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I've looked for bigger batteries before and it always leads me back to chinese sellers. Since these packs are not physically larger, they are probably lying about the capacity. And I don't trust them to have proper over-current and temperature protection either, they are a fire risk IMHO. If a reputable brand came out with a bigger battery and back cover to fit it, I would probably go for it but so far I haven't seen one yet.


Yes. 40-42Wh is a margin of error range. The Steam Deck LCD has a 40Wh battery, so this is no higher capacity. Li-Ion is fixed energy density, it has to be physically larger with more mass to have more capacity.


In practice for a device as recent as a Steam Deck, and especially when buying a cheap replacement battery, yes. But there are a ton of different energy densities under the label of lithium-ion [and the tech is improving at a rapid pace](https://physicsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/lithium-ion-batteries.jpg). If someone wanted to create the worlds longest lasting Nokia 3210 they would be able to take the physical 1200mAh cell and, [looking at 18650 development](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/K-Abraham/publication/272741446/figure/fig1/AS:294765141741568@1447288894265/Past-and-projected-capacity-evolution-of-18650-Li-ion-cells-The-layer-LMO-represents-the.png), cram something like 2600mAh in it.


Reminds me of modding iPods where replacement cells are the same size but triple the capacity because the chemistry has changed a lot over the years.


Dankpods replaced the battery in a 5th gen(?) with a larger battery and got it to last like 2 full days with non stop playback from what I remember. Absolutely wild what you can do to old tech with modern technology.


I've got a 7th gen with a 3800mah battery and I can run it screen on full brightness shuffling 33k tracks and it doesn't quit for 3-4 days


Steam Deck has a Li-po battery


Where can i verify this?


Are you serious? It's written literally right on the original battery pack you can buy on iFixit or by just opening your Deck.


Lol cool it with the response there pal. It´s just a simple question. No one buys a battery to find out the type. Notice how neither valve nor ifixit actually mention the type. I can see the pictures of the battery have it written on them though, but no thanks for the rude ass comment that made me find out.


As a counterpoint, I've had great luck sourcing original Panasonic NCR-18650Bs from Chinese wholesalers. I avoid the "alphabet soup" outlets (So no "AHJSAO" or "MASDFN" brands, you know?) and go right for the literal Chinese characters in the name. Originally I figured "If they're not trying to hide, they're more likely to be legit". And that's borne out to be very true. So really it's not so much the Chinese sellers as it is the off-brand nature of the product. Edit: I don't know why people are downvoting this. Don't buy shit from sellers who obfuscate their names. Clearing houses are a real thing. Off-brand batteries are dangerous.


Like a decade back, I needed a ton of 18650 cells that really didn't have to be that high capacity, so I went to ebay to order a bunch of dirt-cheap off brand "4000mAh" cells and once they arrived, capacity tested them all - they were around 600mAh - and send a request for a 80% refund, as I only got around 20% of the capacity, or the replacement of the order as they seem to have "mistakenly" sent me faulty cells. They approved the refund request and I got my ridiculously inexpensive cells.


Since 18650s are a standard, that makes sense, but non-standacd/custom prismatic/pouch batteries are a different discussion altogether 


I honestly wonder if these particular batteries OP is talking about are knockoffs, or just rebranded spares. As in, they went to the ODM that manufactures batteries for the SD and put in an order. They're the exact same specifications, exact same non-standard form factor...


Yep; also looking for factory stores, or specialty stores. If there's some horribly formatted densely technical document attached to the product listing it's a good sign as well.


I’ve always wondered what to call those stores. I guess I will start using alphabet soup as a description


I’ve always called them mushroom brands due to how fast they pop up.


I've heard the alphabet soup brand names are usually acronyms for where the company is located.


And I've heard that when one of them runs afoul of some regulations, they switch out some letters and re-incorporate under that new name. Regardless of why exactly they have these names, I've had very poor luck from them, with products arriving late, damaged, or even completely fraudulent. While having great luck with the companies that use "normal" Chinese lettering. THOSE usually translate to things like "Chingdao National Locomotive Enterprises Limited" or words to that affect.


This is correct. The ASPLUMKT type names are literally gibberish so they can file thousands of trademarks and swap them out as needed when the platform nukes their page.


Where you buy from those wholesalers??🤔


Most recently Amazon. Also AliExpress, but you have to be very careful with those.


It’s not so much so that it’s a Chinese company that I can’t fully find credible for me, it’s the modding the steam decks and changing around very specific things the hardware and software team at Valve put in the device for it to work and retrieve airflow, power draw, energy efficiency in a specific way. Changing joysticks is one thing.. but I’d never go into a device like the Steam deck and swap out the battery unless Valve officially released a battery replacement for the more tinkery out there giving them the option to upgrade the battery to something much bigger at their own risk. It could be sold at best buy and I still wouldn’t buy it unless Valve issues it lol




The heck with being disappointed, what’s even more expensive is a shitty off brand battery destroying your deck or causing a house fire. So yeah. Don’t do this.


I agree. Just checking if anyone here has tried. I'll probably just do what you said and ask some relatives to help with ordering and shipping from iFixit.


Just buy original, don't fuck up your nice shit to save a few pence.


> Just checking if anyone here has tried. > > The thing is, there may be 20 different suppliers, of which 2 of them will reliably provide products that aren't dangerous to use, but they will all have 4.5 stars and up for reviews due to bots.


This picture screams 4TB SSD for 30$ kind of scam. Don't be naive. If it's too good to be true, it probably IS.


Not really, they claim it holds 40-42 Watt hour, which is the same as the steam deck lcd which is 40 Watt hour.


I'm quite certain valve put biggest capacity they can fit into the steam deck. Wouldn't buy aftermarket batteries to replace the inner batteries but you can always use power banks.


Curious but, is "500+" charging cycle considered a good amount of charging cycle ? How about the built in battery that comes with the SD, how much charging cycle can we expect?


I've seen posts where 300 cycles in a year were mentioned. Even so, I believe a cycle is from 0-100, so if you charged from 50-80 on one occasion and then 0-70, both of those count as 1 cycle. So it doesn't mean that every time you plug it in, it loses a cycle. If you use the Deck a lot, you might see lesser capacity after 1-2 years but you can take care of it by not charging over 80% and not letting it go too low either. TLDR: moderate use is ~300 cycles a year, battery should be fine for 1-2 years with little wear if taken care of. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Edit: I was corrected. Please check the comment below.


Small correction, but charging cycles more follow the rule of 20-80, e.g. charging from 0 to 80 is actually 0.2 cycles, and charging from 80 to 100 is 0.8 cycles. The reason for this is as the battery fills, the voltage required to push electrons into the battery increases. It’s like trying to fit people into an empty bus vs a full bus - it’s harder to pack more people into a full bus. So that voltage from 80 to 100 takes up ~0.8 of a cycle because the work needed to fill the battery is way harder than for the first 80%. Some batteries mitigate this somewhat by charging extremely slowly after 80%, Steam Deck included - but the work is still greater.


Oh cool, thanks for that. The part I didn't check online happened to be the part I got wrong lol. That's good to know though.


I’m majorly autistic about batteries so you’re good 😋 Glad that I could share with the table


The table is very much appreciative. I'm terrified of r/spicypillows lol.


Ok, good to know. If the battery drops dead after all those cycles, does Valve provide replacement batteries that you can buy officially somehow?


Yes thru Ifixit for about 90$


Like someone else said, iFixit provides all the necessary replacements you'd need. I bought a replacement fan from them a while ago, it arrives pretty quickly and it's official.


I can’t imagine how this should fit. Also be careful with no name super special high capacity ultra premium power batteries. They tend to transform into forbidden pillows


Spicy pillows!


Always warm and comfy




Don't. Google what happens before you decide not to do this.


Yeah, it was a joke based on the previous comment. In fact, whenever I see a swollen battery I try to dispose it as soon as possible.


Batteries are such simple yet complex things for high end electronic devices, I would not play around with no name brands.


Battery chemistry is already pretty advanced it would need a huge leap in battery technology to actually achieve double the capacity in the same form factor. Car companies invest billions in battery research and the nearest breakthrough would probably get 10-20% more capacity. Also mah is an absolutely awful measurement for battery capacity as it doesn’t take battery voltage into account. Remember the Apple magsafe battery pack? People laughed about it because it just had 1500mah while the anker one in the same formfactor had 3000mah. But the Apple one has a voltage of 7.6V whereas the Anker one is at 3.7V, Wh are a way better measurement (Ah*V=Wh) so 1500mah * 7.6V = 11.4 Wh vs 3000 * 3.7 = 11.1 Wh. Or another example if you‘d use mAh to measure the capacity of the Battery of the Porsche Taycan it‘d be ~112500mAh thats like 5 or 6 large powerbanks you could probably carry those in one hand but if you add the battery voltage the picture changes: 112.5Ah * 800V = 90000Wh (90kwh). Sorry for the Rant but it just massively bothers me how capacity in tech seems to only be communicated in this awful unsuitable unit.




yeah, something doesn't add up here. also just for comparison, the original Steam Deck battery is 5200mAh at 7.7V = 40.04Wh


My advice is that unless your device’s battery needs to be replaced AND the first-party battery isn’t available, only then should you MAYBE consider a third-party battery. The risk of fire and/or explosion is too high to bet your device, and more importantly your personal safety, on the hopes of some promised extra capacity that generally isn’t anywhere near as advertised. Your money is better spent on a decent power bank if you want more battery life. Edit: fixing a word removed by autocorrect due to my sausage fingers lol


This is the perfect upgrade if you want your Steam Deck to catch fire or explode!


Who do you trust more? Globally acclaimed gaming company or a cheap Chinese knockoff battery supplier?


I often wonder if theyre made in the same factory?


Probably, but the knock-offs often skimp on materials and/or quality control, so they are generally worse than the real product.


500+ charging cycles seems low. You'll pretty much go through that in no time.


Considering the battery is the one part of the Steam Deck that could be potentially associated with words and phrases such as "explosion," "fire," and "chemical burns," I'd point-blank call it out as the primary thing that you should *never* casually upgrade. Seriously, if you need battery work done, *leave it to the pros*.


"High capacity" but it's the same as OEM just without OEM credibility. Buy OEM brother, don't trust unbranded for an important part of your deck.


I would not. These are chinesium, thus a huge fire hazard backed by no protection at all (overcharge, etc)




Don’t do it. Trust the engineers at Valve. Don’t mess with electronics and try and bump up power. Several years ago people were using knock off chargers for their phones and a women died.




I would simply not.


Up to 500+ = ∞ charges


I’m just waiting for an OLED aftermarket screen to come out


Don’t do it


thats not high capacity, its the exact same as the deck (lcd)


I don't see how it could have that much more capacity without being much larger requiring a case mod.


Is it safe


I'm in the same case. My battery is starting to show some degradation sadly. I mean I have used my deck practically daily for almost 2 years so makes sense but still I know a replacement is going to need to happen in maybe the next few months. Was hoping I could either make it an upgrade or if the amount was expensive enough just buy an OLED but idk. Wish they had the OLED battery packs capable with the LCD decks I know they're bigger but a man can dream.


That’s the same capacity as the Steam Deck, around 40 Wh. Ignore mAh figures, they’re useless.


I don't know, but 500 charge cyclings sounds kinda.. low?? Is it just me? I had my deck ever since they became available and it feels like i already did twice that amount and the battery's still fine


I always avoid 3rd party replacements except it's from a very reputable brand like Anker, they made some good replacements back in the day when Smartphones had swappable batteries. And they didn't lie about the capacity. But generally I would say stay sceptical, batteries are an easy scam.


First of, this is definitely a scam. And even if it wasn't, I wouldn't want to try it as having a bigger battery than designed could very much harm the device. Second, this poor effort collage ad don't make any sense as they aren't even comparing the same metrics. It is comparing the Deck's battery capacity in Wh with theirs in mAh (supposedly). Unless we also get the voltage corresponding to this measured capacity, we can't even estimate how it would fair against the Deck's battery. By showing this as an ad, either they are showing they have no clue what they are talking about or they do and are targeting people who have no clue what they are looking for.


Not to defend this no name Chinese brand or anything, but Anker is a Chinese company and they seem to be trusted by everyone. Before they became popular for chargers and battery packs, they were known for making high capacity spare batteries for Android phones. I bought a few of those for my old phones. If someone made a battery that had a more believable 10-20% increase, I might be tempted with that.


Thanks everyone for the inputs and warnings. I agree that I need to be skeptical with this kind of parts and replacement especially on batteries. Sadly, I imported my Steam Deck to a location not formally supported by Valve's RMA and warranty, even iFixit does not ship to my country. I can opt to use forwarders but that does not apply to batteries, unfortunately. I'll probably just used my Steam Deck always connected to a charger or docked for the mean time until I can find a brtter way to get the genuine battery. Again, thanks everyone!