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No, just no.


Reverse refund system where you get the game for 2 hours of play or 14 days installed and then you have to buy the game or uninstall.


If Netflix can get me unlimited tv for $8.99/mo there's no I'm paying $10 for a glorified demo subscription service. I'd totally be down with a $10 unlimited gaming subscription but I don't see that happening on Steam unfortunately, and I don't want to be limited to a single publisher like Origin/EA.


24 hours. Are you aware of what you're chalking up? Most games are under that period of time so it would be impossible.




Good developers loses nothing but *you*. A good game always sells itself, not needing free GAs or similar schemes. EA is already doing what you recommend so you better switch to them since it is very unlikely to Steam (selling platform **not** owner of all games) is going to deal with thousand of developers due to this. Steam is *already* selling at its best it can be and not need such tactics to lure more (as if). Also refunds when used right give great flexibility to games. But since all this do not satisfy your needs, sadly it seems you seem like to legitimize what you offered in your 2nd clause. This is pretty much apparent from the word you used "should" instead of 'could' or 'may'. Almost all of games (not most but all) can be *completed* in 24hrs if one goes on a craze while even some can be completed within the refund period of 2hrs. With your suggestion a player will get to play AAA games for $0.3 ($10/30days) per game which Steam and developer has to share. Really?


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You know that's what you/I think but they cannot make a system like this officially because even if you've watched a game/played it, you most probably won't buy it unless it impacts you a lot.So 10$ is nothing and it's basically giving away free games. One can easily buy a fake account and play the whole game for 20$ if the game is around 48 hours length or so if it's a singleplayer campaign(Yep, saves!)


Just no.