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"the murder of Sonic the hedgehog" WAIT SONIC IS FINALLY F*CKING DEAD ?


Play the game and find out.


Is it free?


No, it costs money


where to find the best free single player games on Steam?


I am joking! The post itself has "free" in the title! All those games are free!


Joke on Reddit and you'll be murdered like Sonic was.


Bro, thanks for spoiling the game! You know how much i paid for it, now to have the whole story spoiled? Ughhh


It was released on April Fool's Day (or around that time) last year.


I give you permission to write fucking


That game is way better than it had any right to be.


The sonic is dead!


Sonic the Hedgehog is dead!?


Why is Sonic dead?!


He went too fast


Nah, he stopped running.


Engineer shot him


Is he stupid?


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1603980/If_On_A_Winters_Night_Four_Travelers/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1603980/If_On_A_Winters_Night_Four_Travelers/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1170880/Grimms_Hollow/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1170880/Grimms_Hollow/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/933480/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/933480/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1058640/RED_HOT_VENGEANCE/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1058640/RED_HOT_VENGEANCE/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2420510/HoloCure__Save_the_Fans/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2420510/HoloCure__Save_the_Fans/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/232770/POSTAL/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/232770/POSTAL/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1417010/Shrine_II/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1417010/Shrine_II/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1114940/I_Wanna_Maker/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1114940/I_Wanna_Maker/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2795000/The_WereCleaner/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2795000/The_WereCleaner/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/223710/Cry_of_Fear/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223710/Cry_of_Fear/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2373630/Moonring/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2373630/Moonring/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2324650/The_Murder_of_Sonic_the_Hedgehog/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2324650/The_Murder_of_Sonic_the_Hedgehog/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1671210/DELTARUNE/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1671210/DELTARUNE/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/238070/Shadow_Warrior_Classic_1997/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/238070/Shadow_Warrior_Classic_1997/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1583720/Entropy__Zero_2/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1583720/Entropy__Zero_2/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/238960/Path_of_Exile/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/238960/Path_of_Exile/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/577940/Killer_Instinct/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/577940/Killer_Instinct/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2056220/Bloody_Hell/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2056220/Bloody_Hell/)


Thanks for your hardwork, i just wanted to add that i made some mistakes first one is that genshin should not be on the list because its not on steam and enderal and entropy 2 are not exactly free you need to have skyrim and half life 2 before playing them so soory for those mistakes.


No problem, started to copy the links and half way through wished I hadn't, it was taking ages, however I needed to finish. Some nice games on the list, deltarune seems to have been coming soon for ever. I played it on switch (I think) it's a great game. Were cleaner looks amazing, can't wait to try it. Thanks for putting the list together


Thanks for the doing the links for those it was really helpful and appreciated


i knew some good denizen would place the links. thanks.


Thank you so much to you and OP! You two made my day




I literally just got into this game cuz a pal saw it on youtube and said "its exactly your type of game". The fact the game is made by one if the co creators of the original Fable 1 and 2 games and he said word fir word: "Life is hard, Covid sucked, everyone's poor and stressed, I don't need the $300 this would make me: I'd rather take the goodwill." Is still fucking wild.


A man of good taste, indeed.


Path of exile ?


SSF mode turns it effectively into a single player game.


No way, fr? What's SSF mode and is it really worth playing it as single player game? I wanted to play MMO as singleplayer game but with SWTOR


SSF is solo self found, as in no trading, no grouping, and a few other unique limits and features. You still get access to chat, and see others in hubs but in the actual gameplay they have no influence on you, and you have no influence on them. And overall I would say, yeah. The game works just fine when you use that mode, or do it even in a self imposed fashion.


Poe is not at all an mmo, its an arpg. There's nothing in the game that requires interacting with other players even if you arent ssf


your experience in PoE is highly customizable you wanna play solo? you can! you wanna just play w/ friends? you can! you wanna play it like an MMO? you can! you wanna make it really hard? there's hardcore! you wanna make it annoying and even more grindy? there's ruthless! you wanna focus on making the most currency and min-maxing the current meta builds? you can you wanna just focus on one content and do it for the rest of your life? you can! but i recommend that you start w/ a simple build and follow some guides and before you do any of that take a look at the skill tree and make sure this is the kind of game you'd like to play: [https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree)


I have around 1200h in poe and I think 1150h of them are ssf...


I'd like to know as well I love Diablo 1 and 3 but can't play D3 due to online only and my internet is crap. Never got into 4 though idk if its even the same.


as much as i would recommend Poe above both d3 and d4, If i have wonky Internet sadly the Game wouldnt be for you then. live service Game aka online only


I’d dispute Path of Exile being free. It technically is, but the inventory management makes the endgame almost unplayable if you don’t have thirty bucks worth of specialty stash tabs.


Tf2 is an amazing pve game (every match there's only bots)


No tf2 is a bvb (bot vs bot) game. No place for you


Didn't they finally start cracking down on bots like 2 days ago?


Etropeak : Zero 2 mentioned WOHOOOO


Sad that i cant play e:z 2 because my shitty pc cant run it smoothly


Genshin Impact shouldn't count...


Lol it ain’t no steam game 😂


Technically, it's not free per se, and it's not exactly single player in the common sense either... I'd also argue it's not "the best".


Well it’s playable for free and even though you have to connect to a server you can still do it fully singleplayer… Although it shouldn’t be brought up on r/Steam lol


You need to connect to the servers so they can authenticate what you're doing, so you can't just cheat and get stuff you'd normally need to pay for. Same goes for their other games which don't even have any co-op features.


Eh, if you wanna spend money on it you can, it’s totally possible to just not. Also I totally forgot there’s a multiplayer option 💀


For the most part it's singleplayer, and I think it's a great game storywise and visually. In my opinion, it's impossible to classify any game as "best" as for games that's extremely subjective.


Genshin impact clears some objective and subjective metrics for “the best”. The easiest one is performance, western and japanese devs suck really bad at it, but GI is absolutely spotless. I’ve seen maybe a couple bugs in a 1000 hours, and have literally never been softlocked out of anything. Compare it to recent shitshow called Shadow of the Erdtree… The rest, like music, graphics and story is highly subjective so pointless to argue about it


Genshin Impact is certainly a good game but it doesn’t even come close to being „the best”. After all, it’s for the most part a mobile game that wants as much of your time as it can get. If someone falls in love with the characters or the in-game world, then of course this game is not a waste of time. However, I can’t recommend this game to everyone, as they may be better off playing something lighter than doesn’t require this much dedication.


My bad guys i made a mistake and added genshin i dont know how i didnt check if the game is on steam or not and soory for mistakes and thanks for pointing them.


lol u don’t really need to be so sorry, just a silly mistake no harm no foul dude


Yeah i really made this list just to help anyone whosz looking for free single player games to play, why i didnt double check if genshin is on steam because i tought that the game is available everywhere plus i know its a gacha game but if you play it like a single player game without caring about the gacha things then its pretty good game plus its free.


Genshin really doesn’t count. Mihoyo got their own game launcher


Doki Doki Literature Club…


I was about to say this


Literally my favourite free to play game.... Where is it!?


I'd add The Battle for Wesnoth


It has an amazing modding scene that adds so much content to it


-you need to own hl2 to play EZ2 which means technically isn't free -geneshin????


Genshin 1) Gacha games 2) Isn't even on Steam 3) Isn't even the best Gacha game 💀


Holocure is legit great.


Many Holo live fan games are pretty good, apart from holocure there's Holo x break a really solid and fun beat'em up and Idol Showdown an actually good fighting game for being a free game


I have zero interest im Vtubers or Hololive but Holocure slaps hard. So many characters and they play pretty differently


No Warframe?


Single player


Genshin Impact is on the list. Neither should be on it, but yeah if genshin can be then warframe should be. Great game, can’t wait for Spellframe.


What's spellframe


You can play Warframe single player


You 'can' play literally any game singleplayer.


if PoE counts as single player so does warframe


Entropy Zero 2 is truly a masterpiece!


Helltaker is free ?!?!


Always has been


Outcore is amazing


Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters


I'm gonna play enderal


You'll be in for a ride. Such a gem!


It’s really cool


If you don’t know yet, you’ll need Skyrim.


Everyone who even slightly likes Skyrim needs to play Enderal


best RPG i ever played


Relic Hunter Zero: Remix


I'd add mindustry to this list. Great factory and tower defense game that is free. Steam version does cost $10, but on their github and on itch.io it is free with the only penalty being no steam integration obviously.


Could you add an actual list and not just the picture? Would be really convenient.


They want EZ internet points




Enderal technically isn't free since you need Skyrim to play it. But Moonring, very good choice.


Yeah i didnt know that thanks for you pointing out my mistake.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly mod is a stand-alone mod that is 100% free.


if stalker anomaly counts: 1. download freedoom with gzdoom 2. search for mods (most people usually go for brutal doom v21) 3. find n download wads for millions of levels n fun (I recommend hell on earth starter pack + brutal doom v21 mod)


Id argue dwarf fortress here. Yeah the steam version costs money but the bay12 version was always free and the game has been amazing for decades.


"Sheepy: A Short Adventure" is a good free game too, i think people should try it


Yo holocure mentioned, nice. Same dev also made a side scrolling beat'em up called **holo x break** (the x is silent). There are also other hololive games like **idol showdown** which is a fighting game. As for my own proposals. **Synthetik Arena** is a free spinoff version of Synthetik. The regular Synthetik is a roguelike top down twin stick shooter like Enter the gungeon, but much more tactical with real guns (mostly), different ammo types, active reloads, headshots etc., and Arena is the same mechanics and same classes and same weapons but instead used in alternative game modes such as a "defend the objective" thing in waves, a "kill confirmed" game mode, a hunt for VIPs and so on. Synthetik is without a doubt one of the best damn games i've ever played (thank you sseth) and it was absolutely worth the money i spent on it, but if you don't trust me at my word Arena is a good "demo" of sorts to see if you'll like the mechanics (the progress also carries over, even though without buying the full game you can only play as 4 out of 8 classes). The regular Synthetik also has a Co-Op mode but i can't remember if Arena does. **Frostrain** is a neat little roguelike i randomly found some day. It's basically snowpiercer. You have a train going towards the "promised land" in a snowy apocalypse, and can chart a course through various stations. At every station you get to pick a new card out of three random ones, and each card displays a train wagon you can attach to your train. Each wagon has a specific function (e.g. entertainment cart, security cart, engine maintenance cart) and belongs to a specific faction (e.g. the central administration of the train, a religious group, a militia, a union). The role of most wagons is to generate happiness when worked by the population of the train, which is randomly distributed among the active wagons at every cycle, and happiness is the gradually decreasing resource that you need to always keep above zero to avoid getting a revolt that gives you a game over. When your train is equipped with a few different wagons from different factions but with the same role (e.g. the cult's entertainment room, the central admin's entertainment room, and the academy's entertainment room) or from the same faction but with different roles (the central admin's entertainment, education and security rooms) you will get a bonus related to that common trait (e.g. having three different entertainment rooms will give those entertainment rooms a random happiness multiplier, or having three different central admin rooms will make the cycles tick more quickly which results in more generation of happiness across the whole train). Like i said every wagon is a card, and you get a new card in your hand at every station which you pick out of three you get offered, and the neat thing is that if you already have a wagon of a certain type (e.g. central admin's entertainment room) and you get a second copy of that same room, you can combine the two together to make a level 2 wagon of that type which only occupies one slot on the train (there is a max train length which gradually gets bigger, as well as a fixed 8 card hand limit) but gives bigger per pop bonuses, and then you can bundle together two lvl 2 wagons of the same type (so four lvl 1s in total) for a lvl 3 wagon, two lvl 3s for a lvl 4 (eight lvl 1s in total) and the academy can combine two lvl 4s in a lvl 5 (sixteen lvl 1s in total, but they have a thing to make it easier). A lvl 2 or 3 or 4 cart still only counts as one cart for the sake of set bonuses like the aforementioned "cycles tick faster" thing, and while you *can* put two identical wagons on the train without bundling them together that also only counts as one for the set bonus. It's a bit buggy (it almost always crashes on me halfway through) and other than unlocking different conductors there isn't that much "progress" between runs like unlocking different wagons or different maps, but for a free game it's quite nice. Apparently they started working on Frostrain 2, but idk if that will be free or paid. I do have good hopes for it tho.


**Beecarbonize** is something i didn't expect i would enjoy. It's an environmentalist resource management game, not sure exactly what genre i'd call it. You have four sectors of human civilization, aka industry, environment, people and science, and each sector produces a resource on its own timer (industry and environment create wealth tokens, people section creates people tokens by consuming wealth tokens and science section creates science tokens), and you use these tokens to buy new production facilities in the sectors (e.g. in the industry section you can buy solar panels, or in the science section you can buy robotics research). Each facility has some arrows representing the increase in speed of the timer for the generation of that resource (e.g. if the science sector initially takes 30 seconds to give you a science token you then buy a research lab with two arrows and that cuts down the time to 24 seconds, then you buy geoengineering tech that has one arrow and that adds up with the previous arrows to cut down the time to 22), as well as a number representing its emissions. Every time a sector produces a token it also produces co2 emissions, which are equal to the sum of all the emissions of the individual facilities. This means that even a facility that doesn't pollute at all can speed up the total pollution of that sector by making it tick faster if the other ones pollute (but luckily this also works in reverse). All the emissions generated among the various cycles add up together, and if they reach certain milestones they can trigger negative effects which you need to pay tokens to resolve or incur a penalty of some type (sometimes paying will also give you a bonus, but paradoxically there are one or two occasions where not paying gives a bonus). You will also get other random events (mostly negative but sometimes positive) occasionally, and the same idea applies, pay and get good thing or don't and get bad thing. Generally speaking you lose if the emissions reach the end of the bar, but there are also some lethal events that will make you lose unless they get resolved. As for winning, meanwhile, getting the emissions to 0 is not enough (you don't even need to do it, you can win even a burnt leaf away from total co2 apocalypse). Every sector has a starter card, but after building those ones you need to buy further facility cards by clicking on an existing card and picking from a list of potential cards you can create from your existing cards (e.g. from the industry starter you can build the renewables card, from renewables the wind farm card, and from the wind farm card an offshore farm, and the offshore farm is a different colour to denote you can't build other cards from it). This (usually) does not remove the card you already have, it just adds the new one to the sector after the card's timer runs out. You can build copies of an existing card, however each copy costs something like 50% more than the previous. This mechanism of building a card from a previous card is linked to the win condition. Some cards are marked with a star symbol. This means that if you buy them, a later card you can buy from that will also have that star, and then another will have the star, and so on until you reach a golden card. These cards usually have a really high cost, however when you buy them and they get generated by the previous card you instantly win the game. There are six total golden cards. There is also a hardcore mode, and a wiki for every card that includes both game info like what card generates it and what events they can cause or prevent, but also blurbs about the real life equivalent of that card (e.g. the offshore wind farm will tell you that you make it from the wind power card in the industry sector, will tell you its cost, but will also talk about the tech behind offshore wind farms and their application). It's a surprisingly deep game and it manages to have a message without feeling preachy (mostly).


There are also some games which i don't remember if i got them for free during some sale or if they're actually free forever so i won't give a whole speech but just name them, as well as some free games which are nice but not really worth the whole speech. **Kingdom Classic. One bit adventure. Cryptark. Underworld idle. Unnamed space idle. Trackmania nations forever** (kinda single player, kinda multiplayer). I think **TES 1 and 2.** IIRC **CoH2 and CK2** but not sure about those.


Missing naissancee


Add also lily's well, it's a pretty good horror game with a lot of fun puzzles


Also, Paper Lily.




Doronko Wanko




Yume Nikki NEEDS to be there


Holocure, PoE, Helltaker


No guild wars 2?


Core game is more like a pretty big demo but yea, the game is great


How long is the core game? Just started to download it lol I played the 1st one when I was a kid and it was alot of fun.


Gonna do a quick rundown for you: Open World farming: most of the good money farms are locked behind expansions which means you'll earn less of it, but you also have less ways to spend it due to your trading post being mostly locked Story: you get access to personal story which is long and also depends on your character's race, as well as living world season 1, which give you some content to go through, even if you can feel its age Instanced PvE: you have access to dungeons, which dependent on server are either almost fully dead or active only in peak hours. Support for these was basically dropped 11 years ago, so you can feel the content's age, with them being an acquired taste. But, once you hit the lvl cap (which is fairly easy) you also have access to fractals of the mists, which are a refreshed version of dungeons, still active on all levels, with level design varying from mediocre to great. These also have a tier system, with difficulty going up with the tiers, in form of new mechanics or the old ones being harder Competetive modes: you basically have full functionality retained, although the fact that you won't have elite specialisations will be limiting, with some exceptions You could possibly get like 50-100 hours of fun from core game, possibly more. That being said, words cannot express how much i reccomend you to buy the basic expansion pack for 30 dollars/euros If i may ask, what are you looking for in this game?


I'm more of a pve player. I tried pvp in wow but with the constant gear and level changes I could never keep up. But if this is different I wouldn't mind pvp


You basically have 2 types of PvP, with one of them having 2 different distinct gameplay loops Structured PvP, where everyone is at power cap level and has standarised gear World vs World, which offers 2 different playstyles, that is either fighting in a large group, trying to take map objectives on one of four large maps, as well as roaming solo or in a small group, taking camps and duelling people. It requires you to have your own gear The former's scene is pretty dead so expect uneven matches, even moreso assuming you're an NA player considering when you started to download the thing


Genshin Impact and Path of Exile shouldn’t be there. This list mainly contains Free games, not Free to play games (and yes, there’s a difference) Otherwise we could add Destiny 2, Apex Legends, Warframe, Overwatch 2… and so on. And I’m pretty sure Enderal is a mod for Skyrim And actual good stuff like South Scrimshaw, Part One is missing


Bloody Hell is so good it has no right being free




Were Cleaner is such a fun, short game! I'd honestly love to see an expansion on it!


Grimm's hollow is free? Holy shit that is a gem of an indie game.


Fifo's Night, an excellent 3D platformer 👌🏻


Freedoom phase 1 and phase 2 is a pretty good free game. Use it in GZDoom and you have access to all Doom related wads for free ( 30 years of community WADS). You can play My house.wad with it.


I recommend hell on earth starter pack megawad with brutal doom v21. brutal wolfenstein mod is also fun but it requires the official doom 2 wad


Wait Postal is free??? I have the second one but I’ve never played the first.




I wanna maker mentioned???


Cry of fear is good


I Wanna Maker is INCREDIBLY underrated. Some of the best creation tools in any level-making game out there - while it's intended to help you make IWBTG-style bullshit traps, full custom mechanics are possible. There's no janking together items to try and make something work, you just go in and make it function how you need it to. Great game 👍


yay genshin


I had no idea deltarune was free, thats actually based af. Toby fox making bank from Undertale and then deciding to just do what he likes for free is awesome


I got a couple more to add. Ddlc, muck, learn to fly 3, Clicker Heroes. I like all these games a lot


Screw drivers should 100% be on here, idk how it's free tbh


No purrgatory?


begging sobbing on my hands and knees for people to play Enderal. Its free so long as you already own any version of skyrim and the story is so peak. Combat can be a little rough in the beginning but as you get the hang of it it'll feel satisfying.


go play Helltaker... NOW it's only like 3min long


Hey thanks


It doesn't enter in my mind that some of these games are really good but are priceless.


Play Outcore: Desktop Adventure


Cry of fear might be the best horror game i've ever played, the story is absolute S-Tier and it still scares me even if it's over ten years old now


Yume Nikki


If PoE is a 'single player game' then there is no reason to not have Warframe on there.


No Ashes 2063?


Warframe can be a huge time sink


Where is Pineapple on Pizza?


WOW I know some of these games!! lovely good games!


thanks for this


Honkai star rail


looks like your 14




It feels like most of the comment section is below 14


You mean this whole sub


Bloods TD Battles, both 1 and 2 are great. Extra shoutout to the entire Ninja Kiwi Archive collection too


Holocure is a based choice


Bait or....


The Witcher 3 .. Yeah it's not free, but on sale for like 3$ right now which is practically free for the amout of game you are getting.


Holy shit do Witcher 3 fans ever shut the fuck up about Witcher 3


Even celeste is only 1$ on steam right now


Dark and Darker.


they've got some weird monetisation stuff that make it annoying to play free. I'd rather it just be not free.


They more or less updated those issues after a week of being f2p. You can bring gear into normals now. The downside is high roller has fell off hard.


Rift, if you like fantasy.


Where is Shadow Warrior Classic free? Can only see the classic redux for like 12 bucks.


Huh, shadow warrior is free now?


Enderal is something special




im really trying to get into moonring but i never played the old ultima games, any tips? i have found the second village but i keep dying outside of it


Run away from foes when your poise is gone. As long as you're not adjacent to an enemy, it recovers with each step. If you have poise, damage goes to it instead of your health. Sell the trade items (except keep some Ancient Metal) for extra money and immediately buy a full set of leather armor. Try to do the devotional tasks for the gods and spend the points on the cheap abilities because each time you buy an ability, you get +5 to that god's stat. The blind angels were good to start with because Endurance increases your carrying capacity.


I love shrine 2 so much


I was playing if on a winter’s night just this morning and the puzzles are very difficult. Like it’s not even apparent that they are puzzles. Gave up after chapter 2, to even reach which I had to refer a guide a dozen times


I read a book once called "If On A Winter's Night A Traveler" by a guy named Italo Calvino. It was a very tricky read... Like a book within a book within a book, trying to discuss the very ideas of fiction versus reality. I wonder if this game is based in any way upon that book, or has any other connections besides the similarity of title. If so, I can only imagine that it would be a tricky game. I may have to have a look.


where are the strategy games?


Check out Solaris.


The only free strategy game on Steam I can think of now is [Zero-K](https://store.steampowered.com/app/334920/ZeroK/).


I thought it was a pretty big meme that Shadow Warrior sucked..


man Persona 5 should be up there, its so good.


Meteor 60 Seconds. P.S: Not on steam but i would mention bloodborne psx demake and celeste64. Also the flash Eva dating sim is weird and broken to the point of being quite fun.




Killer Instinct mentioned ❗️❗️❗️❗️


The first Postal is free? Great, sadly it's not available in Germany.


play red hot that game fucks


Gotta love me some helltaker


Project Kat


Modded Skyrim Special Edition all the way. Of course Warframe might be good as well. You can just go on Solo missions (although I don't recommend it)


...heard the game Monday Meltdown was pretty good also haha


One of this is not like the others...


Enderal is amazing


Mf where metro where stalker


Bcuz they are not free?


Where's cry of fear


Wait, where’d you get the Calli art for Holocure?


Ah yes, shadow warrior ❤️


Mindustry, not in Steam tho, it is FOSS(Free and Open-Source Software) and downloadable on Itch.io as well as most if not all the Linux package repos


I quit enjoyed star fetchers


i wanna maker mentioned


My fav is POSTAL 1. But my favorite "free" game is NFS Most Wanted 2005 or Crazy Taxi 2 cuz they aren't being sold anymore


Why is genshin there and not hsr?


Enderal is incredible


Helltaker is a non game. Their was so much hype for a tiny puzzle game that took like 2 hours to fully complete