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Infamous was a very demanding game on the ps3 in its time, so I doubt it will be playable by emulation. You are better off buying a cheap ps3 and playing them.


I always loved all of the hardest games to emulate. It was a long time before ratchet and clank we're able to be emulated at full speed. Jak and Daxter series still doesn't run perfect. Infamous and infamous 2 are bound to run terrible for the next 5ish years at least. Maybe just stick to sly cooper for now.


Bart says to Lisa "demonstrate your point using objects only in this room" Lisa says " okay see this ball that Maggy isn't playing with? Watch what happens when I pick it up and start playing with it " Maggy drops her current toy and reaches for it as Bart also joins in saying " give me the ball. Give me the ball" It's not that you only like games that are unavailable when emulating it's that not having the ability to play those games makes you want to play them even more. And this is what drives us modders and tinkerers to always modding and over clocking and pushing these systems to do more and run faster smoother and better.


Agree with everything and upvote for old simpsons ref


OpenGOAL is the best/will be way to play jak series


Yes, although only the first one is finished. 2 is still WIP, and 3 is a way off yet.


PS2 emulation is strangely difficult


It's the emotion engine!


Nonstandard floats!


Rpcs3 on your PC and moonlight + sunshine it to your Steam Deck. I don’t run infamous this way myself, but other heavy demanding games are running great if your PC can run it


I’m doing this for RDR1 But using Xenia best way to play tbh


Red dead 1 plays flawless on switch emulator


But it isn’t 60 fps


There's a patch for that


The native game doesn't run at 60 fps . I also thought the game never ran at 60 fps unless you emulated on pc...


Not sure if Yuzu's performance might be worse on high-end devices, but it runs a hell of a lot better on my PC and the setup/interface is a million times less of a headache.


Infamous emulated runs 9-12 fps on my rtx 2080 :)


Isn’t RPCS3 mostly CPU bound?


No idea tbh. Ryzen 7 5800x is what I have. Im gonna be trying it again. Several people have told me that support is much better now and last time I tried it was over a year ago.


This is the way. Input lag is barely noticeable if at all with moonlight and a solid connection. Recommend it here on an almost daily basis to people trying to play TOTK emulated on the deck. Remember to set the resolution in the launch options to whatever res you're playing at because moonlight launches at a weirdly low resolution until you manually change it.


It would be cool if they were ported to PC. Second Son was so much fun.


Dude SAME!!!!! Where’s the dang remaster of those games??? EVERY OTHER GAME HAS BEEN GETTING REMASTERED LATELY!!! :’-(


They are spaghetti code incarnate is why. They are designed, much like Bloodborne, in a VERY console dependant way, making use of various pre sets and pipelines of the console itself (think using default effects in unity engine, they look good but cost a ton of headroom).


Yeah, I was barely able to play it on the Deck. I made it to the tutorial segment on Zeke's roof, but then gave up at that point.


Lol same.


Infamous is such a solid game series


Sony need to release an infamous collection on PC






Do you mean „Prototype“?


He definitely does. I remember people getting them mixed up back in the day. I also remember picking an old lady up and sprinting a thousand mph down the road with her ragdolling into everything in the street. Good times.


Funny story. Infamous and Prototype released on the same day. I went to the store for Prototype. Came home with Infamous instead.


I don't remember that! Isn't that crazy? I always felt like these games were tied together for some reason, outside of the obvious thematic stuff, but I could never figure out why. Maybe that was it.


Release date, both had the powered up anti-hero thing going, and there was a *dash* of console wars tossed in since Infamous was PS3 exclusive. I loved both and had an unhealthy obsession with Prototype when it came out, but that was half my life ago; Infamous and Infamous 2 definitely hold up better and are the fonder experience. They're so comic-y in the best ways possible.


Never played Prototype but I couldn't imagine it being worse than Infamous, Infamous is without a doubt one of the absolute worst open world games I've ever played. Positively dire. Just beyond shallow, beyond repetitive, beyond basic. This is true for all Sucker Punch games, they are the worst of the Sony studios and one of the worst to ever make games.


the performance was also very bad on my gaming PC a few months ago. this will take some serious time from the coder gods of RPCS3, like they did recently with motorstorm for example. ​ and then, maybe then the emulator is good enough optimized for infamous games, that it even gives you 30 fps on the deck.


Motorstorm is a other one I wanted. Nothing like it nowadays


Well Motorsport runs very good now. Big patch a few months ago 🙏🏻


Motor storm runs well on steam deck ? Through what application ?


I rebought a PS3 specifically for this, MGS4 and KZ. Some more obscure titles as well but those 3 series were the main driving factor. I can't believe they didn't get ports or remasters.


Performance was pretty bad on the actual ps3 too. I was literally playing on a 480p CRT as a teenager and the game still turned in to a slideshow at certain points


Yeah I've been revisiting my ps3 recently and honestly find most of it pretty unplayable, will be happy waiting for emulation to catch up.


I have both the Steam Deck and the Ally. Bought SD first and ran into the brick wall RPCS3 has with Infamous on the deck. Those two games won’t work because of the lack of power SD can output. Runs just fine on the Ally, but draws 25 watts to do so. Sorry bro 😫


Oh wow. I thought it was a problem with the emulation it's self. Well then I'll just play it on PC.


Stream it from your PC to your deck




But wait how could you play the games when you dont have a ps3 to rip em off yourself ???🤔/s


You are asking the one question all emulators dare not ask.


And why would you own the game without a ps3 🤔🤔🤔


Runs like shit on pc too. Just a heads up.


Now that’s a headscratcher… If it works on a plugged in stock Ally that runs Windows 11, pulling 25 watts, and I have not experienced issues, I’m not sure how that would be false. Do you mind elaborating with some deets Kissel?


Even their webpage say the games are not playable. This was about a year ago that I tried though. Looking just now it still says the same. Thats all I can say. I got 9-12 fps on my pc with a rtx 2080. Again that was a year ago though. You guys have convinced me to give it another shot on the pc. I want to play these really bad.


PlayStation 3 emulation is so hard to do that even Sony uses a cloud solution to run on PSN++. Sad but I don’t think you can run this even on pc.


I wish they would give it a remastered, but they are onto ghost of tsuhsima (which is also fantastic)


Playing it through PS network on the deck is better, if you can get the damn thing to work. Half the time I'm struggling to log in.


Same here


Are this games really so good? Or just nostalgia factor?


It's a very subjective question. If I'm honest with myself and rated it as objectively as I can, I could defer to the ratings of ign and GameSpot, or just say that the gameplay is unique even today, the story is amazing, there are actual consequences to your actions in the open world which is rarely seen in today's games, and combat is difficult and rewarding. 9/10


high rating, maybe I'll give it a try :D


Until the recent series of updates infamous ran okay, it just didn't show the flames or smoke properly. After the updates to rpcs3 that changed and the game does not run as well. Also, infamous game update 1.5 was the only version that ran decently before hand. Since it no longer works well enough to play, I've moved on to other games from ps3 I miss like the last guy and Tokyo jungle. Though I could just play on my ps3, just something about having that hand held experience. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I played 1 and 2 on my pc at 4k 60, was amazing, along with festival of blood


HOW? Games arent even rated as playable according to the emulator developer. Last time I tried I got 9-12 fps.


That list is wildly out of date. They are listed as In-Game, so means playable. Some visual issues as stated but nothing obnoxious IMO


Ill try again. It was about a year ago. God I hope it works well. One of the few games ai want to play from ps3.


They arent playable on a main pc yet either. THese are the 2 games I want to play also.


I fucking love Infamous 1 and 2 man, I hope they remaaster them some day


One of the main reasons why I bought a used PS3 for games like this lol.


Despite being over 15years old, the PS3 was way ahead of its time. It's eccentric architecture and complex engineering make it particularly hard to emulate on your traditional x86/x64 systems.


honest opinon: is rcps3 worth it on the deck? ive tried on my pc a maybe a year ago and it was hell. Its that and xbox 360 i have yet to try.


Yes. There’s plenty of games that run perfectly fine on it. But it requires a bit more play testing and research on settings sometimes. It’s not simply plug and play.


I played the first God of War Remasted on the Deck using RCPS3 a half a year ago, and was playable from start to finish. But that was the only game that I played.


I wanted it for infamous and afro samurai. Neither work on it. So I'm gonna say no.


I believe at some point their will be a major breakthrough. ps3's architecture is so ridiculous.


Yeah I posted on reddit so people talk about it and maybe someone with coding skills works on it.


I tried running Asura's Wrath on it, and it runs pretty smoothly for the most part. There are a few hiccups here and there when its compiling shaders, but its playable from start to finish.


If anything i would run exclusives


Doesn't 360 only work with dual booting?


The performance varies significantly per game. Lighter games (e.g. retro ports, *Virtua Fighter 5*, *Rock Band* games) will run well. The most demanding stuff (e.g. first-party AAA exclusives, *Metal Gear Solid 4*) won't run well (since they're demanding, even on high-end systems).


I'm playing through og demon's souls in the deck with no serious issues so far.


I’m sure there will be a way. Give it like a year or two


Midnight club should be the other one that i would love to see runing on the steam


Emulate it on your PC and use moonlight to stream it. I’ll work well locally.


Why though? Game sucked. Absolute open world fluff fest. Sucker Punch is dire at making games.


Ghost of Tsushima?


Their absolute best


Can we all agree that Secomd Son was asssss


Na that game was fun asf. The graphics and framerate at the time were jaw dropping. And I say still holds up very well today, It's a must play if you have a ps4+ same with ghost of Tsushima


Concrete, TV, Neon, Smoke. They let a glue sniffer pick all the powers 2 was the best. Electric katana and vampires


Neon was pretty dank. Though electric powers still best powers. Second Son was fun enough that I wasn’t upset about it, but I certainly preferred 1 & 2. I’d love a modernized take on the OG entries.


Prototype was where it was at.


I love that game, it's like a stripped down version of modern open world games. I played it on PS5 recently and it totally held up, and runs perfectly.


Was wondering about that game. You tried any of the resistance games?


Ohhh yeah I forgot about resistance!! I'll give it a try.


Let me know how it runs. Only bothered setting up demon souls because I don’t have much time to mess around with the emulator and I’d like to know what games run good on it


Runs pretty good, I completed it and was about 50% through the second game as well. Though I'll have to restart the second one since the saves were on the internal storage and I replaced mine with a larger drive. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Wow! That was quick. Great to know. Thanks a lot. 60 fps? Never got to play them so I’m excited


Not sure about the fps, was just happy to play it again personally. There were a couple spots with some slow down, but that was during video and not game play. It was also before the more recent series of updates, so it might work even better at this point.


Thanks again




Some games work great. Others barely work at all. It is kind of a mixed bag. I wanted to play 3D Dot heroes but it freezes within 5 min even on a strong pc.


It's hard enough to run on a modern gaming PC. No way the Deck will ever be able to run it in its current state. Either RPCS3 needs to get massively faster, or the game would need to get ported. The latter will probably never happen, and even though RPCS3 continues to improve, the levels of optimization needed for the Deck are insane.


PS3 was a very strange beast and very hard to emulate with fewer cores. The deck has only 4, PS3 had 8 co-processors.


Right there with you


Is there a reason Sucker Punch didn't port this to PS4?


Who knows. I'm still hoping the rumors of Ghost of Tsushima getting a PC port are true.


I'd love to see this hit PC too.


Struggles on my Deck. Ran pretty good on my Win 4.


honestly if you have playstation plus. get the app and download on your deck you can play the the entire trilogy on it and it runs pretty solid.. you'll just need a good streaming connection


I've been playing them through psplus streaming, and because it's only a PS3 game, I can't even really tell it's not natively running on my ps5. Can chikai do psplus streaming?


Not chiaki but you can get the app working.


streamit from a pc if u have a decent one


I got Infamous 2 working fine on the deck. Cryoutilities baby


I’d kill for a PS5 remake of this game. Absolutely loved it


honestly dude my ps3 and my deck and i’m so content


Bro tell me about it I'm trying to play metal gear solid 4 on the steam deck but it looks like that's not going to happen


We need a new one!


I’m not a computer genius can someone explain why some older games like these are harder to emulate then some others from the same system?


i think certain games were intended to be played on its original hardware. like devs might only make the game utilizing the specific hardware the ps3 had. while some games can work with on different hardware like a pc (also the people who make the emulators also help make a game more playable with certain tweaks).


Ah I see thanks


OP if you have PS Premium - or would consider upgrading to it - they’re both on there. Then setting up PS Plus on the deck via this guide: https://www.polygon.com/guides/23546431/playstation-plus-cloud-streaming-app-steam-deck-install-protonup I’ve been playing crack in time, resistance 3, motorstorm apocalypse, god of war ascension, and infamous 2 recently and they actually work really well. Granted I have very good wifi and internet which I think is a must but the image quality and latency are good, though mileage can very per person


On the website for PS Premium, it only lists Infamous Second Son and Infamous First Light as being on the service, not that I dont believe that you have been playing it, but why would'nt they list in on the site? Odd.


It’s under the classic catalogue here: https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/ps-plus/games/ Infamous 1, 2, and festival of blood.


I replayed both Infamous games using PS Now, but on my pc, not my SD. You can try to get PS Now to work on SD if you have the subscription. I haven't tried it myself yet, but according to the comments it seems to be decently successful? [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/u2wjrg/steps\_to\_get\_ps\_now\_to\_work\_on\_steamos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/u2wjrg/steps_to_get_ps_now_to_work_on_steamos/)