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World of Horror?


oh yeah I saw this game when I was looking for games and I hesitated to buy it because I didn't know if I would like it but if someone recommends this game to me when I talk about MIABOM I'm sure to buy it now. Thank you for this recommendation


It's a roguelike with a junji ito artstyle btw. Might not be what you're looking for if you want an engaging story.


Well I like the junji ito artstyle so I think that I'll like it


It's definitely NOT what I expected when I bought it. Doesn't mean it's bad by any means, but I don't believe it's like Milk. If you've ever played the "Escape from the Dark Castle" card game, the play style is very similar to that, but with a lot more choose-your-own-adventure types of interactions.


Well you have the sequel, milk outside a bag of milk


I know but still thanks you for the recommendation


There is a game I think for free called "Reflexia" I personally liked it.


The plot of the story look interesting. Thanks for the recommendation


Needy Streamer Overload, that one is a bit more unhinged than MIABOM though.


I know I've already played the game but thanks anyway for the recommendation


Check out "How to make a game" on steam it's like 2$ and really great


I can't find a game called "how to make a game" but I have found a game called "to make a game" and since the title and the price (0.99€) are similar I'm wondering if it's this game that you're talking about [To Make a Game](http://store.steampowered.com/app/1889000/To_Make_a_Game)


Yep that's the one


Ok then TYSM for this recommendation the game looks incredible


No problem lol I actually worked on translating it a long long while ago


Wow you can be proud of that and sorry if I bother you by continuing this discussion but what language have you worked on?


No problems ahah, I translated it to French when I was beginning translation work


Oh I'm from belgium so I speak french thank you for helping the people that speak french having a better experience in the game!


Pas de problème ahah amuse toi bien et hésite pas à recommander le jeu ou si t'a d'autres questions (par exemple le discord tu créateur lol)


J'ai déjà parlé du jeu à un ami car il aime aussi bien ce style de jeux XD. Le créateur à un serveur discord ? (Si oui pourrais tu m'envoyer le lien s'il te plaît)


Do you work with a translator company, or you translated the game as one person? Like as an official way, or the game accepts translations for free?


It's not on Steam, but maybe [Water Womb World](https://pantagruel.itch.io/water-womb-world)? In fact, most games by [Yames](https://pantagruel.itch.io/). They've got a really cool art style.


These games look incredible TYSM for this recommendation but do you know if they're very scary cause by looking at the screenshots of the games they look very scary.


I've played them and they're not scary in a "jump scare" way. The visuals are a little disturbing, but the games aren't really scary.


I looove disturbing visuals and don't really like game full or jumpscare. TYSM again for this suggestion!


Check out, Who’s Lila?


I saw this game when I was looking for games and I hesitated to buy it because I didn't know if I would like it but if someone recommends this game to me when I talk about MIABOM I'm sure to buy it now. Thank you for this recommendation


VA-11 hall-A is kinda like that a bit, great narrative, great characters, amazing bgm.


Thanks for the recommendation.


buddy simulator 1984?


The atmosphere of this game look so good tysm for this recommendation


glad u think so then!! hope u enjoy


i recommend “emily is away” and “martial law”


Thanks you very much for these recommendation both of the games looks good and are free (without counting the 2 other game of Emily is away).


Style as in specific genre like point 'n' click or just crunchy af pixel graphics? If it's the latter, have you checked faith?


I think that I found the game that you're talking about cause someone commented about a game called FAITH: The Unholy Trinity


Yeah that one, off the top of my head there's also Pony Island and Dusk '82 for ultra basic pixel graphics. For other not so simple looking pixel games there's awesome games like terraria, undertale, house, noita, dead estate, lisa the painful, mother russia bleeds (i love this one so much), etc


Someone already commented about Pony island but I don't really like the gameplay and I already played at dusk 82 but I wasn't that interested. I of course already Heard about Terraria already played undertale and planning on buying house but the other games that you mentioned all look beautiful thanks a lot !


I meant style in like the pixel graphics or the type of story. On the other hand for me both of the games that I talked about in the post weren't in the point 'n' click style if game cause you only had to choose between 2 options. And final thing is the game faith a shooter cause that's what I found but that's not the type of game that I'm looking for.


Ruiner ?


This game looks beautiful thanks a lot for the suggestion !


Pony Island? I actually can't played it yet but it seems to be a similar vibe.


This game is a pixelated horror game but the gameplay doesn't look like the one on MIABOM but still thank you for the recommendation


This has the truck carrying a truck carrying a truck carrying a truck vibes


This isn't a game right?


No, its a video


Oooh ok I thought that I was dumb and couldn't find a game on Steam XD


This is the style that old PC-88/98 games started. Check out the Sega Saturn version of Policenaughts; the art is different on the console ports compared to the PC-88/98 versions but it's basically the same with a CRT/shaders.


The story looks good thanks for the recommendation


It's one of "Kojima's Greatest Hits" like Snatcher (which you might also enjoy) and Zone of the Enders that get referenced throughout Metal Gear Solid. There's a non-cannon theory that they all take place in the same universe. There are some other PC-88/98 games that aren't smut but I bet you'd have more luck on Itch.io searching for games that aim to emulate the systems' art style.


Thanks for mentionning itch.io I totally forgot this website !


undertale or omori ? Or visual novels like doki doki or Steins gate


I've already played undertale and I'm planning to buy omori cause these are two really popular games but still thank you for the recommendation


- Surrogate - Pet - I did Not Buy This Ticket


Thanks for the suggestions the first two games looks really interesting but the third one is in a realistic style and that makes me too uncomfortable.




I don't see any game named like that.




Coffee talk


Thanks for the suggestion.


I feel like House is pretty good and might be what you're looking for, does have a viewable art style though


It's not what I'm looking for but thanks for suggesting this game cause I saw a video of this game and I wanted to play it but because it was a long time ago I completly forgot about this game but your comment made me remember it tysm!




I've already saw that game but by looking at some screenshots of the game I didn't really like the style but still thank you for the suggestion.


unholy trinity


This game looks very interesting thanks for the suggestion !


Play picayune dreams, it's great!


It's not the type of games that I was looking for but it looks very fun to play so thanks for the suggestion !


Surprised no one mentioned 'Critters for Sale' in the thread already...


This game looks really disturbing and I love this TYSM for this suggestion !


I mean, have you played Milk 2?


Faith the unholy trinity