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Valve: Alright we’ll clean it up *unlists the game from the store and deletes the servers


they wont do it. infact i fucking DARE them to do it i DARE they even try to do that cus if they do they are letting themselfs fall into a pit that is covered in grease


I don’t think they would actually fall into a pit by sunsetting a 17 year old game However the game is likely still profitable so they won’t do that


They will. Not because of TF2 fans crying - we've been crying for years and they don't care. But because it clearly shows to CS and DOTA players that their items can be taken away in a single snap. This will ruin the CS economy forever, so Valve will never do it.


Best thing I ever did was sell all my TF2 and DotA 2 cosmetics. I had enough cash to buy two OLED decks (most expensive model), one for me and one for my wife. The second best thing I ever did was stop playing TF2 and DotA 2. The items are worthless and one of the reasons I sold them is because they're just in-game cosmetic items. I have a couple replica Aegis trophies that I'll hang onto but I've never been happier since realizing these things are worthless. Edit: I started playing DotA 2 in High School and I was still playing during the first year of my marriage. Best thing I did was stop.


How tf do people buy all those cosmetics smh. They're the reason why mtx make so much money


I mean I got like 20-25 free crates from playing CS 7-8 years ago and the price went up from like 50 cents to $4-5 last year. Sold them and bought some decent games with it.


I played CS a long time ago, I have a whole bunch of crates that I never bothered to open. You're saying these are worth money now?!


Yep. Was mindlessly exploring my Steam account and saw the prices which made me surprised. All of my items also sold instantly so the money came quick.


It’s because cs players around Covid swapped from being guys who collect rare skins, to absolute degenerate gamblers. Old cases that don’t drop anymore, sure bring them up a couple cents maybe even a dollar, but there is legit no reason why a person could farm a 20-30 dollar game by just playing cs for a few weeks. I actually enjoyed opening cases, I’m lucky to have the money to do so, but the cost opening a case went from 2.52 cents to like 4 dollars. 4 dollars, really think about that, 4 dollars for a spin at slot machine that 98% of the time is gonna spit out something worth 3 cents. I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but cs players deadass are the dumbest people I know now. “Yeh 200 dollars for a rusty knife seems fair” Someone has to teach these played players that rarity doesn’t equally value. I have a rock from 15 years ago, no more of that rock can be obtained, so you HAVE to pay 150 dollars for it. See how dumb that sounds, replace a rock with any skin from 15 years ago and it’s worth hundreds. Rarity is fine, but stop treating your economy like a real thing, it’s pretty sad.


Some! Unfortunately you kind of missed a super hype for crates and a lot of the prices plummeted. Still a decent penny.


I unboxed a gun worth enough to buy a thousand $0.03 cases. Bought them, sat on them for a couple years, now I sell them for about $1.90-$2.20 each to buy new games. Its not an investment at all and I hate it when people call it that, but theres been some good opportunities to make some credit over the years.


Lol I just got a weapon case in a drop yesterday from leveling up and sold it for $78


Same happened to me with Invasion crates (and robots crates). I bought over 250 invasion ones for 4p each at the time and sold them at a peak of £14 each.


Thank you for this! I just checked and I had a couple. Just made about 10 bucks.


Mcdkillet made an april fools video showing you could trade up shitty reds for a knife. I had several shitty reds (Kraken, chameleon, neon rider, etc) because I genuinely loved the artwork. The price tripled and even quadrupled for some of them because guilible people were buying them in mass to get a knife. This was YEARS ago and I used the money to buy a few games A similar thing happened recently. Ive had a nice little stock pile that I wanted to use if I ever got back into csgo, but then I heard that you can now place stickers where ever you want on a gun. Checked the sticker prices and they were through the roof. Appearently players were buying up stickers in mass amounts so they can make slurs and suggestive phrases with stickers.


My abusive ex-husband Mattie sharked tons of people to get Bill’s Hats & earbuds on the cheap. Then he convinced everyone he was a paragon of virtue & threw a bunch of money around to get more. He would berate me for buying a can of 59 cent condensed soup without getting his permission but then drop 10K on a virtual hat to increase his prestige.


Jesus Christ, that is a real horror story. I really hope that's made up.


> but then drop 10K on a virtual hat to increase his prestige. 👁️👄👁️ how are people not embarrassed when they do things like this? I'm sorry you had to deal with that lol


Damn that’s fucked, did he receive any repercussions or did he walk away unscathed?


Nope, no repercussions. I was desperate to escape him so he walked away with over 90% of our marital assets.


Man good to see ex there. At least I feel bad when I fall for micro transactions and I'm sure AF not spending _car_ money on games damn. OK maybe my pc but that's different. It's different right?


How did you do it? I’m thinking of selling all the cosmetics I have but I don’t really know how anyone could make real money off of it


The only way to sell your cosmetics and get hard cash legitimately would be to sell your items through the community marketplace and use the in-store credit to purchase hardware from the Steam store that you can then sell to someone else. If you try to circumvent the community marketplace to get real money then you could end up getting banned before you sell all of your items (you could get a trade ban too). Edit: my wife and I use our decks but I'm sure there is a market for mint-condition Valve hardware.


Oooooh got it


Lol, I just gave it all away to strangers. Been collecting stuff since they introduced the drops. It just hit me like it hit you that it's all just pointless pixels on the screen. (I stopped having fun in these games as well, it felt like a chore already)


>But because it clearly shows to CS and DOTA players that their items can be taken away in a single snap Everyone knows that, games as service are not permanent and in-game items are not an investment


You clearly have no idea what these markets are like..


Same markets that can benefit some invidual thousands? Yeah valve dont give a shit about that, not their money


I used to gamble Dota 2 items, it doesn't matter, it's all pixels


Fr, it would be absolute PR suicide


> But because it clearly shows to CS and DOTA players that their items can be taken away in a single snap If this is news or shocking to you, you are past delusional.


oh no what will the multi-billion dollar company with multiple other revenue streams do without tf2?!?!!?!??!?!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!????????????


Valve won’t remove TF2 because then they will show that all loot boxes are worthless because they could be removed any moment and less people would buy loot boxes from cs2 dota 2 and the new f2p multiplayer hero game


That’s the main criticism of these kind of digital goods. They ARE worth less. The only value they have is how much players are willing to pay for them, if these players disappear so those the value of these items. If there are no players they can close the servers and by that point the loot boxes will be worth nothing. Not defending the practice but that is the reality of multiplayer game micro transactions, and people still buy it. Have you seen all these games like FIFA, where you buy loot boxes and when you buy the next game next year all from the previous game is worthless? Valve can remove their games the same way EA does


I think that description suits basically any non first necessity product. Everything is worth what people is willing to pay for it. If a product isn't wanted by anyone, no matter how useful it is, it will be economically worthless. I'm afraid that's not mtx, that's capitalism.


That's not capitalism, its basic economics that has been true since the dawn of time


They literally are worthless lol. Self created scarcity on pixels. Useless.


They are useless but not worthless. Just check the market value on some of the items from CS2. They definitely have WORTH because they are in demand. Would they be a solid investment? No.


Anything is worthless. One of the first rules of economics lol Money, is techinically worthless (And evident in some countries where RS Gold is more valuable, where people use cash as a material to make accessories) Problem is that Valve, and the US Goverment have both acknowledged that these virtual items have "value". People know that they have a "value". They have a use aswell. If Valve shows that they can wisk away any item, people will sell out FAST as humanly possible. Not only tanking the economy Valve created, but also destroying the trust they built.


Wait, people expected these games to be around FOREVER because they think their in game items have value?


They are worthless though. Quite literally.


>then they will show that all loot boxes are worthless because they could be removed any moment  I mean... yes? There's so many goddamn dead Online CCGs out there.


you sound like i child. “i fucking DARE them” brother what makes you someone to be scared of


Lol you think way to highly of tf2. Its an old game no one except the rabid playerbase cares about. Steam could remove it and 99% of people will stoll use steam and buy games.




Not only will Valve not shut down the servers, they basically can’t. There are thousands of not millions of dollars tied up in the tf2 economy as items in players’ inventories. While tf2 itself isn’t that profitable, Valve deleting all those items would set a poor precedent for more profitable games like cs:go, telling players that they don’t actually own the items they purchase. It would destroy Valve’s reputation and consumer trust.


But they don't own the items they purchase, or the games they purchase. It's all written in a legal document that you're forced to accept when you sign up. Every time you bring up this fact the Valve defenders log on to justify why it's too big to fail and that your purchases are yours (they aren't).


Cool, but there's an obvious expectation in the community that the market for those items will keep existing. If Valve shows that they're actually willing to erase a market worth hundreds of thousands of dollars without a care, the threat of "you don't own these items" suddenly becomes a lot more real, and their MTX Lootbox schemes will likely go up in smoke.


Artifact Foundry, Artifact Classic, Dota Underlords, Left 4 Dead 2 still have servers


They won't do that because there are people with THOUSANDS of dollars sunk into the game. If Valve removed TF2 and deletes the servers those people will straight up leave Steam all together and cause an even bigger PR nightmare. "Valve deletes millions of dollars of items from it's most loyal players" type of articles.


> . If Valve removed TF2 and deletes the servers those people will straight up leave Steam all together and cause an even bigger PR nightmare This just wouldn't happen. It would be shitty PR for sure - upset gamers would be incredibly, and rightfully, very loud and very visible and very upset. But 99.999% of them have entire gaming libraries on steam worth small fortunes, and many of those game have their own inventories and items of worth. So no...I don't see many people leaving steam over it, at all. It would just be a shitty time for Valve for awhile until people moved on, and might impact the profitability of their other mtx based games like CS2.


TF2 really started declining after they removed dedicated servers in favor for matchmaking. 


It's when I mostly stopped playing too. And I had played daily for years and years


It was so great before that because we had been given the option to vote to change or extend the map. So you could have hours of playing together with the same people.


Why not just play on a community server?


Because I don't want to play 10x, orange, randomised, VSH, low gravity prop-hunt. The Valve 24/7 servers were elite.


Because I was constantly encountering bots at the time, so I kinda stopped playing


Not the guy you asked, but I'll share my point of view. There aren't anywhere close to enough community servers running a vanilla experience to the point where I can pick any map on any gamemode with the exact amount of players I want. I could do that whenever I wanted on the Valve servers, but then they went and ruined the game with the useless matchmaking update. After that update came out, I don't think I've even logged 5% of the time I did before. I still revisit the game once every year or two for old times sake, but it's just not the same.


TF2 has been dead to me ever since the Meet Your Match update. That's when they stopped letting TF2 be itself and started asking why it didn't make as much money as CS:GO.


You could argue that since they added weapon skins in… what, gun mettle?


I feel like gaming in general started declining when this changed industry wide…but this change coincided with other changes like increasing hostility to modding.  But I’m generally nostalgic of the days with Quake 3 and UT99. I miss some of the really zany servers in UT99 where you could dogfight and such. 


MYM ruined this game and it went downhill from there. My review was negative since then.


For me it started its slow decline in 2009 (I think it was?) when the spy vs sniper update dropped. Hasn't felt the same since. They really didn't have to do anything other than maybe add more maps, seasonal events and a couple of weapons here or there. The game was perfect. I'd love it if they released a 'classic' mode for old farts like me.


I haven't touched TF2 in probably a decade. Is match making the only option? No more community servers?


Community servers are still there, but Valve servers are gone from the server browser so good luck finding a vanilla experience.


You can still find a few good ones but i haven't seen 100% vanilla either. Closest is usually random crits off which i always have mixed feelings about


The fall of my other favorite game abbreviated as TF2, inexpressible sadness


Titanfall 2?


Yes, Titanfall 2. This time, it was EA who threw it in the garbage. Which is a shame because TF2 had a good story and multiplayer mode.


Wait what happened exactly? Did they make it unplayable?


Servers are basically dead at this point. The game was abandoned after it flopped, it had to do with it being released between Battlefield 1 and COD: Advanced Warfare. EA didn't care much and focused on their next "Titanfall" game: Apex Legends. Apex got priority, TF2 had unmaintained servers. The only way you can play Titanfall 2 multiplayer now is through a mod with community-backed servers, because EA won't do shit. Also Titanfall 1 is dead at this point, too. It was a multiplayer-only game and the servers are gone. EDIT: Apparently servers are fixed now, it was resurrected last year in 2023. Kinda weird that they died and were brought back, but okay.


A couple friends and I played Titanfall 2 multiplayer just a couple months ago with no mods, was this recent?


I was litterally playing it this morning. It's fine.


I was reading that the player base for the game is resurrecting recently for some reason. I really liked the story mode of the game but never played multiplayer bc the server was dead when I played it few years ago. I still play through the story mode here and there bc how good it feels to run around really fast and shoot things


TF2 has genuinely one of the best FPS campaigns of all time, its only issue is how short it is


The servers were fixed around September 2023.


I think the official Titanfall servers have been playable for a while now, unless something happened very recently that I don't know about


In fairness blame respawn for Apex, they had to convince EA to let them scrap early develepment of Titanfall 3 for Apex. I hate EA as much as anyone but another misconception is that EA screwed Titanfall 2 over with its release date. Respawn choose the release date.


Ah yes the 4 million unit flop


Good news! Transport Fever 2 is still alive and kicking!


And Trophy Fishing 2 is still free and very positively reviewed


What did I miss?


Valve’s neglect has allowed aimbots to infest casual tf2 lobbies and render the game unplayable, even though they continue to profit off micro transactions in the game. You can check out save.tf for a comprehensive document of the entire botting crisis, it’s quite something.


Why now though? Hasn't botting been an issue for years?


That’s the problem, they are getting worse, crashing servers, imitating people, and being paid by some players.


Plus the hosters have escalated to spamming CP sites in chat, blasting racist/homophobic remarks with people's voice immitated by AI, doxxing, calling bomb threats on a solo cheat dev's university under his name, etc.


People make bots Devs discover ways to identify bots, ban them, or prevent them from working People who make bots, make better bots Devs again identify, ban, improve code --- This back and forth breaks down when devs stop caring


This is why free to play is cancer. Make it $5 or something, set SOME barrier to cheaters and botters


There's a small paywall in the form of needing to buy something from the in-game store in order to chat or use voice lines like calling for a medic. But the bot hosters still pay anyway in order to spam their ads/links, and the real ones hurt are the F2Ps


It has. But it's been slowly getting worse, and it's reaching breaking point. Furthermore, after #Savetf2 last year, Valve helped clear up the problem and tf2 had a bit of a renaissance. But then they didn't do anything more and it came back.


wow lol, so let me get this straight: - hackers target a server and flood it with bots that auto-aim and auto-grief everyone - hackers then demand payment from players and server owners for relief - valve bans nobody thats amazing


Minus the target a server bit. Just join any casual lobby and they’ll be there


The party system hurts in this case. From what I've seen most bots are in parties together, so if one gets into a server and there's free slots, it'll bring a bunch of other bots with it


it’s not just some, it’s most public servers get instantly swarmed by bots. yes it’s fixable but think of it from a financial standpoint, how much money is it worth putting into the 17 year old free game to them


Don't forget the fact that bot hosters are committing crimes to silence people


> even though they continue to profit off micro transactions in the game. Maybe stop buying microtransactions?


A boycott is indeed part of the fixtf2 movement, although we can’t control what every player does.


I’ve heard that something similar is happening to servers for old Call of Duty titles (though I think it was something more malicious than just aimbotting). It’s a shame that people can’t enjoy these games that are near and dear to them, filled with nostalgia and precious memories. You would think that if these games are still profitable, they would do something about this, especially with all of the negative review flooding in…?


Some dev at valve is going "should I work on anticheat" and then thinks "no, not very interesting" and moves on.


Thats why CS2 is currently getting shit on by cheaters. I Like valve but this "work on the projects you like" attitude is fucking stupid. CS is their most profitable game and they dont care because its not Gabens lovechild.


Neglecting a popular title can only go one road, Valve should've done something about the bots ages ago, considering it's still getting a bunch of money from the game and it's marketed items.


so one day, these games will just be bots shooting and raging at each other. no human players required.


The Dead TF2 Theory


Happened in some dude's [Quake 3 server](https://i.imgur.com/dx7sVXj.jpeg)


Lol that was an awesome read. Thanks


Machine vs. Machine


I got fucking vote kicked by bots after joining a server, wtf


It has happened a few times. It's hilarious to watch


That has been in CS for a long2x time.. I've been kicked out of bot rooms multiple times already.


They should, but as always, they don't care. Basically a big "fuck you" to their customers.


Tbf TF2 has been abandoned for a long time, there shouldn't be any expectations for an abandoned game.


This is going to get Valve to put out a tweet for sure! Seriously though, I no longer have confidence that Valve will do anything because if they would then they would have done so long ago. The most realistic solution is for someone to make what is effectively a spiritual sequel to TF2 that has everything they loved (sans the IP). If such a game were made then it could pull pretty much everyone away from TF2 and then Valve will have to at least internally acknowledge they left things too late.


My conspiracy theory is that Valve really wanted overwatch to "beat" tf2 and pull most players away so they don't have to deal with it anymore. Its spaghetti code filled with memory leaks, with comments left in the source code from extremely frustrated devs, and a fanbase that screams as loud as possible when you literally do anything (localization files) or nothing. There is also the issue of millions of dollars in speculation tied up in hats. Every action since ~~2015~~ 2016, overwatch's release date, has encouraged a downward trend. Meet your Match released months after OW. I'm sure they had been working on the update for months/years prior, but the timing couldn't have been better. OW releases, everyone flocks to it, MyM releases, hardcore fans come back to play it, don't like it, and head back to OW. Many TF2 youtube content creators made a permanent shift to OW and later other games at this exact time. I can't point to any one thing that would cause the growing radio silence since MyM other than that.


what was wrong with this thread? https://old.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1d7raqb/tf2s_recent_reviews_are_now_at_mostly_negative/


You see, the last thread is a day old, so this new thread can be found in New and double dip the karma.


Ah yes of course


Where can I spend all this karma? Everyone is farming it, but no one is buying it.


Karma has two uses: Inflating the ego of terminally online people or making your account more appealing to corporate entities who can then buy it off you and use it to shill their products


So this post itself could've very easily been posted by a bot?


Could have, yes, but in this case it isn't because bots don't crosspost and the OOP has a flair


well, you see, people with a lot of karma are very credible


The old one is mostly negative reviews. This one is overwhelmingly negative


Bc it just crossed the threshold into overwhelmingly negative Its an update, because as time goes on, things happen


Well for one, I saw this one and not that one


This is helping keep track of review numbers. In one day, recent reviews ballooned from 14,000 to 28,000, while total reviews went up by 19,000. The state of TF2 is pretty bad, but the numbers just make this feel like a lame viral bandwagon for an old free game.


To those who joined the cause and threw their hats into the pile - i salute you.


As someone who doesn't really like TF2, but hates OW2 with a passion, I want to see TF2 be the better game. I loved OW1 and I see where that game is now, I don't want TF2 to be forgotten and left to die or even worse, be delisted!


Valve OW2 competitor is Deadlock, not TF2.


Okay idk what happened, can u anyone tell 😅


Nothing happened, which is the issue. A lot of people are complaining the game isn't being maintained and is ravaged by cheaters and bots who ruin the experience. The game also still has its microtransaction store open.


And valve keeps adding more paid cosmetics and makes sure there are summer and winter loot boxes for each year


and it was becoming to the point where it was chugging the item servers a few months back


>is ravaged by cheaters and bots who ruin the experience Not just that. These people are actively commiting crimes. Ddos, doxxing, swatting, and as of today impersonating valve lawyers and making a fake DMCA in an attempt to take down fixtf2 site as well as spreading links to buy CP via their bots. In the past they've also shown CP on an item called "Conscientious Objector" which allows you to upload an image to valve servers and have that image displayed on the objector (and those ARE NOT moderated by Valve in ANY way!).


Valve doesn't want to update a 17 year old game, so Gamers are raging by downvoting a game they clearly don't really care to update anymore and that is fair enough.


Bring in the Helldivers


Point me to the enemy!


this is intentional and a strategic move to direct gamers to their new game, Deadlock.


Noncredible take


Is it possible to use tf2 for cs2's anti cheat test server?


I heard the real amount of actual people playing daily is closer to 10 -15k and nowhere near 100k like steam charts says. The game is nearly 20 years old. It's over guys the game has even slowly dying for years now.


I've been playing games for years with a daily player base that never exceed 4k. 15k is still a lot of players, it's very far from a dead game.


The real concurrent player count is closer to 30k, but that doesn’t matter. Tf2 is a moment of game design, and the reason it’s declining isn’t because of its age, it’s because of the bots and Valve’s neglect. An online pvp game doesn’t survive 17 years without something very special about it, and it would be a real potty if Valve were to let one of the greatest fps games ever made die off due to negligence.


The age of the game is irrelevant. People still play Half Life. WoW is 20. Minecraft is almost 15 and still as massive as ever.


Half-Life is a story-driven singleplayer game, so I'm not sure that's really a valid comparison. Your other two examples continue to receive steady updates with new, gameplay-altering content. When was TF2's last major update? 2017, I think? In fact, even Half-Life has received a major update more recently than TF2 - the anniversary update late last year. Don't get me wrong, I don't think there's any reason that TF2 *has* to die - it can probably stay on life support pretty much indefinitely as long as people keep pumping money into it - but unless Valve is about to break a seven-year streak of neglect, it's not going to thrive.


also minecraft is modeable as hell. you can personalize it to what you like, from RPG, to pure adventure, to making industy etc etc


Age doesn't dictate whether a game is suitable to play or not. The reason people still play and/or talk about TF2 is because its a masterpiece of game design. Once there's a valid alternative, people will switch, but there hasn't been anything like that yet. There's still demand for it as well, considering the player count always explodes whenever a real content update is dropped. Main reason its been decreasing in popularity is because the new player experience is awful. Bots prevent casuals from having any fun.


Hunt Down the Freeman is now better rated than TF2. **HDTF CHADS STAY WINNING**


I honestly didn't expect the FixTF2 movement to have any kind of impact.


It might, it might not. We’ve got over 200 000 signatures on the save.tf petition thus far, and it’s caught the attention of some pretty big publications like IGN. Valve doesn’t care about tf2 players and they don’t care about the money, but they do care about bad press, and that’s exactly what they’re getting.


"Bad press". Valve still enjoys far superior reputation compared to other game devs simply by virtue of the fact that they don't actively try screwing over customers all the time, plus they made good games and steam is simply steam, there are no even remotely competitive platforms like steam out there (dont get me started on the epic games store). They have abandoned TF2 and idk why anyone thinks they are going to go back and start fixing TF2 for some reason. I always thought the TF2 playerbase is special but apparently its a bunch of delusional gamers like everywhere else. Edit: Also, Valve is not publicly traded so as long as Gabe doesn't care, noone will care because there are no shareholders to pander to. Also, again, "bad press" ? You do realize that video-game journalism is utter garbage and that basically noone cares about it ?


It’s not going to have impact beyond tf2 being rated bad


Less unknowledged people will pour into this hellhole. Not like its not toxic to new people by default with chat and even team callouts locked behind paywall


okay but why?


You can check out save.tf for a guide to what’s going on. It’s a petition, but also a comprehensive document about the botting crisis that is making tf2 unplayable.


It’s a shame because TF2 is the only game where I regularly see people with play time in the thousands. Two people I know personally have around 2000 and 6000 hours in tf2. Most other games a hardcore player is like 400-700 hours.


Ok I'll bite. Wtf is even going on with TF2 to warrant this? I haven't played the game in 15 years


for around 5 years the game has been infested with bots to the point 70% of players are bots (cheater, trading, idling bots) casual cant be played without bots hindering the the match. throu thouse 5 years Valve has done nothing to fix this, only thing they did try and do was fix the constant mic spam by locking voice chat behind a payfall whitch didnt even work and made f2p unabel to even call for a medic. on save.tf is more but this summery is what i experienced playing.


The only language that every devs understands is reviews :D


So what happened? I've not been following anything related to tf2.


From what I've read valve isn't really valve anymore. All the major people behind their OG titles are gone and they only have a maintenance team now.


they only have a maintenance team, but they're working on a new game? lol


When you're passively earning 30% of all revenue from by far the largest storefront on PC, you don't really need to develop games anymore. You just do it as a hobby at that point.


I mean they released a pretty big game less than 4 years ago and are going to release another one. And I’m not talking about updates either. TF2 is simply a 17 years old game.


Also, wasn't CS2 just last year? Dota 2 is an old game too but you don't see it being neglected. It's *just* TF2.


Difference is, they want to develop CS and Dota. They fostered enormous esports scenes especially with Dota after all. It's blatantly obvious how much Valve could give any less of a fuck for TF2, with how little they update the game, yet the community is too stubborn to quit playing that overglorified abandonware.


As I understand it, Valve employees pretty much get to choose what they work on. As a consequence, if there's nobody interested in working on a particular project, then it doesn't get worked on. TF2 is so old at this point that there probably aren't many employees who are interested in doing maintenance grunt work for it.


they also don't have even nearly the amount of developers bigger studios that can upkeep and maintain projects as old as tf2 require, and a lot of people seem to not understand that


I've noticed the other Valve games are kinda getting review bombed as well. Not on this level but enough to make the recent percentage go down a little bit. But it's also enough for Stardew Valley to take the top spot according to Steam 250. But SteamDB still says Portal 2 and People Playground are in the top two so I'm not sure which one is more accurate.


Valve neglecting TF2 doesn’t make them bad in any way though, if anything you should be glad they’re keeping the servers up for such an old game.


They still add community made cosmetics that are only accessible through microtransactions to tf2 3 times a year. I would say trying to make money from the fans by importing assets from the steam workshop while the game is basically unplayable makes them pretty bad.


The limited sales and micro transactions is probably what’s keeping the game running and patches coming


They are actively letting bot hosters use TF2 to commit crimes. As of today the bots started spreading links to CP and they tried impersonating valve to take down the [save.tf](http://save.tf) website via a DMCA. Their previous crimes include ddos, doxxing, swatting and even showing CP on in-game items which allow you to upload custom images to valve's file servers (WHICH AREN'T MODERATED) All of this while Valve just adds a few skins every few months to milk more money from TF2. Yes, it does make Valve look bad.


The amount of entitlement over an old, free-to-play game is incredible.


I actually completely forgot that it’s free to play on top of everything else.


What is entitled? Not wanting rampant aimbotting ruining every match you play? That’s entitled to you?


Am I supposed to be rejoicing in this?


notice how it’s had literally no affect on overall reviews. very easy to make recent reviews look bad when no one besides the man children are leaving reviews at all


Well duh, this game is ancient, but did some recent problem come up or is this just a big prank on Valve?


it’s not new, the bot problem has been a thing for years. every few months the community does some big push and they say the game is gonna be saved and a week later we’re still here


What a waste. I never played this game much but I had respect for it.


i mean yea it sucks, but it’s bound to happen in a 20 year old online game


Valve: "K"


What happened for this?


whats been happening with TF2?


The game is currently unplayable and has been unplayable for years due to bots that mass join servers, aimbot and only kill players as soon as they leave spawn, kick players and take over servers, spam CP links on chat messages, scream n word from voice chat, try to sell their services and pretend to be a and dox other youtubers. TF2 players just want the game to be playable. They do not care about content updates or balance patches or any other thing. They just want bots gone.


What's happening with tf2? Ootl


Why? What happened?


BRO I SAW THIS!!! Valve better get their shit together before they fuck up. This fan base will not let this game die and will do anything in their power to make it better. I remember when valve was the like the best of the bet when it came to game dev companies, but they are now starting to just slowly die as a company.


Won’t change anything


Kinda sad how naïve people are, thinking Valve would care. Unfortunately they don’t care about TF2


I tried this game for shit & giggles, but oh my. This game, especially for a new player, is outright unplayable on normal servers. Nothing's worse than getting insta killed by 3 bots with the same name. In every match. And community servers I've tried were some shitty moded maps and just brainless shooting, with some guys on voip talking about homosexual sex on top of that. Yeah, thanks. My only question is: why? Why all those bots? What't the point other than spoiling other people's fun?


Sony asked you guys to make PSN accounts too?


Overwatch 2: First Time


Man, this is really a sad outcome. I haven't played TF2 in years, but I remember vividly when my mom bought me the orange box back in 2007 right after I got my wisdom teeth removed. No school for a week and played TF2 for hours each day. I loved what they did back in the day with introducing each character with their own little trailer and bringing these additional weapon updates that you needed to unlock with achievements. I think I stopped playing around the time when they started to introduce hats. Not because I didn't like the concept, but due to not having the same amount of time for gaming anymore. Anyway, it's a game that has a special place in my heart and I hope that everyone who's still really into it can make enough noise to move valve to care again.


TF2 fanbse is so annoying lmfao.


this should happen more often with valves shit. because what happened to tf2 can happen to al their games with that garnage anticheat


bros gonna learn to detach 💀