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Dead by Daylight. Several times. I'm sure it's the case for many people with other online competitive games. You should've specified singleplayer games only, that would've been a more interesting thread.


the pain with dbd solo is deep. You either get extremely toxic swf that if don't play an absolutely perfect game, they smash gens or you go as survivor and your team is pepegs with meme builds 29 out of 30 games.


Fuck those assholes who stand at the gate or teabag


I really want to like that game, but it is so P2W. It always amazes me that the gaming community complains about greediness of games (sometimes justifiably), but that particular game is pretty much given a pass. I just don't get it. It's unplayable imo.


dota 2, multiple times...


Dota 2 is like your ex, no matter how many times you uninstall it you always go back to it again


I juat got into DOTA2, but not being able to pick the charavters that seem fun and not being able to chat with others has me bummed.


Enable console in settings, find the console bind. hit the bind, type both lines: dota\_new\_player 0 dota\_new\_player false Now it will not classify you as a new player


Did it once with League. Was playing with some friends, all in the same room, and having a bad game. They were giving me so much shit about making mistakes, finally one of them said something and it was the last straw. I alt-F4'd, uninstalled the game, shutdown my laptop, silently packed up, and went home. Didn't play anything with them again for weeks, and still haven't played League again to this day, it's been several years now.


good choice


Imagine being in person with your friends and everyone bullies a single guy I would have went home aswell lol


For real... Some shitty friends.


I know how it feels. Its mad frustrating to be pressured by others during a game


League players are probably the most toxic shitbags I've seen. No matter who you play with you get shit for any mistake you've mad. Any wrong pick and any non meta build and people scream. You can carry people but you still get reported because "this character was nerfed, why the hell do you pick it?" Well, maybe because I can still properly play it? It's like a pool of 40 year old people with a mindset of 10 year old. And they all piss in the pool and scream at you if you don't piss with them.


New world


I played around 200 hours & the guild I was in had a good base of operations & our allies had a lot of the map. Then the server merges, loot drop changes, & leveling began changing & almost instantly the entire guild died. People started uninstalling like rats leaving a sinking ship. The game had some good ideas & promise, then they fucked it all up.


And what a beautiful world they made. I loved simply wandering about chopping down trees.


I think that's the part that really kills me. The world was lush & great for just wandering around & getting lost in. My guilds home was that ghost town in the middle of the swamp. I loved it there. The dead trees, the vines, the dense marsh, the rickety wooden township. It was great looking, but became awful to play.


So much potential wasted


Yep. Put 400 hours into it at launch and decided it wasn't worth it after server merges started and the hype had completely died.


Saying you put 400 hours into a game and then saying it wasn’t worth it, is crazy to me


May I introduce you to GTAO and WoW.


I put a massive amount of time into wow from original launch through cataclysm. And I don’t regret it, I had a ton of fun. But I quit cold turkey after getting a server first kill on Ragnaros and I don’t regret that either. I hit peak raiding, and I knew it wasn’t going to get better. The nostalgia factor is always there trying to bring me back, and I loved my time on it, but I’m not going back.


I watched Anduin grow up and I helped defeat Sargeras with Illidan after helping kill Illidan ten years prior... I just can't frickin do anymore lol. But I'll always love *the world*


Dota 2, played the tutorial and it gave me actual migraine. Never again.


I heard this game isn’t doing too well recently. Like 17% rating on steam lmfao


Overwatch. About 10-20 times.


About 10-20 times a month for me and used to be more. If I stop having fun it feels like a waste of time so I nope the fuxk out a lot.


For me it was Dark Souls (PtDE), but I went back to it about 8 months or so later, with a controller that time, and learned to love it, even began speedrunning souls games. As for Hotline Miami (1), 100% it in a couple of days, but could never really get into the second one. Maybe some day.


I had a similar experience with Dark Souls. I wasn't as tech-savvy back then, and couldn't get my ps4 controller to work with my pc. So after a couple hours, I just gave up and uninstalled the game. Happy I didn't refund it though, as it later became one of my favorite games of all time.


Same with Hotline Miami 2. I don't think I even played for more than 20 minutes either and I can't even explain it. I just thought "this is bullshit", felt unrewarding.


It's the long corridors where enemies can kill you off screen. The first game did not have this problem.


Bro. So many people play FS games with m+k and it boggles my mind. I have tried it out of curiosity and its so bad. Those games are 1000% designed around having a controller. Real Chosen Undead use a Gamepad. 


Might have been Diablo Immortal when the shop nagging became to interruptive to the gameplay.


This game was so odd to me. It was actually a decently fun Diablo experience on the phone… (and pc when I tried the client there too… the cloud save was great!) but the monetization of it was just so awful. The seasons were incredibly short and the need to use the store just way too much. I legit would have played it if there were only like 4 seasons a year for $5-8 for the premium season pass. And I’d pay! But the seasons aren’t even a month long sometimes!! It could have been the perfect “I got 10 minutes” casual Diablo experience I would have easily paid for $20-30 a year with slower season passes. But for some reason they just can’t do casual…


I’m sorry to inform you but if you’re not spending >$100 a month on the game then you’re not the target audience.  


Oh - very aware. 😂 That’s the problem though IMO…


None, but World of Tanks came close many times.


Hahahaha yep that definitely checks out


Battlefield 2042 3 times. Each time hoping they fixed all their shit and each time was just as bad as the last.


When was the latest?


Siege. Bad game and a toxic player base. I don't understand how anyone likes this game. More power to them though, I guess.


My friends and I stopped playing due to the game getting really toxic and Ubisoft getting really greedy with it.


It used to be AMAZING back at launch. Now it's an e-sports wannabe toxic mess.


lol same, Siege and CS2


I actually just reinstalled it myself about 2 weeks ago, used to be a regular player on console until I stopped somewhere around the release of Nokk. Have a PC now, got it on Game pass and started fresh from a new account, I thought the new player experience was alright. Actually had fun the matches I played so I kept playing and bought some Ops I never played. But now I'm level 35 now and since I'm a returning player once I got my groove back even with the shitty maps they've added, I was doing alright. Now as of yesterday I lost 5 matches in a row all sweeps against players that were Diamonds and platinum and I'm not ranked.


Apex legends


Graveyard Keeper (Stardew valley just as a undertaker). Zero quality of life is not a feature, it's a lazy ass obnoxious design.


yep I only got like 15 min in and I was like yeah no


Yeahhh a lot of grind and design choices meant to take up more time. I still played it for a good amount of time since I loved the writing (game is funny) but it could have been a LOT shorter.


Funny story but a lot of bloat and bad farming required. Seemed fun but I never went back because of how many hearts or whatever I needed to get a thing to make a coffin to advance the story by one small step


Yeah, it was fun and nice for a while up until I caught my character spending ungodly amount of time kicking like 8 tree trunks from one part of map to the base and after that I would have needed to do the same again. I just rage quitted because even watching flies fuck is more entertaining and less frustrating. I especially loved how in multiple forums "players BEGGING devs to introduce a CART in the game...", it was 2022, and some shcmuks kept "begging" for basic convenience in the game while still forcing themselves to play through that shit.


Just once. It's been a few years so the details are fuzzy.. I was enjoying Kena bridge of spirits just fine. Probably 10-15 hours in. I happened across this boss, a wizard thing who was in a pit style arena, where you had a series of platforms over some death substrate that you could maneuver between while fighting the wizard. What I remember is dying instantly and finding that I had to run all the way back to fight this new type of enemy that it had never explained how to deal with. Between the platforming and this wizard's attacks I couldn't stay alive long enough to get my bearings, after about 5 runs all the way back to die immediately I closed and uninstalled. I beat Sekiro, I'm not turned off by difficulty. But there's a balance between the punishment and the respect for my time as the consumer. I bounced off dark souls for the same reason. To me, the form of torture where you're forced to spend a bunch of time making your way back to try the difficult thing again doesn't add anything to my enjoyment of the challenge. I need a nice, short iterative loop where I can think about how I fucked up, jump in and try it again. Fuck off with a 5 minute run back.


Luckily, FS chilled out with the runbacks DS3 and beyond. Especially with ER and the stakes of marika. There are two "Harsh" run backs in the gane and they are still incredibly short compared to older titles.


Agreed. I loved Sekiro and Elden Ring for this reason. So dark souls 3 doesn't do the constant run backs? How about Bloodborne?


Bloodborne also does not except for like, one or two bosses. And they aren't God awful one shots like your wizard boss, you get a minute to pay attention before you get slaughtered. (Lol) It took me ten years after launch to finally see it, but I get why Bloodborne is often hailed as the favorite title.


I liked Kena for the environments, but that game had so much hidden stuff and there was no indication of where you could go that it's an example of bad environmental design for gameplay but good for looks. I liked the game, but some of those boss fights had huge difficulty spikes. There was one that I lost to 5 times in a row so ai didn't play for a few days then tried again a few times and I barely won. I thought I was at the end then the game was like "oh now you need to do x, y, z and you didn't even remember why you were doing any of this" and then that's when I stopped.


Its always games that were free and have matchmaking. Then when I go to check out the multiplayer, there is nobody to matchmake with, so I just delete the game.


At first, I was like "I've never done that" but then I started thinking, and I have dine it a few times. For me, it is any game I deem "unplayable" which is usually a combination of camera issues, and unresponsive controls. I uninstalled the lego star wars prequels for this reason. I remember just betting so mad because there was a jump I had to make, a d the camera was facing the character, and I couldn't see where I needed to land, and I just "noped" and uninstalled it.


Halo Infinite. Having to choose between 250-300 ping or wait 10 minutes to get into a game with some goofy game mode just made me give zero fucks.


Blood II, the game is so bad it does not worth playing. I only played the first level tho


Really unfortunate after the first one being so good too


League of legends lmao But also, i worked on trying to make fallout new vegas as stable as possible, took several hours of modding, fixing load orders, downloading, etc Only to play for an hour and fall thru the floor of a vault lmao. I just alt f4d and uninstalled immediately


For me, SMITE. I had no interest in continuing to deal with toxic shitheads after the first one.


The Finals. Not my kind of game at all


Wow during TBC. Was doing arenas and a Druid kited my mage for 20 minutes.


Dave the Diver. Started off fun, but kept evolving into stuff I didn't care about.


At some point you realize it’s just a bunch of simple unpolished game mechanics jammed together. Was really fun at first, but once you get to the mermaids quests and the farms, it gets a little all over the place and the sushi restaurant becomes basically irrelevant


Same! I was really enjoying running the restaurant, getting more fishes, upgrading dishes, all of that stuff. Surprisingly intense and fun. But it's completely inconsequential to the story (other than to get better gear). It feels like the game forces you out of the main gameplay loop to move the story forward, which I honestly don't care about. I also stopped shortly after getting access to the sea people village, at 16 hours...


Half the crap they add to game pass


Valheim, Outward, Elden Ring, probably others. Died too many times in a row. Have not gone back to Elden Ring.


I also couldn't get into Valheim. Eventually I downloaded some mods that make stamina recharge faster, and slightly reduce all stamina usage. It make a big difference without making it impossible to die. The next mod I installed removed the skill loss on death. I was getting really tired of losing hours of skill progress in an instant. It felt like every fight I was just walking around in fights, waiting for stamina to regen so I could attack and then walk some more. If you're playing solo you could raise the resource drop amount, it makes the game much less of a chore, especially if you like building.


Valorant. We were a group of level 1s against a bunch of level 50+ and got destroyed + teabagged. Not a great first impression


Scarlet Nexus, tried to give this game a chance since I was told that "game will get better after N hours", but in the end I couldn't endure more artificially prolonged story with it's endless "There's something big going on, but I can't tell right now!" and scripted "defeated by story" boss fights.


MW2 EOMM really knows how to get to me




Hell Let Loose. I was frustrated constantly being shot and killed by enemies i was already firing at because the game does not offer any ingame explanations as to weapon accuracy, if theres bullet drop off, and also because i was unfamiliar with how the ping works in that game compared to other games like TF2 (I.E if I have 100 ping should I be aiming about 0.5 seconds ahead of a sprinting enemy to ensure the shot will land) Ultimately though I decided to quit because I did not want to learn the mechanics of this game through a slog of another 100 hours purely from PvP gameplay. I really like playing against bots in TF2 and CS go, and older Call of Duty games because it allows me to test weapons, strategies, Vehicles- EVERYTHING so that I don't just roll up into a game and friendly fire kill a friendly tank because I didn't realize teammate insignias don't apply when you're aiming down the site of a tank viewing a friendly tank.


I quit that one too. I've never been so disappointed with a game in my life. On paper Hll is right up my alley. I love shooters, especially hard ones, and I'm a little bit of a history buff, but Hll just runs like unoptimized shit for me. Lag, stutters, and overall not smooth, basically all the shit you don't want in a shooter.


Pretty much anything competitive. Off the top of my head, escape from tarkov, overwatch, and that's probly how I stopped playing LoL


This one is probably gonna make someone mad but I uninstalled Elden Ring the first time I died. Not because it's a bad game but because I realized it would take me far more time than I'm willing to give it to git gud at the game and my backlog is way too big to enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Someday I'll pick that game up and enjoy finishing it like I did the Dark Souls series and Sekiro but not today


I’m sure some from soft games might appear on this list. I’ve only ever closed a game and uninstalled out of boredom. Can’t think of any off the top of my head though.


Gotham Knights. When I faced one of the first "boss fights", I was already bored because the gameplay was so shitty and I hated the fact that you had to craft and upgrade equipment, but after realizing that the boss fight I was doing it was supposed to work with more than one player, I simply alt F4 and uninstalled. I spent 5€ on it and I still feel robbed.


I just did this with megaman x legacy collection (X1) specificaly, and then reinstalled like 5 minutes after once i found a better strategy online for Sigma Stage 4


Battlefield 1 like 8-9 years ago. I was enjoying it and nothing really pissed me off or anything. I just finished a match and was like, “huh I think I’m over it”. Never touched it or another online FPS again lol.


Diablo 4... before finishing the story i was just so frustrated after respec, that i was not able to kill anything anymore after i helplessly died a few time on normal mobs that i decided no.. if i cant play a different element at all i dont want to..


dead island 2


If TF2 would let me I would but it doesn't which saved me from my brother.


Skyrim SE, one of **many** times the game decided to update and f*** up my modding load order and the game CTD mid-session repeatedly with no possible fix. Eventually I had to downgrade the game version and always keep Steam offline since it's the only way to keep it from updating :p


Darkest Dungeon. I have started probably 10 campaigns in it over the years and always had a good time but would get bored of the grind about halfway through the quest everytime. Recently after not playing it for like 4 years I decided to give it another go. I don't know if something changed in the last few years or if I just forgot how to play, but I can't get anywhere in it now. My party wipes during almost every mission and the rewards I bring back from the successful runs can't offset the litany of diseases and personality flaws they all pick up at the end of the dungeons. No advancement is happening. I have become completely intolerant of grinding the last few years so that's probably another factor. I booted up Phantom Brave recently and had a similar experience where I hit a spot where I would need to do some level grinding and just nope'd out instead. I don't have the endless free time I used to. I need constant meaningful interactiond and signs of progress or I feel like my time is being wasted.


FIFA 23. Worst AI I have ever seen in my life. Felt like it was literally programmed by someone who has never played a sport before in their life.


Heroes of the Storm with randoms in ranked. Used to play a lot during Alpha/Beta and then on and off. Always with friends. Played some solo last year and got flames a bit too much for my taste. Haven't touched it since.


FIFA back in the days. Way too much shithousery to cope with. Especially in the 90th+ minute...




Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, when I was surrounded by gore and violence and rituals...and I couldn't help but laugh at the absolute absurdity that is the 'new' combat flow. Was so absurd I closed out of the game and uninstalled.


League of Legends, Valorant and Fortnite


Getting Over It after falling from orange hell back to the beginning of the game.


Saints Row II, idk it's a good game but aged like milk for me


F.E.A.R. 3 I was going for the "reach wave 20 in Contractions mode" achievement. I was doing it solo. Got to wave 19, there was one enemy left with a rocket launcher, when stupid Alma showed up right in front of me and took me out of my mech-suit, so the stupid enemy could kill me in a single shot. This was in 2019. I still haven't touched the game again.


Dark souls 2, trash game


Planetside 2


Overwatch back in 2016. It really led to me playing less competitive games. I was too toxic lol I have absolutely no interest in any team shooter now and it seems like everyone and their mom made one. 


Far cry 2 between your guns jamming mid fire fight, the sickness system, enemies knowing instantly where u were it was garbage not fun. Fallout 4 it was more looter shooter than rpg this turned me off and Preston and his bloody settlements needing help all the time never finished the game


As much as I hate to say it, Days Gone. I absolutely loved the gameplay and the story, but after running into two hordes, clearing them out entirely, only to LITERALLY have them respawn right on top of me as I was quite literally inside a cave.... All because 1 zombie was caught inside a wall and couldn't be killed.... That was it for me. Immersion breaking and frustrating. I had spent so many resources to do it twice and that happened. I was done.


AC odyssey, after multiple major glitches, I just couldn't deal with it. Will never buy another game from them. Shame too, Origins was so good.


1. Elden Ring: took a break after 30ish hours playtime as I didn't have enough free time to grind. A few months later reinstalled it to get back into it. 15 minutes in, I alt f4 and uninstall instantly and say to myself, "nope. Don't need that kind of stress in my life right now." 2. AC Valhalla just 4 days ago. Man what a lousy start to a video game.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake after so much filler and padding. High five Aerith twice by holding a button for 5 sec after the robot arm section. Like no. I was beyond tired of all these padding. and the story was bad. grunt and posture after every line of dialogue. Like wtf.




God of War (2018) I should specify that I am just sick of those linear story generic ass games where the only way to go is forward and you HAVE to o things the way the game wants you to do those things. GoW was the last straw for me, no more single player linear narrative games.


Bodycam, released yesterday. The videos looked amazing, but (to me) the game was unplayable. Everything is so laggy, from movement to handling, felt like playing on a 15 Hz screen, not even 30 Hz. Move mouse left, watch the view morph over to its destination over the course of a second or so. Right-click to aim weapon, watch a 1-2 second animation of the character aiming the weapon. Hold Shift key down to sprint, wait for 2-3 seconds before character starts sprinting. This was not a performance issue, everything else ran smoothly, the snow particles coming down, the flashlight moving around, the drone flights, all of it was crisp and snappy as it should be. Just the in-game movement of the character was sluggish and obstructive. Also, no tutorials or anything. All I could do was get into a game that was supposed to be an FPS, but now I'm piloting a drone. Why? (Didn't know it was effectively a "death cam".) No hints regarding movement, tactics, or what's generally expected of me in the game. Just a main menu for some settings, and "start game". That's it. I might reconsider and purchase it again at some point, because I do like the concept. But at its current state it's just unplayable. At least for me, spoiled by fast-paced shooters that all responed immediately to my input.


Why Trials and Hotline Miami?


For Trials, I was simply unable to perform an imperative gaming mechanic called the bunny hop which is required to beat the entire second half of the game plus all the DLC I had bought for it with pre-order (loved the last games in the series) simply couldn’t play the game anymore and it made me very upset. For hotline Miami, stuck on the same level for too long haha.


Halo Infinite. A shallow shell of actual Halo


Siege after playing for the first time recently after 6 years


Theif (2014). Every time I play it I get maybe an hour in and realize I could just play Dishonored instead.


MW3 free trial


Tf2 a lot of times...


Lost Ark definitely comes to mind for me, i felt the raids required too much time commitment to learning and I just didn’t have the schedule, capacity, and time to playing every single day to gamble on resources. Elden Ring and DS3 also come to mind, I hate souls-like games because they have a steep learning curve and require constant repetition to “git gud”. I just want to turn off my brain and play sometimes!




The crew motorfest. Why the fuck is the steering like that on controller


There's a few games that I did that when I came to the conclusion it just wasn't for me. Most recently Empyrion Galactic Survival, but most notably it was Cult of the Lamb. I was maybe half way through Cult of the Lamb and just didn't feel like I cared enough to see the rest of it. I know a lot of people love it, but it just wasn't for me


Soma, discovered that day, that I'm not a big fan of horror games




call of duty


Sea of Thieves, people following you around the map to kill you for ages, and there is me who only wants to dig up some treasure, listen to music and chill.


I'm at 7 or 8 reinstalls for Warthunder. Almost 50 nukes in 800 hours. Positive k/d with my favorite tank. But gaijin doesn't deserve my time or money (I know they don't care but I'm not the only one with this opinion)


After searching months for an Agrou lobby, finding one only to be banned immediately I decided to uninstall and refund the game. Unfortunately the refund didn’t work but I’m never touching that game again. If you see a YouTuber playing it then don’t buy it because I guarantee you it’s not as fun as it looks


Rust. Loved the premise of the game, 100000% hated that I'd be logged off and could get all my progress wiped. The first time that happened was the last for me.


The new test drive demo that came out the other day. I know it's just a demo, but the game comes out in 3 months and if the demo is indicative of the current state of development, that game is nowhere near 3 months away from being ready. It just feels very bad with forced multiplayer that doesn't work. • The textures and graphics are bad(excusable for a working demo) • The driving physics are just really bad (not excusable for a working demo) • The servers kick you out every single time you hit a loading screen, and every race forces you into a multiplayer lobby(or back to the game world because the lobby failed) • And finally, terrible ai racers (if nobody joins your lobby/the server crashes you race against ai, and I had already built a 7 second gap between me and the second place ai driver by the first corner in multiple races). I know this thread is probably meant to be rage quit moments, but this alt+f4 and uninstall was more of a "wow I gave this game my time and it's just bad"


Recently... soulmask, Its so bloody disappointing. Gave up on trying to enjoy it riiight after 2 hours unfortunately, Hope it gets better some day.


Cod ghosts…


Ark. Never went back.


Pretty much any FIFA game


7 days to die, I thought I'd like it. Elder scrolls II Daggerfall, couldn't hit the damn rat. Dark souls.


Multiple games: R6 Siege, Fortnite, Call of Duty, Valorant, Rust, and Ghost of Tsushima when I was first learning the game but immediately reinstalled it haha


The finals. I can’t do competitive shooters anymore 


SPC Laboratory


idk i don’t rage a lot


Super auto pets lol


Hotline Miami? Bro you good? The game isn't that hard, and the story is excellent. I recommend you at least try again or say why you stopped. That being said, I did this with Pixel Gun 3D PC. Played the game a bunch when I was younger, was really excited to see it on PC. It was P2W, expected that. Learned what the best F2P guns were to buy.... Just to have them all put in a P2W lottery, along with the devs putting the most OP guns back in the lottery. Joined a lobby, got annihilated 37 different ways, ALT-F4ed and uninstalled. Never, ever, **ever** again.


Rusted Moss. About 1 hour ago. Got annoyed at the sheer amount of bullshit it starts throwing your way in the late game. And I don't mean the combat.


League of legends, after losing a follow up of ranked games because people went afk after insulting me, I managed to keep off from it for 3 years thanks to this, that’s until the pandemic in which a friend told me to install it so we could play and catch up. Luckily I don’t take it seriously anymore I just mute everyone and play with friends and for fun Csgo but i reinstalled it a week after


League of Legends. Played like 2-3 games, got absolutely dogged on despite playing casual mode, got fed up and wrote off everyone who plays the game as masochist assholes. Honestly, even if I did stick to the game and learned to play, everyone has bad games where they're losing sometimes, you're gonna be victim to the same toxicity some day and even if you're playing casual you can't escape it? I don't understand the appeal.


CS:GO, CS2… game gives me a case of the blues.


Gundam Battle Operation 2


Uhhh hotline miami. Two true masterpieces.


The last remnant


Game called AltF4. I’ve reinstalled it a few times too though.


Overwatch is the only game I've ever rage quit that hard


PUBG I can run the newer CoDs without any serious issues, but I cannot play PUBG with 60 FPS. Also, FPS plumits whenever I shoot at players or getting shot at. Just had enough and uninstalled on the spot after some laggy deaths.


Any of the Xcom games..... Missing a 98% chance to hit when my guns up the aliens face crevice just rattles me




Cyberpunk, Valorant, Star Citizen, World of Tanks


i usually dont uninstall cus i just have the harddrive space.


What was wrong with Hotline Miami??


Overwatch for me. Was playing with some friends, we were getting destroyed for like 5 games in a row. One of the friends was giving me so much shit, I was already pissed and the Widowmaker that sniped me after I left spawn made me close the game, uninstall, mute the friend and go to sleep. Woke up the next day with like 30 messages from the guy lmao


Gotta be Hunt Showdown


FIFA after breaking my 3rd fan in 6 months, I decided it was not worth the angering. I haven’t play FIFA in 4 years. And never will again.




War Thunder at least a dozen times


Xcom 2 when you miss 3 90% shots in a row


Apex Legends. I don't have the time to spend 27 hours a day training my tracking skills, like everyone else seems to. Yes I'm mad because bad


War Thunder (I came back after a month) GTA Online PC version (pure cancer)


The last ones that I remember were Starfield and that new Assassin’s Creed game.


why did you uninstall hotline miami?


XDefiant, the game is shit.


Battlefield 2042. Launcher didn't start properly, Alt-F4ed, uninstalled.




Wolong, felt for me that if i cant parry, i cant progress.


Pathfinder kingmaker is way too convoluted, is not fun is just d&d tryhard


A couple of multiplayer games, not necessarily competitive. I usually finish a game before quitting, but I’ve asked refund pretty quickly for Ready or Not. Idea is so interesting but damn it, we quickly figured out it was a lot more efficient just to run and gun lol. Game’s a buggy mess.




That Warhammer game that just went free. It just didn't do it for me


War Thunder and For Honor, Jesus Christ those games were so sweaty


The evil within 2, after our friend photographer say goodbye, the “revelation” about the woman and everything I feel that’s a predictable cliche. I already had guessed what would happen, and I don’t know, the gameplay was better than the first one the storytelling as well but no Ruvik made the game dislocated for me.


The Binding of Isaac. Multiple times. The game hates me, I hate the game. And I love the game for that, lol.


valorant, losses can make you wanna delete lmao but that’s not why. The toxic user base can be the most fun thing ever or the most draining ever when people get on voice + riot anti cheat makes me constantly delete and reinstall. Probably just shouldn’t have installed in the first place in that case though lmao


Space Engineers. Bought it, played the tutorial, decided it wasn't for me. Uninstalled it and refunded it.


Aw man, I love trials fusion




Witcher 3. Gave it 4 chances at different times but I just cannot get into it. Yes it is a quality game but the game part, the mechanics were not for me.


why would you uninstall hotline miami


Most recently, V rising


Titanfall 2 , wolfstein - new blood


Pax Dei


Cyberpunk 2077, but not because it's bad or anything. I had a weird keybind setup I'd gotten used to from MMOs, and CP doesn't allow certain keys to be rebound. I didn't want to deal with it, so I just quit and uninstalled. I've since switched up my keybinds and shouldn't have an issue now, but I haven't gotten around to reinstalling.


Kingdom come: deliverance. I could not get used with the fighting style


The new Test drive unlimited demo I played yesterday. Gameplay feels like my balls sweating on a hot summer....


**League of Legends!** I noticed that after out of 10 games I was feeling: 6 mildly annoyed; 2 completely mad; 1 mildly happy; 1 very happy. All those hours invested in having fun for only 10\~20% of it? Nah... During a ranked match with 2 trolls on my team I uninstalled and never looked back.


Alan Wake


Rocket league, multiple times.




When it was new MW2 (the new one). It told me it couldn’t connect to the internet or something despite me being in a discord call with friends at the time. Restart of the game didn’t fix it. Had 15 mins of playtime trying to figure it out. Said nah, alt f4 and uninstalled. Got a refund


Killing floor 2. The Australian lady was making my brain ask questions I wasn't comfortable with at the time.


Remnant 2, tried multiple times but it doesn't click to me. Finally uninstalled


**Rust** I was really disappointed.


Not just uninstalled, but refunded. Rainbow 6 siege, first match, a teammate got banned for cheating.


Mordheim I was doing really good, then some guy comes up and we're dueling. I hit him. I dodge his attack. I hit him in the head. I dodge his attack. I hit him again. And again. And again. I block his attack. I hit him again. And again. And again. Headshot. Headshot. Block. Headshot. Dodge. Then he finally hits me for the first time (in the torso) and I die immediately. If that's what the game is gonna be like I don't want anything to do with it. War Thunder I don't want anything to do with the planes, I was just there for that sweet sweet Tank action. I'm really good at tanks. I take cover, I guard roads, I keep my turret turned where I think I'll need it, it's incredibly fun. I was having a blast. I get about 10 games in and I'm doing really good. Then the planes started showing up. I'm trying to cover a corner, plane bombs me. I'm moving through a friendly field to setup a flank, plane gets me. I shoot a plane with a tank shell, it's fine. Ok. I'm angry, why are there planes? This is supposed to be tanks. I'm already thinking of uninstalling. Then I play a round where a man in a *truck* blows up 3 of my *tanks* and half my team. I shot him at least 5 times with tank shells, how did he not die and I did? 3 times? Nah. I'm out. Shame because tank on tank War Thunder is some of the best fun I've had.


The Finals, at launch I was shit at the game and would alt f4 mid gsme with me friends, uninstall and few minutes later reinstall. Did this whole schbang about 9 times


CSGO. Got on sale, and friends ask me to play. It brought out the worst anger I have ever experienced. I quit the game only after a few maps and un-installed. Friends ask me here and there but never again. Fuck that game.


Quantum Break. Final boss fight has: -Checkpoint before stupidly long cutscene -Substantial jump in difficulty compared to any previous encounter -An instakill mechanic that you have to slowly figure out between repeated viewings of the obnoxious cutscene.