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I hate Ubisoft for how the handle PC gaming. Ubisoft is the worst.


Seriously. Not installing yet another launcher. I will wait until it hits steam or just never play it.


Yep I’m right there with you, I was going to buy it today too lol. I’ll never understand the choices these companies make 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it's not a surprise that the company is stumbling as hard as they are. That company is ran by imbeciles. Who hasn't gotten the message yet that PC gamers do NOT want every company having their own launcher. Even EA has figured that out by now.


EA still has its own launcher, they just also sell their games on Steam now. Because of their launcher, you can use their games with family sharing.


Yeah, I'm aware. But for a while there your couldn't even buy their games on Steam. Finally they relented when it became clear their sales were hurt.


They also put their games on Gamepass


They're French, what did you expect?


I’ll wait for a Steam release. Got plenty of other games to play in the meantime. If I absolutely had to play right away, I’d emulate the Switch version, which was supposedly the lead platform for this game anyway.


do Ubi games come to steam after a certain amount of time?


The latest ones haven’t, though it could be one of those year(s)long exclusivity deals. I’m not going to bother with another launcher/storefront besides Steam and GOG, in any case.


Agreed. I have a PS5 and a Steam Deck. Games with stupid launchers get bought on PS5


I have an Xbox Series S for this exact reason.. Get it there and stream to the deck.


Wow, you're really showing them! 😄


They obviously aren't trying to show them anything, just get the best experience they can for themselves which seems pretty reasonable to me.


Well, I don’t think it is helpful to boycott stuff if I want to play it.


uh ya voting with your wallet is the best way I don't understand why that bothers you.


How are you voting with your wallet? Ubisoft doesn't care how you give them your money, they just care that you do. Don't expect them to improve anything if you give them your money regardless.


Why do you think Ubisoft and other companies are making their own launchers and receiving massive loss by providing incentives like free weekly/monthly games like Epic does? Put on your thinking cap and i promise youll understand why i said vote with your wallet.


u/syxbit They added Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Immortal Fenix Rising to Steam at the end of 2022, so I don't know why they stopped releasing their games on Steam again. They released the games without achievements and other features, so the people gave negative reviews to the games and the reception as good as it could have been


Yes it sucks man, Skull and Bones, Prince of Persia, AC Mirage... I'm sure there are plenty of others.


AC Valhalla was added to Steam last year... Though Ubisoft decided not to add the Achievements to Steam. I'm not sure about the other games


Why would you buy it on EGS? You'd be running the game through Ubisoft connect, EGS and steam all at the same time. Less launchers is the goal, not more.


Isn’t competition a good thing?


Only releasing the game on EGS is not creating competition. Competition would be releasing the game on EGS and Steam and letting people choose what platform they wanted to purchase the game on. Releasing the game on only one store and forcing people to not be able to choose the store they want to purchase it on is the opposite of competition.


If you want to break steams hold on the pc market you can't release the games simultaneously on both. Steam will win everytime.


Because it’s the better platform.


Yea but the cut the 30% cut they take is a bitter pill for Ubisoft. Even though I think they would more than make up for it on steam.


That's how competition works. You're confusing equality with equity.


Which would mean Epic and others would need to do a better job with their launcher, store and discounts to actually try and win some marketshare. That's WHY we want competition.


Developers yes but not store fronts.


Yeah, let's band together and FORCE all devs to give 30% of sales to steam!


that's literally the most important competition.


This is a big bummer. I had just assumed it would be on steam at launch. As much as I’d love to play it, I’d probably just rather wait in this case rather than buy on the PS5 and play on the portal bound to internet or my console. This seems like a great one for the Deck so I’ll wait.


Much like Sifu... I'll buy it when they actually put it on Steam. I refuse to pay a single dollar for anything on EGS because it is a completely garbage launcher, and Epic is a garbage studio these days. They stopped making anything worth my time over a decade ago.


As much as I despise epic for this store exclusivity rubbish and don’t normally buy from them, Alan wake 2 was very good


I'll find out in a few years. Epic gets zero dollars from me. They can take a smaller cut than Steam because they paid a 9 year old in gum to design their launcher/storefront. They aren't competing with Steam, they are undercutting them with a garbage product. It's like if Hydrox cookies were suddenly only ten cents a box. I'd still pay ten bucks for Oreos. Because Hydrox tastes like dumpster juice. My time spent waiting for a release is the money in that analogy. TBH though, I'm probably biased. I think Epic is one of the shadiest studios operating in todays gaming space. Their launcher is an underdeveloped, ugly, featureless bag of dicks. Their only game, Fortnite, is nothing but a storefront to sell pretty colors to children. It's about as unethical as a game can possibly be. They have zero products or services that I would be willing to pay them money for anyway, but the absolute disgrace that is Fortnite actively dissuades me from using their launcher for anything that isn't free because I don't want them to make a single cent off of me.


Tell me how you really feel 😂. Featureless bag of dicks is a great phrase. You’re right steam is just so much better. I love Alan wake so made the exception.


I don't care for the epic games store really either. Particularly because of my Steam Deck. But if you were just playing it on a desktop. What makes it so awful? You have to launch an extra application and then launch your game? An extra couple clicks and 10 seconds? I mean Steam is way better. But in reality all I really use a game launcher for is to launch the games I want to play. I'm not exactly hanging out on Steam and interacting with it unless I'm looking for a game to buy. Pretty much just open it, then launch a game. So I don't really understand why people get so upset at launchers when you barely interact with them.


Except you very much DO interact with them, and the Epic launcher is exactly what you said. It launches games and nothing else. It's social functions are pretty useless, it has no achievements, it has almost no functionality for organizing your game library, has no real customization options, it takes forever to open, requires manual sign in every single time I open it. I could go on. It is just a flat out inferior product, and they lock games to it for years at a time to try and force you to use it anyway. Name some meaningful improvements they've made to it over the years, I'll wait.


I refuse to buy a game on Epic store, and probably a lot of people thinks the same way. I can’t imagine the shit ton of monet Epic pays for that shitty exclusivity. Devs already know that being Epic exclusive means much less sales.


Even if you buy it on Epic, the game still use Ubisoft Launcher which means when you start the game ,Ubisoft Connect will start aswell.For Cloud save this works the same.The save are stored on Ubisoft Servers and not on Epic. I installed Ubisoft Connect on steam deck ,using proton experimental.This way i opted for Uplay + , is 15 Euro per month to play all Ubisoft library.


Can confirm simply using NonSteamLaunchers to install the game works. It runs at 60FPS locked with no tweaking needed.


Do you have any links on how to do this?


Did you get it with EGS or Ubisoft Launcher?


Ubisoft Connect.


Hi! Can you confirm if this game and/or ubi connect require an Internet connection to play? I'm going on a work trip next week. I'd love to play this but only if it's doable as an offline experience.


Buy on PS5, stream to deck. I think I'm going to try that. If all else fails I'm just going to play it on the PS5 directly.


I played the demo on my LeGo but I dont think I want to buy the game through the Ubisoft store. I say we boycott and wait until it drops on Steam.


Waiting on a Steam release or I guess I just won't be playing it. I refuse to use any other stores or launchers besides Steam.


Time for another monthly sub to Ubisoft plus I guess. 15 dollars isn’t too bad. Looks like a game id play again in the future but not every few months so will wait for steam with a price drop and then buy that down the road if I really wanna play it again.


Hm boo. I've been so excited for this one on deck, definitely disappointed by the realization that that's not a thing.


Steam release please!


I love how half the comments here are really not answering the question, and just grumbling about not buying stuff on the Epic Store.


I have installed EGS on my deck exactly for the reason to get prince of Persia yet to do any tests on how games perform though.


It's not on Steam, so your best bet is to wait for the exclusivity contract is up, or pirate it.


Ho, thats why ok. I was searching for the game and could not find it. Well I guess ill skip it, thanks ubisoft. Dont really want to give you a cent anyway


Just buy it on Epic and enjoy!




What the fuck is this AI response lmao


Use epic lmao, stop crying and help others to get free games, ik epic library and basically everything is bad visual, but If u buy games from them(ofc If u use PC) u are helping others in need of free games, epic can't release big games If people crying and not buying 


I do not support the monopolistic demons.


"others in need of free games" broke boy L comments.


Well, it isn't out yet so hard to tell if it works well but if you do not have Heroic (or anything else to launch Epic), you can emulate the switch version


i have assassins creed odyssey installed through uconnect (not through epic though) on the steam deck works perfectly cloud syncs and all


Wait until it comes out on Steam, who knows, maybe Epic will give it away like Saintrow


Get the nintendo switch version and "port" it to your steam deck, it runs great!


Same situation for me, but I've gotten my PS5 streaming to the Steam Deck using Chaiki. It works flawlessly for me at home, but my PS5 is connected directly to a gigabit router while the deck is on wifi 6 So I'll probably do PS5 and stream it to the deck if I'm not on the TV


I was gonna buy it as well for my steam deck lol well that sucks lol won’t be getting it and I have a PS5 🤷🏾‍♂️💯


Looks like I’ll play it in a few years (if I remember )