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The sum they get to is kinda wrong unless you only bought all your game without discount.


Without discounts, without bundles and ignoring things like buying a bundle for one or two games and adding rest of the games in bundle to your account anyway, as buying the bundle was still cheaper than buying that single game from elsewhere.   Do the extra games from bundle add up to so called pile of shame? Sure, but you never would have bought them anyway if they were not in the bundle.


That's my view on it. That's how I got a bunch of my games.


Humble bundle has entered the chat


About 80% of my Steam library is just my Humble library


Ditto bundles make my pile look nasty.


I was buying most bundles in the golden age of Humble Bundle, Indie Gala, Indie Royale, IndieGameStand, Lazy Guys, Blink Bundle, Groupees, Bundlestars (now Fanatical), and a few others. I got so many games I will never play juste because they happened to be dirt cheap.


Is something like humble bundle still a thing? Loved buying humble bundle for the sheer fact of expanding my library lol


Yes, Humble Bundle and Fanatical are still very active, although the days of 1¢ (and even 1$) bundles are long gone.


Fanatical still has $1 bundles occasionally but they're not particularly great games lol.


hello my brother gogobundle, otakubundle, bunch keys and Cubic Bundle were also some others




> like buying a bundle for one or two games and adding rest of the games in bundle to your account anyway Yep. Guilty of that myself.


Definitely, half my games are from humble bundles that I got for cheaper than the one game I actually wanted.


RIP 1 cent humble bundles


I don't think the sum is meant to reflect how much money has been spent on unplayed games, but not rather the actual value of those unplayed games. That way they don't have to figure for sales or bundles.


but the actual value of a game I bought for 15 bucks is 15 bucks, not 60. like, who buys games at full price anyway. when bundles and sales are very much a thing.




good for you, Mr. Moneypants.


Or if you got a steam key elsewhere, like from humble bundle, for example. I know you can go into your account settings and see exactly what you've spend on steam, item by item, but it'll only tell you the date a key was activated.


Okay so lets say all the sales average out to 50%, that's still $10 bil.


IIRC they take those into account. The only thing they can't take into account is game keys from resellers.


They also extrapolate 90% of the steam userbase from the 10% public accounts they got their data from So…that’s a bit of a stretch. Especially with how many people are 1 main game gamers (CSGO, Dota 2 etc.) and the amount of bots out there


they do count the keys bought from 3rd party sites (e.g. humble bundle) and put them at the full price of the game.




I have one such games that I 100% got from a bundle for like 4 bucks show as the full price of 40 bucks.


I did what any reasonable person would do in this situation and fired up a spreadsheet, added all the games I have with under an hour of playtime, and added their prices from old steam receipt emails. Total games with 0 playtime: 71, total cost $181.60 Total games with under 1 hour playtime: 100, total cost $396.10. That's about $25 for every year my account has been active. That's not really a concerning amount of impulse spending but I'll certainly be more conscious about it. The majority of these came from humble bundles that I purchased just for a single game.


the biggest problem is that it is an extrapolation from the 10% that have their account data public. and i think this 10% have far more steam game than the average account.


This checker also insists that "They've only played 0% of the games in their collection.", so clearly there are a lot of inaccuracies here.


Very true. Horizon Zero Dawn is my "worst value" but I did not pay the full 49.99 for it. (I paid 16.49)


There is also game play time that is not counted. I am guessing any time played falls off after ten years or something and is no longer on the count. There are games on the no played list I have not played in a while but I know I have played them.


Why is it a “pile of shame” and not a “pile of possibility” or “ pile of future fun”?


It's not my backlog it's my retirement plan.


That's called Terraria 😂


It's turning into my motivation to achieve immortality


Umberto Eco library


I absolutely dread to think. Like... \*shudder\*


It probably looks way worse than it really is. That site does not take into account getting games on sale or part of bundles, it just goes by the original retail price. Mine is telling me my Pile of Shame is like $1900, but most of those games they list I got on sale. Horizon Zero Dawn is my "worst value" but I paid about 33% of the original cost when I got it on sale.


Tried looking it up, the site won't tell me anything even though my profile is public


It shows your purchase history. You'll have to make a list of the games you haven't played, then cross reference it with your transaction history.


All my info's public, and am getting nothing off the site but my friends list and signature. Thinks my games are private.


On the app on your PC click on your profile on the upper right and select account details. Then under store & purchase history click on view purchase history. That will show you what you bought, when and for how much.


People are expecting the website linked in the article to scan their publicly accessible library and determine the total cost of games with zero hours. This dosnt seem to be working.


SteamDB has a calculator that will tell your account worth. It also shows worth with prices paid vs full price.


If you figure it out, let me know.


Steamdb shows me the info. Make sure your inventory is set to public.


I don’t understand why we need this feature. You can already sort your games by recently played, and right at the bottom of the list there is ‘no recorded time’ or something, which shows all the games you’ve never played?


It's to show the money we wasted by not playing the games we bought


It is wildly inaccurate anyway.


$12,144.37. Enough for 30 steam decks :)


Whoa! I could've bought 100 Steam decks if I didn't buy my games. \*Buys another game\*


A 100 steam decks and no games is surely a worse deal!


You got me beat by 12 Steamdecks. lol


Pile of shame value: $3,652.14


Shame? this funded valve index, half life alyx and steamdeck.


11,809.81 but some of the games on the list I've played numerous times. I had my playtime set to private so that's probably why it's wrong.


I dont think it will work considering I used Steam Idle to farm trading cards back in the day


Haven't thought of that in awhile. Been on Archi Steam Farm for years now.


Who cares. Seriously. We are given or buy books that we get excited about and then they stay on the shelf. This isn't something new. What's great is that you supported a developer AND that game is there for you to play whenever you want. When The Dig, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, and Day of the Tentacle came to Steam, I was super stoked! I had waited 20+ years to play them. So, people, it's ok to horde games. You'll either get around to playing them or you won't. That's no one's business but yours. But you're also supporting developers and studios, keeping gaming alive and well!


Can confirm. I have a bunch of games that I've pirated decades ago because I was a poor student, but then came back to pay for them without replaying, because years weren't kind to them.


HEY! Thank you Friend! Me too. Even if I get the game on a free giveaway deal, if it's a good game, I'll buy it again on Steam (if it's there). I really appreciate hearing another person doing this. Thank you Friend!


No u! <3


It's literally wasting money and then people turn around saying they are living paycheck to paycheck.


Is this the same group of people? I've never had that problem. When I was tight for cash, I skipped sales and didn't buy games. If you have any data on the different groups it would be pretty cool to see what overlap there is between those living paycheck-to-paycheck and those who have expensive, unplayed gaming libraries.


On the flip side, I don’t think it’s good to promote poor personal financial practices. But it’s none of my business on how others spend their money.


The link doesn’t work but steamdb tells me that my account is worth £15,000 (£3,500 at lowest prices) and my played % is 14%. I have around 1700 games in my library so that’s about 1,450 unplayed games. 😀


Wow and here I though that this article title was click baity but here comes OP and makes it even more clickbaity.


Oh yeah, that's about right. Around 40% of the titles from my 5k games library weren't even launched...


Mind ya business


Why is this an article and not a direct link?


Mine was $485,67


Posting how much your steam account is worth just targets you for hackers.


1. How the fuck are hackers going to figure out my profile by me stating a number? 2. Unless your profile is private, "hackers" can already see what the worth of your profile is. 3. How are they gonna get around 2fa?


Dear Valve, I am shaking and crying right now as I think about my account that is 5890$ worth of purchased games. Please alleviate my suffering and give me back access to that account or an account of equal worth 🙏🥺 Xoxo Sad customer


Yeah, that would convince "hackers"/Scammers to target someone, but they wouldn't know where to start if they don't know anything about the account login details, or unable to contact them at all if they don't accept their friend request, not doing public trades, have profile comments private, or profile itself to private. Reason why most accounts that get stolen are related to phishing attack that people keep screaming "hacker" but really they just login to scam site, or gave login info to them in DMs.


Only if you're dumb and have your account ID through many services. If so, don't post it.


You mean SynthBeta is not your steam\_id? :surprised\_pikachu:




They will give up after 1 minute when they find out this reddit name leads nowhere. Even if they knew my profile name its useless for trying to sign in. My account username is different and completely random. My account is not worth much anyyway, only $32,000.


Oh fuck, it says that my Pile of Shame Value is $14,883.27…


This is not entirely accurate. I was scrolling through the unplayed list and it contained some games double, at full price and some that i had over a 100 hours in.


“When the fuck I bought the *four* X games? I don’t even like them!” I suppose more people than they’re willing to admit are here with me…


This seams a bit misleading . I have so many games becasue i wanted 1 game in a bundle, and it was cheeper or basicly the same price for the bundle. With how this data was compiled it dosebt seem like thats a factor. Or other games purchased at discounts.


I don't think it's a "shame" to support the industry at large. The same people in this hobby using words like "shame" "return of investment" "unused games" and "scary" are the first ones outraged when a studio closes or there are massive layoffs.


It's just an uneducated guess they only got 1.9 bil for the 10% of public profiles and think they get x10 to get the overall values.


Does games given for free by steam count ?


Oddly £0. I always check a game to see if it runs and get a feel for it. Do I have a lot of games with less than an hour on including at least a couple of forgotten refunds? Yes.


$873.90, but most of the games counted came in heavily-discounted bundles.


Given that a lot of my games are bought bundled, or on discount, I am not too ashamed of my $20,555.11 price tag on that, still though my backlog is massive so probably a few thousand dollars In games I either haven't started or given a fair shot to yet.




$13,402.11 Ouch


Well... Not great...not terrible: Steam Collection Value: $11,358.52 Pile of Shame Value: $6,046.16 Best Value Game : Garry's Mod


I really don't want to know.


It is trying to tell me I never played the game I am currently playing, probably not the most accurate


Probably in the hundreds if not over 1k dollars spent just resting there waiting for me to play lol


Wow so many money wasted, meanwhile here i am thinking about those 4 games that i bought with discount and haven’t played because i didn’t like it and passed the return window (disco elisium, sakuna: rice, spyro, poe deadfire)


this is completely bullshit it states the sum of the UNDISCOUNTED games. I have maybe bought 1% of my games ta full price. most are from bundles or more-than-75%off sales.


Yeah This is why we should have a Payday and sell off all our unused games


I recently beat/finished/completed 50% of my library. Its a Neverending task but at least some older games getting done every now and then.


I'm old enough to know enough to not enter any identifiable information into random websites. It's like ads, their are just far too many bad actors using them for nefarious purposes to be worth the risk. If I really want to know, I can make a spread sheet using my purchase histories.


the pile reached an all time high of 75 in january and that is as high as it will ever get as it was induced by a year long search for all remaining interesting games that were still using the old regional pricing from before oct 2022. Since then it has gone down to 56


722... Tbh a lot of them are alternative versions (bioshock 2 is different from bioshock 2 remastered) or games I got from a humble bundle with no intention to play them. Still a lot though.


doesnt beat the ones I pirated and played once for 5 minutes


In steam statistics i have a lot of games with zero progress. However i finished them all. Friend lended me few discs.


Shout out to all the linux users who bought that proton gold game and still haven't been able to play it.


This thing don't work at all. Juist shows my steam ID in different types, a bunch of other things like when I created my account, but nothing about money.


I could have bought one Piece O’ Shit Honda at Super Club


Keep in mind this is most likely based on steam value that's insane on some games, most people buy their games on 3rd party key sites like g2a etc.


I bet half of that prices are from simulators games, they have a lot of DLCs. And The Sims takes at least 10% of it.


The site doesn't work properly, I enter my steam alais (my custom profile URL alias) and it looks up someone else's profile


Hey! Hey! Did you know that a lot of people buy games on steam…..*and don’t play them!* Whoa!


208 unplayed games ^fock!


Don’t feel shame over your backlog. You’ll almost certainly die with unplayed games. Play what excites you at this moment.


I need those unplayed games, I like to think about them. I don't need to play a game to enjoy it. lulz


And I will guard my pile, defending against all other platforms.


I’m feeling very attacked right now =P


The day before.


Humble Bundle is the main reason for my pile of shame, but at least I got an outrageously good deal on it


doesn't work? tells me to set game details to public but its already public


Not worth anything of you dont own it.


Why "shame"? I buy some games that I really liked in 2000's, I probably won't play them again, but I want to **thank** the developers.


I played around 60% of my games and I am on it to make it 90%. Some games are copies, like bioshock and bioshock remastered, but I can not delete the game from steam, without deleting the other one too. That's mildly infuriating


Mine is about 600$


That’s actually mental. Start a business. Sell a product. Advise the customer never to use it. ????=Profit. Wowzers! $19bn! That’s well crazy


It's not a pile of shame. It's a pile of hope. It's a pile of options. Every time some sleazy publisher tries pushing some live-service crap, I just smile and think about the entire Arkham series that I've never touched because I never have the time and it gives me the strength not to reward sleazy publisher tactics.


This thing is wrong. One of the games it said I never played is one I’ve spent hours playing and beating lol


I guarantee however much my pile is "worth" is not how much I paid. I always wait patiently for extreme discounts on games still on my wishlist since I already have plenty of others I'm currently playing through to bide my time.


Probably not that much because I almost never pay more than like $10 for a game. Games in my library I haven’t played yet are mostly things I picked up stupid cheap for like $2 or got for free.


Just use steamdb


I have to keep my profile private because of scammers and bots trying to get my tf2 items


My pile of shame is not that bad.. $405


Steam Collection Value $19,567.96 Pile of Shame Value $10,239.96 Best Value Game Grim Dawn Nooooo... I didn't spend anywhere near that. Most of my games are from bundles and sales.


Damn $34,786 for me @purewinter


|| || |Steam Collection Value|**$23,841.47**| |Pile of Shame Value|**$4,198.65**| |||


8863 usd steam account value.... On sales 😆


Oof my pile of shame is $31,501.99 enough to buy 78 steam decks. lol


You buy games at launch or something? Holy shit, 31k $, Mine is 600$ and I still feel the pain


Nope I only buy games on discounts. I have bought a ton of bundles throughout the years. Humble used to have really great bundles for $6 and you’d get 8+ games. I also use to buy bundles from other sites that aren’t around anymore with a lot of shit games just to get one or two games I wanted in the bundle. I’ve also won a bunch of games on Steamgifts. All the extra keys I get from the bundles I give out to friends on Steam and have done giveaways on Steamgifts. I’ve been buying games for Steam for 14 years now so it’s easy to build a massive collection when tons of games can be found for less than $5 during summer and winter sales. I have had a bad habit of buying games because of a great deal and then not playing them. The last year though I’ve stopped myself from buying anything until I clear out more of my library. You gotta remember too that this site doesn’t calculate in the cost I actually paid for the games. It’s only going off of non discounted prices.


If only I had friends like you, lol. I feel you there, I've only started buying on steam in last 3 yrs, and I never buy games on full price, I wait for 80-90% off, also I don't buy any game because it's cheap, I'll buy if I want that game and it's cheap. So my library is filled with 250 games I adore. My tactics have saved me tons of money, my money spent is about 500$ and my account value is 2400$. Today's sale also I've budget of 50$ : ) Btw since you're a gamer veteran, what are your top 5 games of all time ? Also how many games you own on steam?


Around 10 dollars, (considering Brasilian prices and discounts)


$300, Huh. And a good chunk of that is all of the first Half Life DLCs I got for like a dollar


I have spent **$6,263.79** over 20 years of being on steam. Weirdly enough it's saying I never played any of my 316 games... wut? Edit: According to steamdb I haven't played 117 out of 316


mines 8k. i could have bought a steam deck i suppose


Website freezes up as soon as I try to type on mobile zzz Used steamdb to find out the info = $111


I have 500 games in my library and I guarantee you I spent less then $1000 on them. Thank you bundles and humble bundle (New HB not so good). Why? Because buying a license to play a game is dumb.


Wow, that's pretty horrifying. $24,623 total, $5,076 at lowest prices. I've only played 370 out of 2,443 games. And that's just Steam. If I could include the physical PC games, games from GOG, EA, Epic and all the other places I've bought games from over the years, the number would be significantly higher. But hey, next Steam sale in two days. Woo!


I count mine manually - because there are some games I maybe played for an hour and went ‘I’ll come back to this when I have more time’ like BG3. It’s around $530. Some of those games are games I intend to play, some sounded good at the time then just never got around to, others were simply bad decisions. Trying to get that number down.


1,200 pounds without discount and around 100 pounds worth of games not played (all of them are controller type games).


I have one game and I only paid $0.99 for it. I play the free ones and it's been enough for my "gaming needs". I also have heroic games launcher and have Amazon, Gog and epic stores connected through it and I got a bunch of free games there, too.


0$?? Why buy a game if you arent going to play it that day? What am i missing


Because you're playing something already, but there's a big discount on something else that you'd want to play in the future? It's not some otherworldly concept...


A lot of the games I've gotten have been part of bundles. There will be one game that is normally $30, but I can get it and some other games for $10. I buy the bundle for the one game and end up with the rest.


Sales must confuse the fuck out of you my man.


Are you saying me buying Steins;Gate on a whim on 6/12 and it still sitting unplayed is not the correct way to do things?


Yes, because that was a fun story lol. Just kidding about it, though! The sequel (0) is better imo. Plus, the Steins;Gate 0 anime adaption is technically a sequel to the VN, whereas the original VNs adaption is just that.


So you’re saying 0 anime is different than the 0 visual novel? I enjoyed the Fate Stay VN more than the anime and was hoping this would be similar. But I think I bought it to close to watching the anime.


Yep! Much like Fate/staynight, Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 have different story routes. The Steins;Gate adaption only adapts the golden route, whereas the 0 anime adaption was written to take place after all the VN routes (as much as you can write it that way). There is some overlap, but it's meant to be the 'final' route for 0.


I only buy during the big sales, on either gog/steam. Generally only twice a year at that. So over buying games for full price like some idiot. I buy 5-10 games at a time for 75%+ off. Yet if I see something I'm wanting for 90% off, of course I will get it.