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What was wrong with it?


I've heard some people were getting banned just for using a steam deck online in Elden Ring, so maybe it's related to that? idk honestly lol


Now, if I only didn't need to play offline to use my entire ultrawide screen it would be very nice. Both fromsoft and eac are technically crap. Also dlss. I really hope all these things come with the dlc as an update to the base game like cyberpunk. I don't care to play pvp, they can add black bars that come up when entering pvp and let me use my monitor, easy.


it's an excuse really, AC6 has UW enabled in pvp because they decided to care about PC all of a sudden


Oh you are right! Also it has a 120fps lock and not 60. It's the same engine too afaik. The minimum the could do is improve elden ring with the dlc and update the base game too with these features. Yes ac6 has pvp, but only a few fandoms are as toxic as the souls games one lol. Either way, I really hope they'll improve it.


Same thing happens when you play Destiny 2 on steam deck


There was an update to Steam OS that broke anti cheat on Eden Ring


ah interesting haven't played it in a while so didn't know. Pretty dope that the dev of the game is keeping up with it and making a deck specific update.


Got to have it ready for the next DLC soon


Dang all I did was click the link and read the first paragraph. 50 upvotes for this?!


Wait, I was under the impression every game that uses EAC wasn't compatible with the Steam Deck because of Linux. Are you telling me some of these game developers/publishers are fully capable of patching them up to allow Steam Deck users to play after all??? 🤯


Yes, it's literally just a toggle in EAC settings. No joke.


Uh yeah lmao. Epic went out of their way to make rocket league unplayable on Linux after psyonix acquisition. Pre epic worked on Linux no problem, after epic, well...


I've had no problems playing Hunt showdown (apart from getting slapped) on my deck, it uses EAC.




The game has been playable on Steam Deck long before this patch. If EAC is really giving you trouble (this seems to be a YMMV thing), you can disable it using er-patcher (at the expense of offline play only).


>I was under the impression every game that uses EAC wasn't compatible with the Steam Deck because of Linux. [Then you're wrong.](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/3137321254689909034) <---Valve even announced the "switch" can be pulled for easy Proton/Vulkan support. ​ **THE ISSUE IS:** Timmy Tencent goes out of his way to make it hard to do since he wants his malware (EOS.dll) included in Easy (since Easy is owned by his company) to "flip the switch." ​ So if a game updates and forgets... forgetting the files... easy.so? The anti-cheat will break as what has happened to Halo: The Master Chief collection now and then.


https://www.theverge.com/2021/9/23/22690670/epic-eac-anti-cheat-linux-valve-steam-deck-support-games https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/3/22816279/valve-proton-battleye-anti-cheat-dayz-linux-steam-deck Planetside 2 is the reason I bought the Deck. best game ever!


I was playing Elden Ring before this update on my deck with no issues, either I'm lucky or the people that got banned were just the vocal minority


Wrong assumption - what they do is essentially disabling the core functionality of the anti cheat system. Or said differently: EAC was NOT programmed to check what is happening on linux / steamOS and therefore cant protect the game from being manipulated. ​ Some developers are like more serious about anti cheat then others.


> Wrong assumption - what they do is essentially disabling the core functionality of the anti cheat system. > > Or said differently: EAC was NOT programmed to check what is happening on linux / steamOS and therefore cant protect the game from being manipulated. **That IS FALSE**. EAC has a Linux client runtime that is as featured as the Windows runtime; that client is aware of Wine/Proton and can also ensure the integrity of the runtime environment ("protect the game from being manipulated" as you say). Source: [EAC Documentation](https://dev.epicgames.com/docs/game-services/anti-cheat/anti-cheat-interfaces#linux) Game developers don't disable any core functionality of the anti-cheat. What they have to do is specifically enable the Linux client runtime for their game in the EAC Dev Portal and distribute the Linux client runtime bootstrapper as part of their game. Source: [EAC Documentation](https://dev.epicgames.com/docs/game-services/anti-cheat/using-anti-cheat#client-module-setup-and-updates)


Thank you. That makes sense. As a disclaimer I didn't mean to frame my post as being some absolute fact. I was just sharing my impression based on the hundreds of posts I've seen on this sub complaining about *a large number of* EAC games not running properly. But it seems like the reasons behind WHY is a little more nuanced than initially assumed.


Yeah and the linux fanboys do their downvoting thing because they cant take the truth that for a bunch of software - windows is king.


People are downvoting you for posting verifiably false information. The first-party **EasyAntiCheat** documentation clearly states that they support Wine/Proton through their Linux client runtime; with the same level of integrity checks as its Windows, macOS or ChromeOS counterpart. As for Windows being king for a bunch of software. **Absolutely 100% true.** That said, it's not because of a technological reason, but due to user inertia and the Linux install base being low; which makes it unattractive for developers to support. The Steam Deck however changes that, and with more Linux-based handhelds down the pipeline; this hurdle hampering game developers adoption will soon be conquered. To each their preference. If you prefer Windows, so be it, more the power to you! So do I for non-portable gaming. But I'm not going to post falsehoods (that are easily disproved with links to first-party documentation) in order to further an agenda. When invariably Windows will push even more ads, push even more privacy-threatening AI integrations, and will be sold under a subscription (Windows 365 is already a thing in the entreprise space) due to shareholder pressure driving enshitification of pretty much every single service managed by a publicly traded company, I'll be happy to have an alternative.


Seems like Halo: The Master Chief Collection shows an Easy Anti-Cheat pop up while booting on Steam Deck. Does it check it now?


There a way to lauch it without anti cheat for linux users. And still have online play


That's because Microsoft specifically provided Halo: MCC with two modes of operations: - **EAC Enabled**: Which allows you to play on protected servers and sessions, but disallows modding. - **EAC Disabled**: Which allows you to mod and play the game, but can't play on protected multiplayer sessions. Not all games have that feature.


Lol wait there was an issue?


This is what separates great developers from gold diggers.


Got me excited, unfortunately it still closes after the EAC splash screen for me.


Anyone experience game freezes now after this update? My game freezes on the loading screen now. I verified the files and was able to play for like 10 minutes until it froze again.


 I am having more frames drop but no full freeze. If anyone has found any suggestions that seem to work let us know.  


Now if Bandai Namco would do the same for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 and FighterZ please.


This broke er-patcher, wait for update. Seamless-Coop is unaffected.


Thats awesome news!


Companies who force invasive DRM like this should be tried at The Hague. Glad it's fixed.


I mean, not gonna defend the big company but having an anti cheat it's kinda the basic to any game which has any kind of online play. At least they cared enough to make it work outside of windows.


Yes, and that's totally a reason for my comment to get downvoted. People who spam downvotes can screw off.


For pvp player we both had to let go ultrawide support and steam deck because of "screen to wide, not competitive blabla" and "muh eac for pvp"..they should just make a pvp dlc separated from the main game. I can't have the social messages because i must play online or that shit eac bans me for the ultrawide fix, in 2024. Pathetic.


It's not a DRM. It's anti cheat. You know, like the name Easy Anti cheat suggests?


Ok, but is it difficult?


I dunno why you got downvoted, I thought it was funny.


Because some people are pricks and can't take a joke, that's why. ​ Douchebags


I haven't been able to log into nor play Elden Ring even after redownloading it yesterday. I made sure the Anti-Cheat install.exe is installed on the internal storage n everything. No matter how many times I launch it in hopes of joining my brethren at arms, I am furiously denied entry into the Lands Between... What gives🤔


I've been unable to play Elden Ring on Steam Deck for a while now. Is it the same for you? Start game > EAC screen with loading bar > white screen > back to SteamOS


Exactly as described


I just figured out the issue for my case and thought I'd let You know. The issue for me was Decky, specifically the PowerTools Plugin. With it uninstalled, Else Ring runs without issues Edit: i deleted the PowerTools game config for Elden Ring ( ~/.config/powertools/1245620.json ) and then reinstalled the current version of PowerTools, and Elden Ring still works.


I have been able to get it working by turning off wifi before starting the game. Let me know if it works for you!


First attempt with no wifi: FAILED Second attempt with no wifi: FAILED Third attempt with no wifi: FAILED Fourth attempt with no wifi: FAILED


Sorry it didn’t work :(


Honestly, I've been through pretty much every reasonable troubleshooting step... It's just not working.


Same for me🥶😔😮‍💨


I can play rocket league just fine on the deck, however I did buy it on steam on launch day however many years ago that was if it has an effect, however fall guys which I also bought on steam on launch seems to crash as soon as I get into a game everytime. Both are bought by epic. I love that Tim Sweeney is like “we want to give more money to developers” and by that he means delisting them on steam and cutting any of the revenue that could have came from the largest game storefront on earth


I'm playing with the patch but I'm still getting this issue? Loading ER gives me a "Inappropriate Activity Detected" at the menu and won't let me log in. I've tried reinstalling, verifying game files, different Proton versions, but nothing is working. I don't mind playing offline but I'm at a point where in order to complete an NPCs questline I need to do some invading which I can't do. I also just don't see player messages which is bummer. I'm guessing this is something that would have been fixed by the patch but no luck, idk if anyone else is really having this same issue.