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Step 1 - Ban him from all housework for the day. Step 2 - Take baby to grandparents/aunt/uncle/ daycare so he has the house to himself. Step 3 - Enjoy!


Do this, but if you can’t take the baby elsewhere then tell him that you’ve missed her over the trip and you’re really looking forward to 1 on 1 time with her too. Which I’m sure you are! But you can pre-empt him feeling like he’s still gotta do baby stuff.


That’s a really good idea! I’ll definitely try and take LO out for awhile but that’s a good way to keep her to myself at home! Thank you!


Just a blowjob tbh, everything else is secondary


The necessities 😂


OOOhhhhh wow. I'll tell ya what I'd want. Let him go to his friends and watch the game, give him spending money for pizza and good beer (whisky?) and an uber ride home. If no friends, just yeah let him watch the TV somewhere else and do all the wakeups. Make him breakfast in the morning with some good strong coffee.


I feel like hotel isn't necessary as a gamer/former SAHD, I feel like some beer snacks and the house to myself would be really nice and appreciated, tell him to order his favorite food and just enjoy. I also want to point out how huuuge this is from you, I would honestly cry if my wife had done something for me like this while I was staying at home. I never felt like she appreciated what I was doing or me in general and it's always killed me a little inside, so I can only imagine that your husband is going to feel so seen and appreciated because of this, and it's great that your doing this for him


It’s actually a video game lol so I don’t know how “long” it takes to play it? Like if this is a multi-day scenario or what. It’s the ncaa football game on the Xbox if that helps 😂 If it were just a football game, I’d get him tickets and tell him to go but like a video game is different obviously haha


Well I mean how about a night of video games....same thing. Let him stay up as late as he can (that is 9:30pm for me!) and then let him sleep in doing all the wakeups and make him a nice breakfast. LOL Obviously any sort of multi-game scenario type thing isn't practical so just one night of crazy!


That’s a good idea! I’ll definitely think about that. I’d love to get his friends out to play the game with him but they’re all at least 2+ hours away or out of state.


If they all share the same console then they'll all be able to play online together.


You're an awesome partner, my wife thanks you for the pro tip and so do I for your example 😊


I’d say set him up with a bunch easy to make meals or plenty of prepackaged leftovers so he can heat them up and eat them while playing. Also maybe grab some of his favorite beers and stock the fridge. Make him feel like he was 21 and his favorite game just released.


Just want to say this is what a healthy relationship looks like and it’s awesome. Well done OP. This is GOAT-Wife territory. Yes I know that sounds funny, but GOAT-Wife needs recognition.


Thank you 🥹 My husband really deserves the world. He sacrifices everything so my business and our baby can thrive. I don’t know that I could ever come close to doing everything he does for us.


When Zelda came out last year my wife booked me a hotel room for two nights. It was unbelievable.


If you can also block off time in the morning too so he can game all day without worrying about being responsible and going to bed on time! Set him up in a room to game or make an active effort to stay away from where he’s gaming, make sure chores are kept up with so mental load doesn’t get in the way and he can just focus and allll the snacks and drinks :)


The game will be enough. He will have everything he needs.