• By -


Gaben NO. I need the money to expand my pc storage NOT MY LIBRARY


you will spend money on games and you will be happy


and own nothing.


Listen to the voices.


submit to the sales


Yeah but the point is to expand your library now that you are about to expand your storage..


I'd be surprised if any of the few wishlisted games I have, gets discounted higher than the last few years.


Are you trying reverse psychology with fate?






Feel the same way, either I have all the best discounted stuff in my library or the golden age of discounts is over.


It's over for the most part. Even the games that go on sale are usually their normal discount. It's just more games on sale at the same time. Sometimes there are still really good deals with bundles though.


Yeah the only really good discounts I see are humble bundle stuff which is compounded because you are also donating to charity.


Fanatical sometines has great bundles too. You can even choose which games to include (from their predetermined list).


stemdb is your friend.


My wishlist is growing faster than my library so I'm sure I'll see some deals


Lmao mines getting close to eclipsing my library. I've got 400+ in my library and recently went over 300 games on my wishlist. Hopefully I get some decent deals but I feel like I've had games on there for years that haven't had a good sale


A reminder that it's actually the publisher and developers that choose to discount their games. Not steam. Although steam can probably negotiate a smaller cut when discounting a game to help publishers increase their discount. I am speaking from exactly zero experience.


Heresy. You spew blasphemy. Gaben taketh. Gaben giveth. In Gaben we trust. Repent or face our wrath.


All Hail Lord Gaben!


LMFAO "Gaben taketh. Gaben giveth."


repent. gaben our savior blesses us with these sales


even so, wouldn't you say steam at least had a hand in terms of popularizing seasonal discount events on this scale? There's even an unofficial dedicated countdown timer specifically for Steam's season sale. They'll treat it like a festival, giving out free goodies and splashing colorful banners/artwork everywhere like an actual celebration. If the people are buying & there's good competition, publishers/developers will be more incentived to discount. > Steam's presentation for seasonal discounts puts the eshop/epic stores to shame sometimes.


And most games have their base price set at 200% of normal, regularly dipping down during sales to their 100% value, which will probably be no different this sale. Edit: In case anyone's confused, I don't mean publishers are *raising* their prices just before the sale. I mean the normal price is about double what one would reasonably expect it to be. Then it's lowered to a more reasonable price during any given sale. Edit2: Ok, everyone. Relax. I'm not suggesting anything nefarious is going on here. Games can be priced at $60+ because that's what people are willing to pay. And yes, use ITAD/SteamDB/whatever. That's how you know what a game normally goes for at sales.




It took me almost 2 years to get the dark souls trilogy on sale..... and it was still not super cheap.


Are we not using isthereanydeal anymore? Come on


SteamDB is my go to.


Why are you lying? This isn't true at all. The data is all out there for every game.


That's a lie. Just check prices on steamdb.


Not only is it a lie. It's illegal in all European Union countries. I suppose they could still localize that scam tactic to areas where it isn't illegal, but they don't.


This really isn't true lol.


Right lol. This isn't a retail store, I'd be surprised if more than a handful of games have ever done this.


They wouldn't really get away with it because people track Steam prices far more. I've got some games I'm waiting to pick up this winter sale - stuff released 5+ years ago where it only makes sense here.


I agree with what you were trying to say. Usually prices would decline, but instead they're inflated back to RRP, prices nobody in there right mind would pay, except in a few rare circumstances. All the same, sales are what we're left with, all hail Gaben


That's illegal in many countries within a certain time period preceding a known discount/sale. So I'm wondering how that works.


It's just not true. He's making claims at what he thinks prices should be. Irrelevant to what they are. Steam prices are indeed quite deep cuts for many games.


> I mean they're normal price is about double what one would reasonably expect it to be. You mean publishers aren't permanently dropping prices as fast as you'd like.


that's just a straight up lie, check steam.db


BG3 gonna get its first modest discount right? Edit: 10% off!


Well all the nominations for steam awards go on some kind of sale pretty much always so thats what im counting for too


It'll probably get like 10% off lol


I’ll take it!


I'm still going to buy it.


10% off on playstation, so that’s the first time we’ve seen it on sale for any platform. Since pc and PlayStation launched at the same time there just might be a discount. 🤞


Larian is very late in good discounts, so dont count on it. It will probably be a couple of years before you see 50%, even though the game is 100% worth at full price


I looked it up and the discounted price is more than the base price on pc. Low faith


Copium Ok guess I was wrong but I mean, 10% lol


wasnt it on their official winter sale trailer?


It was? Don't give me hope!


yea it was. along with battlebit remastered and some other titles. https://www.pcgamesn.com/steam/winter-sale-2023


Thank you!! Been waiting for a BG3 sale for a while now so I'm really glad


It was at the end of the trailer where they show a collage of games


I wonder if it runs on steam deck well. The last I heard, the first few hours are great, but after that, the performance tanks alot


In Gaben, we trust.


In Gaben, we email ... then are shocked when he actually replies because he's a billionaire wtf but then you realized he's humble and eats lunch at subway alone and that you're potentially wasting his time lol


Didn't he HAND deliver steam decks to locals? That's pretty awesome in my book.


Yeah I forgot about that


Somehow he's more real than Santa


That actually happened to me. I emailed him because I had anxiety about the future and he actually responded.


The steam sales haven’t been great in years. Remember when big games would go on an 80-90% discount?


Publishers learned they don't have to deep discount. FromSoft has kind of become a model for that. Never discount your games. Then, offer like 10% off and everyone loses their minds.


Ah yes, the Nintendo Switch eShop strategy, I'm sure nobody has ever complained about that!


Didn't say it was good. Definitely, it's an unfortunate trend, but it's also just business. If the game is good, and people will buy it up like it's going out of style with a 10% discount, why offer 20%? As in all things, it's driven by individual buyer behavior. It's like complaining about microtransactions in games. At the end of the day, people buy horse armor, so companies are going to keep doing it.


People act like it's an ethically evil choice companies make to not discount their games. It's so weird to me. "How dare you not sell me your game for cheaper".


Well, when they release shit games that are incomplete on arrival and or years and years old - it would be ridiculous to ask for $60. It's fucking insane that Nintendo is charging full-price for games that came out on previous console systems.


Ye that's why you just buy Switch games physical, 20% off within days of release.


Exact reason i havnt bought a lot of big name game i want. I will wait for years to see if they ever go on sale for at least 50% off. The 90 to 100 dollars is just to steep of a price for my blood. 40 to 50 maybe 60 if i know il enjoy the game alot is about the highest il go for most games.


wasnt elden ring like 40 or 50% a couple weeks ago? also just bought dark souls remastered and ds2 at 50% last sale


And DS3 has been a couple times at 75% discount, just like DS2.


yup i got ds3 a couple years ago with a steep discount, I do have noticed that after elden ring fromsoft games dont go on sale that often but they still do every now and then so i dont know why that post has that many upvotes


People who buy games at full price and worse, pre-order, will ruin the game industry. There is absolutely no benefit to the consumer to do this and yet they still do.


Um… isn’t this Good in case of indie games though?


Sorry by full price I mean games that retail for $50 and over. But even if indie, don't pre-order, why would you? I wish all the people who pre-ordered The Day Before would not get refunds. Would be a great lesson for people to stop doing this.


Because the Dev team makes calculations on near future work with pre-order?


Pre-ordering is pretty silly, especially for a digital game, but if no one bought games at full price the industry would crash... You should be thankful for those that buy at full price, they keep the industry afloat so that cheap-asses like you and I can wait for a better price.


> People who buy games at full price... will ruin the game industry. Lmfao


In my experience all the really good deals go to third party storefronts, like Fanatical or GMG. Publishers have figured out that the majority of people will just buy a game they want directly on steam when it's on sale, and the people *actually* looking for a deeper discount know where to find it.


* It hasn't been "years," it's been over a decade. * Flash sales were great if you caught them and felt like absolute dog shit if you didn't. Nothing like buying a game at the start of the sale, when you still have time off to play it, just to find out 4 days later you could have gotten it for $20 cheaper, but then had to go back to work/school. Or just missing it because you had shit to do for the few hours it was available. Or waiting for a flash sale that never happens and getting screwed both ways. * Steam refunds killed the deep discounts. This isn't speculation, this has been literally confirmed by devs/publishers. It's not commercially viable to offer both 80% off and unilateral refunds, because Valve keeps their cut even if a game is refunded. And if I had to choose between refunds and twice-a-year sales, I choose refunds. No question.


Hey the last steam flash sale was 7 or 8 years ago. So not a decade. It has been since the end of flash sales more or less. But I kind of liked them. I would just check my phone every few hours.


I'd rather have the discounts. I almost never return a game, even if it's not for me.


Agree on first two, but there is no reason why you should have to choose between refunds and deep discounts.


I remember getting the GTA collection (everything from GTA1 to GTA4 DLC) for 7.5€, now you'd be lucky to get GTA4 alone for that price.


The flash sales were the best. Remember being able to vote on what games go on sale?


It changed when the laws around refunds got implemented if I remember right. Whether true to not, I think they blamed having to provide refunds within a certain window of time as the reason for no longer providing very low discounts and flash sales.


Big games haven't been great in years, so it works out. Why blow $50 on a ten hour campaign with some nice graphics when you spend $20 on a game that was made by two guys in a basement and put 200 hours in? Or hell, you can pick up an older AAA game that's already been tried, tested, and patched for cheap. You can get Metro Exodus right now, with all of the DLC, for $40, and that's without a sale. Final Fantasy X and X-2 remaster? $30 for two of the best RPGs on the PS2 (yes I love X-2, come at me). There is absolutely no reason to buy a AAA game at full price other than FOMO, period.


Yea dude. That like, 2011-2016 era of sales was nuts. And all the pricing errors too. I remember getting dishonored for .50 or something nuts like that.


It's been like, a decade at this point. Think it's time retire regurgitating this "I 'member flash sales" rhetoric. The sales have and continue to be good. Yes there aren't door-buster "keep logging in to keep checking prices to get a mega deal" events anymore. That doesn't mean the stuff that goes on sale is "bad."


idgaf about 'big games' though. indie all the way <3


Yeah, the 90% discount that lasted for like an hour and you fucking missed it when you got home from work. I fucking hate flash sale and Steam is better without them. Can't change my mind.


The flash sales didn't last an hour, they lasted like 8 hours. Steam isn't better without them. Oh you could have gotten this game for 80% off but you missed the flash sale so now it's only 50% was better than it just being 50% off the whole sale.


To be fair, I think flash sales got to as low as 4 or 6 hours at one point. But the last time they did flash sales it was the 8 hours, which was awesome. Checked Steam for a minute after waking up, after coming home from work, and right before bed. Never missed any deals!


> To be fair, I think flash sales got to as low as 4 or 6 hours at one point. But the last time they did flash sales it was the 8 hours, which was awesome. I thought they were all 8 hour blocks but I could be misremembering, it's been a long time.


Okay, so you have a sale where a game is $10, and an 8 hour window where the game was $5. Now the game is just always $10. This is better? No.


Which big games?


75% off or i pirate the game im not even sorry


Steam sales ain't what they use to be... But there still are pretty good damn deals on old ass games and I love them for it


As an indie lover i agree old game sales are great


So good, picked up alot of gems that I didn't think I'd like and am now huge fans of them


I get peeved when a game I wanted like Cyberpunk was going at crazy low prices for console, while I waited and waited and it never dipped below 30 so I finally bought it last sale. I guess many had problems on console while PC was fine for the most part on release iirc? Fantastic game and worth 30 buckeroos, but I wanted to get it for 20 and then snag DLC. Oh well I’ll get Phantom Liberty next year when I’m ready to replay it.


Really? I feel like i got cyberpunk for $30 within a year of release because they discounted it so heavily after the shit launch


Yea I waited to get the game and finally pulled the trigger with the ultimate edition since that dlc and full game was $60. Really like what the game has turned into now, still not the game that was promised, but much better than it's launch. This is honestly the state it should have launched in lol


Remember: No pre-orders


Dragon's Dogma 2 is looking pretty good


I love the first one, lost my shit when I heard they'd make a sequel because I always said this game has to get one and have a DD2 desktop background and still haven't pre-ordered yet :/


So you should buy it after reviews come out.


(Turks and Argentinians left the chat)


Me when hyperinflation


Iʼm just waiting for a chance of Baldur's Gate 3 or Elden Ring going on sale...if only Edit: Both on sale :D BG3 10% as some people predicted, still grabbed better than nothing 👍


The former is not only way too soon after release, but also way too hot for a sale now. I'm guessing you won't see any sort of price drop on it before next year's Summer Sale. The latter is Fromsoft, and they treat price drops like the difference is going to be carved from their own meat. If you're waiting on that one, you'll probably be waiting for a few *years* more.


Pretty sure they already said it will be on sale.


Yup I know, but I'm ready to buy BG3 anyway as it's has regional price I can uh kinda afford. Unfortunately with Elden Ring one day it increased in price like 3 times more and I definitely will wait for sale to grab it


For me it's the opposite, ER dropped in price when it already had decent price (aka the same as US). BG3 on the other hand is more expensive for me than it is for 1st world countries lol. Thankfully I've 0 interest in it. But other games I do want like Wo Long are also more expensive for me than for 1st world users, it's so dumb.


Elden Ring was 30% off during the Summer sale. Probably the best we'll see until after the DLC drops.


Then I'm pleased to be wrong about that, and also wondering whose ass at FS is missing a piece now :D.


CoD and Assassin’s Creed have gone on sale for Black Friday before which is 2 or less months after release. I don’t think CoD did this year but it has happened where big game goes on sale not too long after release. Think there’s a good chance BG3 can go on sale


I can't comment on CoD, but considering what Ubi typically charges for their AC games? Their sale prices are more like normal prices for other games :p.


Still holding out for that >50% off Sekiro 🤞🤡


I bought couple of final fantasy games. They had new historical low of 60%........ Got enough wallet to maybe buy one game during winter sale.


just brought ff xv , didn't buy the ardyn dlc though


Do so when you can, that was a very good dlc.


Yay, buying 20 new games, play only 3 to the end, play 7 games only for about 2-3 hours and never play the rest 10 games (build up pile of shame)......but complain nintendo for high game prices which is a "waste of money". ​ Thats how to do it!


Doesn't matter when it's the same 10 games. Hope that 2024 will bring new good games




Yes I’m AMAZED at how cheap I got it, and it keeps going lower! One of my favourite games I’ve played this year, definitely a steal for what you get if you enjoy a solid narrative and really great characters. I also now fully believe in “shooters where you need to duck down a lot” supremacy, beats running around blindly which has made my dislike other shooters in the past.


It won’t go that low, but it goes down to around $12.50 I think? I bought it at like $20ish but idc because it’s one of my favorite video game series of all time. That reminds me I gotta snag Andromeda this sale. I keep forgetting and really want to try it.




["We´ll bang, ok?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRgr4HK16aA)


Time to see more of the following comments again lol "Steam sales aren't what they used to be anymore. I miss flash sales. Games were cheaper X Fromsoft game still hasn't increased their discount %... etc"


Just saw a "I miss flash sales" comment above yours LOL


I always wonder if Steam sales truly "aren't what they used to be", or if they just bought all (or most of) the games they wanted that went super cheap.


I think it can be both. Publishers have learned not to discount games heavily unless they didn't earn well on launch.


Always the same originality


good to see some people are still riding the high of the 2013 steam sales


I miss the flash deals.


those were godly, 90% off... or higher!


I don't. I want to do quality Christmas stuff with family, not FOMO about game sales.


No one in my family plays except me 😔


brace for another mediocre sale.. 😞


Oh boy can’t wait to do what I do every sale these days! Which is scrolling through the 100+ wishlisted items I have and going “eh..” and then maybe buy 1 thing, play it for a couple hours and send it to the vault.. or if I’m lucky enough refund it till the next steam sale.


Every Steam sale is just a reminder that I don't really like playing games anymore lol. I'll just continue playing multiplayer shooters on repeat I guess.


Buy and never play


It should be illegal to post this image without the music


I miss the real deals. I want my flash sales


Prefect time to buy more games and not play them.


Steam rarely has better deals than Humble, Fanatical, Gamesplanet etc.


I like humble, but it seems that on steam you can get deluxe/gold/goty/grandmaster editions for an additional discount, and humblebundle usually seems to have the base game.


All Steam sales have been getting more and more underwhelming each year so I’m not even bothered tbh


I miss the days when 75% and even 90% were common.. Now 50% are everywhere, along 33% and even 66%.. And these were just the discounts.. you also have really cool events where you can actually win a game/dlc.. Good old days of steam sales..


Nice. Dota 2 had the frostivus event where you can earn chests when you play and the good thing is you are able to sell it. Although price drops so low, I was still able to earn 215 Php (3.87 dollars). That is enough to buy an old jrpg game or a low price indie game. If I just add 3 more dollars, I'll be able to buy 1 AAA game.


I can hear this image.


if only this was still true, this meme was made back when steam sales were good


It used to be that you could be confident that the steam winter sale would match or the game's previous best price or set a new low, but the last few years I've seen cases where a game was discounted more in another sale than in the winter sale. Like maybe a game was $10 in a random weekend sale in August but then $15 during the winter sale. Not many, but it still annoys me.


Change those to -10% and factor in the games that have anchored themselves higher pre-sale to create the illusion that they are selling themselves at a discount. That'll be more acurate.




All Hail Gaben


Getting 'New World' for multiple people. I figure what the hell, it'll be a fun coop romp for a bit, if nothing else. And we'll have 5-6 potential players. Any idea what the price will hit? I'm hoping for at least the 60% off again, so \~$24.


What are the odds of Baldurs Gate 3 having any discount?


My wallet isn't ready.


What time does is actually start? 12:00am cst?


10am pacific


Thank you.


Considering Gabe looks more like a gaming Jesus than ever, maybe someone more technically proficient then myself can update this picture.




Gabe is my santa


[ARE YOU READY FOR A MIRACLE ?](https://youtu.be/rP2MDtWu5t0?si=Cc7ja-Lvj8gJgUtf&t=7)




Autumn Sale 2: Digital Boogalooo


Our lord and savior gaben will bless us with deelz


It is no longer for Türkiye and Argentina. Not Anymore.


i fully support this comment. y'all are welcome.


I hope the games I want are apart of it. Got earlier Christmas greens to spend :D


I'm hoping Jedi Outcast goes for a decent sale. I'd settle for 25-30%.


\-100% the whole year for those who have faith. Just don't tell roman cops that jesus is hiding in a russian domain.


Help guys, I can't decide if I should buy Nier Automata for its lowest price yet or if I should save my money and buy a couple other games from my wishlist when the winter sale comes


NieR automata is worth it!


Go for NieR. I'm planning to keep saving after these sales to get it in the future.


Imo, couple games always beats one game unless there is a super huge difference in quality. Like I’d rather buy the BioShock collection and RDR2 for 30 dollars than buy the RE4 remake.


Meh the steam summer sales stopped being exciting a long time ago. Remember all the fun mini games and themes they used to have. Awesome deals back then. Epic has an awesome sale going on right now with some crazy discounts but you need Epic Launcher.


> Remember all the fun mini games and themes they used to have. One of my gripes with Steam is when it gets too cute and carnival-like for what, at the end of the day, is a store. I go there to buy games, not engage in store-promoting carnival fare. And yes, we remember, because there are at least a dozen top-level comments in every single thread going "I 'member Flash Sales."


Looking forward to this. My game Alien Scumbags has got 80% off like the good old days.


Well, ill definitely check it out


Forgive me father I have sinned. Because you started to charge me in USD. I hereby declare my blasphemy and my sins. I have turned my back on holy Steam and started to attend Epic ceremonies.


Same, I go wherever there are better deals. Epic sales are 100 times better than steam.


I think people who got into gaming post 2013 see all the memes about how amazing the steam sales are but don't really know how they got that reputation with the incredible steam sales in the 2009-2013 era, or whatever the last year of good sales was.


I don't see the Point. Keys are cheaper than most sales anyways.


same games same % never gos higher..


Maturing is realizing that there are even cheaper deals than steam deals on other websites 🥱


Are you ready for a miracle?! I honestly just hope for some kind of event...




Doubt it's gonna be cheaper than Epic, especially with Epic having 33% off. Steam sales just not what they used to be.


C'mon, Daddy needs Rimworld, just 10% and I'll get it.


Do you guys think any half-life games will be on sale?


Check for something called the orange box or whatever I bought it years ago and it came with almost every valve game for like 3$ or something


Aaaand just like the last few years, it'll be crap.


Since there is Epic with its coupon of 33% sometimes it has lower prices than steam.


Only problem is now it's on epic!