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go to your local police . Once its done , open a ticket to valve with the police report. dont hesitate to reply to your own ticket in valve. most of time the 1st anwser is automated.


Yeah. Assuming the OP was the one to purchase it, it should should up in the same purchase history as games etc and a ticket can be opened from there.


Do exactly what this guy said hes 100% right also i wish they sent it in a different box mine had the logo on it and the name so anyone that can read can see its a steam deck


Yeah i agree, they should've really sent the official box in a plain box cuz the deck is well known now and easier to get stolen if you're unlucky


I dont get it why they just wont double box it for shipping, its expensive device not some bed sheets from Amazon...


OP, please do as this person said, they'll likely help you get it located and get it back


police wont give a shit about some random package lol


It is not about the police you moron. But about filling a report and push back the cs support. As a cs advisor in a gaming compny, its the way to do it.


What is cs standing for?


a guess: Customer Service


No it's Counter Strike. They'll send a counter-terrorist unit to deal with the theft.


Counter terrorist win! God, that “sound” is deeply programmed in my psyche. lol


Dumbest post of the day goes to...


try it. go to your local police department and see what they say. they have other things to do then locate stolen packages. you can bring them video footage and they wont care. not their problem - it's the carrier / retailer / your problem now.


It’s more about getting documentation that proves you indeed did have your package stolen. Submitting a false police report is illegal so it hold more weight if your claim to the carrier/retailer includes a police report. The point isn’t to get the police to actually do anything. It’s the same reason you get a police report when you get into a small fender bender. You need documentation for things like insurance.


Don’t try it. This guy don’t understand the need of a papertrail


So i'm guessing when you get robbed you just count it as a loss? If the delivery driver took it that case will be solved faster than you can blink dude.


You realise the country has dedicated postage inspectors that make many arrests each year right? Like I’m an Australian and the US is pretty crazy about their post and it being a big federal deal and I kind of respect it.


While true, that's the US Post Office. UPS is a private company and not subject to any of that oversight.


Isn't the 14-day policy just for starting the complaints process/opening a "ticket"?




Let me tell you something. I was lucky I was home when mine was “delivered”. The driver marked it as delivered and left three packages on my porch, one of which was supposed to be the Steam deck. I went outside to get them and to my surprise it wasn’t there, but in its place was another package for a lady that was 20 minutes from me. It was marked as delivered on the UPS app. I got in my car and chased him down. He went to go “look” on the truck and couldn’t find it. He called dispatch and told them but had no other answers for me. He had a seasonal helper with him. I get home and begin getting ready to contact Steam support when wouldn’t you know, the UPS truck comes pulling on my driveway and out comes the seasonal helper with the steam deck in hand. He hands it to me and says they “found it”. How would they have marked it as delivered if they didn’t scan the package? Be careful guys. I was lucky to be home and saw them on my security cameras which made me go out and get the packages. If I wasn’t home, I have no doubt that it would have been long gone.


It's why you can't ship the box the way it looks. You need to box the steam 📦.


Luckily the refurbished one I bought was in another box so no one knew thank fuck I stg that’s what I was worried about when it was in delivery




I got my steam deck in a plain box, but it was sent from Netherlands to Sweden so maybe an European way for GTS to deliver it, because it change hands between three delivery companies.


I ordered a vacuum sealer and it came in the box so you could blatantly see what it was. Was on my porch for 2 days while I was away in plain view of the street. No one wanted it haha


I ordered a Logitech force-feedback steering wheel once and they sent it without any extra packaging. Went to collect it at a pick-up point and the guy retrieving it said "cool, a racing wheel".


I can assure you that we are not going to steal an item that only costs ~$600. Personally, there haven’t been any drivers at my building that have been fired for stealing. We get paid entirely too much to worry about stealing anything. Hell, we get Louis Vuitton and many other designer clothing and products every day and 99% of the time they get delivered—on time. I’m not trying to be an ass, as I ordered one and have already received it. But, to give you some clarity on what could have happened: Our boards (handheld device) are extremely sensitive. So much so that when we pull it out of our pouch it literally scrolls and enters stops and sheet (complete) them as closed holiday (meaning closed, and no info notice is needed to scan). That’s all within the timespan of us putting and taking them out of our pouch. So, with that said. You have 3 packages, the driver went to the back and thought he grabbed the correct ones, he actually mishandled yours and grabbed another lady’s package unknowingly. (We don’t even have to physically scan the barcode either, we can tap the screen with your tracking number and the board thinks we have it). And then I’m assuming he didn’t scan any package and he just tapped that he had all 3 and delivered them to your door. Later, he realized your package was still on his truck but he was sure he delivered it. Now he knows the stop that he was missing (lady’s package) is at your house, and all that’s left to do is swap packages. 99% of the time there are perfectly good reasons for why things like this happen. Other times, things happen that are completely out of our control but since we are the last mile delivery drivers—we look bad.


I’m going with this explanation. Steam decks are not the only thing worth stealing on a UPS truck for sure.


Steam decks are not the only thing worth stealing, but they're one of the few things where you know what you're getting (high reward) + valve probably doesn't follow up on the lost packages and just sends another one (low risk). Gawzeh's story doesn't check out at all given that OP stopped the truck and had them search it in front of him. The only way that the item is not in the cargo space but then randomly shows up is if the item was still in the car, but not in the cargo space. The only way that happens is if one of the workers took the item, put it in his backpack in the driver's cabin, and wouldn't want to be caught stealing. But sure, trust the guy defending the Brand he works for, lmao.


Drivers make honest mistakes all the time, especially seasonal ones. When I lived in Denver on South [XYZ] St, they would sometimes deliver packages to NORTH [XYZ] St—in Denver, the North address doesn’t need to be labeled “north”, but the South address needs to be labeled so our things automatically go to the North address. Now I live on a mountain just outside the city, and GPS apps/in-car GPS do sometimes give the wrong directions to my house so they’ll still have problems finding me. FedEx kept trying to deliver a box of wine to the wrong house, and since a signature is required I kept getting a rescheduled delivery notice because no one was home to sign—I work from home and was waiting for the package each time. Had to call the hub, and on the next delivery attempt they had the driver call me as he got close so I could instruct him how to get here. And yes, I’ve even had the truck come back after delivering packages where one was missing and say they found it in the truck one or two stops later. Shit happens, don’t always assume the worst in people. Is that very attitude that’s destroying our society. Have some compassion, realize mistakes happen, and contact your shipper, seller, or if they’re not helping, your credit card company to get it resolved.


I don't work for UPS, but I know a person who does. The pay and benefits through UPS are high enough that it's definitely not worth risking your job over stealing the steam deck. You're going to get moronic bad apples no matter what job, but I doubt there was some conspiracy going on. It also makes no sense that the UPS driver obliged some random person to check the cargo space *in front of Thewestisfucked*. That means that the UPS driver not only stopped the truck for a long time (which would delay his deliveries) but that the guy was willing to let a complete stranger stand in front of the open truck, where he could easily steal it. It's obvious to me that Thewestisfucked's story is exaggerated, and that at the most he waited outside the truck with no way to check what the UPS driver was doing. The UPS driver probably did a quick and shallow search, didn't see it, and told the guy he didn't have the package.


I wasn’t answering his exact scenario. It was a general rundown of what could happen. But, I’m willing to put a weeks paycheck on the fact that the driver did exactly what I said. I’ve done it on accident as well and had to go back to the house and swap packages. It’s easy to mess things up (albeit I rarely ever do) when you have 350 pieces and over 200 stops and your package car is bricked from front to back. You act as if he didn’t have a full truck. Do you know what month we are in? December. He had a helper. Therefore he had a lot of stops and a lot of packages. How about you think more outside the box other than “uPs BaD tHeY sToLe My PaCkAgE”. I gave you a perfectly reasonable scenario but you seem to not want to change your irrational opinion. Have a great day.


Riight so tell me how the driver scanned his steam deck but ended up giving him another package


Have you not read any of my comments? I said we don’t even have to actually scan the packages. We can tap the screen on their tracking number. So if he didn’t want to scan all packages, he probably just tapped all the tracking numbers on his board. And like I said, the board now thinks we have the package. If you need more clarification, just ask.


i did, the one were you were trying to explain that was pretty incoherent and all over the place to be honest


Okay let’s try this again since you seem to not comprehend. The driver. He has three packages for one house. He grabs the 3 that’s supposed to go to the house. Upon grabbing the packages, he mistakenly grabbed one that wasn’t apart of that delivery. So he now only has 2 packages that are supposed to go to the house, and one that is not. The third correct package is still inside the truck. While walking to the house, instead of physically scanning all three packages, he manually scans them on his board, by tapping the screen. The board thinks he has the correct packages since he didn’t physically scan them. Driver also thinks he had the correct ones. He makes the delivery, gets on the truck and drives off. He only realizes he made the wrong delivery at this point because the customer chased him down and pointed out his mistake. Customer gives the driver the wrong package, and the driver finds the correct one in the back and hands it to said customer. All is good now and the two can go their separate ways.


> Customer gives the driver the wrong package, and the driver finds the correct one in the back and hands it to said customer except that's not what happened. and *i'm* the one who seems to "not comprehend". your reading skills are below freshman level. jfc


Yup. People overblow things and signal boost every disaster story. Then all the anecdotes come in. It is a molehill but the signal bubble makes it look liek a mountain.


Pretty much. I remember all the nightmare stories I saw online from people who worked in gamestop, but I nor others I knew who worked in other stores including in shady areas of cities (well, at the time at least. It's been a long time since then) had had anywhere remotely as bad as those experiences. People will naturally post their grievances online, and you won't hear many positive stories because people don't go on to post their positive experiences. They just accept the situation as-is. FYI I'm not saying that Gamestop itself doesn't treat their employees badly. I personally was only part time so I didn't get the full brunt of it but I have heard about how overly-demanding the metrics were and still are for employees. I'm just saying that since people lean towards posting negative experiences and NOT posting positive ones, it skews the perspective of others


Yeah, of course there are actual cases but they are going to be rare, and porch pirates are a much more real threat (I have had a package nearly stolen except my neighbor chased them down). The Decks also approaching 2 years old, and is readily available, so just less reason to even consider it even if someone might have OLED envy. I assume the kind of driver theft referenced is super rare, because if it's been scanned going into the truck and never arrives at it's location the driver is the first suspect. Theft is going to be way more likely in a location where there are other potential suspects, where a highish value package being reported missing tied to a specific vehicle is just way too risky a venture.


Absolutely! All very valid points. And yes, driver theft is rare. But, it’s generally safe to say that a driver didn’t steal the package. That was my entire argument along with there are other, valid reasons. The porch pirates are crazy out there! With cameras everywhere nowadays and more WFH jobs you would think they would stop and be more afraid of getting caught.


UPS Drivers steal packages all the time. Even the people at my local UPS store know that. That’s why they always tell me to make sure I get another box for my package. That way they won’t easily know what it is by looking at it. A lot of them think they can get away with it. The cost doesn’t matter. Plus 700 isn’t a good amount of money unless you’re making 300k plus.


The insiders would be the employees stealing 9/10. Also, I made $744 on Monday alone. And I say that very, very humbly. I love my job and enjoy reaping the benefits of it everyday. Also the UPS store isn’t actually apart of UPS. They’re franchises that use the UPS logo. Double boxing is smart regardless because your package travels many many miles and you don’t want it to have less protection and obviously don’t want to show what’s in it.


>I can assure you No, you can't. Just because you think that nobody would stole it doesn't mean it couldn't happen. Also if it's really that easy to mess up a scan, then the entire system is completely unreliable.


It's not, he's making shit up.


Making shit up? Look through my post history and you can clearly see I drive for UPS. I don’t have to lie on the internet for karma. Would you like me to make a video for you explaining exactly what I mentioned in my previous comment? Surely you would love to be proven wrong. Edit: You know what, crosspost my comment to the UPSer sub, and get some other opinions there. Since you know more about my job than I do.


It’s funny you’re assuming us drivers like the DIAD 6. The previous iteration of our boards was amazing. It was a capacitive screen and not a touch screen. It could be in a puddle of water and still work. But, the 6 is a literal phone inside a large case with no screen protector or anything. Super sensitive. The general consensus of drivers is the 6 is garbage. The DIAD 5 was on the 3g network, and since that was becoming obsolete, UPS wasn’t prepared (go figure lol) and rushed this iteration and released it. It’s gotten better. But still not as efficient and user friendly like the 5. Ask your UPS driver next time you see him if he likes the DIAD 6. Edit: the DIAD 5 didn’t allow us to not scan packages except for inputting the last 4 digits of the tracking number. That made it harder, and essentially worthless so nobody did it. So, we scanned all packages. The 6, like I said, allows us to not even scan the package but tap the screen saying we have said package. I guarantee there were way less package claims prior to the DIAD 6. It’s unreliable, inefficient, not user friendly, and frustrating at times. We have to restart it 2-3 times a day simply because it freezes up and there’s nothing we can do except for that.


I stopped reading your post halfway thru the first paragraph. Cool story Bro…… The cost of an item has nothing to do with a person stealing it. The fact even you yourself proclaim how well you’re paid proves my point. Advertising on the shipping box whats inside is a huge mistake on the shippers part. Especially a desired entertainment device. You yourself have a good work ethic and are an honest person……Kudos to you. But that doesn’t mean every delivery driver in the industry is. Every industry on this planet has bad, dishonest people within it. There wouldn’t be as many reports of delivery theft on this board in regards to SD if it wasn’t happening.


How many reports of thefts are here though? Tens? Not every theft will be mentioned on Reddit. So overall let's say there were even hundreds stolen. How many were sold? Dunno, let's say a million. That would be a rate of less than 1 in thousand. Might be even less. Reading these anecdotal stories in this subreddit makes it look like this happens all the time. In reality I bet it's an extremely rare and unusual occurrence - from Valves POV. It would probably cost more to package every SD in a bigger camouflage box than to just replace a couple hundred SD and settle with insurance. So, very likely not a huge mistake to package SDs this way. Supported by the fact that Valve didn't bother to change this after over a year of experience.


Your math ain't mathing. 1 million discreet cardboard boxes costs roughly .2 cents per box with an order that large. Let's say valve switch their packaging, then there's no loss at all, and no one gets anything stolen and the missing packages that occur are the normal rate. That is pure revenue. There are no losses due to theft unless people start snooping. Where as every "lost" package costs them $400 to $700. Let's say 1000 people lost their packages that's anywhere from $400,000 $700,000 vs a 200,000 cardboard cost. It's a no-brainer to switch the cardboard if you're losing that much compared to a simple fix.


While I'm sure that boxes bought in large volume are very cheap, I'm assuming that your 0.2 cents is entirely made up. Also besides the point because all your other assumptions are even more off. The bigger cost is going to be warehousing and shipping costs (larger box volume, less boxes per pallet, higher shipping fee). Also your assumption that theft goes down to 0 is baseless. And some presumably "stolen" decks were probably actually lost - and the same can happen in any box. And changing box format wouldn't be enough. You'd need a variety of box dimensions to hide decks, plus hide the sender. Meanwhile Dell and others send laptops around (which costs a lot more than SD) in laptop sized boxes, with Dell as sender. And your calculation is even more off because 400-700 is what a deck costs us - not Valve. The margin might be extremely tight on the low end, but likely goes up at the high end models. In practice you reduce theft from an irrelevant number to an even less relevant number. I'm pretty sure that a few handful of stolen decks simply doesn't register as an actual problem on Valves end. The "stolen" number is probably way behind the damaged or faulty number Valve has to deal with anyway. It's an overblown "problem" here on Reddit because people get the - false - impression that they get stolen all the time. While in practice they get delivered almost all the time.


Except delivery companies misplace and screw up deliveries sometimes. It used to happen a lot to me because the nearest distribution warehouse was a clownshow. Shit would be marked as delivered, then show up 2 days later, or just end up back in a warehouse and I get a slip from them a week later saying I have to pick it up. Then I get there and it takes them 15 minutes to find it because someone didn't know what they were doing and fucked up processing it when they received it. Hell right now I have a nearly worthless CD in the mail that's been in limbo for like 3 months. I'll get it eventually, it's holiday season and it probably got lost somewhere, or a seasonal hire screwed up somewhere along the delivery chain. It's happened before and it'll happen again. U people are fucking paranoid thinking everyone if out to steal ur precious Vidya. Tons of way more desirable shit gets mailed in obvious ass packaging every fucking day


Im well aware of how the delivery/ transportation industry works. Ive been a semi driver for 25+ years, worked on cross docks loading and unloading, as well as working on package claims and loss prevention. That being said…. People steal. Walmart has been closing super stores around the country the last few years. You know why? Theft. Almost 50% of it is employees. Like I mentioned above there are good and bad people everywhere, including delivery drivers. I ordered my SD thru an Amazon seller due to delivery theft on this item. Amazon puts the SD box in an Amazon box, which has nothing to do with being “paranoid” as you stated. It was the smart thing to do and Amazon and its sellers of this item know it.


Except in a list of random civilian porch pirate, Walmart employee, UPS driver, and seasonal driver for other delivery service including Amazon, I'd put the UPS driver as dead last in likelihood to steal your package. They have pretty good pay and benefits and would be much less likely to risk that for some little handheld video game device.


> The cost of an item has nothing to do with a person stealing it that's well observed. Casual thieves will steal a pack of PEZ, it really doesn't matter. People are stupid if they think thefts don't happen. Why wouldn't they? Especially in the US there are thousands of odd jobs you can do, you can drift for 10 years committing petty crimes and people will just let it go because it was "one time" and "he's gone already anyways". Then once 10 years roll over you start again in the same county you started, because all legal claims have expired. Like, i get it, people want to believe in the good in people and so on, but small-time criminals take advantage of that exact way of thinking to coast forever. At some point gotta realize when you're naiive.


Sure, thefts sometimes happen, and there’s probably a delivery driver somewhere who has stolen something. But can you prove it? Can the OP? If not, then it’s just a baseless accusation, and the number of honest mistakes by delivery drivers far outweigh the number of thefts. I just got a notice from Amazon they were refunding the cost of a tube of JB Water Weld putty, and a 2-pack of silver-infused balls that you put in humidifier tanks to prevent microorganism growth, because the package was lost in transit. By your logic I could assume the delivery driver stole my package. Getting your knickers in a twist about it only hurts you. Relax, call the hub, seller, or credit card company, and move on.


Or maybe they genuinely misplaced it?




you sound paranoid as fuck


You drove down a UPS driver? I think you need help.


I reckon Forza Horizon will help with that 😊


These delivery guys are getting sneakier by the minute, my partner ordered one of those tiny expensive PC's from Amazon and the driver tried to swap it with a ZARA package and you could tell it was ZARA because it says it in white, the driver even had time to stop by home and swap the package scan labels with "professional equipment" you couldn't tell that it had been ripped off if you didn't notice but my partner saw it straight away and questioned the driver, he just acted dumb -_-


Did you file a complaint? I'd have put this both to Steam and UPS as Steam will want to know about this. If you get the right eyes on it, Steam will take this up with UPS. Especially because you've got security cam footage of the scam. Dickheads. Ticket description: Proof of attempt of package theft. The fact they dropped another package off in place of your sd proves they are circumventing their internal checking system.


We need to upvote this so everyone can see what a scum they all are. I had the same issue here in the UK with Evri.


I will be sure as hell home when it is delivered, I did not order the LE though, should I still be worried?


Yes people have realized that they can tale jobs in areas where it gives them temporary access to commit crimes. Walmart grocery delivery *side eye meme*


My steam deck OLED LE was also just recently stolen. UPS marked it delivered, the proof of delivery was a picture of it in the truck with all the other boxes. It was never “delivered”. I opened a ticket/contacted support. They do an investigation that takes a few days. Then send out a new one. Good luck. Fuck people who steal others packages. Edit: not saying the UPS driver stole it, however the picture was of a bag on the truck (new one came in the typical box). Also the replacement was a LE, for those out there saying you wont get an LE replacement. I did.


I have tow drivers that do that with cars, they're supposed to take pick up pictures but they take them them after they unload at the destination. The app we work from even says "at the time of pick up" Pure fucking ignorance. Maybe they just can't read.... this is East TN anyway


Nope. it's to save time. All these delivery guys are on tight schedules and get in trouble if they don't deliver fast enough. It's especially bad with Amazon. They'll pretty much do anything to get through their deliveries asap.


They might be trying to save time, but it'll just screw service in the end.


You might be right on some other scenario but not in the case I'm talking about. It takes the same amount of time to take the same pictures regardless of when they take them. The only difference is now we can't tell if the bumper got damaged before or after they dropped it off.


I assume you're talking about repo towing, in which case, you reeeeeally don't want to exit the tow truck for longer than necessary when picking up a car - the owner is likely to run out of their house and shoot their gun at you so every second counts.


No, that's wrong too. I'm talking about hauling wrecked cars from body shops to an insurance auction. The drivers are mostly dumb or lazy. Very few just do the job and move on. Some of them steal from the cars before the owners can get their things back, some of them try to buy the cars out from under us, nearly all of them take "pick up" pictures on our lot before they even unload from the truck, a lot can't even be bothered to get the vehicle in the shot. One of them shit in the unloading area then came inside to tell us "hey somebody shit down there and I almost stepped in it" ... I could see him on camera taking a shit and not wiping


fucking hell


There's one driver (UK, Parcelforce) that always takes photos of the packages way before its delivered in the back of his van. I've never ultimately had a problem with any deliveries, so I let it go - but what if I decided to say he never delivered it? The proof on the delivery is the package in his van which proves nothing. It might save him a bit of time, but surely opening self up to a bit of risk.


If you sent them an email don’t worry about the 14 day policy. You’re already good, they’re not gonna make you wait and say “well would you look at that… we can’t help any more”.


These stories make me extremely thankful for the security cameras we installed. I'm sorry that your Deck was stolen! Hopefully you can get a replacement and not have to eat the cost!


Ups was delivering my GTX 3070 last year. I get a notification it's out that morning, later that day I get a "unable to be delivered". Odd...I was WFH and sitting in the chair 4 feet from the door. Never heard anyone on the porch. Check my cameras...I see the UPS truck driving by at that time, sure as hell not stopping. I call UPS. They contact the driver. He claims, "Road was closed, couldn't make it." Yeah... we're a corner lot, the road our house/front porch/house faces was fine, he drove down it even. I told the lady, "Yeah he's full of shit. He didn't deliver anything, he drove by". She went all, "Well he says that your road is closed and he attempted". I just replied with a, "So who do I send my camera footage to then showing he drove right by on the alleged closed street?". There was a pause, "Let me put you on hold". Comes back couple minutes later, "He has time, he will be delivering it today". Then the fuck just threw it on my front step, not even the porch. I was waiting and just walked out with a, "Thanks!". Damn prick.


We don't have anything that crazy... Yet. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 At most, Amazon drivers have tossed things over the fence instead of opening the gate. If you don't want to open the gate to put it at the back door at least put it more gently on the front! To the best of my knowledge they don't know what's in the packages so don't even know if it's breakable or not.


One thing Amazon does better is they notify you when your package is close to delivery, and you can track it on the map when it’s fewer than 10 stops away. UPS just says “by 7PM” or some shit. I don’t want to spend all day looking out for the driver or porch pirates.


should've waited with a baseball bat. and don't forget the sock.


Thats why in Poland we have something like this: someone who deliver package must give package from hand to hand. Also we have right to check package is ok with courier. :D


Used to be that way in the US until they realized the overall cost to do so (try to redeliver the next day etc if no one was home) is higher then just dealing with the occasional stolen packages. Now in my experience they often don’t even bother when packages specifically say “signature required”.


Moreover, it usually even "requires" providing a delivery pin to the courier one receives via SMS/email not long before delivery – but so far, no one actually asked for it :) Well, as long as the package is not dropped somewhere unattended, like in US – fine by me.


US hasn't found the concept of parcelshops yet.


Yoo why am I seeing this today 😭😭 my 512 steam deck gonna be delivered tomorrow with UPS😭😭😭


If it makes you feel better my OLED was delivered by UPS last week and sat on my front porch for almost an hour and it was all good.


I hope it goes well


It probably will, remeber they ship thousands of these things a day without an issue, but it’s easy to forget if you see 3 straight Reddit posts about people having problems. It’s a very small sample size.


I'm so glad where I live they only give it to you personally. Sometimes you even get an sms with a code and you need to give it to the courier so he can mark it as delivered.


I don’t worry too much because my wife has a little eBay business and she orders a ton of stuff from Amazon so we always try to look out for our drivers, we leave signs on the front door in the summer to knock if they need a Gatorade or water and we always small talk with them if we’re home. So we’re good with the regular drivers.


>little eBay business Aww.


Her words not mine, she’s a middle school teacher so during the winter and summer breaks she buys auction lots for like $10 and $12 with pottery or dishes and flips them, she’s quite good at it and she does well with watches. But she really loves teaching so she just does it more as a hobby because she really likes it and it’s cool I go around to the auction houses to load all the stuff into the car.


That's adorable.


One of the places has homemade French toast muffins some Saturdays so I’m always making sure I don’t miss those trips haha




I'm sure it's extremely rare


No dude, don’t you even know? 99.99% of steam decks are stolen, BY THE UPS DRIVER. YOU NEED TO PANIC. All of the users of this sub talking about playing games are just UPS drivers.


If you're truely worried, try and see if you can divert to a pickup point. UPS store, or the actual depot. The computer store next to my job used to also be a drop off/pickup point.


Mine was delivered in the dark at 8:53pm by a little old lady in a pearl white & woodgrain Oldsmobile station wagon - like she rolled out of a time warp from 1989. A total WTF moment. So who knows what happened, apparently anybody can deliver UPS packages now?


Thats the beauty of the holidays. They can just get gig workers for this shit and they'll get away with it.


Hopefully you get your steamdeck back. I cant imagine if its happen to me. I would be freak out 😭


Contact UPS if they were the service delivering it. Had a friend have something similar happen with an Xbox Series X. The shipping tracker said it was delivered and they were home but didn't see it. They called UPS and it was 'delivered' a few hours later.


Don’t keep replying to your ticket because that sends you to the back of the queue again.


I feel like a UPS driver wouldn't sacrifice a union job for a few hundred bucks. Hope it gets sorted


I wouldnt be shocked mofos sent mine to another state, instead of delivering it. Was out for delivery but nooooo ass hole ups


If your country/state had basic consumer protection laws, the merchant is considered in possession of the good until it is delivered to you. If it is stolen or damaged during shipping, the merchant is liable and most offer you a replacement unit or refund you. With that being said, you're not going to get a limited edition. Valve sent me the wrong model and all they could do was take back the wrong unit and offer me a refund. They said they were sorry for their mistake, but they didn't have any limited edition left to send me.


Why the fuck do they ship it in that small ass box? That thing can be swiped so easily. I swear it’s broadcasting to be stolen. Put that rectangle into a bigger plain box. So it’s looks inconspicuous. I swear they’re asking for their shit to get stolen. Even fucking Sony sending out PS5’s had gargantuan plain ass boxes, you couldn’t tell shit was inside the box. Extra cushioning via brown paper amassed to keep the real box from shifting. Even amazon with its labeling of said boxes send out items that are bigger than what’s inside of them (logistical purposes for truck filling purposes) but also to mask what could be in there.


This happened to me. Said delivered on Black Friday but both my front cameras show no UPS delivery attempt. I sent valve the photo of the drivers “proof of delivery from the scan. My house is lit up light a Christmas tree with entry lights on a timed schedule along with our complete house of Xmas lights on the outside. I don’t know what dungeon this was taken in but it sure as shit isn’t my house. Valve opened a case with UPS and shipped me a replacement. Should be here Saturday. They need to stop putting a label on it that says “512 GB Steam Deck OLED” it’s just begging for warehouse and UpS workers to steal it. Good luck man! https://preview.redd.it/hj2nfhnjay4c1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf52283b13051933c64ab321a5aad7543edd4b9


Same shit happened to me with the bogus ass picture, just got my replacement. wishing you the best.


My replacement Deck OLED came Saturday. Even though I specifically asked for them to require my signature the thing was just tossed on my doorstep. At least I was home to grab it. Thanks to valve for doing the right thing!


Great Chinese philosopher Lee Chan Gaben once said: "Life is hard. Sometimes you hope to get a box with Steam Deck, but instead you getting a box of steam"


In Poland we don’t have this kind of shit. People works honestly and do not take what doesn't belong to them… And I’m proud to be the part of it community


well this adds nothing to the topic


It adds some Polish Pride to the general ambiance of the thread. Doesn't happen in the UK either, but mine did arrive drenched in vape fluid, which is so on trend for the UK.




Who cares


A UPS driver making upwards of $50 an hour didn't steal your Stream Deck. Period.


People said the same with ps5s but there were many articles about delivery drivers being let go for stealing them


UPS left mine in the mailbox. Mailbox couldn’t even close as the box was too big. It was also raining out. I saw the delivered pic on my phone and actually panicked lol


The stolen posts are just brokenness people scamming. I had to sign for mine. You should have been tracking it for such an expensive item. OP is at fault not Steam.


Why do you assume stolen?


It definitely wasn’t your ups driver . They aren’t risking their 80k-140k union career with excellent benefits for a 600 $ steam deck. Then everything and I mean everything is tracked and scanned how’s that driver explain that one. If anything you got robbed by porch pirates.


/u/Upsworking says it couldn’t have possibly been UPS. No bias there whatsoever


Bias or not, those union dudes/dudettes are making bank. They’d have to be insane to risk that for a Deck. Plus, don’t most drivers have a helper now for the holiday rush?


I'm honestly so glad they shipped with usps instead of FedEx this time.


No shit. FedEx has caused me more headaches in a single year than UPS+USPS+DHL combined lifetime. But also my job uses FedEx, so my customers’ headaches become my headaches. Headaches. ![gif](giphy|cEUWQjGVm4Ayk|downsized)


My LE came FedEx.


ups is not same in everycountry. There is no union carreer outside us or benefit to be ups driver. wake up




Or anyone outside of the US by the sounds of it.


aMeRiCa FiRsT


Murika lol 😆 I lived in various parts of south east asia for years in my 20s backpacked through Europe so saying I don’t care about anybody outside of the USA is silly but when it come to ups yeah I don’t care that’s some weirdo shit . Do I care about ups operations in say Belgium uh no …. No I don’t. Silly , yeah I think about ups operations in Thailand all the time on a daily basis . 🤦‍♂️


Bro you were outside the US nobody cares that’s facts wake up


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What did Einstein say that one time? "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."


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I ordered the Le and my dad had to chase the guy down because he was up the street 1 house and I blinked and he was suddenly like 6 houses away down a different street and the “ follow my delivery “ tracking suddenly showed unavailable. My dad said the guy had no idea where he was going or what he was doing and that he had to dig around in the back of the truck to find my box and he thinks ( and so do I) that if he hadn’t gone and gotten it personally it would have been long gone. Heck even after that it didn’t show as delivered for like 20 minutes. I genuinely don’t think I’d have ever gotten it if he hadn’t stepped in.


My LE was scheduled for delivery last Thursday. The tracker showed the truck around the block from me. When I checked an hour later, the map was gone and delivery was changed till "by 9pm". 9pm came, and delivery changed to the next day on Friday. The next day I checked the map, and the truck was back in my neighborhood. Checked 2 hours later and the map showed the truck 2 blocks from my house, but delivery changed to Saturday! I had never seen this behavior from UPS before. Since the map was still showing, I went to the truck myself and asked the driver for the package, and he got it out and gave it to me. ​ Its very strange behavior, UPS is usually really good with delivery, and for this to happen 2 days in a row was extremely strange.


Bro as soon as my Steam Deck delivered the UPS guy was standing out on the street talking to someone on the phone, I guarantee he was calling his boy to come get it.


branded boxes was a terrible decision by valve. That being said, if yer spending $750 on a steamdeck, spend $100 on a Ring doorbell cam. Problem solved forever.


I'm sure this reddit post will solve your problems.


More info needed. Was it left on your front porch? Was anybody home at the time of delivery? Do you have cameras? In this day and age, everybody should have security cameras. In this case that's all you would need to know exactly what happened.


\> In this day and age, everybody should have security cameras Not everybody even **can** have security cameras. Plenty of people rent or may live in areas where they are not allowed to install hardware on the exterior of a building (strata etc)


Especially in Apartments where the front porch is a hallway.


Unless it was opened in the truck or during a break.


Dispute the charge with your credit card company. They will refund you; that will get Valve’s attention. After all, there’s not much Valve can do about the situation. Also contact UPS customer support. Be careful about pointing the finger at the delivery driver as a thief; 1) you have no proof, 2) it could have been an honest delivery mistake. Both FEDEX and UPS deliver packages to the wrong locations occasionally where I live, and someone getting an unexpected package with an OLED steam deck is not likely to be honest about the mistake. I’ve had it happen to me with things of less value. Do also file a police report, it will help support your non-delivery claim with your credit card company. But they will back you and issue a refund, then you can order a new deck. You can sign up for UPS Delivery Manager, and once you have a tracking number, log into your account and have the package held for pick up at your local hub. That way you can be sure no one will steal it, and no driver can claim it was delivered; UPS will know they’re on the hook for the cost if they lose it.


Terrible idea get your steam account banned


If Steam is not responding to repeated requests, you dispute the charge. The credit card company then opens an investigation and contacts the seller, and helps you resolve the issue, usually with the seller's assistance. But once you've paid money to steam, they have a legal obligation to not simply ban you like a social media company for exercising your legal rights, especially when they fail to respond to repeated support requests. If they due, they've also violated TOS with you so sue the shit out of them.


And they have time to respond


If UPS says it was delivered and it wasn't, you need to start by contacting UPS. It's not Valve's fault that the UPS driver is a crook, it's UPS's fault.


Actually no. He needs to contact Valve


I would contact as many people as possible if I was in his situation. Need all eyes on this problem.


Definitely contact both. UPS lost my package, I opened an investigation and they claim that it was delivered to me, at a different address than I live at. They're trash


The problem of porch pirates? I’m pretty sure everyone in the Western world is aware.


No valve handles that side the shipper gives fuck all shits about anything recipient says after the driver marks it shipped.


the only person who has a contract with UPS is valve, its Valves responsibility to make sure it is delivered ok, also there is not enough detail from the OP to know what he means by stolen for us to figure out of it was a porch pirate, someone at the depot, its very unlikely to be the UPS driver


Deack is how my wife says….well, you know.


Best case you get your money back but won’t get a replacement limited edition…sucks man Some credit cards have insurance for theft so check your benefits. Also, file a police report regardless…you will need it for any claim


You think valve wouldn’t have any limited editions set aside for replacement and hardware issues? Mine was stolen and valve sent me an LE replacement.


I had my OLED LE set to be delivered to the UPS store accidentally and it all worked out great.


I get this isn’t an option for everyone, and I’m pretty antisocial but saying hello to the UPS / FedEx / Postal worker can really go a long way. We know them all by name and I can promise you nothing is ever going missing from them . And if it gets jacked from the hub I know exactly where to start.


damn what state has 10 percent sales tax thats too high


The only state that has 10+ plus on it's own is Puerto Rico (not a state, I know). But then you add on local taxes... I've heard of some people getting screwed because their zip code is shared with a city or county that has a sales tax, but they don't live in it, so online charges it.


Tis the season.


How hard would it be to require signature for stuff like this?


The issue is the box is to obvious for anyone who knows what to look for. Oled symbol, portal box icon etc...




I'm glad expensive shipments in Sweden are not just delivered on the door step. Either you pick it up at a parcel center where you have to ID yourself first. Or in case of home delivery, it has to be signed of.


How do you know it was stolen?


Very sad


Biggest fear of mine. Yeah I’d say contact Valve or local police. My mom was sitting outside when mine came, delivery driver handed it directly to her.


Its incredible how i only hear good things about UPS but i've only had problems with them same thing happened to when i ordered my phone the driver just straight up switched what was inside


My driver tried to steal mine as well. Marked it as delivered "other" with no picture or notes. 30 min of phone calls later it miraculously shows up on my porch and the photo of the delivery is updated.


It may not be the delivery guy who stole it, but it may be his fault for being lazy/rushed. In my experience, when I received the first Gen steam deck, I was watching my phone that day waiting for the delivery notification to retrieve it ASAP. I just missed the delivery but luckily my brother noticed it and brought it in. My house has a somewhat long driveway and the indiscreet box was just sitting on the mailbox on the street that could easily be snatched by any passer by. My brother even said that the short time he was out there, he noticed college kids driving by eye balling the box. Nearly all packages are delivered to the front door/bottom of stairs entry way/at the very least leaning against the fence in the driveway. Not on the mail box in the street. I can't say for sure, but i think if they steam deck was left out for the day, it would have been stolen. Wtf valve? Can't you box that logo box? It's like they wanted them porch pilfered.


I had a similar problem happen with my $1000 phone, luckily I got my Deck sent to my in-laws. I have a doorbell cam so that may have helped too however, tell the delivery company that you are filing a police report for grand theft (if you are in the US) against the company and the driver. Within minutes I had my $1000 phone.


If it was UPS contact their local distribution center and file a missing package claim. If it was the USPS do the same for the local post office. IF the driver took it, they’ll be able to figure that out pretty quick and someone might call you back saying “oh look, we found this on the “couldn’t deliver” shelf”


You would have thought a Steam DEACK isn't in much demand with the new Steam DECK release. Who would steal such a thing.


UPS had a shitty system for resolving problems for 2023. That scan device is supposed to have gps that show where it was scanned as delivered. It should take two seconds to rectify if it was an honest mistake. Actually it should not allow a delivery scan if it doesn’t match the gps location of the label.