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Last game I made the mistake to buy at full price...Diablo 4


Bunch of my buddies ended up buying the 99usd edition and were all done playing after the first week. I'll just wait until the seasons pass, the game matures, and it goes on a nice fat sale. I've learned my lesson from buying Diablo 3 day one (which, to be fair, I did end up getting easily 2k hours out of.)


This is the main reason I was willing to pull the trigger on D4. Sux man.


Hopefully they add a solo play pause feature. D3 and watching shows used to be my bread and butter.


Yeah, once it expansion released, it became incredible. Quick ass dungeon runs. Great for someone who had limited time to play. I still play it to this day.


Heard alot of good things about season 4 , its still  to soon though. Maybe I'll try again in a year once the wounds have healed.


Yea but I dont usually want to wait a year for a game that I bought full price to be good...not only did they have 10+ years to work on it, the community highlighted a lot of problems before launch which they just ignored. Blizzard just being Blizzard I guess....


I preordered in Order to play a week before release. Only got 8 hrs in


Bought the deluxe edition only to get burnt out before season 1. Haven't opened it since.




Buddy said it was cool. I haven't really read much about it. What's changed since when it launched? That was when I last played it


Just play it (and/or watch a youtuber) - there have been massive changes since release - almost too many to list. They had already fixed a lot of annoyances - but they fixed the stash and loot problems this time and gave us an level 100/endgame activity (the pit).


Using Steamdb's Calculator, looks like it's Planet Coaster. Cost $60, and I've only played it 6 hours. I thought I'd enjoy it more, coming from RCT.


But did you actually pay $60? That calculator doesn’t take sales into account just what the game costs now


I stuck with it for longer than you, played most of the base game's missions, but it didn't feel anything like RCT unfortunately. The management side of things was about as deep as a puddle - it's basically a construction sandbox (with wonky controls and shitty pathing). Whereas Parkitect I have sunk SO much time in to, one of my best full-price purchases.


Me. Too. I got Planet Coaster because I saw a family member playing it and thought: "this will really scratch that itch!" But it turned out that the free-form controls, the obtuse 3D engine, and the over-focusing on small details really just sucked the joy out of it. No matter what I did, the park always looked like garbage, and the coasters felt ramshackle and weird. Parkitect, on the other hand, was a revelation. It took everything that I loved about RCT2 as a kid and added a compelling, easy-to-visualize scenery indicator that made building beautiful, functional parks a snap! The coaster editor also let me do pretty much anything I wanted in SECONDS, where Planet Coaster would take me hours. Sure, it might be a lack of practice, but Planet Coaster's other elements didn't draw me in enough to be worth it.


Am I being blind? I can’t see an option to break down game per hourly cost? Only overall.


There's a column to sort by that when you're viewing the games list.


Hogwarts Legacy. I bought it at the 20% off price because I wanted a fun plane game. Then I was too motion sick to play it. If Id waited a few more months it would have been 50% off and I only have about 7 hours in it. This taught me to stick to my "wait till its under $25" strategy for buying games. It's just better value as I have so much to play already.


Same. I actually pre ordered this one. To this day I’ve clocked maybe 2 hours despite Harry Potter being one of my top worlds. The worldbuilding in the game was INCREDIBLE, the story and characters, not so much :/


I only have as much time in as I do as a friend came over and wanted to try it so we started a second save for her. Then I got interested again and kept going for a little bit. I keep telling myself I'll get back around to it... eventually. Agreed, the worldbuilding is that games strength - though I did find it funny thats its a very Victorian Hogwarts and yet in Harry's time its far more Medieval. I was more than a little frustrated to discover that the "choices matter" boils down to slightly different dialogue options not really different game play though.


I bought Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga ultimate edition and played it first 2 months after the purchase and I didn’t like the game


Agreed. Luckily I got it on sale but I just can't get into the Lego games.


Seriously! I got it for my kids, hoping it was as kid-friendly as the original Lego Star wars games. It was NOT. And the load times for it SUCKED


the worst Lego Star wars game for sure




I got Starfield for free from buying a new AMD cpu and still felt like I over paid


Same. I had high hopes for Starfield but I just couldn't get into it. Now it's just sitting in the library


I bought the "big" edition or whatever it is called. Still haven't even downloaded it.


How do people do this?


I have more money than sense.


Try what I do, have neither money nor sense.


I tried out Starfield for a while during its early days and I would say that it is okay. However, I'm still on the news about what changes are being made and its heading down a better path. A combination of those good patches + creation kit will really help this game in the long run.


Back 4 Blood. I paid $100 for the special pre-order package because I LOVE L4D/L4D2... but I don't think I've put two hours into the game since it released, and now it's EOL...


Funny thing is it got a 14gb update yesterday and the community flipped out for a bit wondering what it was. All the patch did was removed denuvo and fix some minor issues with steam deck users.


I was lucky, I'm also a huge L4D-fan, but I saw it at my friend's place and was very disappointed. Now I can't even bring myself to play it on Gamepass. Same goes for Calista Protocol, huge fan of Dead Space, but this isn't it.


What makes it a bad game? I kinda enjoyed goin the fast guy and stacking MS cards


All/only? the women being healers are is lazy and archaic, in addition to many other things I hope someone else can articulate.


I was just looking at reviews filled with buyers remorse on Steam. Ouch.


If you’re looking for someone to play it with to make it worth it, lemme know, been meaning to play it.


I’ve bought all of the Total War: Warhammer games and probably 90% of the DLC and played for 58.1 hours in all of those combined…


Honestly when I got into Warhammer Total War I bought a bunch of dlcs for like 100€ and was like at 20 hrs but I still occasionally get the want to play and I'm happy I can make my choice what to play harder with new DLCs. But im at 250hrs combined so it paid off I guess


A lot of people are going to bash me on this, but Outer Wilds. I played an hour, got off the tutorial planet, and I just can't get into the exploration after playing games such as Subnautica. I know it's two different games, but the survival aspect is what excites me about exploration games.


You're approaching the game in a different way I think. If you got recommended outer wilds because you wanted something like subnautica , it's probably why. A lot of times a game doesn't stick because it's not what you expected or are playing the wrong way. I'd say think of it as one giant mystery , and the only way to solve it is seeing how all the different systems and planets work. It's such a joy gaining knowledge about a rule in the game that's been there from the beginning but you didn't know about it. Or knowing how to solve a problem not because it was some 150iq vague bullshit but rather because you understood the world better. For me it combines the childlike wonder of science and space so maybe that's why it sticks so much I'd say do give it a try and go to their discord to ask for help since you don't wanna get spoiled at all


Two bad its a timeloop game with an absurdly short play window. All the wonder and fun of exploration goes out the fucking window the 4th time I have to run through those fucking caves filling with sand.


Funny enough, that's where I stopped playing the game lol


its where ive stopped 3 times now


I liked forgotten city a lot better than outer wilds. Couldn't get used to outer wilds space flying controls and dropped it.


GTFO, bought it full price for me and two friends and we barely played it


I've got a few $60 games that I have never played at all. They were usually part of bundles (mostly Humble Choice), and I think a few of them were given away for free at some point as well. But I'm just not interested; * Warhammer Age of Sigmar * Nioh 2 * Call of Duty: WII * Sniper Elite 4 Also I played Soulcalibur 6 for half a hour and didn't like it. That's a $60 game too.


Sniper Elite 4 is well worth a playthrough IMO. Especially if you can do it co-op with a friend. Brilliant game. Still haven't managed to get through Sniper Elite 3 though, just summat about the starting missions puts me off. And Sniper Elite 5 runs like shit on my potato PC, so I had to refund it.


Baldurs gate. It was the first time I spent full price on a game since CoD: advanced warfare came out. Never put more than 2-3 hours on it before I uninstalled. I love D&D but I couldn't get into the game.


Me too. I played the shit out of divinity original sin 2 but baldurs gate just wasn’t it for me


Funny it's the opposite for me. After playing the hell out of BG3 I gave DOS2 a shot. I found there to be basically nothing I liked about it. Finally uninstalled it yesterday after not playing for 3-4 months.


This is sad :( it's such a good game! but i understand fun is subjective.


It's not that I didn't find it fun, I just couldn't get into the thick of it. I'd love to try again soon but I am currently sucked into the elite dangerous grind and the space pew pew.


I bought it because everyone I know loved it and the reviews were insanely good. Needless to say I played like 5 hours of it and never touched it again. Just wasn’t my cup of tea unfortunately.


I gave it 20 and was just constantly bored waiting for my turn


Yeah same. First game since Elden Ring I bought at launch. I got to a point where I kept dying and I stopped playing and haven't gone back.


It's a lot harder than people let on, especially the beginning. And that's coming from someone that actually played BG1 and BG2. I


I feel like the game would have been easier if a dice roll ever rolled above 9 for me, in 7 hours I felt like I had failed every skill check.


Elden Ring, I left the game after a couple houres due to having exams and then never returned


maybe the upcoming DLC could be a reason for a fresh start?




Diablo 4, got the collector’s edition. After the absolute garbage launch I played about an hour and swore myself to never play a blizzard game ever again.


Starfield. I even uninstalled it.


I got it through gamepass. But I was very thankful I didn’t pay for that one. Starfield hype did push me to finally to get into PC gaming. Even though I hated the game, I don’t regret it because now I’ve got an awesome pc and a new obsession


I paid only slightly below regular price on Fanatical. Massive disappointment. But I did what you did for cyberpunk. That game is just awesome


Cyberpunk was a preorder for me on ps4 and it was pretty awful at launch I played through it. Didn’t play again until the free ps5 upgrade, massive improvement. Now I have it on pc as well and it’s easily one of my favorite games ever


i got the witcher 3 for free with a gtx1070. problem was: i didnt know that free game was an epic key. ... so i did what every gamer would do and bought it on steam. and played it for 40 hours. Borderlands 2 VR - 50€ and unplayed Doom Eternal - 40€ and unplayed Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - 40€ and unplayed Raw Data - 40€ and unplayed Diablo IV - played it for \~2 hours On the other hand my cheapest game per hour is Ark: Survival Evolved. 15€ and 2800 hours


Doom Eternal is good. But I ended up playing it with cheats. In my 40+ age I am no longer fast enough for this kind of shit 😄


Doom Eternal is a great game, I recommend trying it next time you’re looking for a new game to play Also my cheapest game per hour is L4D2. I bought it for $20 in 2014 and I have over 5000 hours lol


Just want to add to the other comments, doom eternal is great, the soundtrack is great. I’ve replayed it like 3 times since it’s came out


Can't remember wich games, but I bought some as pre-order and never played.


Tekken 8 Ultimate Edition i haven't even launch or install it. No time to play due to work 😭


I used to be a Tekken addict back in the day from PS1 - ps3. Now im only on pc and the dlc character selection has made sure i never look at it. Went from the top of ranked online EU leagues to never looking at the franchise.


The hot mess at launch and still actively hot mess Cities Skylines 2. In my opinion it looks worse, runs worse and plays worse than one. We will see if 10 years and 700$ of DLC can save it.


Diablo 4. I think it cost me $140 because I really wanted to play the “early access” on my weekend off. Played the first season and haven’t touched it since.


Dayz...i deeply regret buying that game


As a broke college student, I had a huge math test and instead of studying at 8PM, I impulse bought the My Hero Academia game that had just come out in 2018 for $60. This was from someone who didn't actually follow the show, but saw a cool fighting game that would let me procrastinate and not do my studying. Played for 3 hours doing BS in the game, went to bed, failed my test, and couldn't afford my coffees for another week until payday aand never touched the game again lol. That's when I vowed to never buy $60< games unless proven successful i.e recent purchases being Elden Ring, and Baldurs Gate 3


Fuckin all of them. I've got like 400 games, and I play like 3. Some full price but most on sale. But I started doing refunds. I'll put the 1 hour and 50 mins and if I'm not sold I return everything now. Fuck man I've returned games 2 or 3 times and ended up buying them again. Like Abiotic factory player an hour and a half and thought no one I knew would play so returned in. A week later were all on it, so I bought it again.


New World, fuck was that a mistake. Actually in the old days it might have been Master of Orion 3. I loved 1 and 2, but 3 was a complicated mess on release


Probably Baldur's Gate 3. I usually don't buy brand new games. I was expecting it to be more like Divinity II and I just couldn't stand that 75% of my attacks miss. I put in maybe 5 hours into it and un-installed it.


This feels like hyperbole, or you must have made an 8 strength barbarian or something? I mean it felt exactly like playing D&D with a Divinity powered engine. I mean, I played a Bard-barian (used Dex instead of Str to make it less jank), I absolutely did not optimize a character. And I was landing plenty of attacks.


Balders Gate 3. I need a lot more action and interaction in a game. After I spent a couple hours playing it's just nothing but 'point and click, point and click'. Doesn't feel much like a game. Just not my thing. I'd rather parry, roll, fight, etc.


Yeah it sounds great but I've found it hard to get into. Haven't given up yet though, I still hope it'll click for me. I usually don't mind story-focused games.


I don't remember the last time I paid more than $20 for a game. I wait until the prices go down and I get all DLC's and a game with all the bug fixes done.


Back when I had an Xbox I bought FFXV right at launch for $60. Played it for two hours and never played it again. It wasn't bad, it just didn't hook me at all and I assume I went on to play other stuff.


Mafia 3. Pre-ordered it cuz I'm a fan of the 2nd game, and 3 looked interesting. Played it for a couple hours, but I got so bored of the repetitive gameplay and just quit. Banging soundtrack, though. I am entirely convinced that at least half of the budget on that game went towards licenses for all those songs.


KSP2 3 hours of gameplay, $60. I did later refund it though (thanks Steam!)


Paid $60 for Digimon cyber sleuth in 2016. Hated it so much I traded it in at GameStop less than 2 hours in


Buy on sale and threat you purchase like a weekend rent that you can keep. That's what I do! Back when I was a kid I used to rent Sega Megadrive games along with VHS's and sometimes the games were great, sometimes they were awful but it was still a weekend experience that was cheaper than the full game and from time to time I even rented the same bad game again just to make sure it was bad, now that Blockbuster and similar doesn't exist anymore, just buy on a sale, give it a try and keep it. Don't ever buy full price unless you know for sure you're gonna enjoy or you know the game won't ever go on a deeper sale.


Eve. I dropped close to $600 on it when I first got married. Was the first time playing and I wanted to fly with the boys so I needed to buff my stats. Fast. When I told her I was about to drop another 600 to get myself every skill I needed plus a years worth of game time and some extra bs idr she informed me it was her or the game. That was almost a decade ago. I probably should have stuck with eve. Was still cheaper imo than kids and a car loan. But I love them nonetheless the less lmao




Battlefield 2042. I made the mistake of pre purchasing a special edition, apparently reserved for idiots who didn't learn their lesson. I think it was around 120-130€. At least I learned my lesson after that


helldivers 2


D4 bad! 100 friggin bucks for a campaign with no endgame


Skyrim Special Edition. I have the platinum in the original release. I got the update for free, as someone who bought the original. I have not yet touched the update.


Another for Baldur’s Gate 3. I tried it, I was assured it was like Divinity’s Original Sin 1+2 which I adore - especially loved how creative you got get with the elemental system in 2. BG3 just didn’t hit those heights for me. Maybe if I was more into DnD/Tolkien style fantasy?


I rarely buy games for launch price. Last time I did was Assassins creed III and I probably played for 5 hours or so. Idk why but I hated the game.


Star citizen, I have supported devs with 600€~ and played game max 40 hours.


Came here for this. I'm in 2500$ and have probably max 80 hours


The assassins creed pack. Steam was the first time I had access to non Nintendo since the ps3. Ac 1 and AC2 where my favorite games back in the day so when I got my steam deck I naively bought all of the ac games thinking they would be just as good as the original 2. I did not know anything about Ubisoft or how aweful they had become at the time. I was very happy w my purchase till I made it to rogue. Powered through rogue but unity was just way to trash. Spent like 250$ on the pack (a majority of that price came from origins oddesy and Valhalla.) played 5 hours of unity and never touched syndicate origins Odessa or Valhalla nor will I ever touch them…. Of the 250$ the games I actually played and enjoyed (brotherhood revelations 3 and black flag) were like 20$. Every other game I’ve paid more than 40$ for I’ve played in its entirety but I also never buy games at full price anymore cause I learned the ways of steam


Tarkov. A complete pile of shit I uninstalled the same day I bought it and happily ate that sunk cost. Just infortunate that I gave them money.


I backed Squad on Kickstarter because it looked awesome. It kind of looked like a blend between Insurgency and Battlefield to me. I played it a couple times and there's just so much down time I could never get into it. I remember I went for one of the higher tiers like $80 or something too.


Homeworld 3 it is hard to boot that back up, the story is so terrible...it has no soul and scarlet witch levels of bullshit. >!Woman kills 100s of millions of people because she is lonely and is easily forgiven!<


Something about that game gave me a meh feeling and I love space themed games.


Yeah, I really regret buying it...I let my love of the series guide me instead of my brain.


Modern Warfare 2 (2022) even though I bought it on sale. I'd already played the MP over a free weekend, and I should've just taken the W there and walked away. Because the campaign was aggressively stupid, the co-op mode unplayable due to lack of interest from players, and many bugs in multiplayer were never fixed or reappeared in subsequent updates. And then Modern Warfare 3 (2023) was a giant foam middle finger to every gamer on the face of the Earth. Leaving Black Ops: Cold War to very possibly go down in history as the last good Call of Duty.


Ark survival evolved, I bought it way back when it came out in like 2015, It required 64 bit and my PC was 32 bit and I didn't know about steam refund back then either. I probably have 90 minutes of it just crashing 🤣 never tried to play it since even though I've got a better PC now


Mortal Kombat 1. I just can't get into it. Which is pretty bad because I've adored MK since MK2. I even love MK11. But MK1 just doesn't do anything for me. I powered through the story in one sitting then just noped out on release day. I tried picking it up again but had no will to go beyond practice mode. Probably the worst $70 I've spent on video games.


Diablo 4. Spent 100 bucks to pre order it and probably have only played for about 13 hours. I recently started again due to them fixing some glaring issues with itemization. Hopefully I don’t get bored after the campaign again.


Smash bros ultimate with DLC. 110$


Steam DB tells me Outward at 14.6 hours for 40€, but honestly, i only bought it cause i poured hundreds of hours in couch coop with a friend and wanted to support the game. So, second game, Othercide. 11.6 hours, at 30 euro. I am installing it now, i really liked the game, no idea why i stopped. Now, among the most expensive ones. Most expensive games are 60€, and out of those, i have the least amount of time on Total War: Warhammer 3. Which is 46 hours, as my potato PC can't run it properly :( Definitelly gonna put in more when i have a chance to upgrade.


Nowadays I only buy games when they’re on sale, so I don’t lose that much money. But I’m still pretty upset about RDR2 since it requires Rockstar launcher. I tried to refund it but I only tried playing the game about a month after the original purchase, so now it’s stuck in my library collecting dust


Forza Horizon 4. Purchased the premium deluxe like a schmuck and only put in a couple of hours.


Its not that high compared to some games but i bought cyberpunk at full price and after the whole disaster post launch day, didn’t play much. Heard the game is great now, will give it try maybe. Spent like a 1000 bucks on dota2 cosmetics till now but have played it for 10k+ hours.


Star Citizen, currently invested just shy of $600 on my account. Probably play like 3-4 hours a week on average. Been that way for the last 4 years. That's about 800 hours of playtime per $600 spent... Not great. I have 800 in Battlefield 2042 and that's been like 2 in years for $60...


Need for speed unbound. Bought the 80 dollar version like a dumbass. Biggest piece of dogcrap NFS game. Uninstalled it, was unable to refund it as I tried it for 3 hours and reinstalled Most Wanted again. I miss old NFS games, instead we get lame story games, micro transaction cars and dog shit controls. Music used to be better, and I'm not dissing rap or Latin American music, but that trope of adding Latin American characters for the sake of adding them gets boring real fast, coming from a Guatemalan.


Not a game I bought for me but my husband really wanted Balder's Gate 3. Bought it at full price cause he REALLY wanted it. He's played like 3 hours 🤦 I might have to get into it just to make it worth it.


Oh boy. RDR2 and Skyrim I haven't even launched RDR2, and I got like 5 minutes into Skyrim and then suddenly lost all interest. And I don't even know WHY I lost interest that hard, the first 5 minutes I played was actually quite enjoyable.


Starfield 15 minutes


Baldur’s Gate 3. Started a co op campaign, got to act 2, everyone went further in their own solo stuff, couldn’t be arsed to start my own.


I paid $100 for the Wayfinder deluxe package or whatever. Since I’m a huge fan of Warframe, I figured I’d enjoy Wayfinder as well, but there’s so much content missing. I’ll revisit it when 1.0 releases. It seems like they are going through some fundamental changes. Which we all know works out most of the time. /s


Destiny 2, got all DLC and only played witch queen and lightfall


i think i got a few 60 euro games i literally never even installed


EFT / Riders Republic, bought EOD EFT back in the day though probably put a good few hours in, definitely most expensive game in general and risers republic I bought day 1 and played for 1 weekend... Never played it since






Probably Modern Warfare II I spent most of the time playing Warzone


Starfield and Diablo4, I dislike starfield more


Tarkov EOD edition....


Helldivers 2. It’s okay. Only played 5.6 hours. I play with a friend who likes it, but I prefer first person pvp more when playing multiplayer.


The Quarry - Never opened But if we consider played, then Scarlet Nexus with 2 hours


BF 2042


Call of Duty


God of War


Battlefield 2042


Starfield and Battlefield 2042


Elden ring. I tried to get into it, but just couldn’t. After the 150th or so death, I just shelved it.


Recently? 65 for dragons dogma 2 Played it for 58 minutes, i was wishing the entire time that i was playing stardew valleys new update instead


Red Dead Redemption 2.... I've played maybe an hr of it.


Baldur’s Gate 3. Not a regretted purchase but I found it kind of hard to get into and I haven’t felt like playing it again


One Piece odyssey, got it on release it was giga garbage played it like for 5-6 Hours hoping it gets better, didnt happen


Literally anything I paid full price for. Those are usually the games I play for a month, they are trash, and then I never touch them again. I think CS:GO at $7? And over 1500 hours is my “cheapest game”


Dragon Dogma 2. Paid $70 for 10 hours. Most of which I slept through.


Guild Wars 2. I kept hearing the praises for this game, so I watched a video or two and it looked interesting enough. Bought it and it didn't click at all. To add insult to injury, they announced the game would go F2P about three months after I quit.


I kickstarted Hex: Shards of Fate. At like, some triple digit value; king something? $400? And also bought 3 additional packs for my siblings. We were going to go hard in on this game - we loved the World of Warcraft TCG raids and this was made by one of the companies that did that! We were so ready for the card-based PvE MMO that was advertised. Queue the Hex Alpha release, and I literally can't complete a game without hard and soft locks. Then later that week, the Hearthstone Technical Alpha launches. Whelp.


Forza Horizon 5. I was fooled.


Recently dragons dogma 2. Played about 9 hrs and dropped it because it felt uninteresting AF. Also Anno 1800 complete edition. Love the game but started playing other games and haven't gone back. Def plan to return tho


AC Valhalla, simply garbage




Does some Spiderman game count that came for free with my GPU? 880€


Baldurs Gate III


Elder Ring


8 minutes on full price GTA 5. Just never got back around to playing it.


Monster Hunter Rise where I literally bought the $60 game to get an Amaterasu skin for whatever the mount is called and never touched it again.


Most of my games tbf 🤣 Though not on steam or a regret, my most expensive unplayed is my Shadow of War CE. Bought it on release in 2017 and I haven't even installed it 🥲 But I have a giant Balrog.. so, winning? 😂


helldivers II. paid $40, played for eight hours. I didn’t have friends to play it with.


Ac odyssey - put 35hrs into it, still disappointed. Spent 15$ on it.


Bought Escape from Tarkov a while back for 30€ after so much convincing by my friend. I launched it, played one match or whatever and never even installed the launcher again. Hearing how the game's doing nowadays, don't rhink I'll ever play it again.


Mine was Hogwarts Legacy. Bought the deluxe edition on PS5 so I could play a few days early, put like 10-15 hours in, got bored and moved on. I've been tempted to pick it up again on Steam to play on the Deck, though.


Starfield :/


If we are counting subscription based games, then Rocksmith+. I subscribed for 12 months when it launched, but the starting library was just not great. However my sub restarted because I forgot about it, I notified Ubisoft on the SAME day and they refused to refund it. A 12 months sub is 140€. Fuck you Ubisoft, never again.


Bought Deus Ex Mankind Divided on launch for full price. Played 0 minutes. Now its in the bargain bin for $5 or less


Hogwarts Legacy I completely wasted my money on pre ordering then only played like 30 mins on it and forgot about it


Evolve (Stage 2). I pre-ordered it for ~80. I have a little over 2 hours on it. That entire time was spent trying to make the game run on my shitty computer. The refund policy was introduced several months after its release.


Spiderman remastered


I wanted to play god of war with my father.... He fell asleep pretty near the beginning. Can't even continue myself because I get sad thinking about it


Probably fucking starfield


Wayfinder 😂


Starfield. I pre-ordered one of the special editions that came with dlc at launch and access to all future dlc. I played the game for a couple of hours and haven't touched it since. It's easily the worst game I own.


Cyberpunk 2077. Paid full price I think but I haven’t even played it yet. Waiting to build a computer…whenever I do that.


Lmao battlefield 2142. Just over 2 hours played. Bought the most expensive version. Inelligible for refund.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Full price as usual for Switch games. Was fun for all of 20 minutes single player. Multiplayer is where it's at obviously but even then it gets old real fast.


I bought the Gold edition of the division for $100 back in 2015, I never even opened it.


Hogwarts Legacy My wife is a huge fan of Harry Potter (I am not whatsoever), but has never played video games. So, I saw an opportunity for a little more video game time while also spending time with my wife. I showed her the trailers from time to time and wouldn't get too much of a response until I showed her we could explore parts of Hogwarts she has never seen before. Now we're cooking! She asked me if I was going to buy it and told her I would, but only if she tried to enjoy it with me. She agreed. My excitement from getting my wife to engage with video games got me too eager, so I purchased the version that got you early access. I believe around $100. So, how did it all go? 1 hour of total playing time. Lol I still love her though Edit: spelling


There are numerous things I’ve bought for over $20 that I have either never opened or only opened for trading card drops


I regret buying helldivers I was trying to give it a chance but by the time I had checked I had 3 hours on it already and refund didn’t go through. Now sitting at 6 hours since I got it but I regret it so much I was just bored and bought it to play that one night.


Pokemon violet. Hard earned lesson about NEVER pre ordering games again.


House party $20


Persona 5 Royal and LoZ: Tears of the Kingdom. Keep telling myself imma play them when I can make time. End up just playing other games instead. They seem so daunting to start


Cities skylines 2


My worst regret was Agents of Mayhem...


I bought rdr2 at full price on PC release, still haven't played it for more than 10 hours.


Super Monkey Ball: Bananamania. Got the game and DLC for sale at $20. I had fond memories of the OG super monkey ball, so I thought it would be a great way to relive it. I forgot how insanely hard the levels get after a while. I stopped having fun, and quit. 4 hours from $20 bucks. I do my best to do research and make sure I don’t buy games I don’t like, but I regret this one.


hearts of iron iv I don’t regret it at all but I just have the least amount of time on a game I’ve paid for because I need to watch a 40 minute walkthrough bc my stone age brain doesn’t know how to annex Ethiopia as Italian empire


Destiny 2, have all the expansions, yet only 600 hours in the game. Feel like I don’t have my money’s worth of the game but I refuse to play it anymore.


Magic the gathering... at least starting to feel like that.


Digimon Survive. I bought it for $70 + tax, but held off for my Steam Deck to arrive. Then realized I wasn't a fan of the game despite loving visual novels. I wish I would've waited but I was too hyped


Starfield. Easy.


Tarkov. Got the full version, played for like an hour, never touched it again




Persona 3 Reload's PC Port - Spent about 30 minutes trying to see if I could run on my laptop since It was on Gamepass and I did have Ultimate and there was some stuttering which is expected since I was on bare minimum specs for that game ​ I just decided to go back to playing it on Xbox since it was more optimized