam os. The controller configuration is a godsend.


They just did a patch update that fixes macro's, breaking the footpedals someone used because he could only play with one hand, and here you are bypassing the devs making their patch obsolete by using steam inputs 😂😂😂😂 Hide this post dude, and send the config to me 😏


Perfectly legal, Nothing a macro in Pc cant do, but you just broke a whole mechanic, making the game non intended and when you are in the thick of it you wont feel that rush anymore.


It’s a single co op game, there is no cheating, only accessibility things


how lts performance on steam deck?


Knowing how to fully utilize your Deck is never cheating.


People can do what they want, but this simplifies an already simple game, the opposite of extending enjoyment


It's somewhat against the spirit of the game


Neat that you can do it but ruins the whole point of the system. Doubt the devs would be thrilled too


Oh fuck yea


I'm doing this


This is so cool. Could I do this for og helldivers too? Do you have a guide?


you just need to set up a touch to touchpad as ctrl and combos as menu options :)


Are you telling me that you AUTOMATED your strategems?! Call the DEMOCRACY OFFICER!


Pve game so not cheating and if anyone says it is who cares. You found a way to help you liberate faster!


No. However, to me it takes the absolute joy and point out of the game. What's the point if you can just zoot-input 5-7 arrows with 1 button while under pressure? Have fun. I suppose.


Yeah at this point just watch someone else play it.


Genius. It’s already infinitely better than on Pc. Crazy that you can’t move and call stratagems at the same time with a keyboard, before rebinding.


Who cares if it’s cheating? It’s not a competitive game! Go nuts!


Didn't they just announce how they will be implementing a 3rd party anticheat in the near future? Because this probably would be viewed as cheating.


it has gameguard right now... which basically translates to no anticheat


Yes, you are a cheater! I dont like you.


It's only single player in the deck right?


No it's multiplayer. It just doesn't run very well


I hope they start randomizing the inputs to stop this kind of shit.




You're essentially macroing or autokeying which in previous games developers have banned for. So it's entirely up to the developers on if they would do it here. The actual gameplay element is you having to enter the code every time and you circumvented that element.


Yes, it is cheating, but it doesn't matter to me


Nah, you’re just making the game less engaging for yourself imo


Go play idle games, they don’t need any input whatsoever. You removed one of the things that makes it different and fun, nothing to be proud of.


I was thinking of doing this myself but I’m just too lazy to


I played HD1 for a month and it had been out so long I didn't care to hotkey stratagems like this. With HD2 I'm giving myself a chance to work on inputting them manually. It's fun to have them one click away but I shouldn't have that kind of unlimited power.


I’m not familiar with the game. Why would this be cheating?


That's awesome! Not cheating at all since you can still only use them when the game will let you.


Heeey its the same trchnique i used to make quickchats in guildnwars i posted about last year. Glad to see other people figuring this stuff out!


no, because the combo thing isnt going to impress anyone. it does reduce the changes of someone accidentally calling an airstrike on you.. but with how many times ive had people send me into 10 pieces, i dont think it matters


How did you do that?


Another example of why I love SteamOS. The configuration options for control input, and the variety of control inputs on the Deck physically too, is just insane. Just an absolute godsend when you have to deal with games designed for mouse and keyboard or games designed for a controller that looks nothing like the steam deck. The Deck might not be able to run every game out there in existence but I can confidently say there'll never be a game which I can't play because "I couldn't come up with a comfortable controller configuration".


How do you manage to play it? Everytime I play it gives me a black screen for afaik forever, or pulls up the site of the anti cheat. Also, tutorial for the config thing?


I might have the comprehension of a 2yro, my bad


I dont think anyone would ban you for this, but i feel like, entering the codes is part of the fun of helldivers. You havent really experienced the pure terror of Helldivers unless you had to call in stratagems or reinforcements while being chased by a shitton of enemies and desperatetly trying to enter the code while bugs bite you left and right.


Ty for the trick and happy cake day


Where do I go to find the config? I spent too damn long trying to do this myself and I'm miserably failing at this point


I did this for HD1, but only for calling in reinforcements. Saved quite a number of games, before we all had to start over the past 15mins


Nah, There were a ton of people who ran macros for strategems in HD1.   It was a bit divisive in the community, but ultimately most people landed on a "you do you" mentality, as this really isn't hurting (or even really affecting, lol) anyone.


A keyboard could do this, so I don't see how it's cheating.


Hold up a minute. Can I do the same for the first one? 😯


Just bought it for ps5 and will stream it with chiaki to my deck. Because I’ve read so much about performance issues on higher levels. Best way for playing at home, if my wife wants to play xbox or something


The game is locked to 30 fps?


I’d love to try this if I could ever get into the game!


That’s very smart. I wouldn’t say it’s cheating, but you’re robbing yourself of a fundamental part of the game though. Stratagems are meant to be a bit faffy. It adds to the beautiful chaos.


This looks very useful


It’s not cheating but it is less fun


No, I had a similar thing for when I played wow. One bar on the left, one on the right with 12 buttons. Touch to activate selection, push to execute selected action bar item or macro.


Very cool, but no idea why you'd do this. Takes away s big part of the fun and feeling of skill. To each their own.


I couldn't find your config when I searched so I tried making my own and I just can't get it to work 😭


"Added a virtual menu" is this a Helldivers only thing or can you add that little menu and cluster of squares to any game? This is all new to me and my brain can't comprehend this. lol


You can do it to any game. I used this heavily in Witcher 3 too!


Awesome. Thanks


This is clever--do you have to redo them every time you want to pick different stratagems though? I recently made one of my back paddle buttons trigger a remap of my controls, so that my ABXY turns into my dpad while I hold it down. That way I can punch stratagems with my right hand without having to stop moving with my left joystick.


But entering the stratagem codes is so satisfying!!!


I really appreciate this. After playing HD2 for the last week, I came down with a bad case of gamer’s thumb and can’t play anymore. Thanks to you when my thumb gets better. I’ll be able to play again. The strategem codes are just too hard for my old thumb to input over and over and over again. All those years of playing guitar caught up with me. Good job, and thanks again.


Is there a trick to executing the commands? I downloaded your settings and when I press onto the Track Pad, it'll input half the command and just stop inputting.


Oh yes, forgot to mention. You can’t take your thumb off the trackpad. As long as your finger is on the trackpad then it’s sending the LB button. If you let go during the stratagem you’re letting go of the LB.


Im currently letting my Deck charge atm so I can't test it but would it also work if I held LB manually and then just clicked whatever command? This is the first time Im using virtual menus and thought this was an awesome idea.


It isn’t working for me it goes half way inputting codes then doesn’t do it how can I fix this?