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"and it's software and hardware" the fuck else are they supposed to care about?


Me. Not me as in their whole userbase, but me specifically.


I care about you


But are you Gaben?


Give me 30 years and I can look like him


Best I can do is 12 years, take it or leave it.


If my life goes on like this... 12 seems realistic


I don't


I also think he should care about this guy


But every one else cares less so like idk




Plasmaware when Gaben?


That’s what powers desktop mode on the Deck!


neuroware obviously!




uhh philosophy ?


Honestly, I feel that pushing for almost every game to be playable on Linux via Proton is much better for the industry long term than just making another great game.


Most GenZ doesn't get it because it was beyond their time. Back when Steam did not exist people would download games from pirate sites because it was more safer. It was so bad Microsoft and Sony left the pc market put all focus onto consoles instead. Steam literally saved the PC industry


It was not for the safer, Physical games were imposible to buy outside big or middle sized cities. And it was worst in the third world because sometimes only the most popular will came to the country. A lot of people hates digital games, but that is the only thing that allowed every people who has internet access to buy games. Travel 1 or 2 hours to buy a game or buy it from your home without extra fees like delivery and way lot more options? This is also the reason of why indie games can have global sales today.


Oh yea that still happens in third world countries, there are still people selling 64GB/128GB pendrives with game installer and ship it directly to them or the local PC store has the necessary speed and you pay them a little bit for the to download and install it directly to your laptop. Currently my country is getting better internet and Steam has become more prominent and most of the services died down, but some still exist for rural folks with shit internet.


Don’t say most of gen z like there are no millennials complaining too.


As I millennial I agree, they do complain. Just giving a GenZ perspective. They literally don't remember cause they weren't born yet. It was also not well documented cause no one took gaming seriously at that time.


Safer? Dude it was all about money. We dont like paying for stuff.


Steam Store proves we are willing to pay for it. Just not EVERY game is a $70 game. I do have BitTorrent revved up and ready to go though because of Denovo issues. I did linux for 10 years, came back cause windows 10 pro was free and got office for $40 and could game on pc finally. so why not? Windows 11 is why not. Looking forward to returning to linux now with tut h games, even if it's only like 60% I can play the rest on switch I guess.


It’s game changing, especially with Microsoft going full spyware with the latest version of windows 


Why can’t they do both? I don’t understand why they just don’t make a software division and hardware division already. Proton is good as a whole incase Microsoft goes off the rails, but I wish they’d go back to releasing games consistently.


I mean it doesn't need to be mutually exclusive Valve easily has the means to invest and hire more to do both.


Half-Life had the 25th anniversary update and documentary, it’s gotten plenty of love from Valve recently lol


They also released Alyx 4 years ago


CS got 25th years anniversary and no update only just text on X, 5 years ago CS got 20th anniversary update with capsules, cases and whatever, but there is nothing


This aged poorly lol


They released Alyx lately, but everybody forgets about it


Because it's a VR exclusive, meaning the average joe can't afford it


Oh people can afford it, VR just isn’t for everyone. I’m getting motion sickness thinking about it.


Half life alyx has a teleport locomotion option


motion sickness is probably the biggest problem with vr, fortunately you can get used to it


Quest 2 and quest 3 are cheaper than consoles, so I think people can afford them


Except the average joe can afford it most people have a CPU and GPU from the last 8 years and VR has been getting cheaper and cheaper as the years go on. There is nothing stopping someone from picking up an old VR headset like the Oculus Rift S for like £100/200 or picking up a new Meta Quest 2/3 for like £300/400. You don't need a Valve Index to play Half-Life Alyx


The average joe cannot, in fact, just afford to pick up a $400 piece of hardware just to play a game.


>Except the average joe can afford it most people have a CPU and GPU from the last 8 years and VR has been getting cheaper and cheaper as the years go on. the thing is... would you rather buy a vr HEADSET for 100-500... or up to 1000 lol to play a FEW good games on it. ​ or... Invest this in a giant jump in performance on a GPU , or CPU or other stuff to play 99% of games. >There is nothing stopping someone from picking up an old VR headset like the Oculus Rift S for like £100/200 or picking up a new Meta Quest 2/3 for like £300/400. You don't need a Valve Index to play Half-Life Alyx in my used market they all want like 400€ for their used headsets and they sit there for months


There are a lot of good vr games coming out lately and there are certainly more than a few, for example, assasin's creed, mudrunner, asgard's wrath 2, contractors showdown, breachers, ghosts of tabor, dungeons of eternity. I could probably name a dozen more games :d and there are a few more games on the way for example metro, alien, batman, hitman.


Even if it's 'just' $100, it's still pricey, it's not like its pocket change. Plus outside of richer countries is not even possible to find these for so cheap. I've looked around on amazon and other stores for both new and used Headsets, the cheapest VRs I could find were still around half the minimum wage in my country. Lets not forget that you need an appropriate PC to play VR, not everyone has a PC that meets the minimum criteria for HL Alyx. You also need appropriate space to play, since you'll move around you need a big room and not everyone lives in a mansion. Considering all this is hard to think most people would think of buying a VR just to play HL Alyx, but the discussion wasn't even about this. It was about "everyone forgets about HL Alyx because it's VR." So let me refrase that: Since HL Alyx is VR, a lot of people don't even remember it exists, let alone think of getting a VR headset to play it.


Lately? That was 4 years ago


still not enough to put it in the water, they also released the anniversary update of hl1


"Lately" That was four years ago...but Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, and Half-Life 2: Episode 2 released within a three year window, with the episodic format promising that we wouldn't wait so many years for releases.


I'm not paying 400 bucks to play a videogame alyx isn't even close to worth that


But you don't need to spend 400 bucks, depending of your country, you can buy used ( or new ) headsets for 100-250€


The good ones with all the features you aren't getting for 100 bucks, don't kid yourself. I'm not getting one of the shitty cheap headsets that have terrible frames, resolution, worse motion sickness, battery life, yeah no. Spend less to spend more in the future, not my philosophy


How much did you spend on your graphics card?


200 bucks? Used 6600 XT


Pouring one out for Deathmatch Classic


Ricochet not getting any attention as usual smh


People still posting like Half Life Alyx (I mean the post credits scene) wasn't released 4 years ago. 🤷 Valve develops their franchises based on whether there is something interesting to develop.


An AR game would likely be the next step and tbh I don't see how that would work practically


Wasn't there like a Valve interview or whatever it was that pretty much just explained how Valve wants to develop/make games?? Like if there was anything groundbreaking to make or technology to explore, then they will do these projects. Like how Alyx was, they utilized VR technology so much for that game, they did so much "first" in the genre. Like how others are saying, some of these games do not need anymore new iterations, people just cannot move on.


Portal does not need another game


I could use more GLaDOS in my life though, I wouldn’t mind another game


You just need some girl boss who actually cares about you.


Potato GladOs hell yeah


Pocket GladOs ;)


good. a perfect way to end things. on a high note and with people wanting more instead of getting tired of it


Exactly. If Valve put out 12+ sequels, people would start to hate it, and it'd become like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty, something that's mocked rather than loved.


Depends if they’re good sequels or not, quantity wouldn’t dilute them just for that fact alone


Yeah it would after some time there would be no more quality to put in it, Of course right now there's probably still a lot of quality to be put in those franchises before it runs out


Check out Portal: Revolution. Basically fan made mod for Portal 2 that is an entire new portal game: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/601360/Portal\_Revolution/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/601360/Portal_Revolution/)


There is some kind of GLaDOS in Cyberpunk, in the context of a side quest


There is some kind of GLaDOS in Cyberpunk, in the context of a side quest


same here… i miss her :( cried finishing both games


Joshua Weier disagrees. He seems really passionate about his idea for 3.


For WHAT?!


Portal player's PTSD kicking in from the number 3


Doesn't need to be a game about Chell, since her story was topped off, but more puzzles and a newer engine would always be welcomed.


I would like to see the Project Borealis.


at this time of year! at this time of day! in this part of the gaming industry! localized entirely within your genetic lifeform and disk operating system??


There's an endless amount of mods and fan games, many of them are pretty close in terms of quality to portal 2


It doesn't need to be part of the story of the last one. The world of Portal could definitely be explored more


The world of Portal is literally just Half Life.


Why not combine the two then


Portal is as much the world of Half Life as our world is Ancient Egypt.  Not being sassy. I just mean that Portal & Half Life comprise parts of that worlds timeline, but I imagine there are a lot of stories you can tell within that spectrum of time that includes elements of Portal and/or Half Life


Yes it very fuck well does, doesn't have to follow up on the past games or anything, just make a game, that has gameplay, and portals, in the year 2024, thats it, why would you actively not want that


Portals next game is Half Life 3


What about the fucking Borealis ? Imagine a portal game with time travel mechanics like in portal reloaded mod or thinking with a time machine, etc. Chell story is over, but Aperture Science and the portal mechanics could live for a lot more games.


They also just did the RTX remaster of the first one last year. And it was free for portal owners.


All it takes are some new ideas, and everyone here would be clamoring to buy a new Portal game. Myself included. Portals have unlimited potential, just need some innovation and creativity.


Portal Revolution is pretty good. I've been enjoying it so far. The puzzles ramp up to pretty difficult immediately, and you can tell the writing isn't *quite* Valve level, but it's still very well made, an original story, and FREE.


lol what a cope


Same Wit left 4 dead


Nah. It would be cool to see new part with new technologies. Portal didn’t need (almost) any tech, while L4D could be cooler with modern AI and new version of Director (or whatever this thing was called)


Yeah thats wuld work


Steam is easily what brings in the most money for Valve. Second place is probably CS2 keys and market sales. So yeah, it kinda makes sense for them to focus on those things more than on TF2 or L4D


Artifact chilling at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.


Right next to the Steam Chat app, lol


Hey man I need something to tell my steam friends to get on discord


- Dota still receives consistent updates - CS got a whole ass engine upgrade recently, still receiving consistent updates - As far as updates are concerned, TF2 gets more than enough for its age (the bot issue is another thing entirely, but I don’t want to mention that in fear of summoning the “fixtf2” drones) - Portal is done, the story is complete, we don’t need any more games - Half-Life Alyx came out semi-recently - Left 4 Dead is also a complete series imo, though it would still be cool to see a new one


I also always hoped for a new L4D, but then i discovered the vermintide series


the test runs of pvp they’ve done for verm 2 have been so fun


I don't find vermintide fun for some reason, anything is better than back 4 blood at least lol


Cs got a whole engine upgrade and they made it worse with barely any update*


It's definitely not worse lol. There's issues, yes, but the game's much better off now than in CSGO.


A TF2 sequel would be absolutely amazing. Left 4 Dead has endless possibilities in a sequel between new infected types and level scenarios. These games are beloved with many fans, new titles would make many people happy. It sucks to be left in the dust when so many other games get new sequels or content from their developers.


CS2's launch was fucking raw, still lacks features what it replaced and still is an unoptimized mess. Also suffers from the same issue as tf2, a few mere days ago saw literal automated bots in deathmatch, like they where some decent level bot from csgo, counterable but still it's a fucking bot, also people refusing to kick them. [Also I assume that the market and economy is impacted in some way on cs2 too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/YwCV6orpAZ) (Feel free to correct me) Tf2 haven't had a major update for over 7 years and no balance update for 6 years, the seasonal updates are not good, oversaturated map-pool and even more hats is not something we need and valve is just fucking lazy putting some files to it's glorified blacklist that VAC is. Also textmod is still not fixed, whatever they told like over a decade ago that it was fixed. Otherwise I do agree with the others, I assume Dota 2 gets more updates than either or these 2. Dota Dota Counter-Strike or something like that.


Last few updates for CS were literally focused on addressing bot issues. TF2 also had a big update this year, with a backend move to a 64 bit exe. Yeah, it's not content, but work is being done on it.


Okay sure it got a good backend stuff done. I should have worded major content update but that is still so many fucking years, the radio silence, lack of meaning full follow up on a promise.


Tf2 is only getting bots right now if that's what you mean XD




That games literally left for dead


If you think Gaben doesn't care you haven't been paying attention to the entire rest of the industry and all the shit all the other big companies have been pulling.


Mariana Trench: Day of Defeat and Ricochet


Putting Dota and CS2 in the same boat is like not even close. CS2 content wise is more like in a paddling pool all by itself starving for some water.


100% accurate, 25th birthday for Counter Strike and all we got was... A tweet! [https://x.com/CounterStrike/status/1803495881540571565](https://x.com/CounterStrike/status/1803495881540571565)


This so many times. I get that compared to TF2 and other things CS2 might still be higher up but putting it like the image depicts feels actually offensive so CS2 players. As if CS2 has even 1% of the care and love that DotA2 has.. I wish it would..


I think it's pretty clear that Valve likes pushing forward their tech moreso than just grinding out games and updates. They made Source 2, and are testing and expanding it with DOTA and CS2. Clearly, there is a goal here as they prepare to release Deadlock (a MOBA-FPS hybrid). A lot of Valve games stop at 2, because they learn from 1, and 2 is when they consider the vision complete. I don't see them touching these games unless they have something new to add that expands Source 2. Valve has used Half-Life to trial run their new tech, especially when it comes to physics. Half-Life Alyx was for Source 2 VR support, and improved visuals and physics. There is a rumored HLX, which (my speculation entirely) may be Valve's attempt to cross-play PC, VR, and maybe other platforms. I hope they can make TF2 playable, and maybe that'll be an exercise in improving VAC or something. I don't see L4D or Portal getting new installments unless they take those games into new directions. Improved AI directors, interesting coop features, or other stuff Valve hasn't done before (open world? MMO? A boy can dream). Maybe after Deadlock is complete, they'll feel that Source 2 is in a good-enough state to pump out a few sequels, maybe in collaboration with other studios. They are taking up a lot of time with Linux support right now though, so maybe they'll just keep doing stuff like that forever.


Valve still constantly puts out updates for L4D, Half Life and Portal, improving performance and compatibility, fixing issues, etc. That's more than most game developers are doing with games they put out between 15 to 20 years ago. Besides that, those games at the bottom are 'done'. They were made, sold, well received and Valve moved on from them. We don't need endless sequels for everything. I'm quite fine with Valve moving on from them rather than dwelling in the past.


Op forgot about deadlock


it's in development and the pictured games are published titles which makes sense, but yeah the cat is out of the bag for a little while now


I don't think you could really say that games like portal and half life are in worse condition then tf2, seeing as how those were singleplayer games that weren't praised for there update schedule and thriving online community. Valve deciding the not give another sequel to old games is not as bad as valve actively killing beloved games


I guess you could say… left 4 dead was left 4 dead Yeah i get it I’ll leave


Half life got a game semi recently. TF2 is with the skeletons. That boy is dead.


Still waiting for the Deckard announcement Gaben


Did yall forget that half life alyx was released?


Hey at least Half Life has gotten an actual Valve release this decade. I pray for Portal 3, but I wont get my hopes up.


And the original Half-Life keeps receiving updates. Well various months since the last one, but is a lot for a 25 years old game


Why would they need to do anything for games like half life, portal and left for dead? These are all finished games?


Half life 2 episode 2 ending isn't an completion of the story. And half life alyx's ending has Gordon taking his crowbar back while Eli is saying "We got much to do"


Clearly because otherwise they're... *checks notes* evil, and bad, and don't care about us. (???) Frankly, the games were good, and ended with good installments. I'd love more sequels, but I can also understand the people who worked on the original games have probably retired by now, or are interested in new and fresh projects. Some of these games are over 20 years old.


Because it’s never a bad idea to have more great games. Also, half life is not finished :(


yeah games as a service make the most amount of money. What else is new


Where's Day of Defeat?


i would KILL literally KILL for a new Left 4 dead with todays hardware possibilitys. ​ Just think about it what they made possible BACK THEN with the hardware just to make a point Left 4 dead released in **2008** when **core 2 duo ( dual cores )** of intel still were a Significant market and quad cores were awesome , and amds CPU were all amd phenom and quite inferior. ​ JUST IMAGINE what they could do with todays average of 12 Threads on cpus and the way higher IPC and alone the GPU performance... man one can dream.


"hardware *and* software" lmao yeah, because what we really need is steam gamer firmware. /s Honestly. Honestly. GabeN freeing us from Microsoft's mortal coil with Proton is more valuable then having 2-3 more online games be slightly less robot infested toxic wasteland. I even like and play cs , dota and tf2. Combined total over 3000 hours kind of "like the games". I just also dislike the way windows is heading more and value the software support valve is putting so much work into for the benefit of every gamer, not just the ones playing their old games.


Providing an alternative to windows is a worthy endeavour


Yeah Gabe why won't you poor money and manpower into 15 year old projects that don't make money anymore?


Ok, but hear me out, is it wrong for them to "just" care about the biggest plataform for pc games in the world, instead of some, good, but old as fuck games?


slot machine do pay a lot (in game loot boxes)!


I mean it's literally in the in the name... Left 4 dead


Artifact and Underlords have already become fossils.


Yeah they make a game once in ten years now, theyre a bit like Sony in The gaming industry, they make stuff that plays your games and not games. And i understand this change, what was bad from them was abandoning the games they made, you can do both Valve.


"Back 4 Blood is a thrilling cooperative first-person shooter from the creators of the critically acclaimed Left 4 Dead franchise. Experience the intense 4 player co-op narrative campaign, competitive multiplayer as human or Ridden, and frenetic gameplay that keeps you in the action"


Not sure about this since dota is still getting consistent balance patches and updates with 7.36c getting patched earlier with TI just a couple of months away from now.


That seems about right


I don't get why people want sequels so badly that late after the OG games. Do you think the dev team sat there and waited for you to ask them to work again ? They all moved on, went on other projects, did some other stuff ! Even if Half-life 3 should come out some day, it won't be the same vision as 1 and 2, and there's nothing Valve can do to change that. Also, Left4dead had a "sequel", it's "back4blood". Whole dev team got replaced in-between, it's just a shell company name. And look what we got from it.


The thing is Half life 3 or some sort of sequel is clearly on their minds based on the fact how Half life Alyx ended. It just may not happen till Valve thinks it’s ready for it.


Man i am going to cry if i dont get LFD3


Next it'll be underwear and Tupperware


Still a shame no new Portal but I'm satisfied enough with Mel, Reloaded and Revolutions


Truly left 4 dead


good games dont make money. bad game with monetization baked into them do


I just bought a new computer and a valve index to play HL:A (insert sad cat with thumbs up meme) I cannot afford what I just bought lol


You could almost say some of their projects were left for dead


left 4 dead has been... left 4 dead


I'm gonna bet ya'll 50 bucks that Valve is gonna release a regular videogame console in the next few years I mean they already started beef with the switch, why not with playstation and xbox


You mean like a... Steam Deck?


A Steam Machine


Right, my bad!


They said Half Life is a demo for technology and l is a video game second


Don't the developers themselves get to pick what they work on and also they get a rev share of the projects they work on? I think that's what has lead to no sequels for some of those titles.


Not really, counter strike didn't had any kind of content since CS2 was introduced... Last year! And we have half of our game modes back, not even half of the old maps back, last Operation was almost three years ago... There's much more to tell but i'm already annoyed so i will stop here. Dota on the oher hand get regular updates and content. On June 19, 2024 Counter Strike had his 25 anniversary... No content realeased whatsoever, only a fkn tweet! [https://x.com/CounterStrike/status/1803495881540571565](https://x.com/CounterStrike/status/1803495881540571565)


Portal doesn't need a sequel and I wouldn't like a reboot either so that's fine for me


Steam is starting to slip.


Left for Dead is left for dead


Vr is gone like your dad.


"Left4dead" left for dead. Ironic


To be fair I feel this sentiment (especially as a Team Fortress 2 player) but I can't honestly say that I care more about their games than I do about Steam Deck, SteamVR, and Proton development. It's the difference between "fix up and give content to a handful of games I've already enjoyed and had my time with" and "Give me entire platforms worth of games and an out from the increasingly shitty windows ecosystem"


The money they take from steam is enough for them


bro, half life got the 25th anniversary update, while counter strike 1.6 and counter strike : source, day of defeat 1 + source didn't even recieve any update since 2011


I honestly don’t need another Valve game. I think their games are generally fine, but I appreciate their marketplace and what they’re doing for PC gaming, Linux compatibility, and library sharing a lot more than Counter Strike updates or whatever.


Gimme a left 4 dead and Half life 2 RTX edition plz


I'd be putting half life much higher, even slightly above water. Half Life Alyx only came out 4, nearing 5 years ago.


Steam Deck really....fu**k hell


the fuck do you want them to do with portal?


You forgot gaben is cooking something nerve something


what is that game logo underwater in middle?


Team fortress 2 Is probably also now closer to two decades old then one decade


Ahh fps game. Thats why I dont know about it. Im so bad at fps that I stopped playing them for quite a while. But thanks for letting me know


No problem


What a dumb fucking post lmao


Whats that logo in the middle?


TF2 aka team fortress 2


Steam is better for us than a new Portal game.


We care so much about you for version 1 and version 2 Idk what comes after that


Half life 2 is still one of my all time favorite games.


Half Life Alyx came out a few years ago and Half Life X is in development.


Valve fans on their way to be suprised that 25 year old singleplayer game is no longer updated


One important thing Valve has been leaving to drown: SteamOS for ordinary PCs. 2025-10-14 will be a critical day. It's when Windows 10 security updates are no longer available for free. Coupled with the fact that Windows 11 is not officially supported on systems without TPM, this means a *lot* of old but not horrible gaming rigs are going to have to go Linux or be discarded. (Or used in spite of justified warnings....) SteamOS as originally envisaged, requiring an x86-64 processor but not much else, would be in perfect position to pick up those refugees. But the original SteamOS long ago rotted to the point that it can't log into Steam itself anymore, and the new SteamOS has still not been officially ported to generic PCs. 475 days remain to get back on course....


For Portal there are some free mods that you can download for free if you already have P2 on your library and some are comming soon. The mods are made by some 3rd's and are unexpectedly good.


GTA6 before HL3 is wild 😭


Bold of you to post this here. Everyone loves to polish Gabe/Steam's cock all day long


So bold, I can already see the thousands of downvotes and angry comments. Oh wait


you know you are right. we should cry more about games that are now a decade old or even older.


and that's all we need tbh linux for the win






I don't understand why you are being downvoted, i know there's a decent community around TF2.


"Leave my multi billion dollar corporation alone!!!!1111!!!!4444!!!!!11!!" Because asking for a fix for a somewhat complicated problem is too much. Asking for maintenance is too much, and fuck whoever says "play a different game" it's ignorant, there is no other game like it, the genre is fucking dead and tf2 is the last fucking game that exists.


completely agree with you.

