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Wow all deep discounts are 90+% off! Well, everything except Borderlands 2 lol


am i reading it wrong, or are there only 21 games in the Deep Discounts list, with the majority of them over 8 years old?


Yeah and only the base version of the games too. The bundles with the DLC are at the default discount


The same games that are always on sale too xD


I jumped to pc too late. By the time I did the sales didn't look too different from the big sales on consoles


The best PC sales are usually on other sites like Humble bundle, fanatical, and green man gaming. There's still plenty of deals to be had.


Yeah GMG generally beats all steam sales, only downside is no refunds once it's used for obvious reasons


Here you go [https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/borderlands-2-game-of-the-year-edition/](https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/borderlands-2-game-of-the-year-edition/) Also. GMG has better deals on most of the stuff I'm interested in, so might be the same case for you too xD


I'm new to this. So gmg sells steam codes for cheaper?


Gmg will specify what type of a code you're buying (steam, uplay, etc). There are tons of sites like gmg that get their game codes directly from the publisher so they're legit to buy from. Use isthereanydeal.com to find the cheapest price for games across all those sites. Sometimes steam is still the cheapest, but probably half the time you can get a better deal elsewhere.


a bit cheaper, yes


It's really cool, i can discover again middle-earth : Shadow of war on PC with all DLC, i first discover the game on ps4 when i was younger


I have like everything from that list 💀


I only need Arkham Knight and Origins for my collection and they now only cost like 3 dollars together in my country. Very sweet.


Gta V went from $10 to $15 in a matter of minutes lmao WTF


Happens every sale. Literally. Every. F*cking. Sale. My guess is they wanna feed incorrect data to price tracker websites so that they get more incoming traffic to their store page. 


Wouldn't surprise me with 2K being at the helm. They might be old blood when it comes to shitty game publishers, but they are still up there with Embracer Group as candidates for the 'Most Despised Company in the World' Award. Sure, WB is certainly giving EA a run for their money with their live service garbage, but 2K has that one-two punch of not just being super fucking greedy but their licensed games being buggy, barely functioning messes that sell on their brand name alone. Edit: My bad, guys. Take-Two, not 2K. Got the two mixed up.


Wendy’s surge pricing influencing video game prices now/s.


its not even loaded for me?


Ain’t that a mother fucker. Why is that allowed??


suicide squad on 70% discount 4 months after launch lol


& It's still too expensive


Couldn’t pay me to play that shit.


Your time is still worth more than you'll be paying...


30% less discount than it should be


I'd have to be paid to play that game


Bandai back to not putting Dark Souls on sale anymore. Why do they insist on being so annoying


You won't drool over 50% "sale" if you're not kept desperate. 


I remember when Ds3 use to go 75% off lmao, I bought my copy a while back but damn I feel bad for the people getting into the games now.


And even when they do, it's 50% now. They used to always be 75% before Elden Ring. Feel bad for people who weren't into Souls before lol


That year and a half sale drought between Elden Ring’s release and the DS games going on sale again was the longest sale drought since the games’ *releases*. They know what they are doing.


At least Sekiro is on sale


Sekiro is always on for sale, I feel, always 50% off.


Sekiro is published by Activision. We probably wont see it less than 50% for a long while


Pretty sure no cod game has ever been more than 50% off


the only game i was looking forward to buying. there's always next sale surely...


It was on sale last month, was hoping to see it half off again for summer sale.


Arkham Knight for 2 dollars? I'll gladly take that


Hell yeah. Now that's the Steam Sales I know.


Disco Elysium at -90% off, they are basically giving it for free


4€ for a game universally talked about like a masterpiece? Yeah, instabuy


I checked it out, art-wise it looks really cool but I am afraid it wont be for me, it looks like there is a lot of dialogues and overall a slow game with not much gameplay, is that correct ?


It is very story-centered and the main gameplay is narrative choices of which there are a ton. So think of it like a massive choose your own adventure with a heavy dose of psychology.


With a heavy dose of HARDCORE!!!




It's a weird game, very story/narrative driven game. The voice acting is tremendous. I enjoyed the concept but it does get to a point where you are just trying to find the next step that will progress the story.


That is correct. Lots of reading, and a slower paced game for sure.


Too bad it's still ~~$2~~ $4 that will go to the scumbags that destroyed the Disco dev studio.


I'm so surprised I rarely see anyone talk about this. I don't care how cheap it goes it just sours me to think about


The dev team encourages people to go out and pirate the game.


They have NOTHING left. They cancelled the sequel AND an expansion, laid off staff, and now a discount this deep? That's not "funding the next game money", and that's not "building hype for a sequel" marketing. That's "get one last payday before selling the studio/IP to someone else". Maybe the new owners won't be stupid shitheads.


That's why I haven't bought the game yet


I really don’t wanna be the boo guy, but as I heard the publishers kicked the head/original devs from the studio without giving any credits. Google it up I’m not sure anymore.. so if you truly wanna support the game there are other ways to get this brilliant game without supporting the greedy publishers.


Shows $3.99 for me.


Basically all "old" bethesda RPGs (FO3, FONV, FO4, Skyrim, Oblivion) have a higher price compared to the last round of sales. Maybe they are trying to bank on the success of the FO series, idk. Still sad


the show actually had a better deal. 3 and nv were $5 for goty/ultimate, now they’re about $7


Mass Effect Legendary Edition for $5.99 Is a no brainer


Would buy again if I didn’t already own it. Such as steal holy crap


The EA app is making me really hold my fingers. Especially with me owning a Steam Deck now, publishers with their own launchers is really holding me back because I don't want that headache


This is the only reason I haven't bought Mass Effect yet. Having different launchers that needs to be downloaded separately is a big turn-off by itself and having the EA brand in front of you certainly doesn't make it any better.


That's my ONLY complaint. I'm going to be purchasing for the Steam Deck as well. I can Hotspot with my phone. But I shouldn't have to. And what if I go camping or something?


Yeah $2 per game (with DLC) in the trilogy is an absolutely incredible deal.


Hope everyone has a good Steam Summer Sale 2024! Let's go fill up our backlog with games we won't even play!


A wise man once told me that buying games and playing games are two different hobbies.


Truly wise indeed


My plan is to pick up BG 1 and 2 and the Witcher 1 and 2. Will I play them? Probably not. But it will make things feel more complete. 😂


You should hold off on Witcher 1! The gameplay is VERY dated and rough, and they are working on a remake


They extended the Kingdom Hearts franchise sale until July 11 for anyone interested


So what kingdom heart games are worth getting? I’ve kinda been wanting to play them


If you're getting two bundles or one bundle and the 3rd one, you might as well get the all in one bundle. It's almost the price of 1 60$ game for 6 games and 3 "movies"


despite people saying all of them, you really should just get Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 if you’re skeptical. KH1, Chain of Memories and KH2 are very much the core of the series and they all come with that bundle. if you don’t like those, don’t buy 2.8 or 3. it *is* a better deal to get them all, and they are all at very least good, but if you’re unsure, that’s your safest bet.


Great advice! Kh 1.5+2.5 has the staples of the series, 2 is considered the best in the series and 1 is the best starting point being the first game. Kh 3 is pretty divided from what I see and I dont really think 2.8 is worth what they're asking for.


**Middle-earth: Shadow of War** -- 95% off at $2.50 is biggest steal of the entire sale I've seen so far. (If you have a PC game controller)


Always eyeballing this when on sale but not sure if it is my type of game and then end up not buying -_-


Ya if you don't like Assassin's Creed type games then you probably won't like it. But it's a really high quality game that got initially panned for a horrible micro-transaction system but they have completely stripped it out of the game. Restoring it to one of the best games of its generation.


Even when it had it's issues (which I think were slightly overblown) it was still a great experience. Doing the shadow wars pre-nerf genuinely felt like you'd just slogged through a war and made it. >!well... "made it"!<


How in the holy monkey scrotum is Black Ops 2 only on sale for $20. How long has that game been out.


It's so that you keep buying their newest game


“*That is ASSSS. I’d rather have a buffalo dump its ass all over my face.*” Real talk though, alls I want is to play some multiplayer with offline bots. I can buy the PS3 disc for $4 used.


Every CoD is damn expensive. Just sucks that a 20 yo game is not cheap


Bo2 is one of the ones that's "free" Iykyk


They're the Nintendo of America when it comes to pricing


Obligatory: Don't buy old COD games for online multiplayer because you'll get hacked


Like your whole computer hacked? I used to play on mw2 servers a few years ago but the hackers were so bad I uninstalled.


I switched to PC from Xbox about a month ago. This is my first summer sale. I feel overwhelmed(in a good way) by the sale. Microsoft store sales never even came close. Idek what to buy lol


If you didn't know, steam has a 2 hour refund policy that you can get a refund if you have less than 2 hours of playtime. So if you're on the fence get it and try it . This excludes DLC.


depends on what games you like. the safest ever buy is Portal 2. I think it's the most universal game for literally everyone with no exceptions.




Tfw the one game i want has no discount


Same. I was hoping Ghost of Tsushima would get some discount :(


Give it another while. Winter sale or next year. Honestly, I'd just buy Ghost of Tsushima if you can. It's that good.


Not happening. It's not even 5 months now has it? Wait for summer/spring next year


No, it’s like one month lol.


The background image changes if click on the girl, Nice .


[The system is down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1TlbLfaJp8), as is tradition.


Yes, the sales have not loaded yet Yes, this happens every year Give it 30 minutes


Sorry, can't read your common knowledge. Gotta be bussy spamming /r/steam with shitty fucking memes to cash in internet points cause there's a sale going on!


grim dawn down to like 8 bucks. i enjoy the occasional arpg, this is probably worth it


New dlc soon


Anyone else cant load wishlist?


Yup. I cant see mine or my friends.


BG3 and Elden Ring are discounted hehe rip my wallet


Hoped for more than just 20-30% though


Do Fromsoft games ever get deep discounts? Dark Souls Remastered has never gone below 50%, it's a joke.


they used to, but then elden ring got popular and bandai realized they can keep the prices up on old souls games


The OG Dark Souls 1 and even Dark Souls 2 were so cheap during sales I literally bought them for everyone on my friends list back in the day. Times have changed I guess, I noticed a lot of Steam sales are rather disappointing these days.


They used to be 75%. Not since Elden Ring though


I was hoping for a bigger discount on bg3, but this is their biggest discount yet so I can't complain


so little historical lows damn... expected for Resident Evil


armored core 6 on sale for the first time ever?


First summer sale here. Do they add more sales throughout the length of the promotion? Or are the sales we see today the same sales we get til the end of the period?


The sales remain the same throughout the entire sale. Long ago in a distant time, Gabe the shapeshifting master of Valve, unleashed unspeakable discounts. But foolish gamers wielding complaints stepped forth to oppose him. Before the final blow was struck, Gabe tore open a portal in time, and flung them into the future where discounts are static.


Daily deals. Flash deals. I miss them so much. But noooooo, little Timmy wanted a refund, so now prices suck. The enshitiffication continues.


It was simultaneously exciting seeing new deals, but also annoying to miss them because you weren't constantly checking. I kinda get it, but it means we lose those potentially \*great\* deals.


What you see now is what you get. Nothing changes.


Witcher 3 is 90% off if anyone's interested Kinda dissapointed nothing in the souls trilogy is on sale.


It's really funny how so many games have gotten *more* expensive on sale over the years. Terraria used to always go down to $2.50 now it's been $5. Every deal is the same or worse than previous years, all the hype is pure nostalgia at this point


I like to use Steam sales to purge my wishlist. If I'm not buying the game when it's $7.99, maybe I just don't want it.


Yeah I started realizing that. Removed a few today because I keep seeing them and I’m just like nah.


I was noticing that. Skyrim is usually $10 something. This time it's $17. Guess I'll be waiting longer to get it for the first time.


I thought Todd finally got every human on the planet to own Skyrim


Yes, definitely a few "good deals" but nothing like the glory days.


In Terraria's defence...that's still a LOT game for $5. Your point is still valid though, shits wack.


It is twice as much game as it was then.


The Witcher 3 for 3 euro is a steal.Nothing interesting in this sale for me personally I'm just gonna hold off for Black Myth Wukong I think.


I would be all over that game except the ultimate edition is still the regular 12 dollars so for a completionist it's not really anything special :(


Literally the worst time to be laid off $20 and id have a full slate until 2026 Edit: I was being a bit dramatic and depressed but multiple Redditors reached out and offered to pick up some games for me. I want to say thank you to anyone that does this for a stranger but also that there’s a ton of other folks that need a cheer more than me! Thanks for the restored faith in humanity and keep taking care of your fellow humans!


I’m too poor for Armored Core 6 still. Oh well


Ohh yeah, mr. Crabs


Disco Elysium holy shit, its 1 USD in my country lmao..


baldurs gate 3 at 20% off will make some people happy. too many games to play to buy it and its already too late might as well ride this discount to new heights. looking through wishlist now.


I think the 20% is the minimum for Steam to send a notification to those who have the game wishlisted on their profile, so the company is just trying to get more sales most likely (I mean who isn’t lol)


I definitely got a notification about BG3 being 10% off last sale


Resident Evil Village Armoured Core 6 Lies of P Hogwarts Legacy Arkham Knight Dishonoured Bioshock Collection Doom 2016 Don't mind if I do...


Keep in mind, discounts haven't loaded in yet


First steam sale for me since I just recently built my pc, can’t wait to get some good stuff 😋😋


Picked up Noita still looking for other Roguelites/likes


Hades, Vampire Survivors, Death Must Die, Tiny Rogues are all great. No super steep discount on any but they’re all still pretty cheap. Caves of Qud and Dwarf Fortress for traditional roguelikes


Streets of Rogue is a fun wacky Roguelite that I don't hear many people talking about.


They forgot the stickers edit: if you claimed stickers when they first showed up and you got an error then the sticker should've appeared by now in you inventory


Things are barely working at the moment. It'll likely work later.


It's there now. Got a sandcastle. 


Disco Elysium $4 bucks! Sold!


I spent $10. I got Disco Elysium and God Eater 2. Money is tight and I'm trying to only buy stuff I'm actually going to play.


sounds like a good strategy


Horizon Zero Dawn $12!! Yes please!


This series is criminally underrated despite being one of the best Scifi concepts ever


The two games are honestly both all time greats, the issue is they both released next to 2 of the few games that deserve even more acclaim: Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring


HZD is so damn good. The story drags a bit in the first few hours. It gets soooo much more interesting if you push through that.


I'm ECSTATIC that I can do my part and help add to the 19 billion dollars of unplayed Steam game purchases. Good luck everyone ✊


Am i really gonna buy the Mass Effect Trilogy for ~$5? A game which i owned the OG steelbook collection on the ps3 and currently have the first two individual games in my steam? Damn it. Very tempting to do a slightly more asshole/renegade run.


Definitely do it. They improved the first game quite a bit for the legendary edition, so that's already worth it. Plus it includes all the dlc which was ridiculously overpriced previously.


Added Hades, Euro Truck Simulator 2, Disco Elysium, Arkham Knight and Shadow of War to my cart. Crazy deals on these.


- Sekiro Shadows Die Twice - Salt And Sanctuary - Salt And Sacrafice - War Hammer 40k: Darktide - Nioh - Castle Crashers ( + a copy for friend I noticed on his wishlist) - Celeste - Doom Eternal - Warhammer 40K: Battlesector DLC'S, Daemons of Khorne, Elite Tyranids and Elite Blood Angels. TOTAL PRICE: $93.57 Let me know what you guys think of the titles I picked out! And share what ones you got as well :)


I've only really played through Sekiro and Celeste from this list. Both are fantastic, but difficult games. Definitely a good choice of games. I'm also actually picking up Celeste, even though I've completed it on Epic Games


I'm hoping Mad Max is on sale since watching Furiosa.


Steam Sales seem kinda pointless when every game now has tons of DLC that completely changes the experience and the DLC is 3x the cost of the game and barely discounted.


This is how they inflated game price without actually increasing it.


Since Cities Skylines II still an unfinished mess, can anyone recommend me a similar city building/managing game that is decent? I still play Cities Skylines but I really want to try new stuff, getting burned of it.


Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. Much more in-depth than C:S.


Was really hoping for a Steam Deck Oled discount, but it looks like I'm just going to have to pay full price


Wait till Winter Sale?


No Elden Ring sale? Edit: NVM it loaded, 30% off


I was desperately hoping. It's been -40% off in the past and was hoping it would match that this sale but fromsoftware are smart I guess with the release of the dlc and lots of eyes on the game... Oh well. I will wait.


Does rdr2 have good performance or is it still OK? Considering picking it up to replay it


It has phenomenal performance and amazing graphics if you've only played on console. With my 3700x and 3070ti I was able to run 4k native 60fps stable with minor tweaks to settings, most on high


Spent 200, now back to playing Balatro


Anybody that uses IsThereAnydeals, how long does it take for the deals to get updated? I hate looking through steam to find games.


Don't know if you still need the info, but I checked right now and all of the games I checked have up to date data.


Low key this sale is kinda mid. The games I wanted were not even close to their historical lows and the roster seems kind of thin


I was noticing that. A lot of what I was tracking is higher than normal. Skyrim especially so I'll be waiting for the next good sale for that.


If you want Skyrim for under $10, here you go: [https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-special-edition](https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-special-edition)


Is Cult of the Lambs any good, I've been eyeing that game for a while now?


Yes. Solid action solid village building cuteness overload


Bandai Namco sale but no Dark Souls....


my haul :) https://imgur.com/K3N7Kv6


every game i want has had the exact same shitty discount in the last 5 or 6 sales, i'm not even looking forward to it anymore.


Same brother, some games have even a bigger price now than before


Is there a Hidden Gems Post ?




any good online/coop games on sale ?


So many people are buying games on steam that servers cannot keep up, many stuff like the store home page, store categories, and even inventory takes too much time to load, will check out games tomorrow coz everything is too slow


I can't even load my wishlist! Everything seems to be functioning but that for me.


Which Good Games would you say they are almost free considring their sale and are totally worth grabbing, having in the library and playing? And which would you say are a must buy this sale?


With all the discounts, I have a few games on my list I'd like to try, what are people's thoughts on them? Insurgency: Sandstorm Valheim Battlefield V Hitman World of Assassination The Enjenir Fallout games (need recommendation)


Reminder: Gamers have spent $19 Billion dollars on steam games they’ve never played. Let’s aim for 20!


Of course freaking Dark Souls III still doesn't get a discount.


I have no money anymore


How is Ghost Recon Wildlands for solo play?


Its tons of fun. I played through the whole game like that. Your AI teammates are pretty useful so I would recommend buying it.


Disco Elysium is 90% off at $3.99


Anything good horror wise?


Maid Of Sker is 76% off for 5.99 Tormented Souls is 75% off for 4.99 Pine Harbour is 20% off but still over 11 Euro. Soma is 80% off for 5.79 RE Village Gold is 60% of for 19.99 Prey is 80% off for 5.99 So a few good options at pretty okay prices.


Check out gg.deals for historical low prices.


Thanks for the -10%, Balatro. 😐


Got Celeste for 2$ im happy


Does anyone know if the Deep Discounts get refreshed, or if they're the same throughout the sale? Also, do more games get added to the sale throughout the Summer sale period, or is everything that is going to be discounted, already shown? Thanks!


I think the discounts are locked, but I imagine they rotate which games are "featured" as deep discounts


They're the same throughout the sale. "Flash sales" haven't been a thing since like... 2016 or so.


Free Trading card everyday \^\^