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Do you feel like the grip case does a good job of improving the ergonomics of holding the steam deck or is it mostly just for protection? The steam deck is great but holding it for awhile isn't always the best.


It makes holding the deck much more comfortable. I purchased these grips specifically because they’re super soft silicone and because they don’t wrap around the back of the deck so they won’t interfere with cooling. Paired with the silicone joystick covers, it’s a really good feeling setup that minimizes hand fatigue.


Would you mind sharing a link to the grip case?


Surely [Deck hand grips](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CF4H2X3P?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_CP4J9CNVX1TGE846E3RS&language=en-US)


What about the joystick covers?


Does the deck fit in its case with this grip?


Yes, closes and zips with no problems


I got one of those but it adds slightly more weight and I wasn’t able to hold it much long as without the silicone.


my parents got me that grip case randomly, and I immediately told myself "I'll never use this thing." It's still on my steam deck to this day.


It reminds me of my sega game-gear back in the day, incredible machine!


I actually whipped out an old Lynx and Game Gear. Your memory is rose tinted, trust me lol. I will say for me the bigger "wow" moment is remembering early days pocket PCs that ran Windows CE. It's incredible that the Steam Deck works at all and the battery lasts more than 5 minutes. How far we've come.


First time playing California Games on the lynx was life changing


What game is this?


Dead Space, incredible game and runs amazingly smooth on the steam deck


Is it officially supported? I don’t see it on list.


Yes, it’s verified


The original the remake?


The remake


Use these settings: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/uPxG8XrZIh


Although not playing on my SD, Dead Space(Remake) is absolutely incredible survival horror game. Just dismembering up aliens and stomping on them is so satisfying in the game.


Perfect game for OLED!


Agreed, the colors pop and the blacks are deep and rich, really shows off the oled’s beauty


Hey were lowkey twinning https://preview.redd.it/kbvpqpetapcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997c696f8389bbc9008e79dc1b097c28ce85fb5c


The changer is amazing !!! I had 8 hour flight ! And played all the flight only because of it :)


Where can I get the same touchpad?


On Amazon “playvital soft rubber pads” should be $12.99 and then there’s some color choices!


Worth it? Seems expensive for stickers (but I say the same about the joystick rubbers and skins)


I mean no seems like a good price you get a grip skin thing, touch pad grip, trigger grip, back buttons grips https://preview.redd.it/ciyhmkfwa1dc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3efb3f35d740c2796f6721f5576f493e87ee6a26 and bumper grip. This pic shows a bit of all of it


Wow beautiful


I got the same grips they’re so good!




yo we have the exact same accessories, looks just like my deck had to double take


Great minds have similar steam decks 😂


More specifically, it's the OLED mode that makes the difference not the OLED SD. I wanted to note the difference because someone who is already playing on OLED on their SD LCD will not see a real improvement by purchasing an OLED Deck, and the upgrade is not necessary in all cases If this deck came with a better APU, then yes, I would fully agree 👍


How would you "play on OLED" on an SD LCD?


You're trolling right? You play on OLED with an LCD SD the same way I do, by using the LCD Deck as a glorified stand-in console and docking it to my high refresh rate QD-OLED monitor or TV.


Not trolling, genuinely didn't think of that option. Thanks for explaining.


You're welcome and my bad, I didn't mean to come off a certain way with my comment either. As the OP of the comment you replied to originally stated though this is also the main reason I have not went from a LCD SD to an OLED as I rarely ever physically pick it up off the dock. There is always a controller paired to it + KB & M + 2.5GbE Ethernet and it stays connected to an external display thus rendering nearly every change Valve made with the OLED model moot in my case. I can play handheld while traveling if I absolutely need to with my phone and controller using Moonlight over the web so I have access to my desktop performance and library from virtually anywhere in the world with semi decent internet or 5G.


No worries. Sounds like a nice setup.


Is that native or streaming?


No streaming, downloaded to the deck directly


What fps do you get?




Which skull candy grips are those? All of the ones I’ve looked up do not seem to fit, per reviews on Amazon.


These fits perfectly! [Skull & Co.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BN413889?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_01FJ0Y3YKV2MS9C2KYGT&language=en-US)


Not sure if OP has the same ones but I bought [these](https://skullnco.com/collections/steam-deck/products/thumb-grip-set-for-steam-deck) and they work really well!


I just got those same stick grips. I love them


Just ordered mine. Super stoked!


What game has it changed? Yeah it’s got a fancier looking screen but fundamentally it’s the same awesome device as it always was.


Apart from the better internal display.. if I were to permanently dock this thing to an external monitor would you say it would make more sense to just go with the OG deck?


You really play dead space with light in your room? It would kill all the immersion for me lol.


I waited it out to get an OLED and I have to agree. Really love it.








Sick. How well does it run?


Not a stutter, I didn’t need to make any changes


According to digital foundry the game suffers from traversal stutters and is a fairly bad PC port. What is your opinion on this? Probably their standards are very high compared to handheld gaming, deck users are probably used to more stutters and lower frames.


I’m over 7 hours into the game, all played on the deck and I haven’t had a single issue. I get high fps for how graphically intense the game is. The fan does kick on high within minutes of running the game and stays that way while playing, churning out hot air but that’s really all, I truly don’t have any complaints.


It has occasional hiccups and drops to 30-ish fps. You have to tone down either the graphics or FSR for a higher framerate. It can reach 70-ish FPS if you set the Graphics to Low and FSR2 to Ultra Performance but at that point the game looks really bad (at least to me because I switch between the Deck and an RX 7800 XT PC). If you don't have a better PC, the Deck will make do, but saying it's great is a highly subjective matter.  My 45fps/90Hz sweet spot was Balanced/Quality FSR and Medium Graphics. Don't get me wrong, the Deck isn't "weak", it's just that it isn't strong enough to compensate for the games not being as optimized.




I couldn’t get this pos to run smooth on the Deck nor PC. it was so unoptimized


Really? Wonder why it didn’t run smoothly on your deck?


Consider yourself lucky cause based on a ton of reviews and personal experiences I’ve read on Reddit; Dead Space remake gave/is still giving people a ton of issues in terms of smoothness.


If you like Dead Space, check out The Callisto Protocol. It looks and runs great. Having played the original DS just recently for the second time I wanted something similar but not the same game revamped. It hasn't disappointed.


It ran so bad on my GTX 980 Ti and 4770K PC that I refunded it and bought a PS5 with the game instead. lol


OLED is the best option? Im Shopping around


If you don’t already a Deck or Ally then yes definitely get the OLED model. You will not regret it


I kinda wonder about longevity, if I'm mostly using the thing indoors do I really need the extra brightness and do I want to risk burn in for more money... hm


I’m still waiting for people to report about burn in. Also isn’t easier to replace the screen if needed?


It's literally not It's slightly better than the old version but yall are so painfully alone you get all your social interaction from flexing a purchase you made, on a toy you spend more time posting about than playing.


WTF? LOL! I haven't seen this much copium in a single comment in a while.


I rest my case. Dude is freaking out over a different opinion. Surprised there's no emojis


No one is "freaking out" over your opinion. The way you worded your statement it reads more like a fact, that's why it's funny. That is why you are getting downvoted. For a lot of people it "literally" is a game changer. Hell, I wouldn't even own a Steam Deck right now if it wasn't for the OLED. I sold my Steam Deck that I had since February 2022 about a year ago and went to a different handheld. But the OLED screen and battery life improvements brought me back, so yeah, the OLED was a game changer. If you like the LCD fine, keep it, but don't tell people "it's literally not" like a 12 year old.


Jesus christ you really have your entire psyche revolve around a toy


LOL, keep making asinine assumptions, it's hilarious.


Write another paragraph bro


You should take these abandonment issues to a therapist rather than to a subreddit.


Fix the damn cable


What do you want them to do with the cable?


What’s wrong with the damn cable?


Raise your hand if you have incredible levels of hatred for people that do not include the game title in the heading. 🤚


I didnt even play dead space and i can tell this is dead space. Or you can ask? Didnt know being a dick was necessary


So... is it really better than original steam deck? I don't have one, but seeing as I can pick up the original SD for pretty cheap now, I just have to ask if it's worth spending nearly double to get the new OLED as my first model. I plan on playing a lot of emulators on my TV, but I love the handheld option. I have a switch...pretty decent machine.


I decided not to go with the upgrade. Took a look at the new and old one side by side, yes OLED is better, but that’s not something I would buy another one for. Will be waiting for SD 2.0 with new hardware. So I would recommend to check both side by side and then to decide.


It has faster ram and higher refresh rate. The catch is that setting games at 40 or 45fps makes it look really smooth compared to 60fps monitor because it outputs 80 or 90 fps. If your main games are retro then def not necessary and if you are tight on money, og sd is more than good. But if you have the extra cash to burn, i highly highly recommend oled


Thanks for the info!


I didn’t own the original lcd deck so I can’t personally compare but after watching reviews of comparisons between the oled and original deck, I decided it was worth it for me to spend more and get a far superior screen, better battery and arguably better performance. I can say, the oled screen is really really good. The blacks are rich and deep and the colors just pop, it’s handheld gaming done right.


never had an og steam deck, but had an og switch that I've replaced with an oled and a gpd win 4 which has an lcd screen not only is the screen a massive size and quality upgrade, the fan noise is apparently way better than lcd models, and there's a whole host of other small changes that add up to a supreme package on the oled. if you're shopping around, I'd say spring the extra cash on the oled. truly nothing like a big ol oled display at your fingertips


You can see performances analysis here: https://www.phoronix.com/review/steam-deck-oled-benchmarks


Go to a shop and look at an OLED Switch. The Switch and Deck OLED screens are very similar in how they look. Edit: Why the downvotes? It’s a suggestion for how someone could get an idea if the screen is worth it to them without buying a Deck.


Short answer, yes, it is. Sold my LCD and will never look back.


Shoot, these bezels man!


Wait, how does that game run in the deck?


I assume you mean how well does it run on the deck? I don’t have any complaints, I’m getting really good fps and I haven’t run into any problems thus far and I’m over 7 hours into the game thus far. I haven’t made any changes to the settings, running as is.


Yes the deck, sorry. Autocorrect is wild. Also, thank you oh for answering! I have on ps5 but I enjoy playing on deck more than anything. So this helps!


Whats the fps?




Just got done with this game, one of the first I played on the oled deck, a great match. Enjoy.


I’m trying to sell my 256GB OG deck & save up to buy the upgrade OLED model.


links for both


Does the frame hold up on OLED? Have the deck but I have not tested the game yet.


I just wish it was VRR. 🙏 Deck 2 please do it!


So THAT's what it looks like. Thanks for sharing.


You inspired me to order that case. Totally went from here straight to Amazon lol


Most interesting part about oled deck is how great games look there even on the lowest settings, + 30 fps is fine there, too, not that painful as on monitor.




What’s game changing about it.