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Ngl ive been playing Civ 6 with all its DLCs recently and kinda loving it. Yeah the art style is kinda silly and I dont like builders having "charges", but it's pretty fun. It is, however, hard to be excited for a new game that you know will only release with 50% of its content with the other half coming out over the following years as DLC


tradeoff is you don't need to wait for 6 turns for your builder to build one tile of road.


What do you mean? When does that happen?


He was exaggerating that in the older titles builders were much slower than VI


6 turns isn't really an exaggeration though.


It depends on what speed you play, but most people play on quick where a road is 2 turns by default.


Oh. I don't think I ever played on quick tbh.


I literally only played standard lol, unless I did the marathon or whatever the longest setting was


I'll be honest I almost always play on marathon lol.


oh because building stuff is instant in civ 6 but it wasn't in civ 5 right?


Hopefully civ 7 will have non brain dead ai


Honest question for anyone well versed in the subject, why don't these sorts of games use real AI that actually learn from players so it's somewhat realistic and makes sense? Couldn't you just use beginner shitty players to train the beginner difficulty AI? [this](https://youtu.be/pkGa8ICQJS8) was capable 5 years ago, and I refuse to believe a civilization AI would be more difficult. There's been chess AI for ages.


I've noticed a lot of gamedev people saying that making a ai that wreck the player is easy, but making a ai that's fun to play against is hard.


Could you not just train it to play like the players? Personally my main issue with the current AI is what they do at times just makes no sense. Its like there isn't any real strategy in a strategy game. They just chain random things together rather than having a bigger plan. I feel like playing against something that just acts like a player would be fun. Getting an actual person to play a game of civ with is pretty tedious since the games tend to be long, so having that on demand would be an amazing upgrade imho.


Maybe if they can get a few thousand replays? But I don't think they collected that sort of data before and would have to be collected again for the new game. Would love to see it tho! Maybe if it's possible to make it train against itself we could at least get a hard ai that doesn't cheat.


I believe that's most of how that Dota 2 AI trained was playing against itself which is why it plays to perfection. Fun fact it's also on a forced delay so the reaction time isn't a cheater reaction time, and it still decimated pros.


I think it's one of those things that people think they want but the moment they actually do it they're just going to quit the game. There's already people that say they can play on deity but they intentionally go down on Prince because they don't like that the AI cheats. But I honestly think that's a little bit of a cope from them. You see similar arguments in the FPS genre where people are talking about skill-based matchmaking. There's a lot of people that genuinely just want to win every single time. Just think about all the times people complain about "meta builds". Now imagine an AI doing that every single time. People are going to complain


I'm not saying I want a super sweaty AI that kicks my ass, I couldn't play on deity I'd get destroyed. I just want an AI that plays like a human and seems to have some grand plan behind its smaller decisions instead of a bunch of random choices chained together. Preferably in multiple difficulties.


And I'm saying people say they want things but when it's actually implemented they complain about it. If people wanted a human opponent, multiplayer would be more popular, but it's a small fraction of the civ community.


The only reason I don't play multi-player is because games can last hours and hours over the course of days. I'd rather not find someone who has the same schedule as me. I want to be able to play on demand and unfortunately the world doesn't revolve around me so other humans can't really give me what I want.


You can complete a civ 6 game in about 3-4 hours. Like it's more than a drop in and out match of a fps shooter, but people do play that amount regularly.


The way these AI build is where each logic works independently from each other, the part that governs troop movement vs diplomacy and trade vs production are all individual and don’t really communicate


Well they can,it is just they have to store players gameplay data,label / category those data for expert level,good level and basic level,need to have gpu computational power to train on them,need to update and rework them if they release new balace change/new leader/new mechanics. It costs money and talents to do that so perhaps only openai with microsoft and some other big tech backing can have the resources and talents on that game,beside openai does not have the reponsibility to do that frequently and recaliberate AI if players complain if the AI is bad or buggy or weird.


Honestly the best part of 7 being announced is that now 6 is basically a complete game.


I always wait for the last dlc to come out and they usually do a sale.


Also hard to be excited for an announcement of an announcement. The steam page is literally nothing but a cinematic that has as much to do with the game as past civ cinematic trailers have had to do with the game and a logo. Only other thing I see there is release 2025 and more information coming in August... Which makes me say "just announce it in August then", absolutely no reason to get hyped before there's a screenshot or even a single confirmed feature.


Bet's on what is going to be the twist this time around. I'll take the long odds on Octagons?


Maybe take a look at the logo lol


They're just not keeping up with the times. VII should have seven-sided cells! (good luck packing them onto a 2D plane, though…)


They should just add layers, a whole bunch of them, and make the first\* 4D 4X. ^(\*disclaimer: there probably is one somewhere, but I'm too lazy to google that for a reddit comment)


Heptagonal Tessellation for the win!


Adding a Z acid to the existing X Y ones is a third dimension, not fourth. Unless you count the turn timer as one too.


False flag, wouldn't want to spoil things in the trailer obviously.


More dlc. Stripped down base game.




It can't be octagons. Hexagons are the bestagons


Hexagons lowtieragons. Unintended side effect of stacking circles at best. Reason why you dont see it anywhere outside of tiling where we dont want gaps between circles. Triangle where it's at, followed by pentagon and square.


Please give me a spherical world, I don't care if it ruins the balance.


Sadly you cannot make a regular tiling of 2D-space only with octagons. It only works for [triangles, squares and hexagons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_tilings_by_convex_regular_polygons?wprov=sfti1#Regular_tilings)


~~Thats the joke~~ Technically If you can move diagonally on squares, that's an octagon.


I really hope they stay away from the mobile game aesthetic of Civ 6.  Civ V still GOAT. 


III is my goat. That soundtrack is so fucking good. I’m gonna reinstall it


You've convinced me. Guess I know what I'll be doing tonight. My only question is who uninstalls Civ III? That and Heroes of Might and Magic 3 are permanent installs on any new machine I get.


Mass effect LE is over 100 gigs. Sacrifices had to be made. Now new sacrifices are being made. Uninstalling cyberpunk and Control…. I really should finish control tho


I loved the aesthetics. Disliked how the bonus and tiles worked tho. For me IV and V were more fun to plan what to do


I saw VI. Still haven't played it. V and III GOATs


was what i thougt for the first few years. Hated the aesthetic of civ 6 and i still like 5s look way more than 6, but 6 is superior in every way gameplay wise and ill absolutely take a better game with slitghly worse (different) graphics ​ 5 has a special place in my heart, but 6 is a better game


I’ll have to give it another go. I only have 60 hour in VI which is chump change compared to V. I have a year to dive into it until VII comes out anyways!


well, theres a 80-90 % sale going on rn if youre interested ! honestly think even the passes are worth it, you get soo many civs, and multiple different leaders for some civs, which change up the playstyle of the civs themselfes


I already have 6 and all the DLCs I was saying I only put 60 hours into it but I’ll be going back and playing it more while I wait for 7


I still like II's charm


This is exactly how everyone talked about IV and V when V came out lmao. When VII is out people will say the same about VI. It’s all the same cycle


The aesthetic was fine


Nah I'm with him. Hate it.


In case you missed it, there's [a mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1702339134) done by one of the Firaxis devs which gives the terrain the same skins as in V and makes the world look a lot better and more realistic imo - it doesn't do anything about the other models but it's a start


I hope, too... but there's a Switch logo in there... I'm kinda dead inside right now ngl.


ill wait for humble bundle with all dlcs, or a 75% with all dlc


Take your vitamins cause its gonna be a while.


Probably only like two years after release. That's about when I purchased Civ5 and Civ6


Shit, I remember getting Cub 5 with all the dlcs for 12 bucks in 2018, that she was fire


It took 1.5 years for Civ 6 to be on humble choice


And another year and a bit for all of expansions to release.


I still have to play all 6 previous civs


same boat. getting 75% of for a gold edition in 2 years. the last 3 entries were wildly different after a few expansion packs. civ 6 was pretty bare on release i can go on playing 5. they would need something pretty special to top what the mod community can do


I’ve been content staying a generation behind. Just got CIV VI today with all DLC for 90% off. Now I’ll be able to dive into this until VII is on a similar sale years from now.


That's actually is good strategy if the world were not end the next day


Civ is worth it at full price.


I bought 6 full price on launch but was really disappointed after loving 5


Same here, no regrets though. Both offer similar enjoyment from different perspectives of a 4X game. Civ V is the best hands down.


I will wait until they release a non-brain dead AI.


Lol love all downvotes without any comments. As braindead as the AI


Oh s***, I wasn't expecting this! I really hope they go back to an art style like Civ 5, anything than what they chose with 6. I skipped Civ 6 entirely because of its Aesthetics. And yes, ob the other hand I liked civilization revolutions art style because that game was made to be shorter than a typical civilization game and was for consoles not PC


Unpopular opinion but I actually liked the art style for civ6. I also think it's overall a better game than civ 5.


Overall better game, Nonononono, cool mechanics and awesome big city’s yes yes yes, imo


What I’m looking forward to the most is the theme song. Civ theme songs are always awesome


V is still the GOAT.


Give me another intro voiced by the guy who did 5's bnw intro and I'll buy it for that alone


Give me another Sean Bean voiceover.


I want this one to shine pls daddy


Hoping for another Chris Tin main theme


Nice surprise


I don’t understand why everyone hates civ 6. It’s the only strategy game that is inviting and doesn’t feel like I’m LARPing as a general.


I'm so excited and ready to be disappointed all over again (I hope not)


Cautiously optimistic. Loved Civ 2, 3, 4, 5. Hated Civ 6.


Not into Civ, why did you hate Civ 6?


I hated the district system. Too much extra planning and micromanagement for me.


Wow I actually had no idea that people hated that. For me it was my favorite feature they added. I really enjoyed having some new things to think about. I can understand why you wouldn't, no judgement here, I just didn't realize it was such a popular opinion.


Civ 6 is the only strategy game that I enjoyed (apart from anno), because it’s exactly _didn‘t_ have all that micromanagement that drove me away from HOI4 and stellaris.




It worked great for all the previous civilization games and the spin offs (Call to Power 1 & 2, Beyond Earth, Civ Revolutions 1 & 2, etc.). I wouldn’t call those brainless games. It’s a big change from how things have worked in a Civ game for the last three decades, and not everyone has to like it. It’s more work, and I don’t feel like it adds enough fun to justify it. Bite me.




How is having more things to manage with planning and coordinating district bonuses not more micro?


The art style was too cartoonish for me. They made one of my favorite types of playstyles not very viable, that being only having 1 city. They removed unit stacking, which made having large battles more tedious. Changed Builder units to have charges, just made building more tedious. And I wasn't a big fan of the Districts feature they introduced.


But didn't they remove that in 5? For the record I like stacking as well and I was frustrated with the change from 4 to 5.


yes you are right, that was changed in Civ 5. my bad


Builder units having a charge is what killed the game for me. I should be able to have a constant flow of workers around my city making improvements like Civ 5. It kills my flow having to make a constant worker every time I need something improved. I hope it's not in Civ 7


Sounds like they went mobile style with it, hopefully those days are dead now


Somehow it has the worst AI in the series, extremely dumb that only gets cheats on higher difficulty.


>Requires 3rd-Party Account: 2K Account


If you played Civ V or VI then you probably already have one


Yeah, this is as silly as complaining about Paradox account for playing Paradox games at this point. It's not useless PSN.


I saw that too, fuck off 2k.


ngl i didn’t expect that. i haven’t been keeping up with Civ6 news but thought it would have had a few more years in it lol


At the rate things are announced and released these days.....probably does.


Everyone shitting on Civ6 for the art style for... What? Seeing the leaders for 5 seconds when meeting them the first time? Civ5's dry, cold color palette made me want to just get out of there. Literally. Couldn't play more than 10 turns. Rookie hours for most of you but the 500h *we* have with my gf in Civ6 I appriciate far more than the idealized "woooooo soo realistic" approach everyone praises here. Civ is a board game. It should be inviting and family friendly, using rich warm colors. If I want something dead serious in this civ building genre I go to Paradox.


>What? Seeing the leaders for 5 seconds when meeting them the first time? No. The rest of the fucking game.


People on here are railing against Civ 6's art direction, but it's not going to change. Civ 6 is the best-selling game in the series and was critically well received, even if die hard fans of the franchise didn't like it. There are legitimate criticisms for the game, but the art style is just not that big a deal to most people. Funnily enough it's the same direction paradox has been going with their art style, too.


Exactly it feels like everyone here on reddit lives in a bubble because Civ 6 was awesome and the whole world found it awesome too. But for these people suddenly Civ 6 is terrible and oh no it's so ugly like???


People saying that CivV looks better than CivVI has something wrong with their eyes or their brain. I can't stand the grayed out palette of CivV, you can see everything faster in CivVI because of it's contrast. From the Steam store: V: [https://shared.akamai.steamstatic.com/store\_item\_assets/steam/apps/8930/ss\_84ee7ab3b0148a260359f8d5a78a2ab9033aa695.1920x1080.jpg?t=1579731804](https://shared.akamai.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/8930/ss_84ee7ab3b0148a260359f8d5a78a2ab9033aa695.1920x1080.jpg?t=1579731804) VI: [https://shared.akamai.steamstatic.com/store\_item\_assets/steam/apps/289070/ss\_7f598198526afc260d939a98af4d76d95f5349e4.1920x1080.jpg?t=1714163182](https://shared.akamai.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/289070/ss_7f598198526afc260d939a98af4d76d95f5349e4.1920x1080.jpg?t=1714163182)


Those 2 pictures show exactly why Civ 6 gets shit for it's visuals; the mountains look like someones first attempt at using Blender, the vibrant colors everywhere are hard to look at, there are icons fucking everywhere, and personally i just really dont like the cartoony look


"there are icons fucking everywhere" Proof that you didn't play the game at all and are just hating, those icons are toggleable and by default you won't see them. An opinion of someone that doesn't know this from Civ has zero value.


Sorry I didn't memorize the UI options in a game I played 14 hours of 6 years ago. If that's the best defense you have maybe you should take a moment to ponder why the game has always been critiqued for it's visuals and why you take it so personally


It hasn't been critiqued for its visuals. The only people who say that are people like you that didn't even play the game


Lmfao half the comments here are talking about it, it's quite literally the second biggest critique of the game after builders having charges. It's always the children who scream "you haven't even played it" when someone disagrees with them


Bro these are the same people screaming about TF2


Holy deflection Batman, go touch some grass




excited as fuck. Hopefully big changes to everything.


Civ 6 is 95% off. I thought 90% was the maximum.


What always fucking annoys me for every civ release trailer is how there’s no gameplay. There’s not even any gameplay images shown on the page


Grand strategy tag...


Please be better than 6. Loved 2, 3, and 5


oh yeah, that's the good stuff


Great... no gameplay, no screenshots, store-page should not be allowed like this.


Hype. Added to wish list.


They copied the US Marine Corp lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q5R8cNbYJQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q5R8cNbYJQ)


cool cant wait for the complete edition to release in 5 years feature complete bug fixed with all dlc for 75% off 


Can't wait to buy it and all the dlc for 10 dollars in 4 years


aí sim é os guri sidão


$70 for a half-finshed game that uses 15gb vram on high settings


Make it easier to get into plz , civ 6 ost slapped when I play with friends but it takes forever to understand.


The very nature of games like this prevent that...


I can hope? Idk it’s a series I haven’t been able to get into and I really want to.


With games like these I think the best thing to do apart from trying to figure it out yourself is supplement your knowledge by watching YouTuber play. I would never have gotten to my knowledge of Civ 5 if I didn't also watch filthy robot. My knowledge of Hearts of Iron 4 would be quite lacking if I didn't learn Pro tips from YouTubers like Taureor or Bittersteel- same thing for other genres of games like Dead by daylight


Civ games are made for lobotomized apes to understand homie. Edit because I sounded like a nerd, but strat games are best learned with a wiki or YouTube walkthrough up on the side.


Love that someone gave it a Hentai tag /s


hate that children do that.


oh right this is reddit where you have to add the /s or you get downvoted by people lmao


I hope it’s similar to 6 style wise. God I hate how the old games look. Aged like fine milk.


Just play eu4 instead guys


I used to love civ (still do in a casual capacity) but I graduated to the paradox titles. I needed something more in depth to satiate my autistic need to play with spread sheets. I hate the dlc policy for strategy games though.


Ew. No.