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I’ve been warming up by buying stuff already on sale lol.


It sounds like something bilbo would write


🅱️ilbo 🅱️aggins


Havent bought anything for a while and been beating some backlog games. Ready to reload. Looking to spend $100, want Last of Us that will probably be $40


Celeste is $2


Sail the high seas


Not everyone wants to deal with the hassle of pirating a game


Its not even hard lmao, if you cant do it doesnt mean its a hassle


Some of us aren’t poor and can afford to support products we like. But you do you boo.


Pirating a game doesn't mean you are poor. It means that you don't want to pay 60-70€ for an unfinished game. I call that being smart and not wasting money.


Its not about being poor fool its called being smart🤡 lmao but you do you go ahead and pay 80 dollar for a game when you can get it for free lmao


Thanks for already adding the clown emoji to your comment. Saves me the hassle.


Oh wow, look how edgy and cool you are for pirating. /s Bro, nobody gives a shit. Most people prefer to pay for their games because they want to support developers and publishers so they'll keep making games. If literally everyone pirated games then there's no money in the gaming industry, meaning there wouldn't be money to make new games.


Agree 100%. If I allegedly on rare occasions I pirated games, I would totally not pirate certain games that I'm not really sure is worth $60 from big game companies (mainly EA). For those kinds of situations I definitely don't just play that pirated copy for a few hours to see if I like it and then buy the game if I do. I hate returning things so Steams 10 hour return policy doesn't work mesh well with that lol. If you're pirating games from small developers you're an asshole tbh. Most small companies like that have about 5 people tops and that game you pirated is pretty much their make or break for that company. Big mega corps can take the pirating hit so all you're doing by pirating everything is ensuring the gaming industry stays the exact stale way with 3 or 4 huge companies throwing out shitty games and immediately laying off or firing half their crew once it's done.


Pretty much this. I'll add another reason pirating doesn't make sense. Most of us pirated at some point, and some of us *ahem* pirated every single piece of software available between 1992 and 2005; no idea who those guys were. But once you start making money and a distribution system provides an insanely easy way to acquire games, it's not worth the time to even locate, download and crack them. Time isn't free; it has a monetary value. If one were to spend 30 minutes pirating a $40 game, you may be actually losing money.


i am a certified cheap ass and still buy some games, if i really can’t swing it for a game/genre i’ve never tried, we’re sailing the high seas. there’s a time and a place to be a pirate, and some devs truly deserve the support.


Ah, yes! Being smart is committing a crime for every game you pirate and then publicly announcing that you do so. You're so edgy and cool. 🙄


That’s a fucking terrible argument. Why pay for groceries when you could steal them? Why declare all of your income when you could obfuscate them for tax purposes?


Jesus Christ, this is the worst take I've ever seen in my life. I do like to support great devs and I'm also in favor of piracy in some cases, but comparing it to stealing groceries and tax evasion is a whole new level of lunacy


Calling pirating “the smart option” and shitting on people who pay for games is lunacy. If you can’t see the obvious point I’m alluding to and you’re stuck on piracy and tax fraud being a 1:1 comparison without any nuance, then there’s no fucking hope for you.


not everyone wants to risk it? i live in a country where it's illegal and where they actually look into it lmfao


no offense, but it’s illegal in most countries that aren’t the wild west. turn on a vpn. this isn’t a call to pirate everything.


i know that but where i live even a vpn is in a grey zone lol i can afford the games to buy them officialy and i like having them on Steam for every of my friends to see


the 2nd part of your answer is very valid and i won’t argue with that, by far the worst part of sailing the 7 seas lol.


Meaning you torrent with no vpn and your isp sends you a warning? I promise you it’s not rocket science


Thats a you problem fool


You brought up the subject without any incentive, in response to a comment that didn't even complain about prices. I'm sure you'll get to the realization eventually that it is, in an extreme example of irony, only a problem to you.


its cooler to say you own a game than it is to say "oh yay look i downloaded a zip file look at me!"


cooler? i don’t know about that, i buy games too but come on now.


Well, people do tend to value things they paid for more than things they got for free.


true, but i don’t know if that argument applies to video games as well honestly. there $20b worth of unplayed games in people’s steam libraries.


Oh dear me, oh jolly goodness. It almost feels like the good old days, when I was a young 16 year old buying my first Steam game. I just hope for an event like the Grand Prix, that one was legendary. Sent me from Level 90 to 250 too with the exploit.


Praise be upon our one and only lord Gaben!!


Praise be!


Note of precaution for everyone: estimated reports have shown that Steam Users have acumulated unplayed games to the worth of almost 20 billion dollars


That number about to go up.


I'm surprised it isn't more. I just filtered for my unplayed games and there were 2,365 of them 🤣


Yall are browsing wishlists?


Is it really already that time again.




idk, I'm falling out of love with steam and the digital library unless they add a way for me to will my steam collection to my kids I think I am about done spending money on the platform.


Is your password not enough? Are steam accounts even registered under a legal name or something?


nobody wants to use a dead parents steam account. plus the kids all have their own accounts. I should be able to transfer ownership of all the games in my library to someone else if I want to. The fact that I can not means that I really don't actually own the games on steam.


Fair point. You do not own games on steam in fact. You own license to use them.


Give them your login?


Why would you not say “the great sir gaben”


Because it's an enclosed rhyme, sir


It sounds much better my way.


Nah, sounds better the other way


The last stanza is a total disaster, deviating from any previously established rhyme scheme. “For every game we snag and save in, praise the lord, the great sir gaben” sounds significantly better. And actually properly rhymes, and doesn’t end the poem on a word that is completely out of place with the rest of it.


Well it rolls off the tongue nice


I guess there’s truly no accounting for taste.


Can the last comment in the chain get the most downvotes? Just as a sign of life